
Chapter 1677

Chapter 1677
Determined in his heart to break free from this trap created by Qin Kongnan, Wei Ren began to look for a way.But after a long time, I found that I really don't seem to have any extra power to change the situation.

"It's the last fight!"

Upon discovering this, Wei Ren understood that self-rescue was like a frog put into warm water by Qin Kongnan. After being boiled for a while, Wei Ren had lost the strength to jump out of the water.If you want to break the situation, you have to pay some price.

Feeling ruthless in his heart, Wei Ren directly exploded the taixuanfeng beside him, and then saw the taixutangfeng that had gathered into a whirlwind spread out like an army attacking from all sides, clearing out a large area in an instant. Blank field.

And beyond this blank space, it would take five to six breaths for the fastest Firecrows to catch up again.


After counting the time, Wei Ren calmed down a bit, and then he no longer cared about the things around him, and wholeheartedly controlled the remaining two groups of Taixu mixed with the same wind, entangled left and right like two dragons seizing pearls, and suddenly accelerated towards Qianbu Yan.

"Ha, are you ready to give it a go?"

Seeing Wei Ren make such a move, Qin Kongnan smiled immediately, feeling that he was about to win.Because as long as he lasted for a few breaths, he would be able to defeat Wei Ren, who had no defense at all, with that pile of fire crows and fire snakes.

However, he was not careless. After all, even if the overall situation is settled, he still needs to be cautious, because Qin Kongnan is a person who cannot afford to lose now.

So Qin Kongnan's feet flashed with flames, and he avoided the last two groups of Taixu Chaofeng that attacked him from a distance.With such a pull, although he couldn't pull it too far due to the limited space, but according to the current speed, the two groups were too weak to attack Qin Kongnan even if they had twenty breaths of effort. At that time, Wei Ren had already been defeated by a bunch of ravens and snakes.

"You're really cautious. I've never seen such a cautious person like Qin Kongnan!"

Seeing Qin Kongnan make such a move, Shan Bei on the stage obviously felt awkward.Because in the past, the Qin Kongnan he saw would never make such a move, because in Qin Kongnan's eyes, there is no difference between such dodging and admitting defeat.

Even if he wasn't stupid enough to bump into Taixu Hunfeng directly to prove that his body is not strong, he would definitely not dodge like this. Instead, he should go straight to Wei Ren himself and have a showdown.

"The situation is different. Now he can't afford to lose, so he can only choose to be a little bit safer."

Hearing Shan Bei's emotion, He Tuan also had the same thought in his heart, but he also understood the reason why Qin Kongnan did this now, because they were no longer qualified to lose again.

"I also understand, but it feels like the change is too fast. This trial of Sealing Sword Valley has changed my understanding for hundreds of years almost at once. I really don't get used to it."

Shan Bei naturally understood He Tuan's explanation.But now he has just been defeated by someone like Qian Buyan, and now he sees Qin Kongnan being cautious in order to win, and he sighs helplessly.

This kind of exclamation is not so much about Qin Kongnan, as it is about Shan Bei's emotion towards himself.

However, if such a thing is normal, He Tuan will definitely be able to understand what Shan Bei is hiding.But now he is fully devoted to Qin Kongnan's battle, so naturally he has no way to understand the deep meaning of Shanbei's words.

But at this time, Graduation of Good and Evil didn't expect anyone to discover the thoughts in his heart, and then comfort himself, but he couldn't help talking to himself.After finishing speaking, he also devoted his attention to the last few breaths of the battle.

"It's almost a foregone conclusion!"

Seeing that Wei Ren was approached by the fire crow again, Shan Bei thought in his heart.Because he could also see that although Wei Ren's strength had greatly increased because of Liu Chen, it seemed a little unbalanced, or because he focused too much on attack and neglected defense.So as long as the fire crow goes straight to the face, Wei Ren will have no chance.

But just as if they were deliberately fighting against each other, just when everyone felt that Wei Ren was about to lose, the last two flowers in Wei Ren's hands were too illusory and mixed with the wind. Yidao rushed towards Qin Kongnan at several times the speed.

"how can that be!"

Such a sudden change immediately startled the crowd, and looked at Wei Ren and exclaimed loudly.But no one came to answer such a question, because at this very moment, the fire crow had already pounced on Wei Ren's body, and the last wind of emptiness was about to rush to Qin Kongnan's body.


Looking at Taixu Huntongfeng who was almost clinging to his body, Qin Kongnan felt a breath of death. If he was hit by a solid one, he might not die or be disabled.

But after all, he escaped!
Looking at Wei Ren who had been completely overwhelmed by the crowd of fire crows and fire snakes, Qin Kongnan thought with surprise in his heart.

But when he turned his head to look at Shan Bei and the others, he saw that all of them were nervous and opened their mouths to speak.

Seeing such an expression, Qin Kongnan immediately felt a wave of uneasiness, and turned around again to look at the place where the wind blew past.But at this time, it was too late for him, he only felt a little black afterglow, and then half of his body went numb, and he fell to the ground in a daze, no more clarity.

"Is this a loss or a win?"

In his last thought after passing out, Qin Kongnan asked himself like this.

