
Chapter 1281 Death Light Tower

Chapter 1281 Death Light Tower

"What nonsense are you talking to him! Do you really think that with Zhitong's protection, you can be defiant?"

They didn't mind the rudeness of the extermination finger, but they were very angry that Liu Chen missed their golden elixir.

"Whoever you dare to take a step forward, I will break his leg!" Zhitong's face darkened, he flashed his silver sword, and said coldly.

Seeing this, the two brothers looked at each other in dismay, knowing that the two together were no match for Zhitong, so they took two steps back wisely.

"Destroying the Death Light Tower is by no means something that the four of us can accomplish. Why don't we cooperate and advance and retreat together."

"You should have all seen the horror of the Plague City with your own eyes. At this moment, there are a large number of undead generals chasing us, and those who are alone have no chance of surviving. Only when we all twist together can we have a chance to destroy the Death Tower. Return to the Xianmen sect as soon as possible!"

The two brothers pondered for a moment, recalling everything that happened in the Plague City in their minds. As Liu Chen said, there were not only undead soldiers who could not be killed, but also undead generals who suddenly appeared.

It is indeed impossible for the two of them to live forever in the Plague City. Only by gathering everyone's strength, destroying the Death Light Tower, and returning to the Immortal Sect, can they really have a chance to survive.

Otherwise, if you stay in the plague city, you will be hunted down to death by the generals of the undead sooner or later.

"Okay!" The two brothers nodded in agreement.

Liu Chen could tell that even though they agreed verbally, they each had their own love in their hearts, and they definitely wouldn't do desperate things.

"There are seven more people coming this way!" Chen Yi reminded.

Sure enough, not long after, seven more people rushed over because of the news of Liu Chen and Chen Huan's breakthrough, and they all joined the team.

Up to now, there are 13 people in Liu Chen's team, and the others have not arrived yet, which means they died in the plague city.

After all, not everyone has Chen Yi's excellent perception ability and can avoid the pursuit of the undead generals in advance.

Among the thirteen people, ten are in the half-step fusion state, represented by Zhitong, and the other is the half-step fusion state powerhouse sent by the Saintess League and the Green Leaf League.

I don't know why, but the two of them are very cooperative with Zhitong, but Zhitong follows the lead, the representatives sent by the three major forces, coupled with their strong strength and deterrent force.

Almost instantly, Zhitong's leadership position was established, and no one objected.

"You can't go any further!" Chen Yi suddenly stopped and reminded.

There is the Death Light Tower in front of you, and you must not stop!
Liu Chen knew that there was an irresistible danger ahead, but he still stepped forward. Shen Huan followed closely behind. Seeing the two of them passed by, Chen Yi had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

"Follow me all!"

Zhitong waved his sleeves, and the other nine followed, but they were very conflicted in their hearts.

They all felt dozens of powerful auras in front of the Death Light Pagoda, all of them were strong in the realm of integration, although they were just ordinary generals of the undead, and there was no strong man at the level of the green skull.

but!Dozens of undead generals are definitely not what Liu Chen and others can kill with ten half-step fusion realms!
After a while, they retreated in their hearts.

"So what about the realm of fusion, don't you all keep the golden spirit pill in your hands? When necessary, you can break through by force and destroy the Death Light Pagoda!" Liu Chen angrily yelled, wishing to tear the group of people who were greedy for life and fear of death to pieces.

Liu Chen's words were like a bolt from the blue, waking them up. From the beginning to the end, they only remembered that the general of the undead was unrivaled and powerful, and he was a strong man in the realm of fusion.

But I didn't expect that I could also become a strong person in the combined realm!
Zhi Tong didn't speak, but she showed her position with actual actions. She took out the golden panacea, put it in her mouth, and walked towards the Death Light Pagoda brazenly.

Representatives of the Saintess League and the Green Leaf League followed suit and followed.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay. This is completely a way of killing each other. Either destroy the Tower of Death Light, or attract more undead generals until they die in battle.

"Don't worry, once the Death Light Tower is destroyed, the passage connecting Plague City and Immortal Sect will be opened, and we can go back alive!"

As soon as this remark came out, a gleam of light flashed in Zhitong's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

In fact, only Liu Chen himself knew that there was no passage at all, and the more than 20 people who entered the Plague City never returned.

Unless the Immortal Sect wins this battle, they may be taken back.

However, others don't know, including Zhitong, when they heard that there is still a chance to live, everyone's most primitive desire to survive burst out.

To put it mildly, they are all fighting for the Immortal Sect, but in fact they are all fighting for themselves!

"Instead of hiding in XZ and living a life of fear, it's better to fight vigorously once! Even if I die, I will be recorded in the history of Xianmen sect and leave a good reputation!"

"I have been useless for more than [-] years, and I don't want to continue to be useless! For the sake of the Xianmen sect, and even more for myself, I will fight!"

"Quick battle, try to destroy the Death Light Tower before the reinforcements of the undead generals arrive!"

