
1299 The Invasion Begins

1299 The Invasion Begins

The next moment, a phantom with a height of several tens of feet rose from the ground, and a pair of giant eyes glowing with faint blue flames looked coldly at Lei Xiang's people, and suddenly burst out with fierce murderous aura.

Lei Xiang retreated slightly, looking at the troll in front of him with a calm expression, but his heart was full of turbulent waves. Although he barely resisted the previous blow with Hai Ruo Dao, the demonic energy was gone. invaded into the body.

Now more than half of the spiritual power in the whole body is used to resist the wandering of the demonic energy, and there is no time to care about it. The strength of the two demons in front of me may have reached the level of the fusion state. The blow just now was just to test myself and others. .

At this moment, Chen Han shouted: "Boss, be careful."

The troll punched Lei Xiang on the head with his fists like lightning, obviously he also knew that Lei Xiang was the most powerful among this group of people, as long as he was killed, everyone else would have to die.

Lei Xiang's heart felt cold, his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't move. He watched the giant fist of demonic energy roaring towards him. Frightened and remorseful at the same time, he thought to himself: "Looks like I have to go first!"

Suddenly there was a muffled sound of "bang", the flaming wind whizzed and swirled wildly above the head, and the monstrous demonic energy that was about to approach the body suddenly flew up into the sky, and it slammed into the stone house with repeated "bang tom", and immediately the people within a radius of [-] meters All the stone houses collapsed and turned into flakes of stone dust that flew up.

Lei Xiang and the others were still in shock, the smoke dissipated, and a white-clothed figure stood quietly in front of them, with his back to them, and looked up, the heavy rain was pouring, and two red giant eagles were hovering and flying, with blue eyes, extremely arrogant and fierce , sitting on the back vaguely several figures, not clear.

The devilish energy from the two trolls was blown away, revealing their figures, staring at the figure in white with scarlet eyes, and said: "How dare you attack us trolls, Lord Demon Emperor will not let you go!" of."

Before the words fell, the two trolls screamed fiercely, and saw that the two green bamboo swords had been inserted into their backs at some point.

A series of azure blue lightning entwined tightly around their bodies, and the surging demonic energy continuously made the sound of dissolving with chi chi.

The hissing sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, the figure in white turned his head slightly, and nodded to Lei Xiang, the next moment, a violent aura exploded violently like a tyrannical dragon entering the clouds, and plundered towards the two trolls .

Puff puff!
Following a few muffled sounds, the two trolls who were showing off their might suddenly burst open, turning into countless dark devilish energy that burst and swept across.

From time to time there was the sound of ghostly howls like ghosts, and all the magic energy that touched the blue arc was quickly dissipated. After a while, the two trolls had already perished in front of everyone.

The torrential rain poured down desperately, swam across the meandering river that was scoured by the muddy ground, and sand and gravel shot up everywhere, hitting people's cheeks with pain.

The two trolls in the Void Refining Realm were just wiped out without leaving any traces, and the two jade green bamboo swords turned into blue arcs and swept into the air on the eagle's back, disappearing.

"Meet the Commander! Thank you Commander for your help!"

Lei Xiang and the others looked at the front in horror, turned back after a long time, and hurriedly bowed and said.

The white-clothed figure was naturally Cui Bender, and the majestic torrential rain dissipated within a foot of his body.

A simple and elegant white shirt didn't have any stains or wrinkles. It seemed that it didn't take much effort to kill these two trolls in the Void Refining Realm. You must know that they were two trolls comparable to those in the Fusion Realm.

During this period of time, Yan Chunqiu and others informed the world of all the things that happened around the continent, and taught the characteristics and identification methods of some people in the Demon God Continent.

When Lei Xiang and others heard that almost all the people who came from the Demon God Continent this time were above the Fusion Realm level, they were all shocked. The gap in strength cannot be made up by just having Xuanbao.

It's like that giant demon in the Void Refining Realm is an ordinary creature in the Demon Continent, but it is much stronger than those self-proclaimed strong people in the real fairy world.

In Yan Chunqiu's own words, "The Real Immortal Realm has been at ease for too long, and many people are unwilling to develop their own cultivation potential, so that for tens of thousands of years, very few have reached the Mahayana powerhouse."

Those two red-and-yellow giant eagles circled and neighed, then swooped down quickly, and immediately dozens of figures floated down from the eagle's back, and Lei Xiang didn't know these people, but he knew that this group of people They all come from the Xianmen sect.

Especially Shen Huan and Taotie, he heard Chen Yi mention it.

"Hey, Deputy Commander Lei Xiang, why don't you leave the main road and take this rugged mountain road instead?" Chen Huan lowered his figure and asked in doubt.

Lei Xiang smiled wryly and said: "Now that the Demon God Continent is invading, we also want to rush to the front line quickly, so we took a small path. I didn't expect that the strength of the Demon God Continent is so great. Any two we meet are at the level of a fusion realm. existence, hehe, we are probably not opponents at all, are we?"

