Chapter 221 Please. Bury Me

"Simply a fool!"

In the end, Li Lizhi couldn't bear it herself, she just jumped off the chair, trotted back to the room, and yelled "Yi Yi Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Yai" in extreme shame.

This is really too embarrassing!
She wants to commit suicide!
Can't stand it!
how can that be!

And seeing Li Lizhi like this, Li Shimin also froze in place, his mind was in chaos.

He seemed to realize something, but he didn't seem to realize anything, and was in a state of extreme confusion.

What did Li Lizhi mean by what he said just now?
He looked at Wang Yuan in confusion, and the latter blinked, took two steps back, and without explaining anything, just pretended to leave as if nothing had happened, and his pace was getting faster and faster!

Obviously, Wang Yuan also wanted to oil the soles of his feet.

Li Shimin: "???"

"Wait a minute, what's going on?" Li Shimin called Wang Yuan, his gaze was dull:

"You know everything? What do you mean?"

"Cough cough!"

Hearing this, Wang Yuan coughed violently and pointed outside: "Old Li, you should ask them."

"I have something to do now, so I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Wang Yuan didn't pretend anymore, and just ran away with a flustered expression, not daring to stay for a moment.

Just kidding, now all of this has been exposed by the girl.

And although Lao Li is stupid, he is still a soldier king who can smash a table with one hand. Like the protagonists of those urban novels, he is an existence that can dominate the world!

I have reached this point in the fire, if I stay here again, isn't it courting death?
As for whether Chang'an City f4 and Li Qiu are dead or not, what does that have to do with him?

ε=(ο`*))) Alas!
Of course, as a modern person, Wang Yuan will still mourn in silence out of humanitarianism.

But that's all!

Disciple, see you in the next life!
Wang Yuan mourned for one tenth of a second, very sad.

Then he slipped very fast, opened the door directly, and left with Uncle Ming and others, leaving Li Shimin standing alone.

He looked at the direction where Wang Yuan disappeared, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say or what to do for a while.

"The door is open!"

"Prince Wang! Wait for us!"

"Don't leave us here!"

Seeing the gate open, Fang Yiai, Changsun Chong, Chai Lingwu and Li Deju immediately ran towards the gate, crying and shouting.

That way, it seems that there is endless hope behind the door, which can lead them out of this cruel hell.

As long as you step through this door, life will be colored again, and everything will become beautiful together.

Even Li Tai couldn't bear it anymore, a divine light burst out in his heart, a desire for life surged up, and he wanted to follow them and run away on the spot.

If you don't leave now, you are really looking for death.

However, Li Tai had just walked a few steps, and he was petrified on the spot, with a stunned expression, as if he was too frightened to move at all!

Because when Fang Yiai and the others were about to leave, a figure appeared and stopped them all!

It was Li Shimin!
"All right!"


Li Shimin squeezed his fist, his eyes were burning, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said very "kindly", "Aren't you still willing to tell the truth?"

As soon as the words fell, Li Shimin slammed his fist on the gate, and the wooden plank immediately cracked on the spot, completely "cracked"!
Everyone: "."

Is this Nima really a human?

Even His Majesty, it's too exaggerated!
"Father, do you really want us to tell the truth?"

Seeing this scene, Li Tai collapsed again, unable to stop his tears, he knelt on the ground subconsciously.

As for the other four people, they were so frightened that they were completely paralyzed, and none of them dared to look directly at Li Shimin.

"What do you say!"

Li Shimin was so angry that even at this point, he, a rebellious son, was still hiding it.

Can't you just say something quickly?

Are charades interesting?

In fact, Li Shimin had vaguely realized something, but he still didn't dare to fully believe it.

"All right!"

Li Tai showed despair and gave in completely.

At this time, he already regretted not buying a coffin before coming here.

It's all right now, he's dead without a place to bury him.

Despondent Li Tai, looking at Li Shimin, began to tell all the truth together with Fang Yiai and the other four.

And every time they said a word, they felt that their lives were one step closer to being completely cool.

Outside the door, Wang Yuan and Uncle Ming were also leaning against the courtyard wall, secretly listening, not daring to say anything.

