
Chapter 2223 Flaming Blood Saint Ranking

Chapter 2223 Flaming Blood Saint Ranking
Finally, an old man stood up and asked tentatively.

Chen Jiaqing looked gloomy. He looked at the two corpses on the ground, and said in a cold tone: "Go, send the corpses of Director Liu to Qingshi City, and say that they were slaughtered."

Hearing this, all the disciples were shocked, but the old man showed a look of surprise and joy: "Don't worry, Sect Master, I already know what to do."

"Go, this matter is done, and you will be the manager from now on." Chen Jiaqing said calmly.

"Okay! I'll do it right away!"

The old man was overjoyed, he hurriedly greeted his disciples, put away the two corpses of Director Liu, and then quickly sent them to Qingshi City.

He knew that the sect master must be concerned about the mysterious young man when he did that. Those who can make the sect master fear are either strong or special.

All in all, the mysterious young man was not to be trifled with.

And their Heibaomen couldn't bear this anger, so they decided to let Qingshicheng do it.

Since Director Liu is the younger brother of the City Lord of Qingshi City, the death of Director Liu will definitely make the City Lord of Qingshi City furious.

That is really a more powerful martial arts practitioner than Chen Jiaqing, a real celestial master!
Liu Chen didn't know what the Black Leopard Gate was doing. At this time, he had already left Hunyuan City quickly, following the instructions of the red map.

It has to be said that the map given by Chen Jiaqing is very specific, at least much more specific than the one he bought.

He found the fastest road, and used his body skills to drive fast.

Where Liu Chen is located is still at the edge of the Red Blood Domain, so there are fewer city-states. Looking from a distance, it is a patch of embroidered red that can't be seen at a glance.

Half a day later, he suddenly stopped and frowned slightly.

Because the wind has reached Dacheng, Liu Chen is particularly sensitive to the flow of the nearby wind. At this moment, he feels that there is an extremely unusual wind fluctuation in front of him.

This wave of true energy fluctuates very strongly, very violently, it must not be an ordinary wind.

Soon, Liu Chen saw crimson mist blowing up on the horizon in front of him, surging like a sea of ​​blood.

"This is... a storm!"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank, he had never seen such a powerful storm before.

The yellow sand storm soon seemed to walk to Liu Chen's side.

The storm blew up, uprooted the trees, and sent thousands of clouds of dust flying upside down into the sky.

Like dragon-colored battle dragons, roaring murderously in mid-air.

The sky roared, as if being torn apart, red cracks appeared, and the terrifying force of the wind spread rapidly in all directions.

In this situation, escape is impossible.

Ordinary martial arts practitioners can only pray when they encounter a storm of yellow sand, but Liu Chen is different, he has a great spirit of success, and his fighting power is extremely tyrannical.

Immediately, near him, one after another green air currents appeared, supporting his body.

With this kind of wind, the blow of the yellow sand storm was indeed less. Liu Chen drifted away with the yellow sand storm, watching the brutal and monstrous storm, suddenly realized in his heart.

It has been a long time since his Fengyi reached Dacheng, but he has not yet reached the level of Fengyi. He knows that this kind of thing should not be rushed.

Different from Sword Soul, Feng Yi is understood by him alone, there is no shortcut, so the speed is not as fast as Sword Soul Fighting Intent.

But at this moment, facing the yellow sand storm all over the sky, he suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

This process is very short, only an instant, but it is enough.

Because he knew the direction of Fengyi's cultivation in the future.

It only takes more comprehension, and it won't take long to condense into a wind fighting spirit.

The wind gradually stopped, and the yellow sand storm came and went quickly.

Soon, it completely disappeared in this area and rushed towards other places.

But Liu Chen summoned the scarlet standing dragon and asked him to protect the law.

"Mal Gobi's, Liu Chen, are you a monster!" Chi Hong stood in displeasure, and could have an epiphany even if he walked along.

Although the red Zhanlong was displeased, he still set up a defensive circle.

Liu Chen's legs were crossed on the ground, and his brain kept deducing and recalling the situation of the yellow sand storm just now, earnestly comprehending it.

He felt that his understanding of the wind has deepened a lot, and at the same time, based on his understanding of the landscape just now, he created a storm style of his own.

A palm was swung fiercely, the storm rolled up, the sky and waves swelled, and the terrifying sound stirred up, like a yellow sand storm reappearing.

A deep crack appeared on the ground, and the trees flew upside down like kites with broken strings, turning into dust in mid-air, and the distant mountain peaks exploded, unable to bear the force.

This palm is very similar to the yellow sand storm, full of violent and destructive true energy fluctuations.

"Help, the yellow sand storm has appeared again!"

In the distance, a scream sounded, very miserable and desperate.

After Liu Chen heard this, he was surprised. With a domineering wave of his palm, he put away this trick, and at the same time moved his body, and rushed towards the place where the sound came from.

The yellow sand storm was very terrifying, and the land it passed was severely damaged. Numerous cracks appeared on the ground, the cracks spread, and the rocks collapsed.

And in these ruins, there was actually a skinny young man who was holding his head and humming.

"I'm sorry, isn't the yellow sand storm only appearing once a time, why did it just disappear this time and come back again!"

"I don't want to die!"

The young man yelled wildly.

Liu Chen was surprised, he didn't expect that someone could wake up under the yellow sand storm.

With the corner of his lips raised, Liu Chen, like a ray of wind, quietly walked to the young man, and then kicked him with his toe.

Suddenly, the young man's body trembled and he yelled frantically: "It's really here!"

