
Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243
The black flame landed on the Dragon Chanting Sword, which immediately sparked bursts of loud dragon chant, and then the Dragon Chanting Sword burst out with unprecedented light, illuminating the open space as bright as day.

With the sound of the dragon's roar, the demon lion and the giant elephant both shook their bodies in an instant, and the attack stopped for a while.

Finally, the Extinguishing Finger hit the back of the Longyin Sword, but the result was beyond Liu Chen's expectations. The Extinguishing Finger collapsed instantly, turning into clouds of black mist and dissipating.

"Okay!" Liu Chen yelled excitedly, holding the Dragon Chanting Sword in his hand, and slashed four black flames. Even so, Liu Chen found that the spiritual power in his body was consumed enormously.

With just four sword strikes, only half of the spiritual power in his body was left. If He Yi did it again, Liu Chen would not be able to hold on.

Before he had time to appreciate the power of the Dragon Yin Sword, Liu Chen glanced at Chen Yi and the others on the altar, and after confirming that they were safe and sound, he immediately rushed to He Yi.

After using the Demon-killing Finger many times, He Yi began to feel a little overwhelmed, his face turned slightly pale, and he was panting heavily. It was obvious that his spiritual power was seriously consumed, which far exceeded his expectations.

Seeing Liu Chen approaching, there was a trace of anxiety in the depths of He Yi's eyes. Then he slapped the savings bag and swung his sleeves violently. Suddenly, the wind blew up, and a cloud of blood rose from the ground, gradually turning into a blurred figure.

"You should be satisfied to die at the hands of the blood man!"

Just as He Yi said, the vague figure is clearly a blood man, without clear facial features, only a human-shaped outline, with bright red blood rolling on it, exuding the unique smell of blood, which looks very terrifying.

At the same time, Liu Chen noticed that the blood man was so powerful that he actually exuded the aura of the great consummation of the Void Refining Realm.

"It's a pity that there are only trash like them on the altar, otherwise there will definitely be more than the Great Consummation of Void Refining Realm!" He Yi glanced contemptuously at Chen Yi and the others on the altar, and his expression changed suddenly, showing shock.

The offerings on the altar are not only not weak, but are getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, transformation is only a matter of time.

Suddenly, He Yi saw the crux of the problem at a glance, and his eyes immediately fixed on the green aura on the altar, with a flash of brilliance in his eyes.

He Yi immediately bit his finger, and a drop of blood flew out and merged into the blood man's body.

In an instant, the blood man's blood glowed brightly, faintly covering the brilliance of the Dragon Chanting Sword, and the blood man's cultivation level rose rapidly, and within two breaths, he broke through from the perfect state of refining the void to the half-step fusion state.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, looked at the blood man not far away, and felt very pressured. It would be very difficult to deal with He Yi just standing there without moving. become very severe.


He Yi made a tactic with both hands, and immediately the blood man took a step forward, turned into a blood shadow, appeared in front of Liu Chen in the blink of an eye, and suddenly punched, the bright red blood rolled, causing ripples, and the momentum was compelling.

It was too late and then too fast, there was no time to breathe, I just felt the red shadow shaking in front of my eyes, and suddenly a dangerous breath erupted, sweeping Liu Chen's heart.

Taking a deep breath, Ceng Ceng Ceng stepped back five steps, leaning back, his eyes filled with shock.

Slash down!

The Longyin Sword buzzed, and immediately the sword energy flew, and it fell on the head, making a whistling sound, roaring and whirling.


The Longyin Sword cut in easily, splitting the bloody man in half in an instant, with fresh blood flowing inside, making the scene very disgusting.

The blood men on the two halves of the body slowly gathered together and merged together again, unscathed.

Liu Chen was horrified when he saw this, his fighting power was already amazing, and now he was immortal, so he had no chance of winning. He complained a few words in his heart, and stepped on his right foot to stabilize his body.

The left hand stretched out, spiritual power surged on it, and the black flames slowly condensed. With a whoosh sound, the Extinguishing Finger shot out, heading straight for the blood man's chest.

A sword can't kill you!Then turn you into ashes!

An unexpected scene happened. The Demon Extinguishing Finger bombarded the blood man, like a piece of hot iron falling into the water, and disappeared with a puff. At the same time, Liu Chen discovered that whenever the blood man was hurt, the blood Mang will be weaker to varying degrees.

"Here!" Chen Yijiao shouted on the altar, which immediately attracted Liu Chen's attention. Chen Yi pointed to the five thick blood grooves on the altar, and then pointed to He Yi.

"So that's how it is!" Liu Chen suddenly realized, so he struck out another finger of extermination, and quickly rushed to the Soul Devouring Altar.

The reason why the blood man can recover quickly is because of the soul-devouring altar to supply blood, as long as the altar is broken, the blood man will collapse without fighting.

But in this way, He Yi is bound to regain his ability to act. Now Liu Chen only hopes that the two demon lions will be able to help each other.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen couldn't help but glanced at the battle between the demon lion and the giant elephant. The battle had entered its final stage. The giant elephant's body was covered with scars and its breath was weak. It was obvious that it was about to fail.

This scene fell into He Yi's eyes, but he couldn't be happy. Originally, just in case, He Yi prepared a variety of defensive methods, but he never expected that Liu Chen made a mess of his guessed opponent when he didn't meet him. , forcing him to use powerful means again and again.

