
Chapter 1408

Chapter 1408

"Oh, I didn't expect this Qingdi puppet to be so good that it forced brother Gan Yu to use the power of the spirit curse seal." You Rang looked at Gan Yu who was fighting with the Qingdi puppet again, his eyes flashed coldly. flash.

"The seal of the spirit curse is really a big deal. From that appearance, it seems to be the soul of the sealed Kunpeng Arowana, which is a real eighth-order monster." Xun Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a greedy look came to his face.

"Heizu, what is the spirit curse seal, why haven't I heard of it?"

"Spiritual curse seal, in my memory, I don't seem to have any impression, but it looks obviously very good, somewhat similar to the effect of refining blood essence, but the fluctuation seems to be a little violent." Heizu said softly .

Liu Chen nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Hmph, nonsense, let's do it together."

Shen Yu's temper was still fiery, and he interrupted everyone's conversation by shouting, a few afterimages of the Tiancan knife shook out in his hand, he kicked his legs, and broke through the air. .

Shen Yu scolded unceremoniously, making everyone's faces dark, but at this time, it was obviously not the time to quarrel, and the only way to deal with the Qingdi puppet in front of him was, otherwise, it was still unknown whether the day-level task could be completed.

After a burst of shouting, Liu Chen and others shot together, using various high-level and even super true fairy arts one after another, blasting away at the puppet.

Faced with the combination of Liu Chen and the eight, the Qingdi puppet did not retreat in the slightest. Every time Bicui swung one arm, it would shatter the space there.

That kind of attack is already extremely powerful, Liu Chen is confident that his body is strong, but when he was swept by the Qing Emperor puppet's fist, he also felt a burst of burning pain, so far his mind is completely concentrated, and he dare not be distracted in the slightest .

The eight of them teamed up with extraordinary momentum, even though the Qing Emperor puppet was extremely tyrannical, it was still constantly retreating, and more and more attacks from Liu Chen and others fell on his emerald green body.

Keng Keng Keng.

Subtle fist marks continued to emerge one after another, and the original emerald light dimmed a lot at this time.

"Everyone will try their best to shoot, or he will die."

Gan Yu yelled, and swung the blue wings of his right hand suddenly, and his figure appeared behind the Qing Emperor as if teleporting, and his left hand suddenly slammed towards his neck, a blue light looming in the palm of his hand.

The puppet of the Qing Emperor seemed to have sensed something, and the energy in his eyes seemed to flicker like a substance, and when he turned around, he bumped into Qian Yu face to face.

At that moment, everyone was sweating for Gan Yu. With that kind of tyrannical body, the result of a high-speed collision must not be very good.

Sure enough, with a crisp sound, Gan Yu's figure suddenly retreated, his left hand trembled as if even the bones were broken, and the Qingdi puppet only retreated a few feet before stabilizing again.

Facing the Qingdi puppet whose strength was comparable to the four fusion realms, Qian Yu obviously suffered a lot from a head-to-head encounter.

The Qingdi puppet who retreated a few feet just happened to meet Liu Chen and others' fierce attack from behind. Amidst the muffled groan, Liu Chen and others trembled suddenly, while the Qingdi puppet was blown away again.

"Kun Ling six cuts."

Amidst the loud shouts, Shen Yu still rushed out with a domineering posture, and the faint blue Tiancan knife in his hand shook rapidly, and the light of the knife shot out, and it hit the Qingdi puppet's chest in an instant.

Liu Chen and the others followed closely behind, all kinds of spiritual power rose and fused together, turning into a huge beam of light that enveloped the Qing Emperor puppet.

"Be careful."

In the beam of light, a little bit of emerald light shot out like needles, and the rippling vigor made everyone's hair stand on end.

Liu Chen swung his hands violently, and the raging black flames turned into a curtain of light and descended from the sky, while he himself retreated instead of advancing, with golden light shining on both fists, and blatantly blasted at the Qingdi puppet looting from a distance.

"It's really looking for death."

In the distance, Shi Zunlin spat out a mouthful of reverse blood, the strength of the Qingdi puppet was far beyond his imagination, the power of the shock alone caused his internal concussion to shift and was injured.

At this time, he seemed to have seen the bloody scene where Liu Chen was punched by the puppet of the Qing Emperor.

Liu Chen's figure flew away in response to the sound, and a mouthful of scarlet blood spurted out from his mouth, staining the front of his chest red.

And his complexion also quickly weakened, and he fell on the bronze square from a distance, leaving a deep mark on it.

No one noticed that in the palm of Liu Chen's right hand, a vague and almost invisible emerald formation was slowly dissipating.

Liu Chen's body was rubbed against the bronze ground, and he retreated a hundred feet away, a mouthful of blood spurted out fiercely, staining the ground red.

"Hmph, you don't know how to live or die, you really think you're a genius."

In the distance, Shi Zunlin snorted coldly, clasped his hands tightly, and rattled, and now he really wanted to rush over and end Liu Chen's life with a punch.

Seeing Liu Chen's retreat, the others were slightly taken aback, but they couldn't allow them to think too much, the Qing Emperor puppet with the broken arm had attacked again, that kind of coercion directly made everyone feel suffocated.

