
Chapter 2121 He must fight Liu Chen

Chapter 2121 He must fight Liu Chen

"Search with all your strength, we must find this thief!"

The three were very angry.


In the lush jungle.

At this time, ripples suddenly appeared in the midair, and a black hole appeared, and then expanded rapidly.

Next, a figure jumped out of the black hole and landed on the ground.

This figure was Liu Chen, but he was not in a very good state at this moment.

Using the Soul Devouring Sword requires a lot of spiritual power, and Liu Chen used it twice in succession, which seemed to be beyond his tolerance.

If it wasn't for his determination, he might have already been unconscious.

He gritted his teeth, resisted the pain, quickly sprinkled some powder on his body, and cast a magic circle.

This was taught by Yang Miyun to hide the fluctuations of true energy on his body and avoid the following magic circle.

He stole the blood of heavenly beings and masters of the first realm, those people will definitely look for him like crazy, so he must hide his body first, otherwise in his current state, if he is found, the consequences will be disastrous.

But Liu Chen wasn't very scared, as long as his spiritual power recovered and he finished comprehending the fighting spirit of the sword soul in the blood, he wouldn't have to be afraid of anyone anymore.

Dusk came, and the sunset made the whole forest dark.

Liu Chen wrapped his legs around a huge tree trunk and recovered quickly.

It didn't take long for him to open his eyes, and the exhausted spiritual power had been fully recovered.

The next step is to comprehend the blood of heaven and man and masters of the first realm.

He summoned a little white ape to protect him, and his spiritual power entered the sword-shaped pendant.

There, there was a ball of blood floating, filled with terror.

The red brilliance shone and turned into a red sword.

Liu Chen attacked with Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul fighting intent, triggering the terrifying Sword Soul fighting intent in the blood of heavenly beings and masters of the first realm.

Then, the monstrous sword soul's fighting spirit spewed out, as if it wanted to break through everything.

Liu Chen concentrated and quickly comprehended.

The space inside the sword-shaped pendant is very magical, and I don't mind the destruction of the soul of the sword in the blood of heaven and man and masters of the first realm.

And Liu Chen felt in surprise that his comprehension seemed to have been greatly improved in the sword-shaped pendant.

The originally hazy bottleneck of the Dzogchen Sword Soul's fighting spirit became extremely clear at this moment, as if it could be overcome at any time.

Just when Liu Chen comprehended the fighting spirit of Dzogchen Sword Soul, the entire Lost Desolate Principle was undercurrents.

The three major sixth-level sects joined forces with the affiliated sects to launch a large-scale manhunt, putting all their energy into arresting Liu Chen.

This Lost Wilderness was originally controlled by these three major gangs, and now all three major gangs have been dispatched.

Liu Chen also knew the urgency of the situation, he had to comprehend the fighting spirit of Dzogchen Sword Soul, otherwise it would be difficult to resist the wrath of the three major and sixth-level sects.

Three days later, a magnificent sword glow suddenly erupted from his body, and the terrifying sword light turned into a battle dragon, roaring to the sky.

At this time, all the monsters in the surrounding hundred miles were lying on the ground, trembling constantly.

It came from the depths of their consciousness, and the roar of the war dragon made it impossible for them to fight back.

The martial arts practitioners who were searching nearby were also shocked, the sword energy was so terrifying, it made their hearts tremble.

"Could it be the thief?"

"Hurry up and report back and find the target!"

Everyone didn't dare to delay, and quickly released the signal to notify Lin Jianfei and others.

Soon, tens of thousands of martial arts practitioners rushed towards this side, and everyone joined hands to form an encirclement circle, and rushed towards the origin of the sword energy.

On the giant tree, Liu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and those eyes turned into swords, tearing apart the space in front of him.

"Is this the fighting spirit of Dzogchen Sword Soul?"

He clenched his fists tightly and raised the corners of his lips slightly.

Then, he frowned and sensed that many martial arts practitioners were chasing after him.

With a sneer on the corner of his lips, Liu Chen raised his arm.

These people teamed up to search and arrest him, treating him as a persimmon.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, a sword light about a hundred feet long burst out.

