
Chapter 1274 You Can Improve Your Cultivation

Chapter 1274 You Can Improve Your Cultivation
Chen Huan and Chen Yi felt it the same way, and their speeds were raised to the extreme. In order to cooperate with each other, Shen Huan slowed down, and the three of them quickly approached the camp.

"They are not the opponents of Green Skull." Cui Bender's gaze fell on Chen Yi tightly. Whenever an undead soldier approached her, his body would tremble slightly.

It was as if it was not Chen Yi who was running among the thousands of troops, but himself, and it seemed that he was more nervous than Chen Yi.

The meaning of Cui Bende's words is very obvious, he just wanted Yan Chunqiu to rescue Chen Yi and the others.

She also wanted to do the same, but once Cui Bende entered the battlefield rashly, all the generals of the undead, the green skull, and the man behind him would appear.

Yan Chunqiu was not sure that the Plague City was mobilized in full force, so she would never allow those in the combined state to join the battle unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Elder Cui, you have to trust my disciples, he will lead them to evacuate safely!" Dugu Xin stood with a calm expression, his eyes unwavering.

In fact, he was more aware of the current situation. Liu Chen was seriously injured, and his combat power could not reach the third level of the peak. At this moment, he was all supported by the Scarlet Phoenix armor, so that he was not drowned in the army of undead.

Cui Bende was silent when he heard the words, he was not as thorough as Dugu Xin, but he firmly believed in Liu Chen, because even he was shocked by He Yi's blow just now.

But Liu Chen not only received the blow head-on, but also remained unscathed.

With Duguxin's assurance, the anxious Cui Bende immediately relieved a lot.

On the other side, the three of Liu Chen were getting closer and closer to the camp, and the green skull behind them was gradually approaching. If they ran at this speed, before the three returned to the camp, the green skull would overtake them!

"Chen Yi, you go back first, after I break up with Shen Huan!" Liu Chen explained while running.

"With my ability and Shen Huan's speed, we will be fine!"

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yi raised her head, her eyes quickly passed over Liu Chen and Chen Huan, and then she silently covered her face and rushed towards the camp.

Seeing Chen Yi gradually approaching the camp, Liu Chen and Shen Huan stopped in tacit understanding, and turned to face the green skull.

"Jie Jie!" The Green Skull laughed very sinisterly, it was a harsh sound from the rubbing of the upper and lower jaws, and as the laughter came out, the beating green fire in the Green Skull's eyes immediately became active.

With a shake of his hand, the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Sword appeared out of thin air, unleashing the coercion of the top-grade mysterious treasure, and posing for a big battle. Shen Huan was not to be outdone, and showed his Ruyi rope. The two stood shoulder to shoulder, staring at the green skull with cold eyes.

As soon as the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword appeared, the will-o'-the-wisps in the eyes of the green skull rose instantly, and in an instant, two groups of will-o'-the-wisps dancing in the eye sockets spread to the entire head.

"Sure!" Liu Chen snorted, and then leaned forward, and the Scarlet Phoenix Sword thrust out magnificently, aiming at the green skull's eyebrows.

First use mysterious power to seal the green skull's ability to move, and then kill it with the red phoenix sword. This plan seems to have no loopholes.

In fact, the moment the mysterious power was activated, the green skull was indeed immobilized, but the maintenance time was so short that Liu Chen didn't even notice it.

Accompanied by the fierce sword intent, when stabbing the green skull, the air was distorted, and there were bursts of piercing sounds.

"Jie Jie!" The Green Skull smiled contemptuously, dodged quietly, narrowly dodged the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword, changed its footsteps, and immediately approached Liu Chen.

Between the lightning and the flames, the green skull's white bone arm swung straight, roaring towards him, and it was about to hit Liu Chen's cheek. If this punch continued, it would definitely blow Liu Chen's head off.

At the very moment, the wishful rope tied the green skull's bone arm. Shen Huan gritted his teeth and insisted, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and pulled with all his strength, only to find that the green skull was still standing there, motionless.

On the contrary, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Green Skull's mouth, and his bony arms slowly closed.


Shen Huan's legs were bent, and he slammed into the ground with great force. The strong force pulled his body through the wishful rope, rubbed against the ground violently, and forcibly drew a ditch.

Taking advantage of Shen Huan attracting the attention of the green skull, Liu Chen immediately backed away.

"Pfft!" Liu Chen's throat suddenly became sweet, and blood spurted out, so he groped towards the savings bag reflexively.

"Huh? Where's the green breath?"

Liu Chen suddenly realized that when he came out of the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Hall, he only took the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Sword with him, and the green aura was still in the hands of the nine Supreme Elders.

"Fuck! It's over!" Liu Chen couldn't help but swear.

Originally, he planned to use the green breath to return to the peak when he couldn't hold on, so that he could fight the Green Skull to the death, but now, Liu Chen didn't even have the qualifications to fight, so he could only be slaughtered by the Green Skull.

On the other side, Chen Yi returned to the camp, but couldn't find the elders, so she immediately found the three major forces and asked them for help.

"You mean a green skull appeared?" The woman sitting on the right raised her brows, showing interest.

