
Chapter 1228 Fighting Big Brother

Chapter 1228 Fighting Big Brother

There are many half-step fit realm experts in Xiatianmen, but no one is his opponent.

Is the scene from two years ago going to repeat itself again!
Shen Huan defeated a first-tier senior brother with one move!

Everyone rushed to Montenegro with anticipation. At this moment, they hoped that Shen Huan would win!
The registration for the Shangtianmen assessment was over, and there was nothing to do next, so the middle-aged man took a look at the direction Liu Chen was leaving, and flew away immediately.

Liu Chen walked towards Montenegro unhurriedly, constantly adjusting his aura along the way, Montenegro belonged to the free zone, the senior brother set the duel location there, and uttered cruel words, obviously intending to kill him.

"Let's go and have a look!" Chen Yi said, and immediately followed Liu Chen's pace and headed for Montenegro.

The group of followers behind her looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and followed.

Galloping all the way, many fellow disciples around felt Liu Chen's impulsiveness, and some fellow disciples of the Void Refining Realm directly took their stand, and when Liu Chen ran out of money, he immediately rushed to save people.

In an instant, Liu Chen seemed to be the representative of this group of experts in the Void Refining Realm, fighting against the elder brother.

"Don't worry! I won't let him kill you!" Chen Yi's gentle eyes shone with strong self-confidence, as if she could see that Liu Chen was suspicious, so she released the aura that belonged to the strong in the half-step fusion state.

Liu Chen smiled, didn't speak, and rushed straight to Montenegro.

I may not be able to beat the big brother, but I am also in the half-step fusion state, at least I still have the means to save my life.

At this moment, Montenegro, which is usually regarded as a restricted area, is surrounded by people, with a lot of voices and discussions.Look
Seeing Liu Chen appearing, they immediately made way for him, and all cast admiring gazes at Liu Chen.

There was no doubt that they all admired Liu Chen's courage.

Liu Chen walked a few steps quickly, passed through the crowd, and came to the middle of the crowd. He saw that the senior brother was already standing here, with his hands behind his back, posing like a senior brother.

"Come here! Don't even think about getting out alive!" Eldest brother sneered, and there were more than a dozen half-step-fit ​​realm powerhouses in the crowd, who surrounded him inside and out to prevent Liu Chen from escaping.

Liu Chen was not afraid, and threw a confident smile at Chen Yi, who was in the Void Refining Realm, and immediately walked up to the elder brother.

The distance between the two is only three steps away!On the surface, Liu Chen was as calm as water, but in his heart there was a torrential wave. The person standing in front of him was the strongest person in Xiatianmen.

If you say you are not nervous or stressed, it must be a lie. Everyone's eyes are on Liu Chen, most of them are full of anticipation, while the rest of them have a little pity in their eyes, and a small group of people have the attitude of watching the fun .


The huge pressure hit like a flood, and Liu Chen felt a little uncomfortable under the pressure. Taking a deep breath continuously, the pressure immediately eased a lot.

The eldest brother looked relaxed, as if he had a winning ticket in his hands, and looked at Liu Chen playfully.

No matter why you didn't die in Demon God Mountain back then!But today!You can never get out of Montenegro!

Gradually, everyone felt the strong smell of gunpowder spreading in the air, so they all backed away to make way for a larger circle.

The two looked at each other, and the imposing confrontation had already begun. The elder brother smiled contemptuously, and pointed his middle finger at Liu Chen.

"Drink!" Liu Chen slammed his feet on the ground, and his whole body shot out like an arrow from the string. The speed surprised many Void Refining Realm experts.

Immediately afterwards, the arms stretched out, and the billowing spiritual power gathered in the fists.

With one punch, a strong wind swept across the ground, blowing Liu Chen's clothes and black hair, revealing a determined gaze.

"Small tricks!" The senior brother stood motionless, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, quietly waiting for Liu Chen's attack to come.

"Oh? Really?" Liu Chen smiled mysteriously. In the next second, the smile on the elder brother's face froze instantly, and the way he looked at Liu Chen completely changed, replaced by panic.

The eyes full of murderous intent directly blocked all the elder brother's actions. Seeing that Liu Chen's attack was about to hit the elder brother's head, the elder brother still maintained his previous actions, and even the smile on his mouth did not fade away.

Just when everyone was puzzled.

The hard fist hit the elder brother's forehead, and the spiritual power was charged, and it exploded immediately.

The elder brother quickly flipped backwards, flipped twice in the air, fell heavily to the ground, and rolled towards the crowd.

After rolling more than ten laps in a row, before stopping, the elder brother let out an angry shout, scaring the people around him to flee quickly.

At this moment, many Liu Chens appeared in the eyes of the elder brother, and these Liu Chens were all erratic.


The elder brother snorted, trying not to let the blood spurt out, but there was still a trace of it, and five clear finger marks appeared on the center of his brow, which seemed to be sunken.

"You will die miserably!" The senior brother said a harsh word, and the half-step fusion realm burst out, watching his eyes filled, obviously extremely angry.

two years ago!Shen Huan defeated the elder brother with one move and lost all face.

At this moment, as if the scene of the past reappeared, it was a good opportunity for the elder brother to avenge his shame, but he did not expect that the ending was not much different from two years ago.

