
Chapter 1284 One Condition

Chapter 1284 One Condition

Green breath!

The familiar breath entered Liu Chen's range of perception, he suddenly turned around and grabbed the green breath, took a deep breath, and then came back to his senses.

"Since the green breath was not buried in the Scarlet Phoenix Battle Hall, the nine Supreme Elders should have come out as well!"

Pushing open the door, breathing in the fresh air, recalling the thrilling battle before, in addition to the deep desire for power, it is more about feeling, feeling about being alive.

call out!
With both feet on the ground, the figure flashed, turned into a flash of lightning, flew out in an instant, and went straight to the Heavenly Gate.

"It's getting faster!"

While the speed of excitement increased, Liu Chen also discovered that after the war, the Immortal Sect was waiting to be done, and everyone became busy.

"Liu Chen! You're awake!"

Suddenly, Chen Yi ran quickly from a distance with a scream, ran tightly to Liu Chen, and sobbed: "You scared us to death, and thought we would never be able to fight side by side again!"

"My fate is hard, how could I die so easily!" Liu Chen thumped his chest, expressing that he was fine, after all, with the help of green breath, that little injury was nothing at all.

Chen Huan came from behind and said expressionlessly: "It's good that you wake up, Elder Tai'a asked you to go to Feixian Peak."

"Feixian Peak?" Liu Chen was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, what did Elder Tai'a ask him to go to Feixian Peak, is there something important he wants to explain, or to repay my life-saving grace?


Liu Chen stretched out his hand upon hearing this, looked at Chen Yi suspiciously and said, "What is this?"

"Golden Spirit Pill!"

"Golden Spirit Pill!"

Liu Chen said in disbelief, it turned out to be another golden elixir. Surprised, Liu Chen unceremoniously put it in his savings bag.

"Wouldn't it be too disingenuous for the three of us to save the Immortal Sect from the water and fire?" Liu Chen thought about it carefully. .

Chen Yi and Shen Huan were also a little bit dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to complain, because it was Liu Chen who turned the tide, and it was Liu Chen who saved the Immortal Sect, they just followed and came back.

The reason why they were able to survive was thanks to Liu Chen.

"Three Golden Spirit Pills are really not enough, so the nine Supreme Elders have prepared good things for you, and they are waiting for you to go!" Yan Chunqiu appeared out of nowhere, staring at Liu Chen with a smile in his eyes.

"Uh... I'll just say it casually." Liu Chen smiled embarrassedly, regretting in his heart, how did Yan Chunqiu hear this.

"The three of you go together, the Supreme Elder is waiting for you." After Yan Chunqiu said this, he flew away without looking back, leaving Liu Chen and the three of them looking at each other.

"What do you think the nine Supreme Elders will reward us with? A magic weapon? A true immortal technique? Or a precious medicine?"

"No matter what it is, one thing is certain, that is, it should not be less valuable than the Golden Spirit Pill."

"I heard that Feixian Peak is the most mysterious mountain of the Immortal Sect. Although everyone in the Immortal Sect knows about it, no one has ever entered it, not even the No. 1 Zheng Shixiong of Shangtianmen."

Feixian Peak is located on the left side of the Upper Heaven Gate, which is where the elders live, but it is said that most of the elders still do not know the exact location of Feixian Peak.

Yan Chunqiu only left the words "Feixian Peak", but he didn't tell Liu Chen how to get there, presumably someone will meet him at that time.

Stepping into the Elder Peak, dozens of elders flew in the airspace, and whenever they saw Liu Chen walking past them, they would descend to the ground one after another, looking at Liu Chen respectfully.

"Hello, Elder." Liu Chen didn't dare to neglect, as soon as he saw the elder fell to the ground, he immediately stepped forward to say hello, and immediately won the joy of the elders.

About half an hour later, Dugu Xin flew over from a distance, looked at Liu Chen with a smile on his face, his eyes were full of relief.

This son is no longer the brat who needed his protection back then, he can completely take care of himself, and even turn the tide at critical moments.

In a daze, Dugu Xin seemed to have seen the scene when Liu Chen sneaked into the Immortal Sect and was almost expelled from the Immortal Sect. At that time, Liu Chen showed his sharpness in something, sometimes hid his strength and bide his time, and gradually gained a firm foothold in Xiatianmen.



Liu Chen saluted Dugu Xin respectfully.

"Follow me." Dugu Xin nodded in satisfaction, waved his sleeves, and the gentle power instantly lifted the bodies of the three of them, floating in the air.

Dugu Xin took a step forward, and the scenery changed suddenly in an instant, as if he had walked a few miles, and when he saw the surrounding environment clearly again, he had already appeared in another strange place.

"Have you seen that mountain peak? The Supreme Elder is waiting for you there." After finishing speaking, Dugu Xin turned around and left.

Looking at Duguxin's back when he left, he felt a little lonely.

"Master, can I still go to Tongxian Pavilion?" Liu Chen asked loudly before Dugu Xin had gone far.

