
Chapter 2262 Three Eyes Eight Arm Monkey

Chapter 2262 Three-eyed eight-armed monkey

"Young people, if you know the times, stay still!"

The ten nearby figures let out a cold snort, and at the same time, with a lunge, the zhenqi on the body exploded and spread rapidly in all directions like waves.

These people are all heavenly masters!
This is too terrifying, ten first-level celestial masters join hands, even a second-level celestial master can't hold on!
But now, these people actually joined hands to stop Liu Chen.

The new disciples who rushed over from behind were also surprised, they didn't dare to wait, and left immediately.

They don't want to be involved, so they walk very fast.

"Young man, this time the No.1 of the New Disciple Martial Arts Tournament belongs to Brother Ze, so don't even think about it!" Among them, a young martial arts practitioner snorted coldly, and then said .

"Brother Ze?" Liu Chen smiled coldly, "If he was so confident, he wouldn't come to stop me!"

"Hmph, brother Ze doesn't take you seriously at all, this time I just want to educate you!"

"Beat these bastard grandsons hard!"

The young man gave a low shout, and then the surrounding figures rushed out quickly.

"Do it!" Liu Chen said to Tan Hongyan beside him.

Then the zhenqi fluctuations on the two people's bodies exploded, and they quickly attacked the surroundings.

Tan Hongyan waved her palm and wrapped the five people beside her. Liu Chen also pulled out the Flying Cloud and Flying Star Sword, and the terrifying sword splendor spread in all directions.

The battle broke out, and the terrifying sword spirit was surging, and those new disciples and monsters didn't have the courage to approach them at all.

The light of the sword is like the wind, and the spirit of the sword is swift, walking in front of a martial artist in an instant.

The martial artist condensed his armor, and at the same time punched out with both fists.


However, he really underestimated Liu Chen's sword brilliance, and cut open his defense in an instant, leaving a sword mark on his body.

If he hadn't been lenient, this blow would have killed him.

Liu Chen has already entered the realm of harmony and mastery, becoming a real celestial master, and his combat power has already reached the level of a second-tier celestial master.

Therefore, facing these first-level celestial masters, he has no pressure.

The four swords stabbed out, and the four first-level celestial masters retreated back, their eyes flustered, and they didn't have the courage to fight again.

In the field, only the young man who spoke before was left.

The young man's name was Xin Ruihao, and he was powerful in combat. He had already reached the peak of a first-level celestial master. This time, he was ordered by Chao Puze to stop Liu Chen.

He led nine first-level celestial masters under him, and he didn't take Liu Chen seriously at all.

In his eyes, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he will not be their opponent.

But at this moment, in just an instant, the four martial arts practitioners could have stopped long ago, leaving him alone.

"Hmph, boy, I will definitely let you know how awesome I am!"

Xin Rui was so angry that he swung his fists and used the spirit of fighting for the first time!
On the fist, two groups of brilliance condensed, one group of green light, forming a terrifying storm, and one group of brown brilliance.

This Xin Ruihao actually comprehended two attributes.

"Taste my double kill punch!"

The spirit of the terrifying sword spirit surged, and the two attributes carried terrifying attacks and began to flock to Liu Chen.

"Dual attributes?" Liu Chen smiled contemptuously. If it was against other people, it might be effective, but he had no chance.

In his hands, there are more than just dual attributes!
Therefore, facing Xin Ruihao's attack, Liu Chen had no fear.

Immediately, Liuyun Feixing sword waved, and a fiery red sword light gushed out.

Light and shadow intertwined, heat waves soared into the sky, and on the flames, there were one after another golden arcs surrounding them.

The intersection of electricity and fire is very frightening.

"What, thunder and fire!" Xin Rui's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect that Liu Chen also had dual attributes.

The ridiculous thing is that he didn't know that Thunder and Fire were just two of Liu Chen's many attributes.

The electric fire sword light surged, and Xin Ruihao's attack was cut off with one sword, and then quickly bombarded the opponent's body.

Xin Rui vomited blood and retreated, fell to the ground, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that he was defeated with one move.

At the same time, Tan Hongyan also stopped, and the five first-level celestial masters immediately howled.

The ten first-level celestial masters were defeated in an instant.

The new disciples who passed by were shocked when they saw this scene!
"Chao Puze, since you provoked me, don't blame me for being rude!" Liu Chen's voice was cold, he ignored the ten bastards on the ground, but looked towards the distant mountain peak.

As soon as the footsteps moved, Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan left again.


Just as Liu Chen was hitting Wanren Mountain, there were several figures from other directions, leading everyone, and galloping towards Wanren Mountain.

One person, with a tall and straight figure, and his true energy fluctuated extremely violently, like a murderous sword.

"What is Liu Chen? He's just a clown. This time, the newest disciple who ranks first belongs to me!" Chao Puze's eyes were filled with brilliance.

In the distance, a sky-shattering blade lighted up, splitting a monster.

Finally Feihong looked indifferent, and quickly set off towards the mountain.

"Liu Chen, I look forward to fighting you!"

On the other side, Leng Yasi, Lan Bai, Cheng Liangping and others all fought with all their might.

This ten thousand-ren mountain is very high and very dangerous. After going up the mountain, Liu Chen found that he couldn't vacate because it was too dangerous in mid-air.

Therefore, he and Tan Hongyan chose the ground.

In the jungle, a pair of big claws emerged and grabbed the two of them.

The sword flower flickered and cut it off.

