
Chapter 1233 No. 1

Chapter 1233 No.1


After a while, Liu Chen was dumbfounded and found that although he was surrounded by flames and could feel the temperature of the flames, he didn't hurt himself.

"The Scarlet Phoenix Armor can reduce damage by 20.00%..." A series of messages flooded into Liu Chen's mind.

Just when Liu Chen looked up to see clearly, the screen turned, the stone gate disappeared, and the river of magma quickly moved away from him.

Only then did Liu Chen realize that he was actually flying. In an instant, the magma river went away and disappeared from his eyes. The next second, when Liu Chen raised his head, he was standing in the red cave again, looking at the place where the river was away from him just now. The direction should be across the river.

"Hey, the reward is mine!" Liu Chen laughed three times, and rushed straight ahead. Not long after, he saw two jade boxes placed on the raised platform. Liu Chen smiled and rushed forward. In the past, when I opened the jade box, I saw a colorful streamer and flag overflowing with light, exuding a good atmosphere.

Time is running out.Liu Chen patted the savings bag, put away the colorful flags, and then opened another jade box.

"Top-grade True Immortal Art!"

Liu Chen hurriedly put away the true fairy art, looked around, and if he walked forward, he would definitely pass the assessment. As the saying goes, if a person is innocent, he is guilty of a jade, and the first one to rush out will definitely attract malice, especially if only Lianxu The realm of cultivation.

So Liu Chen looked around for a while, and suddenly found that there are more than a dozen branch roads in the cave, and the road to pass the examination is the most obvious, because the jade box is placed in that passage, and the passage is engraved with the Gate of Heaven Three big characters.

"Someone is coming." Liu Chen frowned slightly, and someone was coming from behind, so the figure flashed, and hid in the rightmost passage, restraining his breath, and secretly smiled in his heart.

Not long after, Fatty and Shen Huan rushed towards this side at an accelerated speed, followed by Chen Yi, besides that, there were a few half-step Fusion Realm powerhouses, but they were left far behind.

Obviously, No.1 must be between Fatty and Shen Huan, but the two seem to have reached some kind of agreement and ran towards different jade boxes.

"I don't know what expressions they will have when they open the jade box!" Liu Chen hid in the dark and snickered.

"Fuck, your grandma has a leg! There's nothing in it!" The fat man held his breath and opened the jade box, his complexion changed suddenly, he picked up the jade box in a rage, and threw it on the ground.

The jade box shattered into two halves with a click, leaving nothing inside.

Seeing this, Shen Huan was startled, and felt anxious, and slowly opened the jade box, only to see that the jade box was also empty, and immediately kicked the jade box, and with a bang, the jade box split open and shattered into eight petals.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Liu Chen took a deep breath, but the smile on his face was even brighter.

Fatty and Shen Huan must have reached an agreement a long time ago, they crossed the river together, and each got half of the reward, but they didn't expect that after all the hard work and hard work, in the end, it was nothing.

"Ma De, if you want me to know which bastard has snatched my soul-releasing flag, I will definitely peel his skin and constrict his tendons." The fat man kept cursing, with an angry expression on his face.

Shen Huan remained silent, glanced at the different passages, pondered for a moment, and said in doubt: "Those who make a detour can be excluded, they are definitely behind us."

"The people crossing the river, besides you and me, are Chen Yi and that group of people, but they are also behind us. Who are they?"

"It doesn't matter who it is! Since he has obtained the top-grade magic weapon and true fairy art, he will inevitably use it after entering the Upper Heaven Gate, and then he will know who it is!" It didn't decrease, but the more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

The two of them regarded the reward as a few things. How could they not be angry when the things that belonged to them disappeared.

"I'm sorry for you," Liu Chen said.

Chen Yi saw the two men raging in anger from a distance, so she stopped in place and didn't go forward. Immediately afterwards, the remaining half-step fusion realm powerhouses rushed over one by one.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh, the reward has obviously been divided between Shen Huan and Fatty, the jade box on the ground is the best proof.

"Hey, since the reward has been taken away, let's hurry up and pass the assessment!"

"I really want to see the demeanor of a top-rank magic weapon and the power of a top-rank true immortal technique, but it's a pity..."


