Chapter 58 Going to Chang'an City for the Lantern Festival
After Li Shimin finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Especially Fang Xuanling was completely confused.

Could it be that His Majesty really had a solution yesterday, but he was too self-indulgent?

Not to mention grandson Wuji, Du Ruhui and other ministers.

That expression was as surprised as it could be.

Only Li Chengqian, who was acting as the background board behind, twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling very helpless.

Obviously, his father is about to start pretending again.

Sure enough, the words of the sage in the book are all lies.

Thick-skinned and able to fool around are the excellent qualities that a good emperor must possess!

Seeing everyone's astonished expressions, Li Shimin on the dragon chair also smiled, and explained the strategy of establishing the Fangshi to everyone in detail.

And after he finished speaking, the officials in the Tai Chi Hall had completely petrified.

It's all because His Majesty's idea is too fanciful, it's simply unconstrained!

Even, they racked their brains and couldn't find any similar policies in history, even if they were only a little bit similar.

Looking at the restless officials of the Tang Dynasty, the smile on Li Shimin's face became even wider.

"How is it? Do you have any comments on my method?"

What comments do you want to make?

Hearing this, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and others slowly came to their senses, all of them had complicated expressions.

Although this method is unheard of, if it is really implemented, it can indeed greatly enrich Datang's treasury reserves.

Most importantly, it can solve the problem of establishing Beiting Protectorate without touching the interests of any aristocratic family!

Such a perfect and wonderful plan, what other opinions can they put forward?

It's just that this kind of strategy is really conceived by His Majesty?
All the ministers who knew of Wang Yuan's existence had the same suspicion at this moment.

"Everything is in accordance with His Majesty's order, and I have no objection!"

Fang Xuanling put away the doubts in her heart, and took the lead in making a statement, agreeing with His Majesty's opinion.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Immediately, more ministers began to agree, and various flattering voices came and went.

At this moment, almost everyone looked at Li Shimin with admiration.

Since His Majesty decided to attack the Eastern Turks not long ago, he seemed to have changed, and various wise decisions emerged one after another.

This is the wise king they are loyal to!

"Haha! Very good!"

Li Shimin laughed unceasingly, and was very satisfied with the reaction of the officials. This is what he wanted!

Only when the ministers are convinced of themselves, they will not secretly obey.

Of course, it's also very cool to put on.

Thinking about it, Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuji: "Auxiliary machine, then you will be responsible for this matter!"

"Observe the order! I will do my best to complete this matter!"

Changsun Wuji quickly agreed, he understood that this is His Majesty asking him to lead many aristocratic families to set an example and be the first to put money into the cabinet.

However, he has no dissatisfaction with this.

In the past, they placed money, which not only wasted land but also hired workers, and they also had to bear a considerable part of the losses.

Now it is best for the imperial court to take the initiative to help them keep their money,
Moreover, there are so many powerful families involved, it is impossible for His Majesty to covet their family property through this.

It can be said that this plan really serves multiple purposes!

Especially compared to their previous method of fundraising, it is even more so.

"In that case, I'll leave everything to you!" Li Shimin smiled even more, and announced his retirement soon after.

And every courtier was dizzy when they left, as if they hadn't woken up from the shock just now.

Li Shimin looked at the crowd, and while feeling amused, he became more and more grateful to Wang Yuan.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I can only approve of Fang Xuanling's scheme.

It has to be said that this son is simply Datang's lucky star.

It seems that in this world, there is no problem that can be hard to get him.

It's really too monstrous!
The more he thought about it, the more Li Shimin admired Wang Yuan, but soon frowned:

"It's a pity that he has no intention of becoming an official in the court at all. He just wants to idle around."

"If I personally invite you to a showdown, that big dog will turn his nose up to the sky again, and he may even run away!"

Li Shimin said to himself, once again made a difficult problem, in fact, this is also a problem he has always been troubled by.

But soon, Li Shimin seemed to remember something, looked at the beams on the top of the hall, and said to himself:
"If he can successfully marry Xiao Lizhi and become my son-in-law, maybe he won't run away."

After morning morning, time passed slowly.

The eldest grandson Wuji who got the will is also very efficient.

In just over ten days, he started construction and built more than ten cabinets in Chang'an City.

And he also took the eldest grandson's family as an example, and was the first to put the family's money into the cabinet in front of the people of Chang'an City.

Seeing this situation, other aristocratic families followed suit and put a lot of money into the cabinet.

As for the people of Chang'an City, their enthusiasm for this novelty is also unprecedentedly high.

This kind of cabinet established by His Majesty does not charge storage fees and can be accessed at will.

In their view, it is simply a gift from His Majesty to the people of the world.

For a time, millions of money came into Chang'an City's cabinets every day.

And there are countless poets who began to write poems praising Li Shimin, calling him the wise king.

At the same time, the construction of Beiting Protectorate's Mansion has also been put on the agenda, and various materials have already been purchased.

In the palace, after Li Shimin heard the news, he burst into laughter. He felt that the whole person was erratic, and he paid more and more attention to the establishment of the cabinet.

And he also specially ordered Baiqisi to dispatch all of them to patrol the area twelve hours a day to avoid theft and robbery cases.

There are too many people queuing up to save money now, and many thieves are just around the corner. Of course, Li Shimin can't let them do whatever they want.

Time passed slowly, and the story of Fanggui spread more and more widely through the word of mouth of the people.

Not long after, Wang Yuan in Lantian County also knew about this matter, and he was very surprised immediately.

He never expected that Lao Li would actually settle this matter.

It seems that I still underestimate Lao Li's connections.

But this is also good, I can also put the money in the cabinet by the way, saving trouble.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan turned around and shouted towards the back room: "Xiao Le'er, come out!"

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Xiao Leer came out in confusion.

And on her little head, there is also a beautiful red wreath, which was made by Wang Yuan himself with origami roses.

Since getting it, Xiao Le'er has been fond of it, wearing it on her head every day, which has aroused the envy of many children in the neighborhood.

"Little girl, do you want to go to Chang'an for this year's Lantern Festival?"

Wang Yuan smiled, and continued: "By the way, I can also take you to meet your parents."

"Look at Yeye and Auntie?"

Xiao Leer was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a sweet smile: "Okay! Xiao Leer listens to you, my lord!"

 I am too full to eat lemon today, it is a bit sour, so there is only one more.

  cry manually
(End of this chapter)

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