And at this moment, dozens of green vines approached Liu Chen and the two of them silently, like vipers, waiting for the opportunity.

Suddenly, these green vines burst out and quickly surrounded Liu Chen. There were poisonous thorns on the branches, which could easily kill a first-level martial arts practitioner of a celestial master.

In an instant, Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan were surrounded and quickly pulled back.


Two huge brown petals suddenly opened, like two terrifying mouths with sharp sawtooth, biting towards the two people.


Liu Chen let out a cold snort, and the armor on his body flickered, shaking the ivy into pieces. At the same time, he punched fiercely, intertwined with terrifying flames, and burned the demon-eating flower.

A crystal lotus flower emerged from Tan Hongyan's body, and it was so dreamy that it split the other side apart in an instant.

Then, the nine-petaled lotus flew around, forming a terrifying force of rotation, chopping up all the surrounding plants within a hundred meters.

"What a terrifying woman!"

Liu Chen wiped off his sweat and walked up quickly.

"It's halfway there, most of the monsters here are also at the level of generals." Liu Chen said sharply, "I don't know what kind of scary things will be in those places above."

"You're right, I always feel that Deacon Ge's reminder seems to have something to say." Tan Hongyan said.

Regarding Deacon Ge's reminder, Tan Hongyan was a little scared.

Liu Chen also nodded, "Let's be careful, there might be some awesome monsters up there."

The two became alert and set off towards the mountain.

All the way fast, very smooth.

"Could it be that we are worrying too much?" Liu Chen shook his head and said with a smile.

"Maybe." Tan Hongyan also frowned.

But suddenly, a sky-shattering roar came from a distance, turning into torrents of thunder, shaking in all directions.

Ripples that were visible to the naked eye one after another quickly hit the surroundings, and the mountains and rocks were broken and the trees were broken in the places they passed.

"This is..." Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan were surprised, and looked up in disbelief.


Thousands of painful groans sounded, and many martial arts practitioners escaped from above, their faces full of horror.

Boom boom boom!
The earth trembled, trees fell in large swaths, and a huge black figure walked in the jungle, carrying a terrifying and ferocious aura.

Below, thousands of martial arts practitioners fled, very distressed.

Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan also retreated to a safe place and looked up.

In the jungle above, I saw a giant demon ape seven or eight meters tall walking upright. His whole body was full of hair. On his huge head, there were three erect eyes. There were eight arms on both sides of his body. The overwhelming coercion.

Those eight arms waved, and sent the martial arts practitioners who fled in front flying away, creating a vacuum in the jungle.

"This is..." Liu Chen was surprised.

"Three-eyed eight-armed monkey! Tiger list of monsters, ranking 97." Tan Hongyan sternly said.

"No wonder Deacon Ge reminded me that the tiger list demon beast has been hidden here!" Liu Chen's expression was gloomy.

An adult three-eyed eight-armed monkey is very powerful, probably above the fifth floor of the Celestial Master.

But fortunately, the three-eyed eight-armed monkey in front of him is not an adult, but just in his youth, and his combat power is equivalent to that of a third-level celestial master.

Although it is impossible to resist, it is still possible to escape.

The three-eyed eight-armed monkey waved its palm like eight giant pillars, attacking in all directions.

One of the palms happened to attack Liu Chen and the two of them.

The palm shattered everything nearby, and the powerful aura enveloped Liu Chen and Tan Hongyan, as if they were about to crush them.

"Worthy of being a monster on the tiger list, it was so tyrannical in its youth!"

Feeling the pressure, Liu Chen moved his feet and retreated backwards.

Before the palm arrived, the terrifying palm wind had already destroyed everything nearby.

Tan Hongyan also withdrew. As soon as the two of them left, the diamond-like palm fell down, cracking the ground.

The tyranny of the three-eyed eight-armed monkey deterred everyone, and those new disciples who wanted to step forward were all blasted down.

Many people looked forward, their faces ashen.

The road up the mountain has been blocked long ago, so we can only rush out by force!

However, in the face of this terrifying three-eyed eight-armed monkey, everyone really has no information and no understanding at all.

"Go to the sky!"

Many people looked at the sky and had new ideas.

Immediately, someone tried to get up, and in a flash, it turned into a sky-shattering rainbow and rushed towards the sky.

Many people had such thoughts, but in an instant, their faces changed again.

Because, a black figure appeared in the midair, like a black cloud, covering the sky.

In the black cloud, there is a pair of huge red dots, suspended in mid-air.

At the same time, there is also a terrifying air, and the fluctuation of the true energy is stronger than that of the three-eyed eight-armed monkey.

"This is... a monster!"

Everyone was horrified, and the martial arts practitioners in mid-air ran away even more desperately.

A dark gray air spewed out, diffused in the midair, and surrounded several people in the midair.

One person shot out a spirit-level intermediate shield, which turned into a [-]-[-] meter defensive shield in the air.

However, in an instant, it was eroded by dark gray mist.

Chi Chi!

In the center of the shield, there was a black hole, which gradually expanded until the shield turned into a puddle of molten iron.

"What! How could this be!"

Thousands of people were surprised, "That dark gray mist is really terrifying, it can't even support a spirit-level intermediate spirit weapon!"

At this time, no one has the courage to try to escape from the sky.


A few people in mid-air ran away, while the three-eyed eight-armed monkey in the mountain road roared angrily, waving its eight arms and roaring towards the sky.

hold head high!
In mid-air, that monster like a dark cloud also roared, making a deep sound, and its qi fluctuated and boiled.

Two very powerful monsters were in a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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