"You want to see the elegance, but I still want to!" Fatty muttered in his heart, the anger on his face faded, he pretended to be inscrutable, even a little arrogant, and walked towards the passageway engraved with the words Shangtianmen .

Shen Huan was stunned for a while, then followed, followed closely by Chen Yi.

"There will be a chance for you to see it." Liu Chen touched the savings bag and kept giggling. He thought that if he participated in the Shangtianmen assessment, he could just pass the test. He didn't have much hope for the reward, but he didn't expect good luck to come rewarded.

Liu Chen didn't follow immediately, but waited, waiting for the last moment before going out.

Time flew by, and it took two days to wait. There was one day left before the end of the assessment. Liu Chen leaned against the wall and lazily opened his eyes. Two more dying disciples passed the assessment.

Within two days, excluding Fatty and others, more than 100 people passed the assessment one after another, which greatly exceeded Liu Chen's expectations.

"Calculating the time, we should go out." Liu Chen stood up and braced himself. Ever since he got the Scarlet Phoenix Armor, the cruel environment of the Extreme Flame Land had almost zero influence on Liu Chen, which is why Liu Chen stayed in a daze. An important reason why I have been there for two days, but I am not in a hurry to go out.

Liu Chen quietly walked out of the passage, looked around for a while, and after confirming that there was no one there, he immediately walked towards the middle passage.

The passage is not long, and there are layers of stairs at the front. If you go out along the stairs, you may be able to enter the Heavenly Gate.

Liu Chen suddenly discovered that the secrets of the so-called Extreme Flame Land were all in the magma river, and there was nothing in the cave except the harsh environment.

As for the Scarlet Phoenix Armor, Liu Chen didn't know its origin, only knew its effect, and got it out of nowhere, and then came out again out of nowhere.

Anyway, I can't figure it out, so I just don't think about it.

Liu Chen walked up the stairs, and came out after a few steps. The environment outside was very different from the cave, with fresh air, soft breeze, fragrant flowers and plants, overlapping mountains in the distance, white clouds, and the scenery of the entire Xianmen School. Here it is at a glance.

"Liu Chen?" Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded.

Liu Chen heard the sound and saw that Chen Yi and the others were sitting on the ground resting, then smiled slightly, walked out quickly, and walked towards the crowd.

Seeing Liu Chen come out, the fat man and the two were so shocked that they couldn't speak. They saw Liu Chen standing on the head of the fire snake, swallowed by the magma, absolutely dead, but now...

"Fuck, your grandma has such a leg, this didn't kill you, how tough is your life!" The fat man jumped up from the ground, immediately attracting curious eyes from around.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Liu Chen gestured to silence. He didn't want this matter to spread widely. It would definitely cause a sensation. After the sensation, bad luck would follow.

The fat man opened his mouth and laughed, knowingly stopped talking, walked over, put his arms around Liu Chen's shoulders, and said loudly: "With the help of noble people, you will definitely be able to save yourself from danger. We don't worry at all!"

While talking, the fat man spoke out about the rewards without hesitation.

"Ahem!" Liu Chen coughed dryly twice, signaling to Fatty not to continue talking. After all, the two of them are recognized as No.1 by everyone now. It really hangs on them.

If it is really worn out, it is to stretch out your own hand and slap yourself in the face.

"Tell me, we are all curious about how you came back from the dead."

As soon as these words came out, both Chen Yi and Shen Huan cast curious eyes, and the four of them gathered together, waiting for Liu Chen's answer with all their attention.

"Uh, I was indeed brought into the bottom of the magma river by the fire snake, but it released a protective shield to protect me from being swallowed by the magma."

"At first, I also panicked, thinking that there would be no life after ten deaths, but I didn't expect that he was only interested in my spiritual power."

"After the cycle devoured my spiritual power for two days, it released me and sent me across the river!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, let me tell you, why did you draw out the fire snake? It turns out that you have special spiritual powers. You almost scared me to death. I thought the tragedy would repeat itself!"

While everyone was talking about their emotions, a sharp voice came from a distance with anger.

"Who is Liu Chen, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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