
Chapter 1414 Genius Gold List

Chapter 1414 Genius Gold List
This was the first time that this kind of thing being molested by a man happened. At this time, Liu Chen only had two words in his mind, "disgusting".

But immediately Liu Chen's eyes flickered and looked at his right fist, where the purple and gold glow kept flickering, and strands of faint glow were continuously squeezed out from the wound. There was still no blood flowing out of the small wound, but it was also No healing.


In the star world, the gaming tables were constantly shining with light, and the barriers on the gaming tables would disperse from time to time, and then some teenagers were seen walking out of the gaming tables with dejected expressions.

Some were even kicked out of the gambling table. Like Po Jun, they lost the qualification to continue.

However, those teenagers who failed were not sent out, because Tang Lao said that they all have the right to challenge the top [-] genius gold list, and once they win, it means that they can be resurrected and reborn.

Not only can you get a large reward of star coins, but you can also continue to enter the third stage, which is obviously not a small temptation.

Slightly scanning the surroundings, most of the gambling tables are still not over. Obviously, the strength of the two sides may be relatively close, and it is normal to fight to the death.

Liu Chen was not in a hurry, and just sat down on the gambling table. The spiritual power here is quite strong, since he had to wait, it would be better to practice quickly.

His mind sank into his dantian, Liu Chen was shocked suddenly, as if thinking of something, the spiritual power in his body suddenly rushed towards the middle finger of his right hand.

On the middle finger, it became a little red and swollen due to the sudden infusion of huge spiritual power, and murmurs continued to come out from Liu Chen's mouth.

One after another mysterious runes have gradually appeared on the middle finger, the runes are flickering, exuding an extremely domineering aura, that kind of aura just escapes, it seems to be able to match the coercion of a strong man in the realm of fusion .

The runes flowed like the light of the sun, and Liu Chen's middle finger turned into black at this moment, like rippling water waves, very strange.

In that pitch black, there seemed to be tiny black electric arcs beating one after another, exuding a palpitating aura.

The black obsidian god finger, one finger is called cracking the sky, and the second finger is called destroying spirit. After several battles, Liu Chen finally had a new understanding of this fingering method.

One point out, kill Young Master Chi, then two points out, what kind of power will it be.

Elder Tang lay leisurely in mid-air, his eyes squinted with a smile on his face, looking at the power of the stars flashing below from time to time and the depressed little faces, Elder Tang would smile inexplicably.

These are all the future of the Demon God Continent. These little boys already have the demeanor of a strong man at a young age, decisive in killing, forbearing and courageous.

Especially those teenagers on the genius gold list, even Tang Lao felt inferior to them at this time.

Elder Tang looked up at the endless starry sky beyond the star realm, and suddenly sighed secretly, with a little anger appearing in his eyes.

"Hmph, those old things have been thinking about going to war all day long, but they don't know that the kind of war is not what we want. Don't they have to prove their prestige and strength in a sea of ​​blood and blood? What a bunch of bastards, heh .”

Elder Tang looked angrily, murmured in a low voice, clenched his hands tightly, and the breath around him was also a little turbulent.

"Hmph, one day, you will reap the consequences of yourselves. If the Immortal Lord has knowledge, he will definitely not spare you." Elder Tang snorted coldly, with a jade-like light shining on his old face.

"Old Tang, how are you doing recently?"

A figure flashed over, standing quietly beside Mr. Tang, with a handsome face with a slight smile. Facing Mr. Tang, a Mahayana powerhouse, Gan Yu was not cautious, as if he was facing a friend.

"Hey, I'm old, I can't do it anymore."

"Hey, are you done with the bet?" Elder Tang glanced at Qian Yu with a chuckle and said with a smile.

"Yeah, by the way, Mr. Tang, why didn't I see my brother? Could it be that he didn't participate in this heroic meeting?" Gan Yu asked with a smile.

After Gan Yu's words fell, Elder Tang's eyes flashed a faint look of fear.

"Oh, you said Gan Fan. He didn't come to participate. It is said that the palace master has something to do for him, so he can't leave for a while."

"Didn't come? That's such a pity. That kid has always boasted that he is a genius. He doesn't pay attention to my brother at all. I didn't expect that he would be willing to give up the temptation of the Holy Son this time." Gan Yu lightly laughed.

"You, you just dote on him too much, but this kid's attainments in divine sense are indeed very good, and his alchemy skills are becoming more and more powerful. Last time, he was the one who defeated the medicine field. For this reason, the Palace Master But very happy."

"Yao Yu, Yao Ling." Qian Yu said softly.His eyes were also slightly narrowed at this moment.

"He is quite a character. It is said that he has stepped into the ranks of fifth-rank alchemists. I didn't expect to lose to Xiaofan. I can't imagine it."

