
Chapter 2273 You are the idiots!

Chapter 2273 You are the idiots!

"Hehe, you don't know me?" The mysterious man removed the brilliance from his body.

"You are... Zhao Dahu!" Liu Chen looked surprised.

The mysterious person in front is actually his friend from Yongling Continent, Zhao Dahu!
"I didn't expect you to be here, it's really great!" Liu Chen said happily.

"Why are you waiting for me here, so hard that you just want to fight me?"

"Brother, you must not guess why I am waiting for you here." Zhao Dahu said hehe.

"what reason?"

"The Shijueyuan sent me here." Zhao Dahu scratched his head and said, "The group of grandchildren actually want me to deal with brother, they are really impatient!"


Liu Chen really didn't expect it.

"Then what to do, are you going to shoot me?"

"No, I've had enough of staying in Shi Jue Yuan, I came this time just to mess with you!" Zhao Dahu said.

"Good brother!" Liu Chen stretched out his hand and held it together with Zhao Dahu's.

"Take you to see the members of the Xianglong Gang!"

The two turned into streamers and left.

The school, the dormitory area for new disciples.

Zeng Xingwen and the others were a little worried: "It's been such a long time, why hasn't Brother Chen come back?"

"Would you like to take a look?"

"No, Brother Chen's fighting power is very strong, so there must be nothing wrong!"

Everyone was talking about it, but at this moment someone exclaimed: "Look there quickly, Brother Chen is back!"

Sure enough, the brilliance flickered in midair, and two figures landed, one of them was Liu Chen.

There was another person, but a majestic young man, standing beside Liu Chen like a giant.

Although he smiled foolishly, the aura emitted from his body was more terrifying than that of a demon general, like a dormant ancient beast, and then erupted.

"Brother Chen, who is this?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Let me introduce formally. This one is my good brother, Zhao Dahu!" Liu Chen said with a smile, "Brother Hu's fighting power is very strong, very impressive."

"This time, Brother Hu is here to join us and work hard with us!"

"What? Really? Great!"

Everyone is very happy. Their Xianglong Gang is currently short of strong players. The addition of Zhao Dahu at this moment is undoubtedly the biggest help!

"Hello Brother Tiger!"

Since it was personally introduced by Brother Chen, there must be no problem with its combat effectiveness.

"Hehe, everyone will be brothers from now on. Zhao Dahu scratched his head and said, whoever dares to bully you from now on, I will vent your anger for you!... Ha... Ha... Ha..."

"Let's go, drink a lot of wine! Today we want a big bowl of wine and a big bowl of meat."

A group of people laughed and walked quickly towards the courtyard.

While Liu Chen was laughing heartily, the side of Shi Jue Yuan was overcast.

"What did you say? Not only did Zhao Dahu not arrest Liu Chen, but he went drinking with him instead?"

"What? Are you sure? You read it right?"

"It's absolutely true! It seems that Zhao Dahu has already joined the Xianglong Gang."

After Li Tieniu heard this, he was so angry that he slapped the table into powder, and the whole body overflowed with terrifying qi fluctuations, as if it was about to tear the hall apart.

"Li Shao!"

The faces of those nearby were ashen.

"The Xianglong Gang must be wiped out! Liu Chen, I will step on it [-]%!" Li Tieniu was shaking with anger.

It's so irritating, their right-hand man actually went drinking with the enemy, and even joined the enemy's camp.

This is slapping them in the face!If it gets out, their Shijueyuan will definitely be the laughing stock of everyone.

"Li Shao, do we want to make a move?" Someone asked.

"No!" Li Tieniu shook his head with a calm face, "Keep an eye on the Xianglong Gang's news, and pass these news on to the Fang Fang Gang."

"They should want the Xianglong Gang to disappear."

Li Tieniu laughed sinisterly.

With Zhao Dahu's joining, Xianglong Gang's fighting power has greatly increased, and Liu Chen is very happy.

However, there was one thing that surprised him unceasingly, that was Tan Hongyan's entry into the Tianwei list.

Although it is No. 60 fifth or eighth, it is enough to shock the world.

It is very rare in the history of Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy that new disciples can be listed on the Tianwei List.

Anyone like this will become a giant in the future.

The news swept through Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy like a storm. Thousands of people were shocked and envious at the same time.

When Liu Chen saw Tan Hongyan's name appearing on the ten thousand ren high stone tablet, he felt a burst of emotion.

"This woman moves so fast!"

It can be seen that he also has to hurry up.

"Hehe, I surpassed you." Tan Hongyan looked at Liu Chen and said with a smile.

"Why did you make the move so quickly? Could it be that you have upgraded?" Liu Chen asked.

"No, you're not here recently, there is a bastard like a mosquito, very annoying, I have to take action."

Liu Chen rolled his eyes, so that was the case, but that brother who didn't open his eyes was really unlucky.

"Tianwei List, it shows that I have to act too!"

There was brilliance in Liu Chen's eyes.

"Who do you want to challenge?" Tan Hongyan asked curiously.

"The leader of the Tusk Gang, Steel Red Shadow!"

"Steel Red Shadow!"

Tan Hongyan turned her head and looked at the Wanren stele, where Gang Chiying's name was written on the No. 60 five.

Not long after, Liu Chen took action. He exhausted all his strength to investigate the movements of the Fang Gang, and he decided to make an end with the Fang Gang.

In private, the Shijueyuan also handed over the situation of the Xianglong Gang to the Fangfang Gang.

Finally, the two gangs meet in the Red Forest.

"Hmph, you idiots, today is the day of your death!" Mu Boda looked at the Xianglong Gang in front of him with a murderous look.

This time, he must vent the anger in his heart!