The same is a trick!
"Shen Huan is doing great!"


Cheers one after another!Resounding through Montenegro!Chen Yi was taken aback. She didn't have much hope for Liu Chen in her heart, and she was ready for rescue.

Unexpectedly, this scene actually evolved.

Not only that, Liu Chen's performance exceeded everyone's expectations. The time two years ago can be said to be careless, but today!With his strength, Liu Chen made big brother suffer!

I lost face!
Listening to everyone's discussion, the murderous intent in the depths of the senior brother's eyes spread, and he made no effort to hide his murderous intent, pointing directly at Liu Chen with a piercing cold light.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, and the spiritual power in his body was circulating. The elder brother needed time to recover, that's why he didn't take the initiative to attack, but he had to seize this opportunity!

Don't give the big brother any chance to stop!Kill in one fell swoop!

Spiritual power slowly gathered in both hands, the finger of exterminating the devil was brewing quietly, and Liu Chen was ready to kill.

"Pfft!" Suddenly, Liu Chen's throat sweetened, his blood surged up, and blood almost spurted out.

Liu Chen forcibly suppressed it, swallowed it back, pretended to be okay, and cast the True Immortal Technique twice in a row, the spiritual power in Liu Chen's body was a little too much.

Everyone gasped, especially Chen Yi!She knows that group of black flames best!Devil finger!It only took one day!Then he mastered the magic finger!
God!Chen Yi couldn't believe what she saw.

Chen Yi also learned the Demon-killing Finger before, but it took half a month, and it was still fast. As everyone knows, it took the elder brother two months to master the Demon-killing Finger proficiently.

The rest were speechless in astonishment.

The elder brother also felt the unusual aura, staring at Liu Chen with sharp eyes, and slapped the savings bag, and a yellow talisman immediately appeared.

Holding the talisman seal, the elder brother looked much more relaxed.


Liu Chen leaned forward, and then stretched out his right arm, with frightening black flames dancing at his fingertips.

"True Immortal Art! Extinguishing Demon Finger!" With a low shout, black flames shot out immediately, flying towards the chest of the elder brother.

Once the black flame falls on the elder brother, there is no doubt that the elder brother will be reduced to a pool of ashes in the end.


Just when everyone thought that the elder brother would be burned by the finger of extermination, a miracle happened.

I saw the yellow talisman in the elder brother's hand suddenly shattered, and then a yellow whirlwind appeared on the spot, and suddenly there was a strong wind, flying sand and rocks, making people unable to open their eyes.

"What is this? It's so powerful!" Liu Chen murmured in his heart, reluctantly opened his eyes and looked in the direction where the elder brother was.

After a while, the yellow whirlwind disappeared, and the next second, the elder brother disappeared, and the elder brother was no longer seen in the crowd.

Liu Chen was horrified!

Shocked, Liu Chen searched for the trace of the elder brother in the crowd, but found nothing, the elder brother seemed to have evaporated from the world.

call out!
Just at this time!A sharp blade descended from the sky, carrying terrifying power, and the aura of a strong man far surpassing the half-step fusion realm erupted instantly.

The huge pressure made Liu Chen's legs bend, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.


The void instantly shattered, the black wind blade swept away, the rock collapsed, and Liu Chen's feet dived into the rock, unable to move.

Liu Chen raised his head to look at the sharp blade in the air, took a difficult step away, clenched his teeth, his face flushed, and finally, Liu Chen retreated from the sharp blade's attack range.

Take a long breath, it was really too dangerous just now, almost pierced by a sharp knife.

That is the ultimate virtual treasure, once it is penetrated from the top of the head, it cannot be saved even by taking the God Returning Pill.

The sharp blade fell and inserted into the stone surface, exuding a sharp aura from all over.

Immediately afterwards, a person came out from the crowd, Liu Chen looked intently, and that person was the elder brother who disappeared just now.

It's just that the senior brother at the moment is a little embarrassed, with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes, as if he has experienced a violent storm.

"As long as you can get your secret, it doesn't matter if you waste talismans!" The elder brother became more and more sure that Liu Chen had a big secret hidden in him, after seeing the power of that power twice in a row.

Senior brother no longer cares about face, no matter what method he uses, as long as he can get the secret!
Seeing the elder brother slowly walking towards him, the murderous intent was no longer so strong, and it was replaced by greed.

"Hand it over!" The elder brother burst out with all his cultivation, and the powerful aura of the half-step fusion state swept all directions, and immediately pushed Liu Chen back.

Liu Chen pretended to be terrified on the surface, but in fact he was waiting for the best time to deal a fatal blow to the elder brother.


Some Void Refining Realm experts squeezed out of the crowd, pointing at the elder brother and yelling at him.

"Break your promises! Can you have the dignity of a strong man! It's really embarrassing to the Immortal Sect! You are such a bloodthirsty person who has no promises! You don't deserve to stay in the Immortal Sect!"

"That's right! Get out of the Immortal Sect!"



The elder brother smiled instead of anger, and turned to look at those who were strong in the realm of refining, with black flames dancing on his fingertips.With a cruel smile, black flames flew out instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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