
Chapter 2226

Chapter 2226
This young man is the son of a lieutenant of the Wing Lion Army, seeing Liu Chen's arrogant attitude at this time, he immediately became angry.

Holding the cup in his right hand, Liu Chen laughed proudly: "You have the guts to say something like that, and don't slap yourself!"

The voice was full of defiance.

"Seek your own way!"

The young man was furious, and immediately drew out his sharp sword, stabbing out quickly.

No one restrained them, and all the people looked at the scene with gloomy faces.

Although this young man is young, he also has the ultimate realm of Void Transformation, and the power of this sword is shocking, and the sword's brilliance shines like a dazzling light, criss-crossing the sky.

On the sword light, there was a crimson flame, dancing vigorously, accompanied by fluctuations of scorching true energy, like a murderous dragon gushing out.

In an instant, the terrifying sword flower covered Liu Chen.

"Boy, go to hell!"

The young man's face was murderous, like a devil.

But one hand stretched out, grasping the head of the Raging Flame Black Dragon in an instant, with five fingers bent, piercing through the head.

With a wail, the flaming blue dragon disappeared, turning into a rain of fire and debris all over the ground.

Contemptuously let out a cold snort, Liu Chen's gaze was like a sword, and he slammed forward, bringing out a white light, and quickly stabbed forward, the young man directly opposite suddenly turned pale, took three steps back, and spewed out. A mouthful of blood.

"You don't know how to use a sword at all, and you are not qualified to use a sword!" Liu Chen continued to attack.

The young man was clutching his chest, his eyes were spitting fire, and he wanted to burn Liu Chen to death.

In Green Lion City, he can be regarded as a hero among the younger generation, and he has a high status. No one has ever dared to talk to him like that.

But now, a young man who is not popular has the courage to ridicule him in public, which makes him unable to step down at all.

He was burning with anger at the moment, but at that time he wanted to pounce on his opponent and cut him off.

But the horrible scene before made him unable to calm down for a long time, and he didn't have the courage to move around.

The expressions of the others changed even more. This young man actually defeated the enemy with one blow. He deserves to be a strong man who can kill Director Liu.

"Hmph, boy, you are so arrogant, you actually have the guts to find fault with me? Could it be that you are not afraid of death?" Pei Guangyu's voice was cold, and his body was full of fierceness.

Liu Chen smiled and said, "What do you want me for?"

"Hmph!" Pei Guangyu smiled coldly: "Boy, did you kill my junior brother?"

"Your brother?"

"Who?" Liu Chen snorted, "I killed too many people, I can't remember."

"It's useless to say more, did you kill Director Liu of the Black Leopard Sect!" A burly man next to him also asked in a cold tone.

He was the captain of the Winged Lion Army, and he looked at Liu Chen with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Boss Liu?" Liu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, it can be seen that this matter was really caused by the Black Panther Sect.

Murderous intent arose in his heart. At that time, he had warned the other party not to offend him again, but the other party didn't listen and actually moved out of the Green Lion City. Do you really think he is so easy to bully?
Since they did not abide by the agreement, there is no need for them to exist!

Liu Chen decided to let the Black Leopard Gate be destroyed after the matter with the Green Lion City was over.

"I think you have made a mistake. Director Liu was not killed by me, but by the head of the Black Panther Sect."

"Nonsense! I still want to argue about it now. Director Liu is the leader of the Black Leopard Sect. How could the head of the Black Leopard Sect hurt him?" The school captain sneered.

"It's really ridiculous. Before I finished speaking, you jumped out in a hurry, wanting to show that you have a superior IQ?"

Liu Chen smiled coldly: "In my opinion, you are just a fool!"

Then he sneered and said, "Of course the head of the Black Leopard Sect is afraid of me, so he killed Mr. Liu to silence him. That's the way it is. If you don't believe me, forget it." A light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he continued: "Okay, you Don't you just want to kill me? Hurry up."

The tone was very impatient, as if he didn't take everyone to heart.

Liu Chen's words were beyond everyone's expectations, and it was too embarrassing, and he didn't pay attention to everyone at all.

Pei Guangyu's face became even more gloomy. As the city lord, no one had the courage to act presumptuously in front of him.

"Killer Qiandao, do you know who you are talking to?" Captain Huang Xiao shouted in a cold tone.

"Boy, no one has ever had the guts to talk to me like that, but anyone who stands in front of me is already dead!"

Pei Guangyu's voice was cold: "You are very courageous, but you have no brains at all."

"Okay, don't put on airs as a city lord." Liu Chen smiled contemptuously and said, "If I don't do anything, will you spare me?"

"It's going to be a war anyway, why should I give you face? You don't deserve to brag in front of me!"

Liu Chen's voice was powerful and full of confidence.

"Oh my god, this bastard is really crazy. He has the guts to mock the city lord without hesitation."

"Could it be that he doesn't know that the Green Lion City is all under their control?"

"And this guy himself knows that there is no place to die, so he has to fight hard before he dies."

Naturally, everyone feels that the last possibility is very strong.

"Seeking death, today I will let you know the consequences of finding fault in the City Lord's Mansion!"

Captain Huang Xiao let out a roar, pulled out the big knife from his waist, held it with both hands, and slashed it down.

He had wanted to make a move a long time ago, the kid in front of him was really too shy, he first wounded his deputy captain of the Winged Lion Army, and then wounded his favorite son.

At this moment, he and the city lord are completely ignored!
Everything drove him crazy, so he slashed down without any hesitation.

Only by chopping the villain in front of him in half can he relieve his hatred.