Even the giant elephant statue and the electric wall talisman, the blood man took out the problem, but it still couldn't solve the problem.


The blood man rushed forward two steps, turned into a long blood shadow, and came erratically.

Seeing this, Liu Chen turned around and ran, rushing towards the altar while waving the Dragon Chanting Sword to attack the altar.

Bang bang bang!
The spiritual power covered the Dragon Chanting Sword, and golden light burst out in an instant, and the streamer on it circulated, setting off a powerful aura.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like sharp blades, flying towards the altar from different directions.

In an instant, the altar shook slightly, and Liu Chen smiled slightly when he saw it. The altar was not as indestructible as imagined.

The sound of breaking through the air came from behind, Liu Chen suddenly turned his head, and saw the blood man sticking up at some point, the blood flowing on his body separated, condensed into knives, forks, swords and halberds, all kinds of weapons, rushing towards Liu Chen.

puff puff!

Liu Chen had no choice but to stop, and stood up and waved the dragon chant sword. With the resounding dragon chant, the powerful sword energy touched the bloody weapons, and immediately turned into blood and scattered on the ground.

puff puff!

Another two swords smashed the two forks that flew towards him. When he lowered his head, he saw blood all around his body, and he even stood on the thick blood.

At this moment, a strange scene happened. Liu Chen only felt numb in his feet, lost consciousness, and found it difficult to take a step.

"What's going on?" Liu Chen raised his head, his pupils shrank, his eyes were fixed, and the back of his left hand was also dripping with the blood of a bloody man, and his left hand suddenly lost consciousness, as if it didn't exist.

A faint fear rose from the bottom of Liu Chen's heart, and gradually expanded.

With a buzzing sound, the Longyin Sword trembled and floated beside him.

"Go!" Liu Chen was shocked, and immediately released his spiritual power to control the Dragon Chanting Sword, and made a single-handed tactic, only to see the invisible spiritual power connected to the Dragon Chanting Sword, stabbing at the blood man.

Long Yinjian paused, then suddenly changed direction, flew from the side, and circled around the blood man.


The blood man stopped immediately and punched non-stop, as if he wanted to knock down the dragon chant sword.

"As expected!" Liu Chen had a smug smile on his lips, the blood man had no thinking, and was simply attracted to the attention.

Now that the last obstacle is drawn away, it is an excellent time to destroy the Soul Eater Altar.

"Devil's finger!" Liu Chen shouted, and swiped two fingers in succession, his face turned pale and his breath became heavy.

On the other side, with a bang, the sculpture cracked and shattered into a pile of stones. The two monster lions were facing Liu Chen. Even so, they were injured to varying degrees, and their aura was greatly reduced.

Liu Chen knew that the spiritual power in his body was seriously depleted, and he had to use the green breath to restore it as soon as possible, but other than that, he had to be careful, maybe he had some powerful means.

The Dragon Crying Sword buzzed, and after stabbing the blood man, it immediately flew back. One of the demon lions clung to the blood man tightly, preventing him from taking half a step forward.

Gradually, the blood on the ground dried up, the feeling of both feet recovered, and everything was moving in a good direction.

"Okay!" Liu Chen yelled, turned around in an instant, and held the Dragon Chanting Sword with both hands. All the remaining spiritual power gathered towards the Dragon Chanting Sword. Sword, mighty and extraordinary.


I saw the sword light falling, followed by the sound of piercing the sky. The Soul Devouring Altar seemed to be under heavy pressure, and it shook violently. In the five thick blood grooves, blood boiled and flowed backwards one after another.

At the same time, the blood man seemed to lose his core all of a sudden, his body gradually became lighter, and disappeared after a while.

Jian Guang passed through the Soul Devouring Altar, and only heard a puff, as if he had sliced ​​into soft fat. Hearing this sound, Liu Chen couldn't help but make his hands go weak.


Accompanied by He Yi's hysterical roar, the scattered corpses inside the Soul Devouring Altar gradually flowed out and piled up in a haphazard manner, which was shocking.

Due to being sealed in the airtight altar for a long time, the stench of the corpse mixed with a strong smell of blood permeated the air, drifting further away with the wind.

Liu Chen only took a sip, closed his eyes immediately, and retreated quickly, but he was not swept by this breath, his hair was sticky in an instant, and disgusting minced meat was stained on it.

At the same time, Chen Yi, Fatty and others got out of trouble one after another. With the help of the green breath, they all recovered their mobility, but their bodies were very weak.

Being used as sacrifices on the Soul Devouring Altar, even the green breath cannot heal their injuries in a short time. Sometimes, they must rely on rest to recover their bodies.

"Huh!" Liu Chen let out a long breath, and immediately withdrew his green aura, a relieved smile appeared on his pale face, and he finally rescued the person.

"Thank you." Fatty and the others looked serious, took a serious look at Chen Yi, then turned their eyes to Liu Chen, and said sincerely.

You must know that He Yi is half a step into the state of integration, and in his hands, there are many powerful wing alliances, no matter which one, Chen Yi and Liu Chen cannot be dealt with together.

If it were someone else, maybe they didn't even have the idea of ​​saving people, but Liu Chen and Chen Yi not only thought about it, but also did it, and made it happen.

(End of this chapter)

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