
Chapter 2251 Conquering the Huang Family

Chapter 2251 Conquering the Huang Family
"This is Liu Chen, Big Brother Liu, from the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy!" Huang Changfeng next to him explained.

"There is no need to repay favors, but you just need to be careful in the future."

Then, Liu Chen turned around and wanted to leave quickly.

"Liu Engong!" The head of the Huang family suddenly shouted.

After hearing this, Liu Chen stopped, turned around and asked in confusion, "What else is there?"

The head of the Huang family struggled, as if he was making a decision, and then he let out a sigh of regret, with a trace of determination in his eyes.

"My Huang family is willing to submit to Liu Engong's banner, and please Liu Engong protect our Huang family!"

Everyone in the Huang family was startled, then they all came back to their senses and looked at Liu Chen expectantly.

"Please agree with Liu Engong!" Everyone said in unison.

Although Liu Chen helped them eliminate the family crisis this time, it didn't mean that Condor Eagle Valley wouldn't make a comeback in the future.

At that time, without Liu Chen, they could not escape death.

Moreover, what happened this time made them feel cold.

For those forces that we usually make good friends with, no one will help at the critical moment, so it is better to find a strong backer.

Liu Chen is from the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy. He is very powerful in combat and background, and he saved Huang Changfeng without knowing him.

Joining this kind of people's banner, their Huang family should be able to develop very well.

"Are you really willing to join?" Liu Chen asked sharply.

"Yes!" The head of the Huang family clasped his fists respectfully and saluted, "Our Huang family is a pharmaceutical family, so we must be able to help benefactor."


Liu Chen raised his eyebrows. He formed a combat force and would absorb more and more members. Medicine pills were a must.

Although he is also a pharmacist, he simply doesn't have the time to refine so many pills.

Also, he doesn't have that kind of spare time.

Now that there is a pharmaceutical family surrendering to him, that would be great.

"Since you are willing to participate, I have no reason to decline politely." Liu Chen said, "But there is one thing, I have to make it clear first."

"Join my flag, and you cannot betray!"

"If you have the guts to betray me after joining, I guarantee that your fate will be worse than hitting the Valley of the Eagles!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Chen's body rose with an incomparably fierce pressure, like a peerless killing sword, suspended above everyone's heads.

The head of the Huang family and all the deacons were shocked suddenly, with a look of horror in their eyes.

Too strong, so strong that they are powerless to resist.

At the same time, they were extremely happy. With such expert guards, their Huang family would definitely be safe and sound in the future.

"Give you another choice, are you willing to participate?"

"Engong, you don't have to worry. My Huang family is not a wolf-hearted person. Since I am willing to participate, I will never betray Engong!"

"Okay!" Liu Chen nodded his head, "From now on, your Huang family in Yangzhou City is a family under the Xianglong Gang!"

"From now on, Xianglong Gang will protect your safety!"

"Xianglong Gang." Everyone in the Huang family whispered softly.

"Thank you, Lord!" The head of the Huang family clasped his fists respectfully and saluted.

The others also bowed their respects.

"Okay!" Liu Chen waved his hand, and then he released the crimson war dragon to deploy a defensive circle in Huang's house.

But he went to Lumpin City to take Yuchi Dianwei over.

Originally, he wanted Yuchi Dianwei to develop in Lumpin City, but now there is a better development.

The next morning, Liu Chen brought Yuchi Dianwei back.

"Boss, is this your new power?" Yuchi Dianwei looked down at the Huang family's mansion, his face full of shock.

"Well, you will stay here from now on and develop together with the Huang family."

Soon, Liu Chen took Yuchi Dianwei to meet the head of the Huang family and several deacons.

Liu Chen left a few prescriptions for the Huang family to refine.

The head of the Huang family and several deacons were surprised after seeing it.

The medicinal pills recorded in this prescription are all related to cultivation, and the effect is astonishing, it is many times better than the prescription in their hands!
Several people looked at each other, their hearts shook, it could be seen that they still underestimated Liu Chen.

Not only is he powerful in combat, but he can easily come up with such an exquisite prescription, which is definitely not an ordinary person.

It can be seen that this time, their Huang family made the right bet!

"There are ninety bottles of the medicine pills above, and I will order someone to pick them up in two weeks."

"As for the other medicinal pills, you can give them to family disciples or sell them," Liu Chen said.

After hearing this, the head of the Huang family and several deacons became excited.

With this medicine pill in hand, it will definitely increase the combat effectiveness of his Huang family by a level!
"Don't worry, leader, we promise to complete the task!" said the leader of the Huang family.

"Xianglong Gang is still in the early stages of its establishment. When it matures, I will order people to help you. I will make you the first family in Yangzhou City."

"The first family!"

The head of the Huang family and others were short of breath. They didn't even have the courage to think about this idea before. After all, although their Huang family is a big family, they couldn't make it into the top three.

But now, Liu Chen actually promised to let them sit in the top of the first family, how could they not be excited.

They didn't doubt it at all, after all, Liu Chen shocked them too much.

"The Yuchi Dianwei I just brought, please arrange it carefully."

"Don't worry, leader, we understand!"

Then, after arranging some other things, Liu Chen quickly left with the scarlet war dragon.

Along the way, Liu Chen finally returned to Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

After killing Lu Ruisi, he can get [-] potential points, and then he can change medicine pills.

By that time, he can upgrade to the Quasi-Harmonious and Accessible Realm without saying a word.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen accelerated his pace even more.


"What, you're done!"