However, the people present didn't have the time to think about this question, because the two people in the competition were seriously injured, and it would be too rude to discuss the issue of victory or defeat now.


Seeing Qin Kongnan fall to the ground at the last moment of victory, everyone was unexpected, but it just happened.Tang Ru and the others stood up, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Let's settle the two of them first, and we can talk about other things later."

Seeing that the battle was over, Fairy Ning Xin on Liu Chen's side came out, said something to Tang Ru and the others who were still in shock, and then flew to the place where Wei Ren fell to the ground.

At this moment, the Fire Crow and Fire Snake summoned by Qin Kongnan still existed, and he felt the trace of Fairy Ning Xin, and turned around as if there was a tendency to attack.


Seeing this situation, Fairy Ning Xin didn't rush, and directly used a magic trick she comprehended after comprehending the destruction of the four elephants.Invite a long crystal river of several feet, and charge at those ravens and fire snakes that are about to move, and then all the fire crows and fire snakes can be seen extinguishing their flames in this long crystal river and dissipating.

But there are too many fire crows and fire snakes, even if Fairy Ning Xin is powerful, there is no way to wipe them all out in a short while.On the other side, Tang Ru and the others came to their senses after being reminded by Fairy Ning Xin, and realized that the most important thing now was to check on Qin Kongnan's situation.

It was still Tang Ru who flew to Qin Kongnan's side, and couldn't help frowning when he saw that half of Qin Kongnan's body was almost broken. This kind of injury was much worse than Shanbei's.

Especially when she treated Qin Kongnan with the spirit of good fortune, an aura of destruction that she hated was constantly entangled with it, making Qin Kongnan's injuries repeated, not only Qin Kongnan himself suffered a lot Sin also delays the effect of healing a little.

However, the Qi of Good Fortune is the Qi of Good Fortune after all, and it cannot be stopped by Wei Ren's impure destructive Qi. After entangled for a while, it was still erased by Tang Ru with the Qi of Good Fortune, and then Qin Kongnan almost disappeared. woke up.

"what's the result!"

Waking up with a stabbing pain in the body, this is the sequelae of the entanglement of the aura of good fortune and the aura of destruction just now. Qin Kongnan didn't care about this, but asked Tang Ru very nervously.

"That's it. You should know what's going on with you. I'm not sure about Wei Ren's side yet."

Seeing that Qin Kongnan asked this immediately after waking up, Tang Ru didn't say much, but turned her head to look at Wei Ren's side.

Just at this time, Fairy Ning Xin had just wiped out all the Fire Crows and Fire Snakes. Tang Ru thought for a while, then said to Qin Kongnan:
"Be careful yourself, I'll go and have a look."

Then he flew to Fairy Ning Xin and glanced at Wei Ren who was also unconscious on the ground.However, because of being besieged by a group of fire snakes and fire crows, Wei Ren's appearance was a little more miserable than Qin Kongnan's.But Tang Ru could understand that although Wei Ren looked miserable, his injuries were only caused by fire snakes and fire crows. Compared with Qin Kongnan's destructive injuries, they were actually lighter.

"It's really persistent. Maybe men are like this. Wei Ren was attacked at that time, and he was able to make one last change."

Looking at Wei Ren's injuries, Tang Ru could almost deduce from his own experience the situation when Wei Ren finally made Taixu Hun Tongfeng turn around. At that time, he should have completely lost the ability to resist under Qin Kongnan's attack, but Relying on a stubbornness, he insisted on having a fight with Qin Kongnan, which hurt both sides.

"It's about the same. People who are determined to pursue the highest rank will naturally be more persistent, and Liu Chen is also like this sometimes."

Facing Tang Ru's emotion, Fairy Ning Xin pursed her lips and smiled, and said.

"With such an injury, he can't wake up for a while by himself, and he will suffer a lot. Let me help treat it."

Listening to Fairy Ning Xin talking about Liu Chen, Tang Ru didn't know what to say.After shaking his head, he offered to treat Wei Ren.

"No need, seeing how much effort you put into treating Qin Kongnan just now, and also treating Shanbei Qian Buyan and the others before, you should be tired now, so leave it to me."

Seeing that Tang Ru took the initiative to use the Qi of Creation to cure Wei Ren, Fairy Ning Xin smiled, then stepped forward, waved a series of drops of fairy power and dripped onto Wei Ren's body.Then those bodies that were injured by the flames visible to the naked eye slowly returned to normal, just like the long-drought land encountering nectar.

"I didn't expect Fairy Ning Xin that you also have such excellent healing powers. Everyone around Liu Chen is really simple!"

Seeing that Fairy Ning Xin treated Wei Ren's injury with the gentle method of nectar, Tang Ru couldn't help feeling a little surprised. You must know that healing is a very useful method, but in a world where you fight for each other like the Immortal God Realm , not many people are willing to practice.

In fact, among the [-] families of Immortal Kings and Immortal Kings in the Immortal God Realm, only the Tang family is famous for its healing methods.As for the alien races and demon races other than the human race, there are even fewer, almost none.

So it's not surprising that Tang Ru was surprised by Fairy Ning Xin's skill now.

(End of this chapter)

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