That sword qi was extremely fierce, the sword qi shattered rocks, and the wind howled.

"Oh no!"

The following martial arts practitioners screamed sharply and quickly backed away.

However, they were still one step too late.

The huge sword light fell down, covering thousands of people.

A loud noise shook the whole earth.

Mountains collapsed one after another, and thousands of trees were blown down by the storm and turned into pieces in the sword energy.

This sword technique was too terrifying, without saying a word, he killed a dozen people who were practicing martial arts in the early stages of the Void Transformation Realm.

Those surviving martial arts practitioners panicked and fled in a hurry. They no longer had the courage to pursue Liu Chen.

It's too terrifying, even Lin Jianfei and the others may not be able to create such a terrifying coercion.

A sword knocked everyone back, and Liu Chen disappeared quickly in a flash.

After arriving at the Dzogchen Sword Soul Battle Intent, he had a clearer sense of the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword, and now it's time to find the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword.

Not long after he left, Zhou Qiang, Zhan Hongyan and others hurried over.

They looked at the deep sword marks on the ground and said nothing.

Zhou Qiang had a ferocious expression, clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were full of unwillingness,
In just a few days, Liu Chen went from being an ant to far surpassing him.

This made him unable to accept it.

Zhan Hongyan also sighed, Liu Chen grew up too fast.

In the jungle, Lin Jianfei looked at the one-kilometer-long sword mark with a nervous expression, and then he turned into a sword aura and rushed forward.

Unlike Zhou Qiang, Zhan Hongyan and others, as a swordsman, he must fight Liu Chen.

At this moment, Liu Chen was moving towards the direction he sensed, and at this moment, he suddenly sensed a force approaching rapidly from behind.

He turned his head abruptly, and saw a sword glow behind him, rushing quickly.

Wherever it passed, the trees on both sides were cut down in half.

That sword qi was so fierce that it destroyed everything nearby, and nothing could stop him from moving forward.

"Lin Jianfei!" Liu Chen stopped his steps with a nervous expression.

It has to be said that the other party is a very powerful swordsman.

That Jianmang walked in front of Liu Chen and stopped instantly.

The terrifying sword glow turned into sword waves, cutting the air in all directions, and Lin Jianfei's figure also transformed into an illusion.

His blue clothes fluttered, and his sword spirit was full of fighting spirit, and his whole body was like a sword drawn out of its sheath.

"Dzogchen Sword Soul Battle Intent, you really have upgraded to Dzogchen Sword Soul Battle Intent!" Lin Jianfei looked at Liu Chen with shock in his voice.

Don't think about it, this must be the effect of the blood of the heavenly man and the first-level master. If he had obtained the blood of the heavenly man and the first-level master at that time, then his current sword soul fighting spirit might be one step closer to the Dacheng realm!

"No one can take away from me, and you are no exception!" Lin Jianfei pulled out the long sword behind his back.

Holding the long sword, the sword glow on Lin Jianfei's body became stronger.

In the past, Liu Chen really didn't have the confidence to deal with it, but now he seems to have reached the sword soul of Dzogchen, and he no longer fears Lin Jianfei at all.

He believed that Dzogchen's fighting spirit of Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul must be stronger than that of the opponent's Sword Soul.

"You are indeed strong, but you are still no match for me!" Liu Chen was very confident.

"Hmph, arrogance!" Lin Jianfei roared angrily, he had never been looked down upon before.

Although Liu Chen also comprehended the fighting spirit of Dzogchen Sword Soul, he didn't believe that the other party's sword soul fighting spirit could surpass him.

After all, he has understood the Dzogchen Sword Soul Battle Intent for some time, and he can definitely kill opponents in the use of Sword Soul Battle Intent.

Thinking of this, the long sword in his hand stabbed out, and the monstrous sword spirit burst out.

The sword light was like a rainbow, and it flew across the sky at high speed, and one after another, void cracks appeared in the places it passed.

Liu Chen grasped the Liuyun Feixing sword, and slashed with it.

The Dian Feng Jianmang struck out and slashed at the long sword.

The two swords collided, forming waves of swords one after another, spreading towards the surroundings.

