
Chapter 1295 Breakthrough

Chapter 1295 Breakthrough
Every other day, some teenagers burst out of the water, and then landed on the edge of the pool with a smile on their faces, but from time to time, a depressed teenager waded out of the water, and then just stayed on the side in a stupid daze!

During this period, the four of Yan Chunqiu also made occasional moves, bringing up those teenagers who were asking for help.

Although this power of ascension is not violent, it is very different from spiritual power, and not anyone can absorb it. The power of ascension penetrates deep into the bone marrow and tendons, and it will cause great pain. If the unique xinxing cannot be supported, all previous efforts will be wasted, and it may even lead to a decline in cultivation.

When it came to the ninth day, there were only a few of the hundred teenagers who hadn't come out of the water, and Liu Chen was naturally included among them.

On the shore of the pond, Jiang Lie and others gathered together, whispering from time to time, with a hint of joy in their words, obviously they had benefited a lot from Ascension to Lingtan.

"I don't know what level your cultivation has reached? This Ascension to Spirit Pool is really strange. If it wasn't for the inability to absorb the power of ascension to the spirit, it would not be impossible to advance to the state of fusion."

Taotie raised the corner of his mouth slightly, gently wiped the stone sword in his hand, raised his head and said, "Fitness Realm!"

As soon as they heard these four words, people around cast envious glances at Taotie, many of them had only broken through to the half-step fusion state.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The pool water violently splashed several meters high waves, first a red light broke through the water, it was His Royal Highness Long Yuehan, the Crown Prince Xingfeng who was holding a dagger.

At this time, his face was full of spring, and as soon as he came out of the water, he respectfully bowed in the direction of Long Zhentian, and then walked away under the envious eyes of everyone, and landed on the side of the pool.

Followed by a ray of blue light, Tian Qiushui's beautiful face appeared in front of everyone, causing bursts of swallowing saliva, and then she slightly bent her delicate body and saluted in the direction of Tian Ruoshui. Shore, silent.

The third one to come out was of course Chen Guangle, and it was almost dusk at this time, and the fiery sunset glow was floating in the distant sky, which was extremely beautiful, and the sun radiated its residual heat to cover the vast land with a thin layer of red The light gauze is gentle and poetic.

Seeing the figures of Tian Qiushui and Chen Guang, Long Yuehan's smiling face suddenly turned cold, and now he has reached the state of fusion.

When the morning sun rose on the tenth day and the sky and earth returned to the clear sky again, a streak of red gold suddenly lit up the entire Shengling Lake, and immediately two giant axes with a broad blade that were several tens of feet long roared out of the pool, flickering. A dazzling light gathered in the air.

The next moment, a burly figure appeared in front of everyone, holding a pair of axes in his hands, his eyes were piercingly sharp, and a domineering aura was constantly fluctuating, pressing the pool of water below him for several feet Wide imprints, the water waves rolled and slapped towards both sides.

Fei Zhan finally came out, the terrifying aura made the surrounding teenagers speechless in shock, Kuang Zhan slowly opened his eyes, and nodded to Fei Zhan with a smile on his face, his eyes also had With a hint of appreciation.

"Hehe, congratulations to Brother Kuang Zhan, I never thought that you could find an inheritor for your skills." Yan Chunqiu couldn't help but nodded when he saw Na Fei Zhan coming out of the water.

Kuang Zhan smiled and waved his hands and said: "Oh, brother Chunqiu is really joking, the descendants of our four great empires are all good, but they are much worse than the great-grandson of the old man Yao, but unfortunately, he is too old Otherwise, with his talent, he would be able to soak in this Ascension to Lingtan, maybe he could break through to the late stage of the Fusion Realm."

"Hahaha, Kuang Zhan, this old man's great-grandson does have some talent, but he is only good at cultivation, but he has no talent for alchemy." The figure of Yao Chan suddenly appeared, with a smile on his face, and the expression of pride was beyond words. .

"Is it that little guy called Yaomeng who reached the level of fusion at a young age? I also heard about it. I said to you, since these juniors have come out, let's end it quickly and seal this Shenglingtan again." Get up, so I can go back to sleep, hey, it’s really hard for my old man these days.” Ruoshui said with a haha ​​that day.

Yan Chunqiu smiled slightly and said: "No hurry, there is still a little guy who hasn't come out yet?"

"Hey, that's true, there are only 99 people present, why is there one less, Brother Chunqiu, do you know who is missing, this is already the tenth day." Kuang Zhan frowned, wondering.

Yan Chunqiu said: "I don't know if you have heard of Liu Chen, the strongest immortal?"

"The strongest immortal Liu Chen, I've never heard of it, and where did he come from?" Tian Ruoshui curled his lips and asked a little impatiently.

"The immortal Liu Chen who became famous in the battle between gods and demons ten thousand years ago, could it be him?" Long Zhentian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yan Chunqiu nodded and said: "That's right, it's him, the strongest immortal Liu Chen, and the person at the bottom of the pool is one of his reincarnations."

