
Chapter 1712 8-step Flying Method

Chapter 1712 Eight-step Flying Method
"Okay, well, I, Peacock, have been 50 years old since I was born. After awakening the supernatural power of Tianlu, I have devoured countless monsters after the age of [-]. Among the monsters, there is no omission except the ancient three, but I have never tasted such delicious food. blood. Although I don’t know exactly what this is about, but as long as I swallow you, my supernatural powers will definitely improve. At that time, even if the Golden Crow Flame comes, I will be able to defeat it!”

After tasting Liu Chen's blood, Peacock looked at Liu Chen fiercely again, not with ordinary greed, but with a desire from the bottom of his heart, the kind of persistence that would not evade despite all difficulties and dangers.

With such a look, Liu Chen would appreciate it if it was a strong man who also had the highest position in his heart.But now the guy with such eyes is a monster who regards himself as food, so there is only anger left!

"You don't need to think about the Golden Crow Flame, because I think you're going to die. It's a good thing to think about how to die more easily!"

Shaking his fist, Liu Chen said fiercely to the peacock.Then with a wrong hand, he assumed an offensive posture and was ready to fight again.

And the peacock on the side was also the same, after a few laughs, he couldn't fly and ran towards Liu Chen, while spreading his wings to cover him, as if he wanted to slap Liu Chen.

After showing his full strength this time, the peacock's speed is really amazing, even Liu Chen can't help but sigh that he was careless just now.

But no matter how fast this speed was, it was not an unsolvable problem for Liu Chen who was already prepared.In the meantime, Liu Chen staggered away from Peacock in a flash, making his aggressive blow useless.

"Hmph! No matter how fast your speed is, can you still surpass the supernatural power of space shuttle?"

After a flash, Liu Chen's figure flashed again, and he came to a blind spot behind the peacock murderer, and then his right hand landed on the peacock murderer lightly like a claw, scratching a bloodstain.Then Liu Chen flickered away again before the other party could react, looked at the peacock with fierce eyes, and said with disdain.

This kind of chain flashing had been thought of before Liu Chen realized the mystery of the space left by the extraterrestrial demon, but because the supernatural power of shrinking the ground into an inch is difficult to achieve, and the funnel is too big in actual combat, Liu Chen has never used it. passed.

But now Liu Chen has mastered the mysteries of space in just over a month, which has greatly enhanced the shrinking of the ground that was originally improved due to the insight of the bone mirror, so now such things have already It can be controlled freely and used in actual combat.

"Space shuttle, your human skills are good, but I was surprised. But don't think that I am another kind of idiot. If you want to beat me with this little trick, it's still far away. !"

After seeing Liu Chen's smooth space magic, Peacock couldn't help showing a hint of shock.However, he was not a superficial person who couldn't hold on to himself, so he naturally didn't want Liu Chen, his opponent, to see the uneasiness in his heart, so he said it firmly.

However, his arrogance is not completely pretended, and he does have the confidence to deal with Liu Chen's space magic.It's just that the previous thought of swallowing Liu Chen has faded a little bit, because a person with such spatial supernatural powers can get away from most situations as long as he pays a little attention.

But Peacock Fierce didn't have the slightest means of restriction, so for Peacock Fierce, the best ending now is to let Liu Chen be seriously injured and retreat, and then see if he is lucky enough to chase Liu Chen down and win in the end.

All in all, the thought of capturing Liu Chen in one fell swoop had already been completely put in the back of his mind by Peacock.

On the other hand, Liu Chen had another idea. In his eyes, Peacock was already defeated, and all he had to do now was to confuse the opponent continuously by relying on the supernatural power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and then punched him. End the fight.

Both sides have the willingness to fight, so the second round will soon start again, and this time the battle is much more exciting than before.

In the meantime, Liu Chen's figure flickered continuously, leaving afterimages in the air.Basically, the current Liu Chen would never stay in one place for three breaths, so the peacock who wanted to hurt Liu Chen was chasing Liu Chen like a headless fly.

But Peacock is also not bad in this respect. Although he can't catch up with Liu Chen, he also doesn't give Liu Chen a chance to attack.Because his pace was too strong, he often gave Liu Chen some illusions of judgment, causing Liu Chen to miscalculate and shuttle to other places, giving Peacock, who had almost fallen into a dizzy state, a little time to breathe.

For the current situation, Liu Chen was very surprised, because he thought that as long as he did this, people who did not have enough strength should completely lose their resistance after being in contact with it a few times.

The so-called people who don't have enough strength here refer to people like the Golden Crow, Peacock and Vicious.Because after experiencing another improvement in strength, the only opponent with sufficient strength in Liu Chen's heart was the Golden Crow Yan, and the others were just Liu Chen's opponents.

But the peacock fierce in front of him insisted on relying on his skillful steps, which caused great trouble to Liu Chen, and dragged what was originally expected to be an easy battle into a protracted one.

Although for Liu Chen, the final result of even such a protracted battle is still a given, he will definitely be able to win the final victory.