He wanted to add all the humiliation he had suffered in the past to the members of the Xianglong Gang.

"Idiots? You are the idiots! A group of senior students can't beat us freshmen, what are they not!"

The members of the Xianglong Gang counterattacked.

"Hmph, don't be naughty, where is Liu Chen? Tell him to wash his neck and die!" Mu Boda looked fiercely.

"Brother Chen has a lot of things to do every day, how can you, an ant, see it!" The Ruan family brothers sneered.

"Didn't come?" Mu Boda was stunned, then said with a sneer, "Sure enough, he's an idiot!"

"You ants, the boss didn't come, and you still have the guts to be so brave. You really don't know how to write dead words!"

"I will teach you what rules are today!"

Mu Boda smiled coldly, then sent his shoulder away, and slammed out with a palm.Huge palm prints grabbed members of the Xianglong Gang.

The fluctuation of true energy was terrifying, before the phantom of the big palm arrived, the wind of the palm had already torn the ground in half.

As a second-tier celestial master, Mu Boda's combat power is tyrannical. This palm is probably unmatched by Xianglong Gang.

"Hehe, go to hell!" The Fang Gang member sneered.

And at this moment, the Xianglong Gang suddenly surged with true energy, and smashed the phantom of the big palm without saying a word.

"What?" Mu Boda was stunned, he didn't expect his attack to be easily annulled.

"Who is it? Could it be Liu Chen?" His eyes were gloomy.

However, suddenly, a giant-like young man walked out quickly from the crowd of the Xianglong Gang. The muscles on his body were like horned dragons, full of wild strength.

"Hehe, if you want to hurt them, you must beat me first!" Zhao Dahu stood up.

"who are you?"

Mu Boda frowned, although he didn't recognize the other party, but the fluctuation of wild energy in that young man made him uneasy.

"I'll take care of him, you guys do it!"

He said to the members of the Fang Gang behind him, and suddenly, thousands of figures rushed out.

"Brothers, give it to me!"

On the side of the Xianglong Gang, Zeng Xingwen commanded a group of people, and they also acted quickly.

The hands of both sides are fighting together.

Although Liu Chen did not appear on the battlefield, he was not idle either.

According to the information he obtained, he came to a ravine.

According to the news, Gang Chiying is practicing here.

This place is surrounded by mountains, with a cliff of Wanren on one side and a waterfall on the opposite side. The vegetation here is dense and it is indeed suitable for cultivation.

When Liu Chen came here, he looked around with half-closed eyes.

On an unnamed mountain, he saw a figure.

He is tall and tall, wearing a black robe, with his legs crossed there.

That figure also seemed to notice someone, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Like a sharp gun, piercing the sky, extremely fierce.

"Disturb my cultivator, die!"

The voice was cold, without a trace of emotion.

A sky-shattering brilliance, like a divine rainbow from beyond the sky, ran towards Liu Chen at high speed.

This move is very powerful, even a second-level celestial master may not be able to take it.

Liu Chen used earth-level movement skills, like a ghost, dodged the attack for an instant, and then appeared in the same place.

His speed is very fast, in the eyes of outsiders, it is as if he has not moved.

However, under his feet was a terrifying crack and abyss.

It can be seen from this that the opponent's move just now was terrifying.

"You are Steel Red Shadow?" Liu Chen asked sharply.

"Oh? Avoid it?" The figure frowned, surprised, the young man below only had the aura of a heavenly master.

At this level, he can eliminate it with one hand.

However, the opponent avoided his attack.

"Yes, I am Steel Red Shadow!" said the figure.

"Who are you? What can you do with me?"

"Young man, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I will kill you!"

Liu Chen said with a smile, "You've been on the Tianwei List long enough, so it's my turn?"

"Tianwei List? Challenge me?" Gang Chiying laughed contemptuously after hearing this.

"Do you know how many second-level celestial masters have challenged me? However, they all lost, and the end was very miserable! And you, a first-level celestial master, I really have no interest! Kowtow to apologize, I can forgive you Not dead."

"You are too confident. Remember, my name is Liu Chen."

After saying that, before the steel red shadow could react, Liu Chen's body turned into a phantom and rushed out quickly.

"Hmph, overestimating yourself!"

Contemptuously, Gang Chiying turned his hands into claws and grabbed Liu Chen.

The five fingers were as thick as mountains, and five murderous wolf heads turned into five murderous wolf heads, whizzing and biting towards Liu Chen.

In an instant, Liu Chen was covered below.

"Morning Light Breaking Dawn Fist!"

Liu Chen was majestic and majestic, and punched out fiercely, attacking upwards forcefully.

This ruthless punch has the power to break the dawn, and it is tyrannical to the limit.


When the two collided, it was like the sound of the Thunder God's drum. The terrifying sound wave was so loud that it shattered the nearby mountain peaks into pieces.

Countless cracks appeared on the ground, as if cut by thousands of swords, it was heart-shattering.

The blow of two people is so terrifying.

The huge palm was shaken back, setting off thousands of storms.

Liu Chen also took three or four steps back, startled in his heart, "As expected of being a strong man on the Tianwei list, he is indeed tyrannical."

His ruthless punch would not be able to be received by an ordinary second-level celestial master, but this time it only shocked the opponent back.

It can be seen that this steel red shadow is really tyrannical.

Gang Chiying was even more surprised, he originally thought that this palm would definitely kill Liu Chen.

Unexpectedly, not only did he fail, he was also shocked by the opponent and backed away.

The opponent is just a celestial master of the first level, and his cultivation level is one level behind him.

But that strength seems to be no worse than him.

"Young man, it seems that I have to be serious!" Gang Chiying said in a cold tone: "Next, I will let you know what despair is!"

(End of this chapter)

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