
Chapter 1249 Prepare for Revenge

Chapter 1249 Prepare for Revenge
"Thank you very much, Junior Brother will definitely not forget the gift from the Green Snake League."

"If there is nothing else, the younger brother will not send it off."

The leader gave a cold snort, and left with a flick of his sleeves, his face extremely embarrassed, his eyes flickering with coldness, Liu Chen guessed that he must have been strictly ordered not to do anything by the people above.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the Green Snake Alliance is really generous with a thousand Zengxian Pills."

Chen Yi glanced at the two savings bags in Liu Chen's hand, and said happily, "One thousand Zengxian Pills, they must be heartbroken to death."

"The thousand is just interest, and they will feel better when they get to Tongxian Pavilion." Liu Chen looked at the direction where the Green Snake League was leaving, with a smirk on his face, and immediately put away Zengxian Pill.

Back in the cave, Chen Huan frowned, exchanged a few words and left alone.

Picking up a thousand Zeng elixir for nothing, everyone's mood is extremely good at this moment, the gloom of the past few days has disappeared, and there is a smile on the face.

Seeing Shen Huan's lost appearance, Liu Chen suddenly understood something, so he walked to Chen Huan's side, patted Chen Huan's shoulder, and said in a calm tone: "It's better to say something than to keep it in your heart." !"

Hearing this, Shen Huan glanced at Liu Chen, smiled bitterly, and remained silent.

"Actually, you and I are the same kind of people."

"Before I entered the Immortal Sect, my relatives and family were persecuted, some died, some were injured. In order to avenge them, I resolutely looked for a way to enter the Immortal Sect."

"I want to become stronger, I long to become stronger, because only when I become stronger can I avenge them and protect important people."


"En." Chen Huan bit his lips, his mind was like a movie, flashing past scenes, as if reappearing in front of his eyes, making people deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

"If one day you want to go to He Meng's family to take revenge, the brothers and sisters of the Yunhai League will help you." Liu Chen patted Shen Huan on the shoulder comfortingly, and said firmly.

Chen Huan stood up, looked into the distance firmly, and nodded.

Silent all night.

On this day, Liu Chen left the cave early and rushed to Shangtianmen Square.

"Master." Liu Chen waved his hand with a smile on his face.

Elder Dugu in the sky paused when he heard the words, smiled kindly at Liu Chen, and then left on the auspicious clouds.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, at this moment the Tianmen Square is full of people, and they all saw this scene, and the number of people who wanted to curry favor with Liu Chen increased a lot.

"Junior Brother Liu Chen, you're here."

Others wanted to strike up a conversation, but just as they were about to do so, a loud voice rang out from the crowd, and then Qing Yang squeezed through the crowd, stood in front of Liu Chen with a smile, and pulled Liu Chen without saying a word. Chen walked towards the center of the square.

"The Four Seas Alliance is proud this time."

"After all, they spent a lot of money and gave Liu Chen a piece of precious land as a cave, unlike us, who just sent a few disciples to do odd jobs."

"If I had known this before, let alone a piece of treasure land, I would be willing to give away two pieces."

Everyone sighed, regretting that they didn't put in the effort to build a good relationship with Liu Chen.

"Liu Chen! Don't go!" Suddenly, there was a shout from the crowd, and a strong man in the uniform of the Wing League broke through the crowd, staring at Liu Chen with killing intent in his eyes.

Hearing this, Liu Chen turned his head to look, and couldn't help being taken aback. This man was Brother Hu who wanted to kill himself and Chen Yi that day in the extremely hot place.

I thought that in the battle of Demon God Mountain, all the members of the Wing League were killed except He Yi, but I never expected that there was only one survivor.

Looking carefully, Brother Hu's injuries were not healed, and his breath was disordered, obviously because he was seriously injured in the extremely hot place and escaped by luck.

"Everyone listen to me!" Brother Hu shuddered, and felt countless threatening gazes in an instant, and even some of them were piercingly cold, which made him shudder.


Brother Hu took a deep breath, his expression tensed, big drops of cold sweat rolled down his forehead, and he looked around timidly. When he saw the unkind eyes of everyone, his face darkened and he became even more nervous.

His legs trembled and his eyes showed regret, but many disciples had already surrounded him, and there was no way to retreat.

"Everyone listen, let's talk." Liu Chen said calmly, pointing at the brothers and sisters in all directions.

"No, nothing." Brother Hu immediately forced a laugh and stammered.

At this moment, a sharp voice came from the center of the square, "Say what you want, and the Prince Alliance will support you!"

Prince League!
As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent, and the person who originally wanted to stand up for Liu Chen immediately took a few steps back, looking at the speaker in fear.

Liu Chen heard the sound and looked, the person who spoke was a long-faced woman with many black spots on it, which looked very ugly, but it was unfathomable and should not be underestimated.

"Say!" the woman snarled, causing Brother Hu to tremble in fright, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"I said, I said." Brother Hu spoke incoherently, obviously frightened to the extreme.

"There is a cloud of green breath on him, which can infinitely heal the body's injuries and restore spiritual power. He also has a powerful real fairy art that can generate flame armor outside the body. It is amazingly powerful and can resist the cruelty of the extremely flaming land. environment of."