Liu Chen was speechless, the corners of his lips cramped slightly, he could only open his mouth slowly and say, "Hey, there is no storm, you don't have to be afraid."

As soon as the sound came out, the young man on the ground stopped trembling immediately, then turned his head quickly, looked in all directions, and took a deep breath.

He stood up, patted the dirt on his body, stared at Liu Chen, and let out a cold snort in displeasure: "If there is no storm, don't tell me sooner." After thinking about it, he continued: "You want to scare me to death? ?"

This guy is full of resentment.

Liu Chen felt it was ridiculous, but at the same time, he really wanted to know, how did this bastard on the ground not have a high level of cultivation, how did he escape the yellow sand storm?

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have?" The young man on the ground was displeased, and stood up with a muffled sound.

"Although my master's combat power is not strong, in terms of surviving ability in the red wilderness, people who practice martial arts at the Void Transformation Realm may not be able to match me!"

Young people are very confident.

"What's your name?" Liu Chen asked.

"Yuchi Dianwei." The young man said, then he was taken aback, "Why should I tell you?"

He stared at Liu Chen closely, with a bad expression: "You bastard, your body is so clean, could it be that you didn't encounter a yellow sand storm?"

"Young man, who are you?"

"Newcomer." Liu Chen shrugged his shoulders, "Your survivability is very strong? What's the danger?"

Yuchi Dianwei's eyes were wide open, he stared at Liu Chen for a few seconds, and then said contemptuously, "You really are a rookie!"

"Young man, listen up!"

"There are many dangers in the red field!" Yuchi Dianwei snorted coldly, and then said; "Just this red storm can kill most people, let alone other things. There are other dangers."

"What danger?" Liu Chen asked.

"The pack of fire wolves, the terrifying scarlet flame thieves, and the mysterious scarlet underworld."

"Each of them is extremely terrifying. If they encounter one, very few people can get out alive."

Yuchi Dianwei glanced at Liu Chen, and hummed softly, "That's why you are lucky, you didn't encounter the scarlet storm, otherwise you wouldn't have the chance to stand here and talk!"

He didn't feel the terrifying qi fluctuations on Liu Chen's body, so he thought that Liu Chen was just an ordinary martial arts practitioner.

Liu Chen smiled, but didn't say anything, then he took out the map, compared it, and planned to leave quickly.

At this moment, Yuchi Dianwei laughed contemptuously: "As expected, a rookie is really stupid to use this kind of map in the red field!"

"Young man, I can assure you that you won't survive three days with this map."

"Why?" Liu Chen frowned, he didn't see anything wrong with this map.

"Your map looks specific, but it only marks the geographical environment of the Red Blood Domain, and those divisions of power and taboos are not marked at all!"

"This kind of thing is just to deceive you newcomers. No one will use it for old fritters like us."

"Oh?" Liu Chen frowned: "Then you will have such a map?"

"Young man, look carefully, this is my uncle's treasure, ordinary people would not let it be seen!" Yuchi Dianwei said in a proud tone, then he took out a scroll and slowly opened it.

The map is very large, at first glance it seems that there is no detail in Liu Chen's hand, but if you carefully identify it, you will see that there are many things marked in it.

For example, Liu Chen saw that the Red Blood Domain was divided into many areas, and each area was marked.

"What are these?" Liu Chen asked in confusion.

"These are the distribution of the major gangs in the Red Blood Realm. The areas you see are the divisions of forces in the Red Blood Realm."

Yuchi Dianwei said: "Did you see that, where we are standing now is the area of ​​influence of the Sihe Gang."

"Sihe Gang?"

"Yes, the six city-states including Hunyuan City and Qingshi City belong to the Sihe Gang."

"The Four Harmonies are very powerful?"

"He is the overlord in this area, but if it is placed in the area of ​​​​red blood, it will not be enough to fit between the teeth."

Indeed, Liu Chen saw that the sphere of influence of the Fourth Harmony Gang was only a little bit on the whole map, not enough to fit his teeth at all.

"Isn't Hunyuan City part of the Black Leopard Sect? How did it become the sphere of influence of the Sihe Gang?"

"The Black Leopard Gate is just a hall of the Sihe Gang, and it is the bottom of the Six Halls."

"You just came here. I didn't know that these things are very normal. I guess you will understand after some time." Yuchi Dianwei said.

"The natural prerequisite is that you can live in this red blood realm."

"Black Leopard Gate, Sihe Gang!" Liu Chen looked at the map in his hand, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

He didn't know if the other party gave him this kind of useless picture on purpose, but this time it was all right, if he saw any other actions of the Black Panther Gate in private, he would definitely not forgive him!

"Don't look at the fact that the boss of the Sihe gang is very bad here. It's not a fart to put him in the red blood domain, and he is not even qualified to enter the flame blood holy list!" Yuchi Dianwei snorted.

"Flame Blood Sacred List, what is it?"

"The Flame and Blood Sacred Ranking is the ranking list of masters in the Red Blood Realm. Anyone who can be on the list, the worst one is a celestial master."

"Furthermore, the celestial masters on this list are all veterans who rose up in the cruelest environment, and their fighting power is much stronger than the celestial masters of the same level in other regions."

"The competition in the Flame and Blood Sacred Ranking is very fierce, and new changes will occur in the ranking every few years!"

After hearing this, Liu Chen's face was moved.

It is very difficult to improve the level of a celestial master, but the Flame Blood Saint Ranking is updated every three or four years, which shows how fierce the competition here is!
"Who are the top ranked people? Can you be more specific?" Liu Chen asked, he was very curious about the Flame Blood Saint Ranking.

(End of this chapter)

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