
Chapter 1406 The Puppet of the Combined Realm

Chapter 1406 The Puppet of the Combined Realm

But those engraved formations are still incomplete, although they have been improved a lot compared to before, they are still incomplete.

There is no room for the slightest mistake in something like a formation, even if it is only a little incomplete, the power will be greatly reduced, or even unable to be used at all.

Shaking his head slightly, Liu Chen slowly raised his head, and looked at the huge bronze gate in front of him. It was still the same blue dragon chasing the sun, with the same lines and outlines, even the size was exactly the same.


The door knocker rang loudly, Shen Yu had already pushed the bronze door open, and everyone rushed in.

Before standing still, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, but that scene directly stunned everyone.

Behind the huge bronze gate, it is not the imaginary verdant world, and even the boulder road is gone.

This is a world of bronze, a square completely paved with bronze plates is shining with cyan light, somewhat mottled, but exuding a strong quaint atmosphere.

On the huge square, tens of thousands of bronze stone figures were lined up neatly, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Looking forward, at the front of the bronze square, there seems to be a bronze throne there.

On both sides of the throne, ten stone figures stood quietly. Different from the previous stone figures, those ten stone figures held weapons in their hands, which seemed to be a kind of curved blade and long halberd.

On the throne, a figure sat cross-legged quietly. He said in Tsing Yi, his face was resolute, revealing an unconcealable heroic aura.

His eyes were closed tightly, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, but he couldn't feel any breath.

This scene made Liu Chen and the others who entered the bronze gate quiet down.

"Then, that's Emperor Qing, hasn't he already fallen?"

You Rang looked at the figure on the throne with a dull face, and murmured.

Liu Chen's pupils shrank slightly. He had never seen Emperor Qing, nor was he from the Devil's Continent. Naturally, he didn't know Emperor Qing. It turned out that Emperor Qing was also a handsome man.

"Everyone be careful, he is not the real Emperor Qing, he seems to be just a clone."

Gan Yu said softly, but no fear could be heard in his tone, but Liu Chen could clearly see his eyes slightly fixed, obviously the situation in front of him was beyond his imagination.

"Be careful, that Emperor Qing is probably not just a clone, pay attention to the position of his neck." Hei Zu's voice suddenly entered Liu Chen's earworm at this moment.

Hearing this, Liu Chen quickly looked intently, only to find that under the cover of the green clothes, there seemed to be a green pattern shining on the neck of the Qing Emperor.

That was also a formation, and judging from its pattern, it seemed to be very similar to the formations on those puppets before, but the formations on him were not gray and lifeless.

As the emerald awns swam, there seemed to be a series of destructive auras permeating the air, making one's heart palpitate.

"Heizu, is that the full version of the rebirth formation?" Liu Chen asked excitedly.

"If it's not bad, it should be right." Heizu said softly.

"Then, Hei Zu, what should I do?"

"It's simple, just print it directly." Hei Zu said with a slight smile.

"Just rubbing it down, Hei Zu, are you kidding me? Even if it is a puppet, its strength must not be weak. It is not easy to get a rubbing." Liu Chen looked at Hei Zu's figure with black lines all over his face.

"That's your business. I'm only responsible for breaking the formation, and I don't care about the rest." Hei Zu curled his lips and said with a smile.

"Hmph, rubbing is just rubbing, fight hard." Liu Chen bit his lip hard, a stern look flashed in his eyes, if he mastered the control method of that formation, all the puppets everywhere would be his own.


"Qian Lan Mansion Gan Yu, pay homage to Senior Qing Emperor."

While Liu Chen was talking with Hei Zu, Gan Yu had already stepped forward slowly, and before the throne, bowed down to the figure.

For a moment, the figure still had his eyes closed, his expression was the same, and he didn't seem to respond at all.

Gan Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Emperor Qing, and bowed slowly again, but this time he spoke loudly.

"Qian Lan Mansion Gan Yu, pay homage to Senior Qing Emperor."

On the throne, the figure remained the same, and there was no reaction to Qian Yu's voice.

Liu Chen stared at the figure, just at the moment when Gan Yu spoke loudly, a palpitation suddenly flashed in his heart, although the feeling was fleeting, it almost made Liu Chen cry out.

That kind of coercion, without a doubt, can only be possessed by Mahayana powerhouses.

Bowing down again, still to no avail, Gan Yu couldn't hold back his face suddenly, he got up and came in front of Qing Emperor, suddenly, his hands were like lightning, and patted Qing Emperor's neck.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen was startled suddenly. Looking at Qian Yu's attack, it seemed that he had also discovered the formation.

"This kid's strength is a little weird. You have to pay attention to him at all times. I didn't expect him to see the clues of the formation here. It's really not easy." Hei Zu's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and he said with a light smile.

Liu Chen's eyes were gloomy, but he didn't choose to make a move. The person on the throne was obviously a puppet, and it was not easy for Gan Yu to get that formation.

As expected, at the moment when Qian Yu's right hand was about to fall, the figure's eyes widened sharply, and two emerald green sword lights shot out instantly, only touching Qian Yu's chest.