But this does not mean that Liu Chen is interested in such a result, because in Liu Chen's eyes, this is already the result of his own major mistakes.

And the mistake here is undoubtedly the result of underestimating the peacock's fierce and peculiar steps.

So now Liu Chen is not in a hurry to defeat Peacock, but slows down his fighting rhythm a little bit, relaxes when Peacock can't hold on, and then observes Peacock's peculiar pace.

After some observation, Liu Chen discovered without any surprise that this peacock fierce didn't use any supernatural powers, but simply used his steps, so Liu Chen was very confused.

Because after coming to the Immortal God Realm, Liu Chen began to get used to the fighting atmosphere in the Immortal God Realm, using his fists to test his opponents, and then using his powerful magical powers to determine the outcome.And this kind of pace seems to be like boxing, but it is completely different from that tentative thing, and it can be regarded as a strange thing to Liu Chen.

However, no matter whether Mo was a stranger or not, there was one thing Liu Chen could be sure of right now, that is, the effect of this kind of pace was very good, so he began to try to learn.

But he doesn't have the pair of feet that are good at walking like a peacock, so if you apply it mechanically, the final result can only be a tiger instead of an anti-dog.

So after Liu Chen thought about it for a while, he tried to combine some of the footwork he had already understood with the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and then used it in the battle with the peacock.

This kind of combination did not have a good start, but because it disrupted its own rhythm, it brought several opportunities to Peacock.

And although Peacock Fierce didn't understand why Liu Chen made some low-level mistakes in the battle, he didn't have much thought about it at this time, so he could only take advantage of the situation to launch an attack to take advantage of Liu Chen's exposed flaws. Seeking a chance to escape.

Yes, a chance to escape.

After being taught twice by Liu Chen about shrinking the ground and his unreasonably powerful body training technique, Peacock knew that he must not be Liu Chen's opponent.Because what he is good at is the powerful physique brought by the supernatural power of Tianlu and the eight-step flying method passed down by the peacock clan, which was completely suppressed by Liu Chen.

The physique trained by the Tianlu supernatural power is certainly strong, but it is much worse than the indestructible golden body trained by Liu Chen's immortal body. Although the eight-step flying method is powerful, it cannot be compared with the so-called strongest space supernatural power. .

Originally, Peacock Fierce thought that although Liu Chen could use the spatial supernatural power, he definitely couldn't use it for a long time, so he planned to use his eight-step flying method to delay for a while to survive Liu Chen's spatial supernatural power.

But I never expected that Liu Chen's use of space magic powers is as simple as eating and drinking water. Now that the battle time is close to a quarter of an hour, Liu Chen has used the shrinking ground almost thousands of times, but he still does not have the slightest slow reaction, which has already made Peacock Fierce desperate.

So even after Liu Chen tried to combine footwork and started to shrink the ground into an inch and began to show huge holes, Peacock Killer had completely lost the desire to fight back, and only wanted to escape far away.

But Liu Chen obviously didn't want to let go of this demon clan who had just made a big fuss. Whenever Peacock was about to run away, he would use all his strength to force him back, and then slowly experimented with the steps he stole. .

After so many times, even Peacock Ji, who had been dizzy in the continuous battles, could see that something was wrong.In particular, Liu Chen's spatial supernatural powers gradually caught up with his own eight-step flying method, and it still has a bit of the charm of the eight-step flying method.

Combined with this period of time when Liu Chen had already confirmed his victory but refused to make a serious move, Peacock Ji naturally understood what Liu Chen wanted to do.

"You human race is so presumptuous, and you are so contemptuous of me, it's damn! Damn!!"

After discovering what Liu Chen wanted to do, Peacock's fierce anger gradually rose in his heart, and he didn't want to run away or give way anymore. He just stayed where he was, and waited for Liu Chen to shrink into an inch and flash to his side It's just a peck with a long beak or a tear with a sharp claw.

If Peacock Killer had acted like this at the beginning of the battle, it would have caused some hindrance to Liu Chen.But the current situation is different. The previous embarrassing escape has already consumed most of Peacock's strength, and his movements and behaviors have long been a little slow.

These slownesses would not have made much difference to the demon race and human race who were devoured by the peacock before, but to Liu Chen, it changed from a piece of silk to a sieve, and basically he could find flaws with his eyes closed.

So Peacock's vicious effort was completely useless, not only did not hurt Liu Chen, but Liu Chen found an opportunity to punch him twice, completely abolishing Peacock's ability to act.

"You guy, your strength is really good. You are probably the strong man of the Immortal Court who defeated Sun Chang as Tianhuyu said. It's a pity that I didn't pay attention to it before. I just thought that Tianhuyu was fooled by Sun Chang's discovery. But I didn't expect that a human race like you really appeared, it's really unlucky!"

The body's ability to move was abolished, and Peacock Ji didn't resist anymore, because he knew that any resistance at this time would be useless.So he showed a calm look uncharacteristically, and looked at Liu Chen and said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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