
Chapter 2265

Chapter 2265
"It doesn't need to be so troublesome to deal with you!"

Liu Chen was repulsed, and he didn't feel any annoyance. On the contrary, his expression was calm, and the fluctuation of zhenqi in his body became even more violent.

"Hmph, then you have no chance!" Chao Puze smiled coldly.

"I'm going to deal with this kid, you go and ring the bronze bell."

After hearing this, the others frowned.

"I will defeat Liu Chen."

"You win, I will beat you!"

"I won't ring the brass bell until I defeat everyone!" Zhong Feihong said in a cold tone.

He was murderous.

To him, ringing the bell is not important, defeating everyone is the kingly way.

Cheng Liangping and the others looked at the bronze bell in the distance with flickering eyes.

"Crackling, then I want it!" A figure flew towards the distance rapidly.

"That copper bell belongs to me!" This person was Leng Yasi.

She would never pay attention to the battle between Liu Chen and Chao Puze. From her point of view, getting the brass bell was the most important thing.

However, as soon as she moved, a five-color brilliance stopped her.

Immediately, the beauty in Tsing Yi appeared and quickly blocked her way.

"What do you mean?" Leng Yasi had a fiery temper, and when she saw someone obstructing her, she scolded her immediately.

"It's not complicated, you can't go there!" Tan Hongyan said.

"Hmph, are you trying to stop me?" Leng Yasi stared, with flames gushing out from her body, beating non-stop.

In her hand, a fiery red whip was condensed, like a spirit snake, surrounding her.

"If you think that, there's nothing I can do." Tan Hongyan said sharply, "I'm not targeting you, it's just that until the two of them win or lose, no one should think about it."

Tan Hongyan herself didn't have much interest in this martial arts competition. Although the statues of heavenly beings and first-level masters are very attractive, to her, it doesn't matter much whether they have them or not.

She herself comes from the family of Celestial Man and One Realm Master, but unlike Cheng Liangping, she is not an ordinary disciple, she also exists like a princess in the family.

Therefore, although she is young, she has a special status and can also get in touch with the core of the family, including some inheritances of celestial beings and masters of the first realm.

Moreover, because of the inheritance of blood, she was unable to practice other inheritances.

In other words, Tan Hongyan didn't care too much about this new martial arts competition.

The only thing she cared about was Liu Chen.

Since Liu Chen wanted the statues of Heaven, Man and One Realm Master, she would do her best to help.

Hearing Tan Hongyan's resolute words, Leng Yasi's handsome face was slightly chilled, and her body was throbbing with spiritual flames, as if she would strike at any moment.

It's abominable that the other party dares to stop her!

What's more, what made her even more angry was that the other party was a person who was not inferior to her in appearance, figure, and fighting power!
As a woman, she was born with a kind of exclusion, so the atmosphere between the two was very tense, and a fight would start at any time.

Seeing Tan Hongyan blocking Leng Yasi, the others were also surprised, but then their eyes became hot.

The most powerful people have been restrained, so they have a chance!

Especially Cheng Liangping, although he is a disciple of the Celestial Man and Yijing master family, but he is only a side branch disciple and cannot get access to the core secrets.

And this time is an opportunity for him to obtain the inheritance of heaven and man and a master of the first realm.

With a flash of his figure, he rushed out quickly carrying the nine-eight star ring.

"Hehe, then I'll go first!"

The sky-shattering saber flashed like a divine chain, cutting through the sky and slashing towards Cheng Liangping.

Cheng Liangping's complexion changed, and his figure kept changing, so he dodged this move.

Then, with a gloomy expression, he stared at Zhong Feihong: "What do you mean!"


Finally Feihong's voice was cold.

"Suicide!" Cheng Liangping was furious. Whoever stops him now is his enemy.

Therefore, he roared angrily and hit a hard punch.


Finally Feihong let out a cold snort, and slashed out with a knife, fighting with Cheng Liangping.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they didn't expect these two to be the first to fight.

Tan Hongyan kept her eyes on the last person, but to her surprise, the young man named Lan Bai didn't make a move, but sat aside to watch the show.

Chao Puze glanced around and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was running towards the brass clock.

In this way, he can use all his strength to deal with Liu Chen!

"Young man, let me play with you!" Chao Puze laughed coldly.

Then, he took a stride, and the spirit of the sword spewed out from his body, like a volcanic eruption, and the pressure was impressive.He held the blue sharp sword and slashed it down.

Jianhua was fierce, with a cold light, so sharp that it made people tremble, and he slashed at Liu Chen.

Liu Chen also drew his sword to counterattack, the sword glowed like a rainbow, with a scorching heat, like a flame dragon, it exploded violently, and struck forward.

The two swords collided, the sound cracked, and the terrifying true energy spread rapidly in all directions.

This time, between the two of them, each took a step back.

"I didn't expect that you still have such fighting power!" Chao Puze said indifferently.

"But when you meet me, you're not enough to fit my teeth!" He smiled, revealing strong contempt.

Immediately, a sky-shaking energy burst out from his body, like a peerless beast waking up, and the surging sword spirit energy formed a sky-shattering beam of light, shaking the sky into pieces.

"This is... the second floor of the Celestial Master!"

Below, everyone nearby was surprised and shocked.

Even those senior students were equally surprised. They didn't expect that a new student could reach the second floor of the Heavenly Master!

Even for those senior students, it will take four or five years!
In the sky, the two deacons and mentor were also surprised when they saw this scene.