The sudden change surprised Gan Yu, but as a strong man in the state of perfect integration, his reaction was not unpleasant. His hands formed into palms, and he threw them out in an instant, blocking his chest with a thunderous force. forward.

However, those two green rays of light seemed to be so powerful that they pierced Gan Yu's Youruo palms while breathing, and hit Gan Yu's shoulders unabated.

Amidst the muffled hum, Gan Yu's body trembled violently, and a round blood hole appeared on his shoulder. His body retreated sharply, and then looked at the figure of Emperor Qing with a terrified expression.

At this time, the figure seemed to have come to life, and those eyes were full of emerald green, like a real aura.

As if to split this space, above his neck, the formation method radiated at this moment, and a circle of lines continuously spread from the formation method.

And following the fluctuation of the emerald formation, the figures of the ten stone figures on both sides of the throne were also shocked suddenly, and the next moment, a wave of tyrannical aura shot up into the sky instantly.

Feeling the tyrannical coercion, the faces of Qian Yu and others finally lost their relaxed look at this moment.

The figure above the throne is extremely powerful, even if it has not reached the level of Mahayana, it is at least half a step of Mahayana.

And it must be stronger than Qian Yu, the strength of the ten stone men is above the state of integration, presumably the previous puppets are not a little bit stronger.

"Senior Qingdi, the boy did not mean to offend, please forgive me."

Qian Yu resisted the burning pain in his shoulder, quickly knelt down on one knee, and bowed his hands reverently.

The strength of a half-step Mahayana-level puppet is already extremely terrifying, and even Qian Yu dare not say that he can beat it.

Here, he didn't dare to act recklessly, in case the Qing Emperor had powerful restraining arrangements, relying on the strength of the Qing Emperor's Mahayana Dzogchen, it would be easy to kill the eight of them.

In fact, he had already seen the strangeness of these puppets and the existence of those formations. As the heir of Qianlan Mansion, Qian Yu was not only gifted in spiritual power.

He is also quite good at this formation, but he is not as good as Liu Chen's Heizu Heizu after all, so he only sees that those formations are abnormal, but he doesn't know that those formations are just incomplete.

Gan Yu's words didn't seem to have any effect at all, and the emerald light in the eyes of the Qing Emperor's figure was even brighter.

The next moment, Gan Yu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he lay down subconsciously.

And almost at the same moment, another burst of spiritual power erupted from Qingdi's body, passing Qian Yu at an unimaginable speed.

Even Gan Yu's heart trembled slightly with that kind of power, and at this moment his eyes slowly turned cold.

"Hmph, since you are a puppet and not Senior Qingdi, then you will offend me, everyone, do it."

Gan Yu snorted coldly, his hands formed into palms, and he used his full strength like a palm with four fingers. His figure rushed in quickly, and blasted towards the Qingdi puppet as his chest.

Facing the half-step Mahayana puppet, Gan Yu didn't hold back anything, and it was a powerful killer move as soon as he made a move.

The puppet of the Qing Emperor remained motionless, with emerald lights constantly flashing in his eyes, weaving rays of light in the air as if they were real.

A formation was formed in an instant, and Qian Yu and his figure disappeared almost at the same time.

Liu Chen and the others looked gloomy, and wanted to rescue them, but they couldn't do so, because the puppets at the level of the ten fusion realm had already come through the air.

The wind of the fist is fierce, the space seems to be distorted and broken, and the gloomy black light turns into hundreds of feet of horses, entwining and attacking.

"Do it."

Shen Yu yelled angrily, and rushed out recklessly, with the Tiancan sword in his hand rising and falling, and stopped the three puppets of the combined state in an instant.

Both Shen Yu and Qian Yu chose to make a move, so Liu Chen and the others naturally wouldn't be idle, and jumped up with their spiritual power surging.

Each of them found a puppet, and suddenly, the air wave exploded, and the energy burst out, and then they bombarded the bronze square continuously, and the sound of gold and iron resounded.

On the vast and endless bronze square, majestic ripples of spiritual power swept across, and the sound of clanging was endless.

In the air, a huge light array exudes a green light, which is obviously the Qingdi's best Aoki Formation.

Although it is a puppet, after all, it has the strength of a half-step Mahayana. When it is used, that power is not weak.

In the formation, there was no fluctuation to be seen, not even half of the spiritual power dissipated.

Liu Chen's pale golden dragon aura swept across his body, turning into dragon-shaped whirlwinds coiling around, and dragon chant bursts out.

That puppet is extremely powerful, according to Liu Chen's estimation, it is not weaker than the original Youhu Heihuang.

He held the curved halberd horizontally in one hand, clenched a fist in the other, and attacked alternately with both hands, but they cooperated tacitly without the slightest sense of abruptness.

Terrifying sonic booms came from time to time, and the aftermath shook the puppets that were tightly arranged around them into pieces and scattered them in all directions.

The puppets at the Fusion Realm level are no longer made of bronze, the whole body is jet-black, with a little bit of golden light shining inwardly, but it is actually made of Wujin.

(End of this chapter)

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