My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 33 Is it possible that all the men in my Tang Dynasty are dead?

Chapter 33 Is it possible that all the men in my Tang Dynasty are dead?

As Wang Yuan said, every sentence was filled with deep emotion, his eyes were full of concern, and his surroundings became brighter.

If it wasn't because he said it himself, maybe Wang Yuan himself would have believed this nonsense.

If you don't deceive yourself first, how can you deceive others?

"My lord, your kindness is rare in the world!"

"If all the officials in the court are as broad-minded as you, then why worry about the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty!"

As expected, Changsun Wuji was shocked and moved by Wang Yuan's "true feelings".

Although Wang Yuan's words were simple, they fully revealed his innocence.

In fact, they were preconceived and subconsciously regarded Wang Yuan as a saint, otherwise they would not have believed so easily.

"Prince Gao Yi!"

Even Du Ruhui was amazed.

Seeing that the two looked convinced, Wang Yuan smiled even wider:

"Then let Lao Li come over as soon as possible, after all, nothing waits for anyone."

"Tell him I'll always be his best boss!"

"Don't worry, my lord, we will."

Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui nodded again and again, they were completely moved by Wang Yuan's heart.

"Young master, why are you?"

Only Xiao Le'er turned around cutely, realizing something was wrong.

Since Wang Gongzi wanted to help Yeye, why didn't he give the wages directly to Changsun Wuji and the others?

Why spare such a big circle?
It's so weird!

She was about to ask, but Wang Yuan suddenly took out a lollipop from his pocket and handed it over.

Seeing this, Xiao Le'er immediately closed her mouth, picked up the candy and ate it, completely forgetting her previous doubts.

So sweet!

Really delicious!
Xiao Leer continued to turn her head while eating the candy, watching Jie Li Khan dance.

It's dangerous, but fortunately I was prepared!

Seeing this, Wang Yuan secretly laughed inwardly.

In order to prevent this girl from dismantling his platform again, he usually carries a few lollipops with him, and it turned out that he really used them.

In order for Xiao Le'er to have a good father in the future, he will lure Lao Li to Lantian County no matter what!

"Young master, may I bother you?"

The eldest grandson Wuji didn't pay attention to Xiao Le'er's words, but instead looked at Wang Yuan: "My lord, what do you think His Majesty will do with this Jieli Khan after the tour?"

The show is here!

Du Ruhui also looked solemnly, he understood that now is the most critical time!

Wang Yuan blinked, and just about to say something, suddenly Xiao Leer complained:

"Is this gone?"

The three turned their heads and looked at the stage, only to find that the sound of the music suddenly disappeared, and Jieli Khan was lying on the stage tired.

After dancing for half an hour, he really couldn't bear it.

"What are you doing! Why don't you dance!"

Xiao Le'er complained in a low voice. She had watched it with great interest, after all, the prairie dance is very rare.

Seeing Jieli Khan stop at this moment, he frowned immediately.

"I haven't seen enough yet."

As she spoke, "disappointment" appeared on her immature face.

"Right? Why did you stop?"

Wang Yuan also frowned, looked at Jieli Khan who was out of breath, and said dissatisfiedly: "Could it be that you dislike the fact that there is no reward?"

Although he didn't like to watch these, since Xiao Le'er was interested, let Jieli Khan continue to dance.

It's rare for this girl to be happy once, so let her have fun.

Moreover, I can let myself and Lao Sun brag to my heart's content, so I don't have to worry about this girl tearing down my stage.

"Uncle Ming! Go get a hundred copper coins and give it to him!"

Wang Yuan gave the order again, and stood up holding Xiao Le'er.

"Now, play the music and dance for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly froze.

On the stage, those guards stood there, dazedly not knowing what to do, and Jieli Khan was also dumbfounded.

How to do this?

But at this time, Uncle Ming who heard the order directly took out the money bag and threw copper coins one after another!
It's simply inhumane!
"Go on!"