That's right!

As the instigator, how could Wang Yuan walk away when encountering such a lively event?
How could I let my lovely, innocent, kind and strong apprentice be in a sea of ​​swords and flames, while my master slipped away first?

Of course it is to watch the fun and see the end!

At the very least, after explaining, he should give his apprentice a good corpse.

What he, a master, did was so responsible and moving.

"Fight! Fight quickly!"

"Go on! What are you talking about!"

Wang Yuan was very excited. He eavesdropped carefully while eating a lollipop, his brows were full of anticipation.

At this time, he didn't care about Li Tai's life and death at all, but was disappointed that he didn't extract corn from the fishing system and make popcorn.

Otherwise, it will definitely be more enjoyable.

"My lord, is this not good?"

Uncle Ming couldn't bear it, he was very sympathetic to Li Tai and others, and his tone was low.

When Wang Yuan heard the words, he gave this guy a blank look: "If you really feel bad, then why do you want to accompany me to eavesdrop?"

"Everyone ran away, but you stayed with me."


"Aren't I worried that they will destroy your things, son?"

Like Wang Yuan, he was Uncle Ming who had his ears pressed against the wall. He blushed immediately when he heard this, he was very embarrassed, and tried to find an excuse.

"And my son, you need to protect your safety!"

"Don't talk about this and that, let's watch the show well."

Wang Yuan interrupted Uncle Ming's words, looking more and more expectant, and even sneaked up to the door and took a peek inside.

Compared with training Uncle Ming, he is more looking forward to things in the mansion.

That's where the real Shura field is!

Uncle Ming, who was exposed, also quickly replied, seeing Wang Yuan's appearance, curiously asked:
"What did you see, Prince? How long will it take for the screams to come out?"

"What's Lao Li's reaction?"

Wang Yuan didn't answer immediately, his body tensed slightly, and he was still peeking, but silently raised three fingers.

"Three quarters of an hour?" Uncle Ming was taken aback,
However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned, because he saw that Wang Yuan put away one finger, leaving only two fingers, and his body became more tense.
这 是
Uncle Ming seemed to realize something, but before he could react, Wang Yuan put away another finger, leaving only the last one!
In the next second, the remaining one also fell, and Wang Yuan seemed to be threatened with his life. He squatted down instantly and covered his ears with his hands!

That action was like dodging a bomb!
Do not!
It's scarier than bombs!



In the yard, the screams of the seven people were mixed together, the power was so powerful that it opened up the world, even several birds in the sky were stunned by the roar and fell directly!
And the voice was extremely high, so sharp that Uncle Ming's ears lost ringing.

At this moment, he had only one thought.

Is this fucking meow really a sound that humans can make?

Uncle Ming was dumbfounded, feeling that the whole world had lost its voice, and he fell into deep self-doubt.

It's really... horrible.

After a long time, Wang Yuan, still in shock, slowly stood up and put down his hands.

And Uncle Ming also came back to his senses, his expression was numb, and his hearing still hadn't fully recovered.

The two looked at each other, and then Wang Yuan picked up several comatose "bird corpses" on the ground, coughed twice, to embolden himself, and quietly walked into the door, followed by Uncle Ming tremblingly .

"Old Li, you need to calm down the fire first, don't get too excited."

"I just went out and shot a few birds, why don't you come and have a taste?"

Swallowing his saliva, Wang Yuan stepped forward cautiously, and when he came in, he froze.

Because in the yard, apart from the mess, Lao Li, Lao Gao, Li Qiu, and f4 of Chang'an City were all lying on the ground, with white eyes and foaming at the mouth.

seems to be going through a lot of pain

Wang Yuan swallowed again, blinked and said, "Are you all dead?"


Li Shimin, with white eyes, raised his hand feebly, indicating that he was dead.

"Prince Wang, please let someone throw me in the mass grave, and find a place with good geomantic omen to bury me."

"I can't walk anymore."

After speaking, he put down his hand again and fell into a state of "fake death".

Wang Yuan: "."

(End of this chapter)

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