"I said Yan Chunqiu is strange, the small body state is nothing to mention, no matter how good he is, it is only the state of body, I can be wiped out with a wave, what can I say?" Ruoshui snorted coldly that day, obviously a little unhappy.

Yan Chunqiu's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Old Freak Shui, why is he still so impatient at such an old age, he is the reincarnation of the first sect master of my Immortal Sect, do you have an opinion?"

"Oh, what Brother Chunqiu said is, Ruoshui, since he is Brother Chunqiu's junior, let's wait for a few days, I'm curious, how long can this little guy named Liu Chen stay?" Said, the long fiery red hair trembled slightly, carrying a terrifying coercion.

Seeing Kuang Zhan and Yan Chunqiu's voice, Ruoshui opened his mouth that day, after all, he didn't speak anymore, thinking about the extravagant life of these years, Tian Ruoshui's heart that had been silent for many years seemed to wake up suddenly.

"Yan Chunqiu, Yan Chunqiu, I'm Chen Yi." At this moment, a slightly crying voice reached Yan Chunqiu's ears. He waved his hand, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Everyone, I have something to do." Yan Chunqiu said hastily, and the next moment he was in front of Chen Yi. Yan Chunqiu loved this little princess of the Immortal Sect very much.

In the Immortal Sect before, I have been busy retreating to attack the realm, and because of the criticism from the disciples and elders in the sect, I had to endure it.

Otherwise, it might be misunderstood as flattering the Xiaoyao Empire.

Just kidding, Yan Chunqiu, the master of the Immortal Sect, still needs to flatter the princess of the Xiaoyao Empire?Even if the lord of the Xiaoyao Empire came, he had to respect Yan Chunqiu.

But now it's different, Yan Chunqiu doesn't care if he leaves the Immortal Sect.

Seeing Yan Chunqiu, Chen Yi burst into tears and threw herself into Yan Chunqiu's arms, choked up and said, "Yan Chunqiu, save Liu Chen quickly, he has fallen into the black hole of ascension."

"What, Ascension Black Hole, that's the only way to enter the bottom of the pool, how did this little guy find it?" Yan Chunqiu was shocked when he heard that.

How could he not know about this Ascension Black Hole? It is said that there is a celestial qi that is more terrifying than the turbulence of the void, which can instantly cut people into powder, and even the strong in the late stage of the fusion state dare not enter it.

Chen Guang bowed his hands respectfully to Yan Chunqiu and said, "I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, Liu Chen also encountered the black hole by accident, and was immediately sucked into it. It was too late for me to rescue him."

Yan Chunqiu waved his hand, his eyes flickering, suddenly thought of something, pulled Chen Yi and said softly: "Chen Yi, maybe this is not a bad thing for Liu Chen, I don't think the black hole can take him back life."

Chen Yi sobbed and wiped away her tears, and said, "Don't lie to me."

Yan Chunqiu smiled, rubbed Chen Yi's hair, and said: "Chen Yi, when did I ever lie to you? This is considered a blessing to Liu Chen. If that's the case, then you should go back first. We have to seal Shenglingtan first, don't worry, I will leave the voice transmission behind, and if Liu Chen comes out, I will definitely know."

Chen Yi nodded, bit her lips, and said to herself, "Liu Chen, you must come back alive."

Immediately under Yan Chunqiu's order, the surrounding youths all escaped into the air, towards the periphery of the battlefield of the immortals, in the blink of an eye, there was no one around the pool.

Yan Chunqiu glanced at the Ascension to Spirit Pool, and sighed softly. In fact, the Ascension to Spirit Black Hole is more powerful than imagined, and Yan Chunqiu is not very sure whether Liu Chen can break through it.

"Little guy, I hope you have a good life."

To the north of the wild land is the boundless ocean, where thick dark clouds are covered all the year round, hurricanes are raging, and tsunamis often strike. In the vast ocean, there are ferocious and violent sea spirit beasts, many of which are eighth-order spirit beasts.

On the north bank, it is not uninhabited. There is a building complex made entirely of huge dark gray rocks. At a glance, there are thousands of households. Those stone houses are extremely huge, and they are all built from a single piece of rock. , the huge stone gate is extremely crudely covered, and there are no traces of chiseling.


There was an astonishing muffled sound, and the half-foot-thick stone gate was pushed open, and a figure more than four meters tall walked out.

It was a big man with a bare chest, only some simple fur covering his chest, his strong muscles were like small dirt bags full of explosive breath.

There are wild lines on the resolute face, deep eyes and high nose, flushed face, and eight-character eyebrows like two long swords, from thick to thin, castrating sharply.

"Little Sanzi, I don't know when this tsunami will recede. Why has it been so frequent in the past few days? The only thing left to eat at home is that tank of salted fish?" A thunderous sound came from inside the house. , Immediately a figure about five meters tall appeared behind the big man.

The figure was slightly stooped, with vigorous silver hair, and a thick stone stick in his right hand, coughing and walking towards the outside of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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