A scream came from the Confidential Pavilion, which immediately attracted the attention of the people nearby.

"Lu Ruisi's head is really Lu Ruisi, you have completed the third-level mission!" The Minister in charge of releasing the mission was surprised.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him could really accomplish such an impossible task.

Many elite disciples took over this task, but none of them came back.

He had reminded Liu Chen before, but the other party insisted on picking it up, so he didn't remind him again.

But unexpectedly, the other party really finished it!

"Third-level mission!"

The nearby students were also surprised when they heard it.

The third-level task is very difficult. Generally, only those who are above the second-level celestial master have the courage to take it, but this new disciple has the courage to take this kind of task, and he succeeded!

Under the dull, surprised, and envious eyes of a group of people, Liu Chen obtained [-] potential points.

Then, he quickly left the Confidential Pavilion.

Then, it was time to go to the Nanjiang Palace, and only when you got there could you change the medicine pill.

Liu Chen has been to Nanjiang Palace once, so he is familiar with it.

However, on the way, he happened to bump into Tan Hongyan.

"Yeah, you're back?" Tan Hongyan was surprised, "How's the mission going?"

"Well, it's quite a harvest!" Liu Chen said with a smile.

This time the action of beheading the fugitive was really good. Not only did he gain potential points, but he also accidentally obtained a pair of top-quality finger gloves at the spiritual level.

Most importantly, he subdued a pharmaceutical family!

Simply put, Liu Chen was very satisfied.

"Look at your appearance, you must have obtained some kind of treasure!" Tan Hongyan's beautiful eyes rolled, "You are really amazing, you can complete the third-level tasks so easily."

"Hehe, luck." Liu Chen scratched his head, "Shall we go to Nanjiang Palace together?"

Side by side, the two walked quickly towards Nanjiang Hall.

Although he had been here once, Liu Chen still felt shocked when he saw Nanjiang Palace again.

Majestic, mysterious, like a shrine, descending into the world.


Excited, Liu Chen jumped up first, and soon Tan Hongyan followed.

The two quickly walked towards Nanjiang Hall.

There are many disciples walking around in Nanjiang Hall every day, and no one usually pays attention to them at all.

But this time it was different, the students and disciples next to him all stood still and followed the sound with their eyes.

There are two figures there.

Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan.

Naturally, all these eyes were directed at Tan Hongyan.

There is no other way, Tan Hongyan is so beautiful.

Everyone's eyes fell on her involuntarily.

"What a peerless beauty, but this face is very strange, could it be a new disciple who just arrived?"

Tan Hongyan caused a lot of shock, many people's eyes twinkled, and their faces were full of surprise.

"Yeah, is there anyone beside her?"

"The realm of cultivation is very weak, and it has not yet reached the realm of harmony and mastery!"

"How can such a person deserve to stand beside a heroine!"

At that time, a few self-righteous guys sneered and walked over quickly.

"Hello, beautiful lady! Are you a new student? Would you like me to familiarize you with the environment?"

"No need!" Tan Hongyan politely declined.

After being politely declined by the beauty, Yang Shengli's face became stiff, which made him feel ashamed as a result.

But at this moment, Liu Chen beside him let out a low laugh.

This smile caused everyone nearby to laugh.

"Malgobi, young man, what a fart you are!"

Yang Shengli was furious when he saw a new student whose cultivation level was below the Harmony level had the guts to ridicule him.

"I'm laughing at you!" Liu Chen smiled.

After hearing this, the surrounding students laughed even more happily.

Tan Hongyan also smiled slightly, and then gave Liu Chen a blank look.

Yang Shengli was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses.

He said that you are a fart, and the other party is talking about him, which is to say that he is a fart!
Thinking about this clearly, Yang Shengli's face was as black as charcoal.

"Young man, you are looking for your own death!" Yang Shengli roared.

He stared at Liu Chen closely, with a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

This kid who killed a thousand knives made him lose face in front of the goddess.

"Let's go!"

Liu Chen shook his head, ignored this guy at all, but hurriedly dragged Tan Hongyan towards Nanjiang Hall.

"Leave it to me!" Yang Shengli sneered and grabbed Liu Chen.

In the void, a large claw with a length of ten feet or so appeared.

As soon as this palm came out, it scratched the sky in an instant, and then quickly covered Liu Chen.

"Get out of the way!"

Liu Chen's face became gloomy, and he flicked his backhand. His air was like a sword, and he slammed forward, bringing out a white light, and quickly stabbed at the big claw in the sky.

The terrifying beast claw was shattered, and then Yang Shengli let out a pained snort, covered his palms and stepped back, his face full of shock.

As for Liu Chen, he quickly left without even looking at Yang Shengli.

Everyone was stunned because they saw blood dripping from Yang Shengli's palm.

"This kid who kills thousands of knives, just wait and see!"

Yang Shengli took a deep look at Liu Chen, remembering his appearance, and left angrily.

Injuring Yang Shengli with one finger, Liu Chen didn't take it seriously, he and Tan Hongyan walked quickly to the Nanjiang Palace.

"Let go!"

Tan Hongyan blushed slightly, and said shyly.

"Ah?" Liu Chen was stunned, then regained consciousness, at this moment he was still holding Tan Hongyan's jade hand.

"In special circumstances, those mosquitoes are really annoying."

After finishing speaking, he reluctantly let go of Tan Hongyan's tender little hand.

Liu Chen is a normal man, it would be a lie to say that he has no thoughts.

However, he was very aware of the gap between the identities of the two parties, so there were some things he didn't think about.

(End of this chapter)

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