Hearing this, Dugu Xin's footsteps of leaving obviously paused, he was stunned for a while, and then replied: "No matter when you come, Tongxian Pavilion welcomes you!"

"Thank you master."

Liu Chen and the three of them climbed to the top of Feixian Peak until Dugu Xin's back disappeared.

Just now I was full of fantasies about Feixian Peak, but after entering Feixian Peak, I realized that it was no different from other peaks.

On the top of the mountain, there was a large stone platform. Nine Supreme Elders sat cross-legged in a straight line. Feeling the aura of Liu Chen and others, they opened their eyes one after another.

"You are here."

"I heard from Yan'er that you don't seem to be satisfied with the rewards, is that true?"

"I don't need to say more about the efficacy and value of the Golden Spirit Pill. You must all know that we don't have many such pills. I'll give you the last three pills."

Liu Chen looked embarrassed, and immediately didn't know what to say, Shen Huan and Chen Yi looked at each other, and the three fell silent.

"Stop joking." Elder Tai Ah smiled and said to the person next to him.


When Liu Chen heard this sentence, his heart was completely broken. You said how old you are, and you still make such jokes, it's not funny at all!

The three of them were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat, but Elder Tai'a said it was a joke, and he was relieved immediately, even his expression became a little natural.

"Let's get down to business, I still have two good news to tell you, which can be regarded as a reward for you."

"First, the three of you have contributed to saving the Immortal Sect, so after our discussion, we decided to give you the title of elder, on an equal footing with other elders."

Liu Chen gasped in shock, and couldn't believe the words of Elder Tai Ah, but after seeing their eyes, Liu Chen gradually believed it.

The elders are the symbol of the majesty of the Xianmen sect, especially such a young elder is absolutely unprecedented in the Xianmen sect.

With the special status of an elder, not to mention the three major forces, even Zheng Shixiong would not dare to be arrogant. In the future, he can walk sideways in the Xianmen sect, and no one dares to speak out.

As a result, the Yunhai League suddenly became an alliance with three elders. Although it was ranked at the bottom, it actually became the number one force.

The most important thing is not the convenience brought by the status of an elder, but the recognition, the recognition of Yan Chunqiu, the recognition of Dugu Xin, the recognition of the nine Supreme Elders.

Their approval is more valuable than the status of an elder.

After all, the few powerful disciples of the Immortal Sect dared to disrespect and despise the elders, but they did not dare to ignore Yan Chunqiu, Dugu Xin, and the nine Supreme Elders.

The elders they bestowed, and they are so young, Zheng Shixiong is not a fool, so he naturally knows what this means.

"And the second piece of good news?"

Hearing this, Elder Tai'a paused for a moment, and said deliberately to whet his appetite: "The second good news is definitely not inferior to the former."

"What is the good news, please tell us quickly."

"Do you know about the True Immortal Trial? Soon there will be a True Immortal Trial Conference, at which time all young talents in the True Immortal world will participate."

"There you will meet all kinds of strong people, even those who are more than [-] years old. This is where the geniuses really shine."

"And the top ten of the True Immortal Trial Conference will have the opportunity to enter the secret realm of chance. As for what the secret realm of chance is, you will understand at that time. It is a place that everyone wants to enter, but only ten people can enter every year. "

Liu Chen thought about Elder Tai'a's words carefully, and asked back, "Are you going to send us to participate in the True Immortal Trial Conference?"

"With your current cultivation, you still don't have that qualification."

"However, you can follow Zheng Shixiong and others to the True Immortal Realm and see the world, so you can be mentally prepared, because next time, it will probably be your turn."

Hearing this, Liu Chen was more or less disappointed in his heart, but even so, he was full of interest in the True Immortal Trial Conference that Elder Tai'a was talking about.

As far as Liu Chen knew, the continent he was in was called the Realm of Immortals. Outside of the Realm of Immortals, there were eight states and nine states that had coexisted peacefully for thousands of years.

Geniuses from the entire Immortal Realm will participate, and Liu Chen can already imagine how grand the scene will be at that time.

"Perhaps Immortal Sword Sect will also send people to participate, and I don't know if I can see my sister then." Liu Chen muttered to himself.

Thinking of the opportunity to meet her sister, the feeling of disappointment was swept away, and instead, she eagerly hoped that the True Immortal Trial Conference would come.

"Elder Tai Ah, I have one more request." Liu Chen calmed down and stepped forward.

"Whatever, but it's okay to say."

"Liu Chen, you have made great contributions to the Immortal Sect this time. No matter what the request is, as long as you put it forward, we will definitely do our best to fulfill it for you."

"I believe that with the strength of our nine old fellows, there is nothing we can't do in this fairy school, and even in the real fairy world."

"Liu Chen, feel free to ask if you have any requests, we will definitely fulfill them for you."

Elder Tai'a made a strong oath, patted his chest and promised.

Indeed, with the strength of the Supreme Elders, there was almost nothing they couldn't do, but what Liu Chen wanted to do was too special.

So Liu Chen was not sure whether they could finish it.

(End of this chapter)

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