"Since the Plague City has dispatched a strong person in the combined state, then we don't have to hide it, let's have a great battle!"

The leader of the princely alliance sat at the top, silent, with deep eyes, not knowing what he was planning in his heart.

After a while, he raised his head to look at Chen Yi, and said with a confident smile, "Go back and rest first."

"We are both disciples of the Immortal Sect, so naturally we won't just sit idly by. I will bring Liu Chen back safely."


Liu Chen was exhausted to the extreme, leaning on the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword, panting heavily, his face was as pale as paper, the spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to escape.

The head is dizzy, the eyes are dazzled, and it is gradually difficult to distinguish the things in front of them.

"It's not good!" Shen Huan's complexion changed suddenly, he simply let go of the Ruyi rope, rushed towards Liu Chen, immediately carried him on his back, and rushed towards the camp without hesitation.

Cui Bende, who was standing on the mountain peak, suddenly became nervous again, but neither Yan Chunqiu nor Duguxin spoke, so he had no choice but to keep silent, but cast his urgent eyes on the two of them.

"Jie Jie!"

A cold laugh came from behind, and it was getting closer and closer, as if it was right next to my ear.

Shen Huan's face turned pale, big drops of cold sweat rolled down his forehead, his legs became weak, and his speed slowed down instantly.

At this moment, five white fingers appeared in the corner of Shen Huan's eyes. It was terrifying. Shen Huan had no doubt that the green skull could easily tear the two of them apart with one claw.

When the hearts of both of them were in their throats, a silver sword roared towards Shen Huan, and it just slid past Shen Huan's face. When the bone arm hit the silver sword, white eyes appeared instantly, and the green skull flew upside down Tens of meters away, lying motionless on the ground.

Liu Chen was taken aback when he saw this. Although he couldn't see what happened clearly, he felt the aura of the green skull appearing tens of meters away.

"Take them away first!"

A slightly magnetic voice came out.

I saw the leader of the princely alliance holding a silver sword, standing in the army of undead, with noble aura flowing between his brows, exuding the aura of a strong man that should not be underestimated. As soon as he appeared, he immediately became the focus of the battlefield.

Liu Chen, Shen Huan and others were overshadowed.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zheng." Shen Huan was displeased with his appearance, but he couldn't refute it. Zheng Shixiong saved the two of them.

Liu Chen didn't speak, but there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that at the moment of life and death, the one who made the move was the Prince League who had a little festival.

Moreover, the leader of the Prince's League personally acted, which was a bit of a big face. Invisibly, Liu Chen and others owed the Prince's League a big favor.

With Zheng Shixiong's character, he will definitely take back this favor in the future and make Liu Chen pay a huge price.


Shen Huan touched the ground with both feet, quickly rushed out and returned to the camp.

When he turned his head, ten green skeletons suddenly appeared on the battlefield, all of them were strong in the combined state, not only that, but all the strong in the combined state of the Xianmen sect also went into battle.

The army of the undead and the people of the Xianmen sect fought together, stumps and broken arms can be seen everywhere, blood splatters, and heart-piercing pain screams can be heard everywhere, which makes people's skin weak, severe legs weak, and fainting. On the battlefield, the scene was very bloody and terrifying.

Like a giant meat grinder, every time you blink, a companion will die.

Everyone was red-eyed, and rushed towards the depths of the enemy's camp recklessly. A few powerful existences did forcibly kill a bloody path in the army of undead.

"You take care of him." Shen Huan put Liu Chen off his back, helped Chen Yi to his side, and instructed.

Then the figure flashed, rushed into the battlefield, and rejoined the battle. Shen Huan was like an extremely aggressive hedgehog. Wherever he passed, no one was left alive.

Chen Yi gently brushed away Liu Chen's messy long hair. When she saw Liu Chen's face, she was taken aback. She had never seen what kind of face it was.

It's like a person who has been dead for five or six days is lying in his arms, his face is pale, if you don't feel it carefully, you won't notice Liu Chen's weak breathing at all.

"Why don't you save yourself?"

Liu Chen's smile became even more bitter when he heard this, but he was too weak to say a word. The green aura fell on the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Hall, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a mess.

According to the current injury, without the aid of the green breath, it will take at least three months to recover. After three months, either the Immortal Sect or the Plague City will be crushed, and Liu Chen will be fine.

"So you're hiding here!" Suddenly, Lin Yi came from behind, staring at Liu Chen unkindly, with a fierce gleam in the depths of his eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Yi hugged Liu Chen tightly in her arms, and looked at Lin Yi vigilantly.

Lin Yi is a real strong person in the combined realm. If he wants to do it now, neither Liu Chen nor Chen Yi will be spared, but they all know that this is the camp of the Immortal Sect, with countless eyes staring at him, Lin Yi can't do anything.

"Lin Qing is dead, do you know?" Lin Yi's complexion was distorted, his eyes were strange, he had lost the wisdom and composure of a strong man in the past, and now he looked like a mental patient, his eyes were full of hatred and madness.

"Lin Qing?"

Chen Yi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. Lin Qing was not a well-known figure in Shangtianmen, so he didn't know much about him, let alone paid attention to him, but he was Lin Yi's younger brother.

(End of this chapter)

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