Chapter 64 Right to choose

"what happened?"

Wang Yuan turned his head, looked at the bewildered Li Chengqian, and said in confusion:
"Since you want to go in, don't be afraid!"

"Now that I even give up my face to accompany you as a teacher, what are you afraid of?"

"Tu'er doesn't mean that."

Li Chengqian stuttered a little, wanting to see exactly where the attic was.

But just as he was about to take a closer look, a procuress who was about 40 to [-] years old with heavy makeup came towards them.
"You two, it's too cold outside, why don't you come in and let my girl warm you up?"

"Although it's not night yet, there are still music and dances for all the guests to enjoy. My girls are in good spirits!"

Although Wang Yuan and Li Chengqian did not have any servants to follow them, they still had a dignified appearance and an extraordinary demeanor after all.

Especially Wang Yuan, who was still wearing the most expensive silk and satin, made this old bustard's eyes shine even more.

This is definitely a proud master!

As long as you serve well, you can definitely make a lot of money!
Therefore, after the old bustard finished speaking, she immediately waved a few girls with good posture to come up affectionately, and dragged the two into the building, fearing that the two benefactors would be snatched away by other families.

"You two young masters, please come in. My sister's pipa sounds really good. I promise you won't disappoint you."

"Come in son"

In the face of the crowd's laughter, Wang Yuan also responded with a smile, appearing very calm.

Although he has never been in such a place, after all, he has been a human being for two lifetimes, and his perseverance and heart are far superior to Li Chengqian.

Of course, it is also because it is daytime, the girls here are still very reserved, there is not much physical contact, and they mainly play music and dance.

If it was night, Wang Yuan wouldn't dare to come to this kind of place even if he gave ten more courage.

This time, he would risk his life to accompany his apprentice.

Hey, his master is really too great.

On the other hand, Li Gancheng was completely dumbfounded.

What the hell!

This is indeed a brothel alley!
Long live!

Why did he just point at such a ghostly place by pointing at random!

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, if his father found out that he entered this kind of fireworks place, his legs might be interrupted, and all the ministers would criticize him!

He must not enter here!
"Let go of me!"

At this moment, both of his hands were held by a girl, trembling unceasingly.

He wanted to break free, but with a big movement, he touched some key places, so that his nose immediately became hot, and there was a stream of heat falling down.

This is really too exciting.
Wang Yuan turned his head, looked at Li Chengqian's nosebleed, and immediately said with a light smile:
"Okay, you don't need to be so enthusiastic. This apprentice of mine is also here for the first time. If you do that, he will be frightened."

"Obey my son!"

"I'm sorry, my son. It's our sister who was rude."

Seeing this, the two girls smiled sweetly, let go of Li Chengqian, and stepped back slightly.

And the poor prince, after he was relieved, his legs became weak immediately, and he hugged Wang Yuan's right hand, trembling.

"Master, I thought about it, let's forget it!"

"Let's go, I don't want to go in here!"

Now Li Chengqian is really scared, almost crying, begging endlessly.

Hearing this, Wang Yuan immediately shook his head and said indifferently, "Don't be so scared, it's not a big deal."

"Besides, with your father's temperament, he probably often invites people here to discuss business. He is very flirtatious."

"As a son, you don't need to have any psychological burden."

Hearing this, the corners of Li Chengqian's mouth twitched a few times, wanting to deny it but couldn't find an excuse.

To be honest, his father may have never been to this kind of place, or he did not dare to come.

If his father really came to this kind of place, he must have been taken away by Wei Zheng's death chant!

Seeing Li Chengqian still showing resistance, Wang Yuan blinked.

He understood that his apprentice still couldn't get rid of the psychological burden.

It seems that it still needs to be fooled.

Hey, his master is really too responsible.

Thinking about it, Wang Yuan suddenly said solemnly:

"Teacher, are you looking down on these girls?"


Li Chengqian subconsciously denied it, shook his head and said:

"I didn't mean that!"

"Then what do you mean?" Wang Yuan pressed, with a half-smile.


Li Chengqian's face turned red, and he wanted to explain something.

But in the end, under Wang Yuan's gaze, he still lowered his head and said in shame:
"Sorry, Master, you are right, I am indeed discriminating against them."

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, the women he associates with are basically ladies from aristocratic families, and all of them are educated and reasonable.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he really despised these prostitutes, and thought from the bottom of his heart that they were too dirty to be on the stage.

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian could clearly feel that the eyes of the women around him immediately became disgusted when they looked at him.

It's over, Master will definitely scold me to death!

Li Chengqian was very worried, he could not care about other people's opinions, but he had to care about Wang Yuan!

After all, he is his master!

"very good!"

However, contrary to Li Chengqian's expectations, Wang Yuan nodded slightly, expressing his approval for the first time, and said with a smile:
"You can say it now, which means you have made some progress these days."

"Master, what do you mean by that?" Li Chengqian was confused.

"It means to be happy for you."

"At least you can face your own heart, which is not something ordinary people can do."

Wang Yuan chuckled lightly, with his hands behind his back.

In fact, if Xiao Li insisted on denying it, Wang Yuan still had other reasons to continue fooling around.

But Wang Yuan was really happy to see Xiao Li telling the truth.

"You have to know, if they had a choice, how could they be willing to live in prostitution?"

"In this world, not everyone can be born with a golden key in his mouth."

"Most people are mediocre, even humble, but they still have their own lives and meanings of existence. No one can deny them!"

"Since you want to come here, don't dislike them."

"As long as they don't violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty, what they get is clean money, which is infinitely better than burning, killing, and looting."

"As a citizen of the Tang Dynasty, the only difference between you and them is that you have the right they dream of - the right to choose!"

"But this power is also given to you by Lao Li, not earned by yourself."

After Wang Yuan finished speaking, not only Li Chengqian was stunned, but even the girls around were also silent.

They looked at Wang Yuan with gratitude hidden in the complexity.

This is the first time they see someone who understands them so well.

Indeed, if there is a choice, who would like to be a prostitute and not want to be a lady?

"The Power to Choose."

Li Chengqian stood there in a daze, with turbulent waves in his heart.

He didn't particularly understand the meaning of these words, but he instinctively felt that these words were very high-end and hidden great truths.

"So, disciple, do you understand?"

Seeing Li Chengqian's bewildered expression, Wang Yuan knew that the heat was about the same, so he deliberately walked forward.

"I don't quite understand." Li Chengqian shook his head blankly.


Wang Yuan turned around and showed a cheap smile: "You will know when you go in!"

After finishing speaking, he directly dragged the bewildered Li Chengqian into the room.

"Master, please wait a moment!"

"It's okay. After I go in, I still have a lot of reason to fool around. Teach you."

Li Chengqian: "."

 Thank you Fumeng, 20200828124226640, for the reward of Qingfengluoye, very very very grateful.

  There are also monthly tickets for nine readers, _(:3」∠)_
  I am still dissatisfied after writing several times, this chapter may be changed

(End of this chapter)

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