"That's all?" The woman looked displeased, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was very dissatisfied with Brother Hu's answer, so she left with a cold snort.

She saw with her own eyes that Liu Chen and Feng Xuan communicated in a friendly manner, plus an Elder Dugu, it was not surprising that he had some powerful magic weapons and true immortal skills.

After the woman left, Liu Chen withdrew his gaze, and looked at Brother Hu playfully, thinking to himself that he couldn't recognize the real origin of the green aura, and the fact was the same, Brother Hu only knew that the green aura was extraordinary.

"Isn't that enough?" Brother Hu roared, like a dog that lost his home, knelt on the ground and looked at the crowd eagerly, as if hoping that they would believe in him.

"Noisy!" Liu Chen waved his sleeves angrily, Qing Yang immediately understood, and slapped out suddenly.

Caught off guard, Brother Hu received a solid slap, his left cheek was swollen high, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and he became dizzy all of a sudden.

Seeing this, the rest of the disciples immediately stepped forward and beat up Qing Yang. On the contrary, at this time Qing Yang retreated, stood beside Liu Chen, and spat: "The trash of the Wing League wants to put junior in a dangerous situation."

Brother Hu's purpose is very obvious, to arouse their greed and use their hands to teach Liu Chen a lesson.

But brother Hu didn't know that Liu Chen was now Elder Dugu's disciple, not to mention standing in the square with many eyes and ears, no matter how secluded the mountain forest was, no one would offend Liu Chen for the sake of magic weapons and true fairy arts.

"You, you." Brother Hu looked dazed, a little unable to comprehend what happened suddenly, put his head in his hands, turned over and over on the ground, avoiding the beatings of the crowd.

Liu Chen sneered inwardly, it would be good to have a strong backer, but at the same time secretly frightened, unless it was absolutely necessary, he must not show his green aura in front of outsiders.

"Junior Brother Liu Chen, did you come out this time to accept the mission?" Qing Yang looked at Liu Chen with a smile and asked.

Liu Chen smiled without saying a word, walked forward for a certain distance, and said slowly: "To be honest, we want to complete some tasks, earn contributions, and exchange them for true fairy arts."

"It just so happens that we are going to send a team of people to carry out the mission early tomorrow morning. If the younger brother doesn't mind, bring your members to come and contribute half of the contribution."


Liu Chen originally wanted to promise him, but at this moment, Shen Huan spoke.

"If there is a task to be carried out, I will not participate, because I have decided to go to He's family for revenge."

"Then let's go with you."

Liu Chen looked at Shen Huan seriously and said.

Then he turned his eyes to the rest of the people, they all nodded their heads affirmatively, and then they rejected Qing Yang.

A month later, Liu Chen and the others finished their preparations. In order to accompany Shen Huan to revenge, they insisted on preparing for a month.

During this month, although there is no obvious breakthrough in cultivation, everyone has mastered at least one true immortal technique.

When the time comes to enter He's house, the chance of saving his life will be even greater.

The He family is not considered a top power in Ye City, but it should not be underestimated, especially because of He Meng, a Dzogchen disciple of the Heaven Sect's Void Refining Realm, the He family's status in Ye City has been raised to a higher level.

The patriarch of the He family, He Zhansong, is a strong man in the half-step fit state, a well-known strong man in the Yecheng platoon, and his disciples are also very uplifting, except for He Meng who stepped into the realm of refining at a young age, and the two brothers He Yin, his disciples also Not a few.

In this way, the status of the He family in Yecheng will naturally rise. As long as there are no major accidents, the He family will definitely be the most glorious force in Yecheng in the future.

Therefore, other forces are not willing to offend the He family at all, even if they are stronger than the He family, they will always compromise with the He family.

But the He family also understood, so the evil was only aimed at ordinary people with no background. Gradually, the name of Yecheng's tyrant spread in Yecheng.

But now, in the future of the He family, He Meng and He Yin have died one after another, and the result can be imagined.

Once He Zhansong, the only pillar, falls, the He family will face a catastrophe. As the so-called wall falls and everyone pushes it down, within a few months, the He family will be trampled beyond recognition.

"Shen Huan!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. They all looked at Shen Huan in surprise, and many people nodded slightly, deep in their eyes showing deep shock.

Shen Huan's face was cold, without squinting, he walked straight towards the He's house. Even though they had been away for so many years and some streets had been rectified and merged, Chen Huan still recognized the way to the He's house at a glance.

Following Shen Huan's gaze, it was a magnificent gold-plated gate, and directly in front of the gate was a wide avenue with a length of [-] meters, enough for five horses to run side by side.

The gatekeeper disciple saw Liu Chen and the others looking unhappy, and immediately opened the door to report in a panic. Liu Chen was not in a hurry, and slowly approached He's house.

His eyes moved up jokingly, and landed on the plaque of He's family. Before the other gatekeeper could speak and scold him, he swung his sleeve suddenly, the wind blew past, the plaque fell to the ground with a plop, hit the gatekeeper's head, and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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