Immediately, thousands of sword glows appeared in the air, flying in all directions.

After one blow, the surroundings were in chaos.

Seeing that the long sword was blocked, Lin Jianfei shrank his pupils, and then he swept horizontally again, the sharp sword slashed across, and thousands of sword lights flashed out.

Every sword light is very terrifying, containing the fighting spirit of the Dzogchen sword soul, all the sword lights attack together, and all attack Liu Chen.

This attack is very terrifying. I am afraid that almost no one in Huaxu can resist it.

Liu Chen stopped abruptly, and the Liuyun Feixing sword formed a half-moon shape in front of him.

Dzogchen's Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul's fighting spirit merged into the sword glow, and the sword glow flew out through the air.

The huge arc-shaped sword light was like a new moon, splitting all of Lin Jianfei's sword lights in an instant, and then knocked down quickly.

Lin Jianfei quickly backed away.

He was horrified, and only managed to avoid more than half of the curved sword glow when he used his speed to the limit.

"How is this going!"

It is also the battle intent of the sword soul of Dzogchen, why is the opponent's sword soul fighting intent so fierce that it smashes all his attacks away with one move.

This is totally against common sense.

He is a peerless elite of the Yunjiantian Sect, and he has understood the fighting spirit of the Dzogchen Sword Soul for two years.

Compared with Dzogchen Sword Soul's control and proficiency in fighting intent, he must be sure to kill Liu Chen.

However, the reality gave him a blow.

In front of Liu Chen, his fighting spirit of Dzogchen Sword Soul was too weak at all.

Call him unable to accept.

"No, suppress it for me!"

Lin Jianfei drank softly, and the fighting spirit of the sword soul intertwined, forming a picture of a sword-shaped pendant.

Swinging the long sword, Lin Jianfei controlled the sword screen and pressed towards Liu Chen.

The thousands of sword glows under the sword-shaped pendant picture made Changkong unable to bear it.

Liu Chen pondered, he had already seen the destructive power of the sword screen, it was terrifying, but now that he has reached the Dzogchen Sword Soul, he will no longer be afraid of this sword picture at all.

On the blade of Liuyun Feixing, purple flames danced, exuding scorching energy, and a fierce-looking Xuanjiao was born along with the sword light, and flew away rapidly.

Suddenly, a huge dragon claw attacked the sword map.

The purple flame danced, and the sword glowed, breaking the sword curtain.

Lin Jianfei's sword-shaped pendant was completely suppressed by the purple flames, and the brilliance on it also became dim.

"Take my most powerful blow!" Lin Jianfei gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with strong hatred.

Then, the fighting spirit of the sword soul in his whole body rushed out and poured into the sword screen.

The gloomy sword curtain once again bloomed with gorgeous brilliance, and on the sword curtain, the fighting spirit of the sword soul intertwined, forming a sword curtain sword, overflowing with shocking fluctuations of true energy.

The Sword Curtain sword rushed out quickly and slashed at Liu Chen.

The sword was only three feet long, but it seemed to be able to crush the world, so it rushed towards Liu Chen.

"Broken Sword Style!"

Liu Chen swung the Flying Cloud and Flying Star Sword, and stabbed out quickly.

This sword was comprehended by him in the blood of heavenly beings and masters of the first realm, and it can be said to be infinitely destructive.

He comprehended a total of three tricks.

A breath of death overflowed and slammed into the sword of Jianmu at high speed.

Chi Chi!

Under the influence of the Broken Sword Stance, the originally dazzling sword curtain rapidly became dim, as if the energy had been exhausted.

"What kind of sword technique is this?" Lin Jianfei was astonished, this sword technique was so weird that his Sword Curtain Sword disappeared without saying a word.

He was not reconciled and wanted to counterattack, but Liu Chen seemed to walk in front of him.

Jianhua flashed, piercing Lin Jianfei's defense, and the terrifying sword spirit fighting spirit instantly left a bloody hole on his shoulder.

Lin Jianfei was in a panic and retreated crazily, but Liu Chen was even faster, and swung his right palm out, hitting him on the chest, knocking him flying.

(End of this chapter)

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