
Chapter 1253 Visits from various forces

Chapter 1253 Visits from various forces
Shen Huan looked anxious, and wanted to step forward to stop him, but found a helpless wry smile on the corner of Liu Chen's mouth, and immediately crushed the wooden sign.


The wooden sign was broken, and an old man with a white beard appeared out of nowhere, yawning, and first glanced at Liu Chen and Chen Huan, especially at Liu Chen, with a little displeasure.

Then he turned around and waved his hands lightly. The powerful force gathered in Ouyang Zhanpeng's palm instantly dissipated. The white-bearded old man waved his sleeves again. Ouyang Zhanpeng immediately let go of his hands and stepped back uncontrollably.

"Elder Cui?" Liu Chen and Shen Huan said in unison, their eyes filled with shock.

As if Cui Bende had never heard of it, he pointed to Ouyang Zhanpeng in the distance and said lightly: "Then who, come here." As he spoke, he was immediately pulled by a huge suction force and flew towards Cui Bende without giving Ouyang Zhanpeng any time to think. .

I saw that Ouyang Zhanpeng's face turned green. He was at least a half-step fit man, and he was the head of the family. The feeling of being slapped away and coming back again and again was terrible, worse than killing him.

"The real murderer is still hiding here!" Liu Chen reminded aloud.

Hearing this, Cui Bende waved his hand, and immediately pushed Ouyang Zhanpeng out, then stared intently, scanning all directions.


Cui Bende burst out with a little power from this push, but it belonged to the power of a half-step fit state powerhouse, which made Ouyang Zhanpeng unable to bear it at all, so he spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and his body lay limp on the ground.

Looking at the scene in front of me, my heart is full of bitterness.

People from the Xianmen sect must not be provoked. They have known each other very clearly since the He family, but the mysterious person took his son away.

Ouyang Zhanpeng is not stupid either. Combined with the previous performance of the mysterious man, the broken wooden sign on the ground, and the sudden appearance of Cui Bender, he guessed the real intention of the mysterious man.

"Huh!" Ouyang Zhanpeng let out a sigh of relief, looked at Cui Bende fearfully, and immediately withdrew his gaze. Now he only hoped that Cui Bende would not kill.

In fact, Cui Bende didn't intend to kill anyone. After scanning his eyes for a week, he found nothing unusual, and immediately glared at Liu Chen with displeasure, and said indifferently: "Boy! Within half a mile, there is no one other than me and him. There is no Void Refining Realm expert!"

"But you said that the real murderer is still hiding here!"

Cui Bende obviously didn't believe Liu Chen, and then walked towards Ouyang Zhanpeng with a blank expression on his face, completely unable to guess what he would do next.


Ouyang Zhanpeng's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley and became icy cold, and he watched Cui Bender approaching step by step with fear in his eyes.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, closed his eyes tightly, calmed down, and carefully felt the atmosphere around him. It was true. Except for Cui Bende and Ouyang Zhanpeng, there was no such unfathomable existence anymore.

But for some reason, Liu Chen always felt that a pair of invisible eyes were staring at him, and it was in the courtyard.

"You dare to touch the direct disciples of the elders of the Tongxian Pavilion of the Immortal Sect? You really have a long life!" Cui Bende left these words, and then the figure flashed, leaving Liu Chen and the two alone.

However, when Ouyang Zhanpeng heard this sentence, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly cracked, and he fell into despair. He immediately knelt down on his knees with a plop, kowtowing non-stop, but he didn't know that Cui Bender had already left.

Seeing this, Liu Chen withdrew his gaze, not happy at all, but frowned.

The only life-saving straw, Cui Bender left too early!

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!" Liu Chen resolutely said, and then hurried to He's house, fearing that what he was worried about would happen.

Shen Huan was at a loss, the crisis was clearly resolved, but he still led Lu Yueyue and the young man to catch up, and the four of them rushed to He's house.

Ouyang Zhanpeng, who was left alone in a panic, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, unaware that even Liu Chen and the others had left.

In the sky not far from Ouyang's house, an old man with a white beard stands with his hands behind his back. This person is Cui Bender who has left.

Although he didn't like Liu Chen, he didn't believe Liu Chen wouldn't open his eyes and talk nonsense, so he stayed and found out.

After a while, Ouyang Zhanpeng came back to his senses and found that there was no one in the courtyard except himself.

About half a stick of incense passed, Cui Bende stretched his brows, and said to himself: "Stinky boy, you are playing tricks on me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, returning to the Xianmen sect.

But not long after, a few corpses on the ground changed, and the body lying in a pool of blood suddenly became distorted. The four corpses gathered together and gradually fused, finally becoming a complete body.

"It's you!" Ouyang Zhanpeng recognized him at a glance and exclaimed.

The mysterious man didn't even look at Ouyang Zhanpeng. With a big wave of his hand, he threw out the withered corpse and smashed it at Ouyang Zhanpeng. Then his feet hit the ground fiercely, turning into a bloody light and shadow, rushing towards the direction where Liu Chen and others left .

Right now, Liu Chen and others have entered the He family. Seeing these four people, the He family was immediately terrified and stood by the side one by one. He didn't even dare to lift his head.