Changsun Wuji also spoke, urging loudly!
Regardless of whether you, Jieli Khan, will be exhausted to death, it is up to the prince to decide now!


"My lord, please spare me! I really can't jump anymore!"

At this time, Jieli Khan almost swallowed his breath, does this make people alive?
If he had known this would happen, he might as well not have studied this prairie dance!
It's self-inflicted!

Hearing this, Wang Yuan frowned again: "Do you dislike the lack of money?"

"Uncle Ming, give me another three hundred guan rewards!"

"Go on to the music, go on to the dance!"

Seeing this scene, other people in Lantian County also shouted loudly, and more copper coins were thrown down on the stage!

Du Ruhui also winked at the guards, and said calmly:

"It's rare that we are so enthusiastic, why don't we hurry up and continue!"

As soon as the words fell, a guard lit up his own knife, just in time for Jieli Khan to see it, and the cold light exploded.

"What sin did I do!"

Jieli Khan knelt on the stage, showing a smile uglier than crying, and was forced to start dancing again.

If you don't dance, you will die!

The enthusiasm of many people in Lantian County has been completely ignited by Wang Yuan's arrogance, and they kept cheering and laughing.

"Oh oh oh!"

Xiao Le'er followed suit, circling in the air with her small hands, and Wang Yuan, who was holding her, also showed a smile.

This was the first time he saw this girl smiling so happily.

It's actually a little cute, if it's not so rebellious at ordinary times.

Seeing this scene, Changsun Wuji immediately apologized with a smile: "My lord, you haven't answered the question just now?"

"Yes!" Du Ruhui also agreed.

This is the most critical question!

"Ah? Haha! What is there to ask?"

Wang Yuan smiled lightly, and held Xiao Le'er high again.

"Li Er will definitely give Jieli Khan a leisurely official position, then put him under house arrest in Chang'an City, and marry a princess outside for peace."

"He is a coward, and he will do the same."


"Why did you say such a thing, son!"

Originally, Du Ruhui and Changsun Wuji were very happy when they heard the first half of the sentence, thinking that Wang Yuan had the same opinion as them.

But when the second half of the sentence came out, they were almost scared to death!

In Wang Yuan's mouth, the majestic emperor of the Tang Dynasty actually became a coward?

"When dealing with Fei Ji, he dared to dismiss him, but when dealing with the leader of a defeated foreign army, he wanted to enshrine him as a master. What is it if he is not a counselor?"

Wang Yuan was also too happy, he didn't hide anything, and just spoke out his inner thoughts.

And the current scene is so noisy that others can't hear what he said.

After studying history for so many years, Wang Yuan actually has a good impression of Li Er.

The only thing that makes Wang Yuan dissatisfied is his attitude towards the Turks and other foreign countries!

Obviously won the battle, but still want to send the princess, official position, wealth and food?
What is this all about! ?
Hearing this, Changsun Wuji was silent, but Du Ruhui asked with a red neck:

"My lord, please don't slander the Holy Majesty!"

"Since ancient times, many emperors have done this. There is nothing wrong with this method!"

As a courtier of Tang Dynasty, he would not allow a young man to wantonly slander His Majesty!
Even if he is a god in the world!
"Haha! What's wrong with you asking me?"

Hearing this, Wang Yuan became angry, and said with a sneer:

"Obviously the men of Datang won the war with blood!"

"But now, Li Er wants to let Datang's princess go to the tiger's mouth, just to maintain the so-called peace!"

"Could it be that all the men in my Tang Dynasty are dead? Why have you fallen to this point?"

"Old Joe, this is the first time you and I have met, and I will ask you a question now!"

"Is this something people do!?"

 300 collections have been achieved. Although I don’t know how many robots there are, I still thank every reader who collects this book.

  Today is the second day of recommendation, hey, I hope I can advance.


(End of this chapter)

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