The light of the knife shone like a galaxy flying in mid-air, the sky was shaking, and the ferocious and terrifying air spread rapidly in all directions like a tsunami.

With a single slash, the surrounding rockery shattered, and the waterfall flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and the sound was terrifying.

Liu Chen raised his head and punched hard.

The golden fist enlarged in mid-air, and the surrounding golden arcs shone.

The terrifying thunderbolt disperses the true energy, turning all the surrounding landscape into powder.

The nearby martial arts practitioners backed away in panic, away from the two people, and retreated to a safe place. At the same time, they were extremely surprised, this young man was really crazy, and he had the guts to make a move in the city lord's mansion.

What's more, the terrifying thunderbolt qi was so frightening that the sky where the golden fist passed was almost unbearable.

The dazzling knife light collided with the golden fist, making a shocking sound.

Then, the light of the knife trembled like broken glass and disappeared in mid-air. At the same time, Huang Xiao's face below was as pale as paper, and his body kept retreating.

Liu Chen looked calm, turned his fist into a palm, and slammed it down.

The mountain-like golden fist in the void turned into a big golden palm, covering the sky.

Wherever it passed, lightning landed, and the horror was so powerful that it cut the earth into a black hole, and the landscape courtyard was completely destroyed.

Everyone changed color, this palm was too tyrannical, they couldn't imagine it.

This strength must have surpassed those of the ultimate martial arts practitioners in the Void Transformation Realm!

"Could it be that this young man is a quasi-celestial master?" Everyone was so excited that their faces changed.

A quasi-celestial master at this age must be a young master.Such elites usually have very powerful forces behind them, and some of them are simply not something they can deal with.

Huang Xiao's face was even more astonished, he didn't expect the opponent to be so tyrannical, and he smashed his attack with one punch.

Seeing the big golden palm descending rapidly in the void, he gave a light drink, and quickly used the budding strength of the fighting spirit.

A tyrannical force gushed out and filled the surroundings.

At this time, Huang Xiao's body was radiant and radiant, his body was filled with terrifying true energy, and his movements could even tear apart the sky.

He kept waving his palms, creating a palm shadow that rolled up into the sky and resisted the big golden palm above.

But the big golden palm in midair was really terrifying, without saying a word, it shattered the palm shadows all over the sky, and then quickly covered Huang Xiao!
Huang Xiao was sent flying, and kept backing away, stepping on the ground with terrifying cracks with every step.

The ground in the Fengshui yard fell apart, as if an earthquake had occurred, while Huang Xiao's hair was even more disheveled, his chest heaved and fell, and the corners of his lips were even more blood-stained.

This palm caused him to be seriously injured!

Facing him, Liu Chen looked calm, he didn't even move his feet.

"With your insignificant combat power, you still want to kill me, can you do it?" Liu Chen smiled contemptuously.

Huang Xiao was so angry that he was going crazy, he was like a beast, he kept shouting, and the terrifying qi fluctuated and fluctuated on his body like a raging flame.

The vitality gathered all over the sky, forming a giant of true energy several tens of feet high, with his hands down on the ground, roaring to the sky.

The sound was like waves, beating in all directions.

The giant's eyes widened angrily, fixed on Liu Chen, and then sprayed out a beam of true energy.

The air wave surged, the sky shattered, and the terrifying beam of true energy rushed towards Liu Chen like the spear of a god and demon.

Liu Chen sneered, with a look of contempt in his eyes, and then he took a stride, and the sword spirit on his body condensed into a terrifying sword light, and quickly slashed forward.

The sword light was dazzling and gorgeous, and without a word, it bombarded the beam of zhenqi light, breaking it, and then the terrifying sword light slashed across the body of the zhenqi giant, cutting it in two.

At the last moment, Hualijianhua covered Huang Xiao.

All these happened so fast, everyone only saw Liu Chen take a stride, and then a huge dazzling sword light appeared in the midair.

Wherever it passed, the rocks and soil were destroyed, and there was nothing to stop it at all.

The sword energy disappeared, everyone was surprised and gasped.

Because Huang Xiao's body was cut in two in front, he fell to the ground, blood and internal organs spilled all over the ground, very bloody.

This is too frightening, the majestic captain of Qingshicheng, a quasi-celestial master, was slaughtered by a sword, and he has no power to fight back!

This kind of fighting power can be described as amazing, and the opponent is still such a young man.

Thousands of people trembled in their hearts, and they didn't have the courage to look directly at Liu Chen.

Pei Guangyu looked at this scene with an extremely gloomy expression.

He didn't do anything during the previous battle because he believed that Huang Xiao, as a quasi-celestial master, had a certain advantage in killing the little thief in front of him.

However, Liu Chen's fighting power was beyond his expectation.

Huang Xiao was not enough for the opponent's teeth, and the last sword was too fast, and he didn't even have a chance to save him.

Looking at the frightened expressions of the Winged Lions around him, Pei Guangyu's eyes were full of menace.

He knew that Liu Chen had to be killed in order to calm down today's events.

"Boy, whoever has the guts to kill me, no one can save you today!"

Pei Guangyu's body exuded a powerful pressure. "I'm going to chop off your head and hang it on the Green Lion City, so that everyone will know the consequences of provoking the Green Lion City!"

As he strode forward, the coercion on his body became stronger and stronger, and the coercion of the celestial master radiated out, making everyone breathless.

Judging from the battle just now, Liu Chen could kill the quasi-celestial master with one sword, presumably his combat power must have reached the realm of harmony and mastery.

(End of this chapter)

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