My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 224 The world is vast!

Chapter 224 The world is vast!
"You must remember that what happened today is known to God, you know it, and I know it, and it must not be leaked out."

Wang Yuan's expression was extremely nervous, and he repeatedly urged him to spread the roll of paper on the table and slowly opened it after getting the nods of the three people.

Just like that, under the puzzled and expectant expressions of the three, the content on the paper was completely revealed!
There are countless lines on it, interacting with each other, and finally depicting endless mountains and rivers!
"Lao Li, Lao Gao, Xiao Le'er, you all have to watch carefully!"

"This is the world map, there is only one world map in the whole world!"

"Come on! Take a good look at how vast this world really is."

That's right, the piece of paper that Wang Yuan took out was the high-definition uncensored version of the world map he had drawn from the system before!
Since he got it, Wang Yuan has kept it in his collection, and no one has seen it.

It can be said that this time, Wang Yuan has completely given up!


When the clattering world map appeared in front of Li Shimin, Li Jing and Li Lizhi in such a straightforward manner, the three of them were all stunned, as if struck by lightning, their minds buzzed!

Not for anything else, just for the vastness depicted on this map!
What is a map?
The three people present were very clear.

Not to mention Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty who has been on the battlefield for a long time, and Li Jing, the military god of the Tang Dynasty.

Even Princess Li Lizhi of Changle, although she is only in her teens now, has seen more than a dozen maps.

Even as long as he returns to the palace, Li Lizhi can take out more than a dozen maps in completely different forms from his palace anytime and anywhere.

And they are also known as world maps.

"Yeah, is this what the world really looks like?"

Li Lizhi looked at Li Shimin, her heart pounding.

"Do you have such a big map at home?"

The home she mentioned was naturally the palace.

"How...maybe...there will be?"

Li Shimin subconsciously covered his mouth, trembling all over, so shocked that he couldn't even speak clearly.

He can swear that he has never seen such a vast map of the world in his life!

Those so-called world maps in the palace are not at the same level as the one brought out by the big dog in front of him!

Not only the breadth is far from comparable, but even the clarity is not comparable, it is nothing but waste paper.

What is the most complete world map in the Tang Palace?
In addition to the territory of the Tang Dynasty, it is just a general description of the Eastern and Western Turks, as well as Tubo and other foreign countries.

No matter how many and detailed it is, there is no more than one Dongpu, but there are only outlines, without any landform features.

Even Gao Gouli was conquered by the Tang Dynasty before the detailed landforms and landforms were obtained.

It's gone, it's gone!

Because their understanding of the world is so great.

This is the limitation of ancient times, even they can't even determine whether the world is a ball or a square.

In this era when horses were the fastest means of transportation, the ability of Datang to have such a vast map of the world is already a manifestation of the prosperity of the country.

But now, the world map that appeared in front of them really shattered this understanding!
Everything is subverted!

Li Shimin and Li Jing lowered their heads resignedly, staring fixedly at the map on the table, their entire bodies trembling.

And it seemed that he thought he was hallucinating, and he didn't forget to rub his eyes with his hands while watching.

There is no way, they can't control their emotions at all!

To be honest, until a few seconds after Wang Yuan took out this world map, although they recognized it as a world map, they also thought that it would be no different from those world maps in the palace.

But now with their careful inspection, they fully understand.

Wang Yuan's world map is unbelievably vast!
Except for the small piece of Datang that is still familiar, the rest are unfamiliar, and each place has detailed records.

"how can that be!"

Li Jing was completely frightened, stepped back, and said in horror:

"This will never be a world map. My Tang Dynasty is clearly the center of the world. Why does it occupy such a small area?"

As the military god of the Tang Dynasty, he couldn't believe it at all.

"And why is there an ocean in the center of the world?"

"This is just too ridiculous!"

Even Li Shimin, who had great trust in Wang Yuan, had turbulent waves in his heart.

As an emperor, the shock in his heart was far more terrifying than that of Li Jing.

He gritted his teeth and trembled:

"Why are there so many territories and countries besides Eastern and Western Turks?"

"And why do businessmen like me, who have traveled far and wide, know nothing about it?"

"Why is my land in the Central Plains not in the center?"

"And this, what kind of country is this? Why is the territory so vast?"

After asking a series of questions, Li Shimin pointed to Central Asia, where there is a large territory that is almost as vast as the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and they all belong to the same color.

You must know that the current Tang Dynasty has annexed Tubo, East Turks and Gaogouli.

