Chapter 365 Can't be a lover or a friend
That wolf roar actually caused both panic and curiosity.

However, most of those who followed the sound were out of curiosity.

Because, if it is because of fear or safety considerations, you should choose to call the police first.

But those who came around so quietly must be troublemakers or troublemakers.

In other words, someone who had a problem with the Chu family took the opportunity to find fault.

After finally sending away a wave of good people, Mr. Chu had just sat down to drink two sips of tea, and before he could catch his breath, he suddenly found that there were not many people left in the living room.

Mr. Chu's crutch fell to the ground and broke.

It must have gone to the eldest grandson.

His eldest grandson was still seriously injured, and Chu Yufei had just returned and took over the power of the family company. These people said that they had to take the opportunity to embarrass his precious grandson.

Mr. Chu still likes Bao Bao, the eldest grandson.

In addition, Mr. Chu was also a little timid about the wolf howl.

Although I have no objection to the eldest grandson raising some pets to play with, but at any rate, let's play with something normal.

So leaning on crutches, they summoned the old butler, and the two old guys went to Chu Yanfei's yard.

And Mr. Chu also guessed right, the gate of Chu Yanfei's yard was really surrounded by troublemakers.

Fortunately, Chu Yanfei also knew people from the Chu family before, and knew that there would definitely be people who would come to watch.

So I asked Chu Fang to stand guard at the door, even if Mr. Chu came, he couldn't come in.

The people who came were Chu Tianci, Zhou Mei and Ms. Liu.

Chu Fang was like a sculpture-like gatekeeper, with a cold face, watching the three people jumping up and down.No eyebrows moved.

"Hey, I said you are just a servant! I want to go into my cousin's yard to see what's going on?!"

Zhou Mei hopped her feet, she was very dissatisfied with Chu Fang's face like a dead fish, she had lived in the Chu family for 18 years after all.

He was a guest at first, but after so many years, he has long regarded himself as one of the masters of the Chu family.For so many years, most of the people who became monks were subdued by her, and that one didn't treat her like a serious young lady of the Chu family.

Of course, this is also because no daughters were born in this generation of the Chu family, so all the doting went to Zhou Mei, the granddaughter.

However, Zhou Mei's so-called subjugation is to actively exclude people other than the two elders of the Chu family.

The second uncle of the Chu family and most of them treated their younger sister well, but they didn't feel too cold towards Zhou Mei, a niece who thought too much, but they should be polite and give the face that should be given in front of the second elder.

But Chu Yanfei, who is the master of the world other than Mr. Chu, doesn't care about Zhou Mei, an ant-like creature with a dark psychology.

However, Chu Tianci felt that Zhou Mei was a pawn that could be wooed.

Therefore, the relationship between the two men and women who are not well-known is not bad, and it even almost developed to a concern that surpassed the daily relationship. Fortunately, Ms. Liu found out later and stopped it cleanly.

Ms. Liu doesn't talk about any ethical relationship.He directly analyzed it to Chu Tianci, what would he gain and what would he lose after being with Zhou Mei, and then he used the example of his own success in the position to analyze it clearly and logically.

Chu Tianci was really honest.

Zhou Mei is also a person who can let go emotionally. If she can't be a lover, then she can be a friend.

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(End of this chapter)

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