My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 87 Young Master Wang, Continue!

Chapter 87 Young Master Wang, Continue!
"Old grandson? What's wrong with you?" Wang Yuan asked again.

And Changsun Wuji finally trembled, like a catfish landing on the shore, waking up from the astonishment, feeling that his heart had stopped beating!
Who can tell himself!

Why do they appear?

It's simply outrageous to form a group to line up-outrageous follow outrageous!

No, I can't just die like this!
Thinking about it, Changsun Wuji immediately came up with a clever plan.

Then he clutched his stomach and said in pain:
"My lord, where is your hut here?"

"I suddenly feel a little pain in my stomach!"

When something goes wrong, hide first!
"Uncle Ming has taken the thatched cottage, Uncle Sun, you have to wait a bit before you can do it."

At this time, the girl Xiao Le'er suddenly appeared with a smile, holding a big lollipop in her little hand.

She showed a sweet smile towards Changsun Wuji, the little stars in her eyes seemed to overflow, and she looked at Changsun Wuji in a daze on the spot.


What are you looking forward to!

Changsun Wuji instantly felt hopeless in life, and had the urge to find a piece of land to bury himself.

"All right!"

"Old Sun, just bear with it, we'd better go and receive him first."

Wang Yuan didn't know what the little girl and Changsun Wuji were thinking, so he just dragged Changsun Wuji to the gate.

And Xiao Le'er trotted to keep up, her face flushed, as if she was very interested.

In fact, she had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two just now.

It was just because of the "hush money", so I didn't interrupt aloud.

But now, she finally watched the show openly and aboveboard.

"Old Fang, Old Qiao, here I come!"

When he came to the door, Wang Yuan opened it.

Changsun Wuji blinked and looked at the slowly opening door, feeling an inexplicable coolness on his neck.

What should I do now!?

Outside the door, Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling were also guarding each other.

In fact, this time, it was Du Ruhui who took the initiative to secretly visit Wang Yuan and win Wang Yuan into the military department.

It was only because they happened to be targeted by the sharp-eyed Fang Xuanling that the two of them happened to appear at Wang Yuan's doorstep.

To put it bluntly, it is stealing people!
I have to say that Changsun Wuji is quite awesome in a sense.

The door opened, and Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui began to salute Wang Yuan.

"Greetings to Mr. Wang, Mr. Wanfu Ankang. Old grandson, why are you here?"

Grandson Wuji: "."

this reaction is very real
Seeing the confused and murderous looks of the two, Changsun Wuji put away his speechlessness and showed a smile uglier than crying:
"Would you believe me if I said I just got lost and just came here?"

"Do not believe!"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui shook their heads in unison, and Changsun Wuji couldn't help but roll his eyes.

It really didn't give him any face!

"Hee hee~!"

Xiao Le'er, who was peeking upright, couldn't help laughing out loud, and Wang Yuan also smiled lightly and shook his head:
"Well, if you have any conflicts, let's talk about it first."

"Actually, Lao Sun came here just to inform me that I will become the county magistrate of Lantian County, and he just drank and chatted with me along the way."


Changsun Wuji nodded repeatedly, followed the steps down, and said with a smile:

"The wine here, Prince Wang, is too delicious, so I couldn't help but come and get a few more jars."

Hearing this, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui still felt that something was wrong, but it was not easy to go against Wang Yuan's intention.

After several people walked into the house, Fang Xuanling turned his eyes and asked quickly:
"By the way, Mr. Wang, what were you talking about with the old grandson just now?"

"Yes! What were you talking about just now? Can you tell me?" Du Ruhui also asked.

With Changsun Wuji's character, how could he come here specially for a few jars of wine?
Although the drink is indeed very good.

Wang Yuan smiled and said, "It's really nothing, we just chat."

But just as Wang Yuan wanted to explain, he was hastily interrupted by Changsun Wuji.

"It's nothing, we're just chatting about homework!"

"After all, we are all old friends, isn't it normal to strengthen our relationship with each other?!"

At this time, Changsun Wuji was so frightened that his back was covered in cold sweat!
Why does he say what he says today? Doesn't that mean he is a crow's mouth?

Is this thief going to play him to death on purpose?

"Oh? Are you just chatting about homework?"

Seeing Changsun Wuji's reaction, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui's expressions became even more unkind.

Based on their years of understanding of the old fox Changsun Wuji, they are almost [-]% sure that this old fox is lying!

And the remaining [-]% is not because they think what Changsun Wuji said is the truth.

Instead, he thought that the old fox's brain was completely broken!
In short, it is very abnormal!

Thinking about it, Fang Xuanling sneered again and again: "Old Sun, I won't say anything else."

"You bastard, don't think I'm a fool, hurry up and tell the truth!"

"If you're telling the truth, then my old room swears, I'll eat this chair on the spot!"

He was very domineering, he stepped on the chair in front of him, and left with contempt for Changsun Wuji.

"As for being so extreme?"

Changsun Wuji broke out in a cold sweat, feeling unwell.

Lao Fang's determination is too exaggerated!
"No need, really no need!"

Wang Yuan chuckled and shook his head. To be honest, he didn't know what Lao Sun had to be afraid of?

"Everyone is their own person, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"And don't step on my chair. If you break it, you will lose money!"

"Or, are you here to cheat for food and drink?"

"This prince is really sorry."

Fang Xuanling's expression froze, her face was pale, she quickly retreated and lowered her head to apologize, it was very embarrassing.

He was so excited just now that he almost regarded this place as his own home.

On the other hand, the eldest grandson Wuji rolled his eyes when he saw this.

When intimidating himself, he is high-spirited, without saving any face, and without the slightest camaraderie among colleagues.

But when it was the prince's turn to scold him, he resolutely confessed, just like a grandson!
This is really awesome!
This is a double standard, you can play it!

Feeling the contemptuous gaze of Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling was also furious, and just wanted to say something.

But at this time, Wang Yuan suddenly continued: "Just now, Lao Sun and I were just talking about three provinces and six ministries."

"My lord, my stomach hurts again."

Changsun Wuji immediately faltered, and bent down again, trying to sneak away quickly.

However, before he could take a few steps, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui shot at the same time, each with an elbow, directly hitting Changsun Wuji in the stomach.

Changsun Wuji's eyes widened, and he fell straight on the floor, as if dead.

Wang Yuan: "."

This strength is a bit powerful!

"My lord, keep talking!"

Fang Xuanling sat directly on Changsun Wuji's back, and the latter trembled all over.

(End of this chapter)

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