It is already a very scary thing to be about the same age as the current Datang.

"This is the Arab Empire."

Wang Yuan explained with a smile, and he didn't deliberately show off, and answered Li Shimin's question:
"Of course, you can also call him the Great Food Kingdom."

"You should have seen their merchants."

"The Arab Empire?"

“Great food!!!”

"The big food is so powerful?"

Li Shimin and Li Jing were shocked again. Naturally, they had heard of Dashi Kingdom. After all, there were many Dashi businessmen in Chang'an City who came to the Central Plains through the Silk Road.

But they really never expected that Dashi would be so powerful!

Regardless of military strength, if you just look at the territory, you can almost wrestle with Datang.

"Yes, the Great Food Nation is very powerful."

"They have just completed the expansion and annexed all the surrounding countries. The real territory is even more terrifying than our Tang Dynasty."

Wang Yuan nodded, approving what Li Shimin and Li Jing said.

Because the Great Food Country in history, that is, the Arab Empire, was originally an extremely powerful country.

In its heyday, it even spanned the three continents of Asia, Europe, and Africa, and its national power was extremely terrifying and prosperous.

Even in the tenth year of Tianbao, that is, in more than 700 AD, a battle of Hengluo broke out with the Anxi Army of the Tang Dynasty.

That battle was led by Gao Xianzhi, the governor of Anxi at that time. Facing the Arab coalition forces ten times larger than his own, the Anxi army of the Tang Dynasty was finally defeated and completely lost its aggressiveness ever since.

This battle was a rare external defeat since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, but the records are very vague. There are three versions about the strength of the two sides participating in the battle, and there are two different versions about the casualties.

The Tang Dynasty tried its best to erase the influence of this battle, but the Arab Empire did not take this battle to heart at all, and there were only a few crosses in the records.

It was clearly the collision of two super empires, yet it was so understated.

That's why Wang Yuan came up with the idea of ​​leaving the big food merchant behind and going to Hengluo City in person.

There are some things that he wants to confirm for himself.

And according to the current development of the Tang Dynasty, sooner or later it will go to war with the Western Turks to regain the dominance of the Silk Road.

At that time, who can be sure that the Battle of Constant Ross will not break out early?

Withdrawing his thoughts, Wang Yuan continued to comfort him:
"But you don't have to worry. If there is a fight, the current Datang can easily crush the Great Food Kingdom."

"If one year ago, the Great Food Kingdom was able to wrestle with Datang, then it is just a younger brother now."

"In front of Datang and Li Er, it has no resistance at all."

However, his consolation did not have any effect, because Li Shimin and Li Jing were still in extreme shock.

Even after hearing Wang Yuan's praise of Datang's strength, the two of them didn't show much joy, and they were still reshaping their worldview.

Because this world map is too ruinous.

"So where is this place? Why isn't there any country name?"

Li Shimin woke up, suppressed his shock, and pointed to the other end of the map.

"The territory here is so vast, which is several times as large as my Tang Dynasty. Why is there no country at all?"

In Li Shimin's view, this is a completely unreasonable performance.

Such a large land, no one has conquered it, and no civilization has been born.

Wang Yuan glanced at it, then chuckled lightly and said:
"Because that is North America, it has not been developed yet, and it is all indigenous."

North America?
It has not been developed yet.


Li Shimin couldn't help but gasped, his expression was extremely shocking!

Who would have thought that there would naturally be such a large unclaimed land in the world, wider than the territory of the entire Tang Dynasty.

In just a moment, Li Shimin felt that he was hit, and the complacency in his heart completely dissipated!

To be honest, after more than a year of fighting, I watched my former opponents, Goguryeo, Tubo, and Eastern Turks all die in front of me and become part of the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

To be reasonable, it is absolutely impossible for Li Shimin to say that he is not proud and arrogant at this time.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to Lantian County so enthusiastically, wanting to put on a good show in front of the big dog.

Even in his heart, he has already occupied more than half of the whole world, and what is left is only Japan, Western Turks, and the small countries at the other end of the Silk Road.

But now he suddenly realized that the small country in his eyes - the Great Food Country, had a land area no smaller than his own Great Tang!

There is even a completely undeveloped North America.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Shimin fully understood why the big dog said he had little knowledge before.

Indeed, compared to the real world in front of me, isn't the world I knew before just a drop in the bucket?

And Li Jing's thoughts are similar to Li Shimin's.

"This is the real vast world!"

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(End of this chapter)

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