"That's right, I've reached the second floor of the Celestial Master right now, and my future achievements may be limitless!"

"I don't know what will happen to the guy who rushed out first? If there is no special move, I'm afraid he will lose!"

The two deacons chatted softly.

"Do you really think that I am just like you?" Chao Puze said with a contemptuous smile, "I have already entered the second floor of the Celestial Master, and in front of my eyes, you are nothing but a fool!"

Chao Puze looked down on Liu Chen like a condescending god.

On his body, the materialized sword light surged, forming a field of sword light covering all directions.

"If you have any trump card, you should use it as quickly as possible, otherwise you will have no chance when I make a move!"

Chao Puze walked in mid-air, as if he didn't pay attention to Liu Chen.

"Second-level celestial master!" Liu Chen took a deep breath, he didn't expect that the other party had such a cultivation level.

To be honest, he was indeed surprised, but it was still within his acceptance range.

Moreover, if the other party does not have a trump card, then something is wrong.

"Second-floor celestial master?" Liu Chen smiled. Since he was upgraded, he hasn't really fought. At this moment, it's really a godsend opportunity!

"Let me see, how is your combat effectiveness as a second-floor celestial master?"

Liu Chen looked forward, the fighting spirit in his eyes rose.

"Hmph, overestimate your own strength!" Chao Puze laughed contemptuously, and then quickly slashed out with a sword.

This blow is several times stronger than the previous destructive power.

On the ninth floor of the Celestial Master, the gap between each level is very large. If there is no special move, there is no way to leapfrog the level to fight.

Everyone around paid close attention, especially the members of the Xianglong Gang, who were very nervous.

"Brother Chen can definitely defeat the enemy!" Zeng Xingwen and the others clenched their fists, looking like they were sharpening their knives.

The new disciples next to him sneered and shook their heads, "Can you defeat the enemy? Are you kidding me, the other party is a second-tier celestial master!"

"Even if you have a trump card, is it possible that the other party doesn't have it?"

"This time the battle must be brutal!"

Except for the Xianglong Gang and Tan Hongyan, no one was optimistic about Liu Chen.

In the void, the sword light roared, unstoppable, tearing apart the sky without saying a word, and appeared in front of Liu Chen in an instant.

But Liu Chen did not dodge, but greeted him with his sword.

Facing Chao Puze's tyrannical attack, Liu Chen charged forward with his sword in hand.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Chao Puze smiled coldly.

Everyone was equally terrified, secretly lamenting Liu Chen's irrationality.

At this time, the best way is to dodge and use body skills to fight the opponent, after all, there is a difference in cultivation level between the two!
Moreover, it is still in the realm of Harmony and Accessibility, and the gap here is not even a tiny bit.

However, Liu Chen's decision was beyond everyone's expectations.

The Flying Clouds and Flying Stars Sword slashed upwards, turning into a flaming sword, burning violently, and the terrifying air distorted and deformed the sky.

When the two swords collided, it was like water and fire intersecting, making a hissing sound.

Thousands of white mist rose and stirred around, and true energy overflowed, cutting terrifying cracks in the ground.

"What, blocking it?" Everyone was surprised, because Liu Chen was not knocked backwards as they imagined.

Instead, he quickly blocked Chao Puze's sword.

"This kid who kills thousands of knives!" Chao Puze's face was also ugly. Although he didn't use all his strength for this blow, it was not something a first-level celestial master could take.

It can be seen that the opponent's combat power is still above his expectations.

But that's where it gets interesting.

"Very good, it can be seen that I underestimated you." Chao Puze raised a smirk, "But just now I only used 70.00% of my strength, and then I will use 90.00% of my strength."

"What, Chao Puze only used 70.00% of his strength?" Everyone was surprised, no wonder Liu Chen was able to stop him, it turned out that the opponent didn't use his full strength.

"Let me just say, how can a first-level celestial master resist a second-level celestial master!"

Hearing Chao Puze's words, Liu Chen also laughed. He stared at the other party and said slowly, "Really? But, I only used part of my strength."

"It can be seen that you are really weak!"

"What, part of the strength?" Everyone exclaimed, "It's fake!"

"Blow it, no matter how awesome a first-level celestial master is, it is impossible to quickly block a second-level celestial master with a part of his strength."

"That's right, this statement is too false, no one will believe it!"

Everyone didn't believe it, but all members of the Xianglong Gang applauded.

They were still worried at first, but now they heard Liu Chen's words, and they were relieved again.

What Liu Chen said was definitely not wrong!

"Part of it?" Chao Puze was startled, then laughed out loud, his voice full of contempt.

"Young man, do you really have the guts to say, part of it?"

"Look at the move, kill!"

A sword was stabbed out quickly, and the sword energy surged suddenly, and it rolled towards Liu Chen.

The sky was covered, and the air of terror spread in all directions.

"Wash your neck and die!"

Chao Puze smiled ferociously. He used 90.00% of his combat power for this blow.

"Red sword, burn the sky with fierce fire!"

Liu Chen's voice was cold, and he slammed his sword forward, bringing out a white light, and quickly pierced towards the sky.

Thousands of flames danced and condensed into a sword of flames, which slashed fiercely.

Immediately, the sea of ​​fire enveloped the entire sky in an instant, turning the entire sky and earth into crimson red.

In the middle of the sky, the forces with opposite attributes collided, and a terrifying wave erupted, tearing the sky apart.

The thunder was stirring, the true energy was spreading, and the sky was filled with a terrifying landscape.

(End of this chapter)

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