"It's nothing surprising. Even the Palace Master is amazed by Xiaofan's progress over the years, but his talent in cultivation is still not as good as yours. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be at the top of the talent list today." Tang Lao said The snow-white beard smiled.

The corner of Gan Yu's mouth twitched.He smiled and said, "I don't really care about the top of the list. If he really wants it, it's okay to give it to him. But this time I met an interesting guy. If Xiaofan is here, it may be even more interesting."

"Interesting guy? Is he one of the six of you?" Elder Tang asked.

Dry Feather nodded.Looking into the distance, raised his right hand lightly to point to a gambling table, squinted and said: "It's him, named Liu Chen, from the pastoral area of ​​Lihuo Mansion."

"Oh? In the middle stage of the Fusion Realm, his strength is pretty good. Huh, he seems to be practicing some kind of real fairy art. It's really not easy."

Elder Tang's gaze was like a torch. Even from a distance, he could clearly see the changes in Liu Chen's right hand. That kind of coercion was indeed not what a strong man in the middle stage of the combined state could possess.

"He also cultivates spiritual thoughts, so he probably won't be inferior to me." Qian Yu raised his brows and said with a smile.

"What you said is true." Elder Tang looked at Qian Yu in surprise and asked.

"Mr. Tang, you also know that when the divine sense is strong enough to a certain level, one can step into the subtle state, or even the transformation state."

"To tell you the truth, in this dark sky realm, my divine sense has broken through to the late stage of the subtle state, but in the process of contacting him, I found that I can't see through him at all. I really don't know when Muyu will appear. Such a powerful guy." There was a gleam of brilliance in Qian Yu's eyes.

"It's really rare. There are not many opponents that you can look up to. It seems that Liu Chen does have some skills."

"Old Tang was joking. Which one of the top ten geniuses on the golden list is weak? There are countless monsters in the world. I don't dare to talk about invincible nonsense at the same level. Strength doesn't come from words. You say it is Bar?"

Gan Yu lightly clasped his fingers and said with a smile.

"That's true. The little guys below are pretty much the same. Go down and find a gambling table and stay there. I don't know if there is any kid who dares to challenge you today." Tang Lao laughed loudly.

Gan Yu rolled his eyes, feeling speechless.

"Old Tang, you didn't come up with this resurrection challenge on purpose, did you? I've participated in the Heroes Meeting three times, but I've never heard of a resurrection challenge."

Elder Tang narrowed his eyes and coughed: "Then you are wrong. Although the old man has some rights, he can't modify the rules. To tell you the truth, this was ordered by Master Shuangsheng himself. The two old men seem to be very concerned about this session. will be of particular interest."

Gan Yu was stunned for a moment, glanced at Elder Tang with a strange expression, cupped his hands slightly, and his figure flickered, and the next moment, his figure appeared on a gambling table, sitting cross-legged and waiting.

The gambling tables are constantly lit up at this moment, and the bets are ending quickly. The winner continues, but the loser does not mean the end.

Because of what Elder Tang said earlier, the eyes of those teenagers were full of fanaticism.

The Genius Gold List, the names on it were not artificially engraved.

Jinbang itself seems to have a kind of spiritual intelligence, which can sense the existence of geniuses and monsters beyond ordinary people in this world.

So strictly speaking, not everyone believed in the Genius Gold List, but its authority was recognized by most people.

Therefore, I don't know how many teenagers hope that their names can appear on the gold list, which is a kind of honor and a symbol of status.

As time went by, almost all the gambling tables ended their gambling fights, and those teenagers also looked excitedly at the sky, where Elder Tang floated quietly.

The gambling fight is over, and according to the past, this second stage is also over, but the change of the rules has rekindled a glimmer of hope for those failed teenagers.

Even if you only succeed in challenging for the 20th place, you still have 20 star points. You know, [-] is definitely a big number for most teenagers.

Generally speaking, even if you complete the purple mysterious level, you will only get tens of thousands of star points, so 20 star points are quite tempting.

"Little guys, the betting is over, it's good."

Elder Tang smiled lightly, and with a big wave of his hand, a crack appeared in the space beside him. Amidst the surging starlight, a huge stone tablet of tens of feet appeared in the sky.

The golden awn on the stele is shining, and there seems to be writing on it.


What Elder Tang took out was the golden list of geniuses, which is said to be comparable to the existence of immortal artifacts.

Liu Chen, who was far away on the gaming table, slowly opened his eyes at this time, and there was a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, and when his eyes swept into the air, the golden stone tablet came into view immediately middle.

"Genius Gold List, I didn't expect Ji Shaoze to be ranked No. 30."

Liu Chen smiled and said softly, then his body turned into thunder and quickly dispersed. The next moment, he quietly came into the crowd, but the teenagers around him didn't realize that there was another person beside him .

(End of this chapter)

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