Cui Bende patted Shen Huan, and said: "Lei Xiang, according to my estimation, these are just the vanguard of the Demon God Continent. Although they are strong, if you think that these strong men can occupy my real fairy world, that's a fool's dream. Forget it, don't worry, I believe that those strong will be dealt with by someone."

"Regiment Commander, I wonder when the army commander will come back? We are very curious about this army commander we have never met before." Chen Han stepped forward and cupped his hands.

Cui Bende chuckled, and said: "It should be soon, this kid is currently in meditation, but he really knows how to pick the time."

"Senior, I think it's better to hurry up, I'm afraid there are still two days away from the Camby Mountains." Shen Huan said.

Cui Bende nodded, looked at Lei Xiang and said: "Lei Xiang, you can go with us, the other soldiers should go back for now, step up their training, they will be useful in the future, go."

Those sergeants looked calm. Although they were a little bit unwilling, they were helpless because they were not strong enough, and they might not be able to help anything and instead lost their lives.

They also comforted themselves in their hearts, they all agreed, and under the leadership of Chen Han, they galloped away in the direction where the horse came from.

"Everyone, let's go." Cui Bende waved his sleeves lightly, and all the people in the group turned over and grabbed the giant eagle, soaring into the sky.

Lei Xiang had never soared on a bird, let alone the red-crowned golden-clawed eagle, the guardian spirit beast of the Golden Immortal Kingdom.

Ten thousand feet high in the sky, with a strong wind blowing, and being beaten by the rain, as if it was about to overturn and fall at any time, I felt a little nervous in my heart. I tightly grasped the giant eagle's neck hair, leaned against the bird's back, and spread out a light yellow It was only after flying dozens of miles away that he gradually settled down.

The torrential rain gradually subsided, flying all the way, the night was dark, the mountains were shuttling, and everyone was talking loudly without saying a word.

Flying all the way, they saw that some small villages were safe and sound, Shen Huan and the others were relieved, secretly thinking that the Liaoyuan of the Real Immortal Realm is vast, and those from the Demon God Continent must not be able to occupy it.

The Kambi Mountain Range is located at the junction of the Tianshui Empire and the Xingfeng Empire, covering an area of ​​several million acres. Although it is not as large as the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, it can be said to be rich in minerals and there are many spirit beasts.

Of course, what is different from the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is that it can be said that this mountain range is almost completely divided by the Xingfeng Empire and the Tianshui Empire. There are many towns in the huge mountain range, and these towns are almost all developed by mining.

According to the discussion, the four of Yan Chunqiu decided to set up the Immortal Saint Alliance here, so they ordered the leaders of the major countries to issue a statement, calling on the world's powerful to gather here to resist the invasion of the Demon God Continent.


In the barren land, where the dark clouds have been all year round, the sky is now even more obscured, and even the rising sun cannot cast light down, like a polar night. However, there are no living things here, so there is no dependence on the sunlight.

In the depths of the hinterland, there is a black castle that occupies an extremely large area. The castle is made of dark black boulders as a whole, without a single window, and without any light.

Two ravines about ten feet wide separated the castle. To the south, there was a huge portal with a gloomy chill, and some dark formations were engraved on it.

A muffled sound resounded, and five figures emerged outside the gate of the castle. The person in charge was dressed in red, but upon closer inspection he turned out to be a refined young man with long black hair hanging down behind him, and a handsome face with a smile on his face. With a faint evil spirit, he stood quietly outside the door with his hands behind his back.

The four people in the back all had their hands hanging down slightly, and they were extremely tall, almost all over three meters tall, and their faces were all extremely strange.

However, they all had a horizontal black line on their foreheads, their scarlet eyes looked around slightly, and circles of dark light lines continued to escape from their bodies. These four people turned out to be strong at the Mahayana level .

"Hehe, Red Emperor, why is the old man here behind closed doors?" The young man looked gloomy, stretched out his hand to straighten his clothes, raised his head and said to the door, his voice was extremely dull, like thunder.

Clack, clack, clack!

Before the words were finished, the huge door burst open, and a sinister laughter came from the castle, "Chacha, it turns out that the envoys of the demon king are here, please come in quickly."


The spacious castle is not as gloomy and cold as imagined, but is filled with warmth everywhere. Every ten steps, a huge oil lamp is hung on the stone wall of the castle. It exudes a strong smell, which seems to have a trace of aroma.

The young man looked at the slender figure sitting on the high seat with a calm expression, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Red Emperor, your speed is fast enough, and you are several months earlier than us. You also know that when you come to this real fairy world." almost."

The slender figure stood up slowly and walked down the steps. At this time, without the cover of the black robe, his face was immediately visible.

The Red Emperor turned out to be an extremely handsome man, he could even be described as coquettish, with phoenix eyes, red lips and pink face, and silver hair, but the black moon imprinted on his forehead added a hint of gloom.

(End of this chapter)

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