The ten half-step body-fitting powerhouses headed by Zhitong took the golden elixir one after another, and in an instant, ten powerful auras unique to the body-fitting powerhouse burst out.

It's like a chain reaction, one after another.

"We hold back the undead soldiers, hurry up and destroy the Death Light Tower!" Zhitong ordered.

"Just because you want to destroy me?"

Along with the disdainful voice, I saw a pair of armor with black luster standing upright, walking towards Zhitong.

It is completely a pair of armor, and there is nothing in it.

"Ta Ling!" Chen Yi was well-informed and recognized the true identity of the armor at a glance.

Just like the Scarlet Phoenix War Sword and the green breath, powerful weapons have their own souls, which are called spirits.

"The death light tower will not be broken, and the tower spirit will not die!"


Zhitong was happy and fearless, striding forward, the powerful aura of the combined state erupted, and immediately judged, the other nine people were all weaker than Zhitong.

Counting carefully, there are more than 20 undead generals in front of the Death Light Pagoda. Except for Zhitong who dragged the tower spirit, the other strong people in the combined state tried their best to hold back the two undead generals.

But this situation won't last long, and within half a stick of incense, the delicate balance will be broken.

"We have to hurry up!"

The Death Light Tower has a strange shape and is divided into three floors. There are eight small windows on the second and third floors. It is so dark that you can't see anything clearly. There is only one closed arch on the first floor.

Looking closely, the Death Light Tower is about ten meters high, and the three-story tower only occupies half of the entire Death Light Tower. The upper half is a long black needle-like object, which is very uncoordinated.

But it is the black needle-shaped object that flows with a strong black luster, releasing an extraordinary breath. Obviously, the real important part of the Death Light Tower comes from the black needle-shaped object.

He slapped the savings bag, and suddenly found that there was only the silver sword left in it. The Scarlet Phoenix War Sword was snatched by Zheng Shixiong, and the Dragon Yin Sword was damaged. With the silver sword alone, it would be difficult to destroy the Death Light Pagoda.

call out!
He tentatively shot out the magic finger, and the black flames came in an instant, attached to the top of the death light tower, burning crazily, but they couldn't lose a single bit of it.


He released the Demon-killing Finger one after another until he felt completely hopeless. There were times when such a powerful Demon-killing finger was useless.

"Let me try it!" Chen Yi took a deep breath, her arms were waving, billowing spiritual power exploded from the inside out, and an invisible aura gradually formed.

After stepping into the realm of half-step fusion, he used the Hunyuan Palm Technique again, and the power naturally increased to a higher level. A small hurricane spun around Chen Yi.

Accompanied by Chen Yi's non-stop slaps, hundreds of palm shadows hovered in the hurricane, which should not be underestimated.

Finally, Chen Yijiao shouted, and when she struck forward with both palms at the same time, the hurricane spun rapidly, gradually blurring everyone's sight.

I only felt a gust of strong wind passing by, and then, I heard a loud bang, and the ground shook slightly, which instantly attracted the attention of others.

Seeing everything that happened in front of him, he couldn't help but stare sideways.

With Chen Yi as the center, within half a meter around, a deep pit appeared, about half a meter away, and in front of her, a deep ravine came into view, approaching the Death Light Tower.

Looking forward along the gully, a slight crack appeared at the main entrance of the Death Light Tower, which caused the shaking.

Chen Yi, who has always been gentle and refined, actually has such a violent side. Liu Chen could feel that the Hunyuan Palm Technique had sucked up her spiritual power just now, and she couldn't use it for the second time.

"You did a good job!" Shen Huan patted Chen Yi's shoulder comfortingly, and then fixed his gaze on the Death Light Tower.

At the same time, Ta Ling tried to divert Zhitong's attention with a false blow, but was unsuccessful, and was still entangled by Zhitong, unable to leave half a step away.

The rest of the powerful people in the combined state and the generals of the undead are inseparable from the battle, and if they are not careful, they will fall into a place of eternal doom, but they have all felt the aftermath of the shock just now.

This is the only thought in their hearts!
The determination to survive drove them to do their best, not only to hold back the general of the undead, but also to kill the general of the undead!

"You won't have a second chance!" Taring said coldly.

Suddenly, a strange change occurred on the top of the Death Light Tower, and the black pool flowing on the black needles slowly converged towards the top of the tower, turning into a black ball.

The smell of death permeated the air, and the black ball was like an eye. No matter which direction everyone looked at, they felt that it was staring at them, which made people feel hairy.

Liu Chen looked solemnly, and swung the silver sword towards the black ball, bursting out with sharp sword energy, hitting the black ball.

It stirred up waves of ripples on the surface, and then passed through the black ball, unable to cause any substantial damage.

"Death Ray!"

Taring said in a deep voice.

not good!

The death ray was aimed at Chen Yi, and with that blow, Chen Yi would definitely die. At the critical moment, Liu Chen reacted first, hugged the weak Chen Yi and backed away, desperately trying to avoid the death ray.

"It's useless."

(End of this chapter)

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