Not daring to be distracted in the slightest, Shi Zunlin and others, led by Qian Yu and Shen Yu, blatantly blasted out again. The majestic ripples of spiritual power made the space tremble rapidly, as if it would collapse at any time.

"The spirit of Kunpeng appears."

Gan Yu's left hand hangs down, and a frantic scarlet bursts out of his eyes. With a loud shout, he slaps his chest with the wings of his right hand, and then spits out a mouthful of blood.

The blood essence fell on the right hand, and those thick lines swelled rapidly, and then split open, from which blue liquid flowed out.

Amidst the hissing sound, a huge phantom with a height of four to five hundred feet emerged from behind Gan Yu, and that phantom seemed to be real.

Even the huge fish scales on it can be seen clearly, each fish scale is about the size of a person, glowing with a cold blue light.

The phantom's head is so ferocious and terrifying that it can't be seen clearly. Behind him, a tail that is as long as a hundred feet is entangled in the air. Occasionally, there are fluctuations in the tremors, which make the space here become unstable again.

Kunpeng Arowana, an eighth-order magical beast that lived in ancient times, is extremely good at speed, and can go up to the sky and into the ground, with its wings spread out, enough to cover the sky and block out the sun.

It is said that once the Kunpeng Arowana appears, there will be various natural disasters, landslides, landslides, rivers and seas, so the Kunpeng Arowana has always been regarded as a symbol of disaster.

This Kunpeng dragon fish was captured by Gan Yu's grandfather Gan Xunyue, and Gan Xunyue cast the spell seal himself.

The primordial spirit of Kunpeng Arowana was sealed in his body through great supernatural powers. At the critical moment, the primordial spirit of Kunpeng Arowana was released to fight, that kind of power is not weaker than the existence of the perfect state of fusion.

And that kind of power will become stronger as the caster's strength increases, that is to say, when Gan Yu advances to Mahayana, what he summons is no longer a phantom.

It was the real Kunpeng Arowana. In the case of two against one, there would be very few opponents at the same level. This was also Gan Yu's hidden backhand.

At this time, facing the powerful Qing Emperor puppet, after casting the spirit spell seal, Gan Yu finally summoned the soul of Kunpeng Arowana.


Amidst the ear-piercing hissing sound, Gan Yu was drenched in blood, and slowly merged into the phantom, and huge lines of light suddenly burst into an astonishing aura.

The next moment, the huge body of hundreds of feet swooped down, opened its mouth ferociously, and a huge pillar of blue light with a diameter of tens of feet descended with astonishing fluctuations.

The terrifying power erupted in an instant, and all the young men retreated quickly to avoid being hit by the aftermath. Gan Yu's attack with all his strength was indeed terrifying, and that kind of coercion was not weaker than half-step Mahayana.

Under that huge beam of light.Qingdi's puppet's body was so small that no expression could be seen on him. Facing Qian Yu's killing blow, he did not retreat.

Subtle cracks suddenly appeared on the jade-like body. It seemed that the spiritual power in the puppet was finally exhausted because of too much consumption in the previous battle.


The beam of light fell, quickly devouring the Qing Emperor's puppet. Amid the violent roar, the Qing Emperor's puppet seemed to give up resistance and let the light beam hit.

The green light flickered weakly, the beam of light disappeared, and the Qingdi puppet's body quickly broke into two pieces and fell on the bronze square, stirring up a layer of bronze dust.

The next moment, Gan Yu's figure also fell slowly, and the huge phantom behind him had dissipated, and all the blue lines around his body were hidden under the skin, and the tender white skin was full of fist marks, and it was deeply bruised color.

Glancing at the crowd indifferently, Gan Yu sat down cross-legged with difficulty, connected his broken right arm with a crackling sound, and then recovered a little before getting up and walking towards the Qingdi puppet.

Shen Yu and the others' eyes flickered, but they didn't try to stop it, although they knew that there must be something weird about the puppet of the Qing Emperor.

But Gan Yu's crazy blow just now had already caused a trace of fear in their hearts, and there was no need to anger him for something that might not exist.

Arriving at the side of the puppet that had been broken into two pieces, Gan Yu squatted down slowly, brushing his hands over the surface of the puppet's body, and there were strange lights shining in his eyes.

And his fingers also slowly came to the puppet's neck, where the original jade formation was gone, as if it didn't exist in the first place.

"How could this be?" Qian Yu murmured in a low voice, his eyes full of killing intent, "Who the hell ruined this formation?"

Standing up, Gan Yu scanned the crowd with a gloomy expression, and finally his eyes slowly focused on the figure in the blue shirt sitting cross-legged on the ground in the distance. Here, it seemed that only his divine sense could do it.

As if feeling Qian Yu's gaze, Liu Chen opened his eyes with difficulty, smiled wryly, wiped off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, stood up staggeringly, and walked towards the crowd with some trembling.

"Cough, this puppet is really powerful, it actually shattered several of my meridians." Liu Chen said it very hard, while speaking, he spit out a few mouthfuls of dirty blood, his complexion was as pale as paper, without the slightest trace of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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