Just like that, the four of them found the old teleportation formation at seventy-eight thousand turns. Without time to say more, Liu Chen immediately pushed Lu Yueyue and the young man up, and said, "Go up first, and I'll follow you guys later." Explanation!"

"What's going on?" Shen Huan couldn't help asking with puzzled eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Yueyue and the young man turned their gazes to Liu Chen, their eyes filled with deep puzzlement, expecting Liu Chen to give a reasonable explanation.

"Remember those four servants you killed?"

"What does it have to do with them?" Shen Huan became more and more confused.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, he really didn't want to say that person's name, so he continued, "Looking into their eyes, who do you think of?"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Huan fell silent immediately, and fell into deep shock and fear.

If it's true what Liu Chen said, then that person should be on his way here now!
Chen Huan slapped the back of his head suddenly, jumped onto the teleportation array, and said loudly: "That's right! Why didn't I think of that just now!"

The doubts in Lu Yueyue and the young man's eyes grew stronger. Just as they were about to speak, a sharp voice came from outside, piercing the eardrums of several people directly, making them dizzy.

The son of the He family on the side of the road bled from both ears and fainted to the ground.

"No one wants to leave!"

Accompanied by the sound, a terrifying blood-colored whirlwind struck from afar. The strong suction shattered the building into pieces, and was sucked into the center of the whirlwind, instantly turning into powder.

No existence can survive half a breath in the center of the whirlwind.

The old man took a deep breath, thinking to himself that this whirlwind was enough to crush everyone present.

In the blink of an eye, the bloody whirlwind approached, and the distance from the teleportation array was no more than ten meters away. Liu Chen took a deep breath, jumped for life, and jumped towards the teleportation array.

But at this moment, a red glow suddenly flew out of the bloody whirlwind. If you look carefully, you will find that it is a palm, which appeared behind Liu Chen in an instant, and will grab Liu Chen in the next second.

Time froze, and everyone's eyes were on Liu Chen. If he was caught by He Yi, without the life-saving straw of Cui Bender, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Pfft!" Liu Chen's face was flushed and blood spurted out. Although that palm hadn't hit him yet, the full blow of a Void Refining Realm expert should not be underestimated, the wind of the palm had already hurt Liu Chen.

Just like that, Liu Chen bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and suddenly he was full of energy. The blood-colored jade shook, and a mysterious powerful force erupted, holding the palm shadow, but the whirlwind was still approaching. Liu Chen didn't dare to be careless, and jumped onto the teleportation array.

"You can't escape!" He Yi's ferocious face appeared in the bloody whirlwind, and he said hysterically at Liu Chen, as if he would not give up unless he killed Liu Chen.

The light of the teleportation array flickered, and the world spun suddenly. The surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and in the next second, it appeared in another place.

Looking around, Liu Chen suddenly felt a little familiar.

"We're back?" Chen Huan looked at the mountain in front of him in shock and asked in disbelief.

This mountain was the place where Chen Huan retreated for the first three years, and it was here that he could achieve today's achievements through a chance encounter, so he is very familiar with this mountain.

As far as he knew, there was no way to enter the Immortal Sect other than a specific teleportation array or special means, but in fact, the He family's one-way teleportation array sent everyone into the Immortal Sect.

Liu Chen secretly rejoiced, fortunately, he analyzed the situation rationally at that time and did not destroy the teleportation array, otherwise he would be doomed today.

"We're safe." Liu Chen smiled slightly. He Yi must not have guessed that Liu Chen and the others had returned to the Immortal Sect, and their lives would not be in danger in a short time.

A group of four climbed mountains and ridges, walked for several days, and finally entered the Xiatianmen Square, opened the portal in front of many Xiatianmen disciples, and returned to Shangtianmen.

Looking at Lu Yueyue and the young man, Liu Chen suddenly felt troubled. Now that Dugu Xin is not here, it might be difficult to keep the two of them, but he had to.

Suddenly, Liu Chen thought of a good place, and that was the entrance to the Realm of Immortals.

"Thinking about it, it's really time to go back." Liu Chen looked into the distance, his eyes were full of longing. After leaving for so long, he didn't know what happened to Zu Tianming, Zi Xuan and others.

Suddenly, Liu Chen raised his head, his gaze was firm, and he already had a decision in his heart.

"Let's go!" Liu Chen and Chen Huan returned to Yunhaimeng Cave Mansion. Soon, the news of Liu Chen's return spread throughout the Shangtianmen, and immediately someone came to show their hospitality.

They didn't know about Shen Huan's return to his hometown for revenge, but the story of Liu Chen angrily scolding the members of the Prince's League in Tongxian Pavilion was widely circulated in the Shangtianmen. The elder was also aroused by Liu Chen.

So more and more forces are ready to curry favor with Liu Chen. Even if they can't make the relationship harmonious, they must not leave a bad impression in Liu Chen's heart. Otherwise, it is very likely that they will angrily scold the members of the princely alliance.

"Bengshan League is here to visit!"

"The Juyi League is here to visit!"

"The Meteor Alliance is here to visit!"


(End of this chapter)

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