
Chapter 2278 Entering the city fee?

Chapter 2278 Entering the city fee?
However, a new disciple actually accomplished such a feat, not only injured Li Tieniu, but also threatened to challenge Yan Qingchen three months later, he really ate a bear heart and leopard guts!

"This Liu Chen is really arrogant."

"Hmph, he's too conceited. It's simply impossible to challenge Yan Qingchen in three months' time!"

In the martial arts academy, everyone was talking about Liu Chen.

But Liu Chen didn't pay attention to these things, he was preparing for the Dansheng city bidding meeting in more than 40 days.

He had already sent a message to ask Yuchi Dianwei to collect information about the bidding meeting so that he could prepare early.

This time the bidding will be very huge, so it has not yet started, many people have already set off for Dansheng City, and all kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

Some people said that prefecture-level martial arts mysteries would appear at the bidding meeting, while others said that eight-level medicinal pills would appear at the bidding meeting.

All in all, all kinds of fantastic news are exciting.

A week later, news came from Yuchi Dianwei.

In order to create a publicity effect, the bidding meeting gave an introduction to some bidding items, including what Liu Chen needed to make the fire-robbing armor.

In addition, there is also a half-earth level long sword.

Liu Chen is determined to get the red copper that makes the fire-robbing armor. This thing is very important to him, and it is the foundation of making the fire-robbing armor.

In addition, that semi-earth-level long sword also made his heart move.

The best weapon in his hand is the Liuyun Feixing Sword, a superior spirit weapon at the spiritual level. It can be seen that it is not enough at this moment.

If he can get a semi-earth-level spiritual weapon, his offensive power can be increased several times, which will definitely be a big boost!
Naturally, he also knows that this kind of semi-earth-level spiritual weapon is very rare, and there will definitely be many martial arts practitioners competing for it at that time.

What he has to do now is to raise enough sword crystals.

Looking at the sword crystals in the space ring, it is about 7000 million, which is definitely enough in normal times.

But at this time, facing a half-earth level spiritual weapon, it is not enough to fit between the teeth.

There are still 30 days left, it is really difficult to get many sword crystals.

He still has some rare treasures in his hand, such as thousand-year-old elixir, and several semi-earth-level martial arts secrets. If he sells these, he should be able to exchange for many sword crystals.

But he did the math, and the amount was still not enough.

Liu Chen narrowed his eyes, tapped his fingers on the table, and began to think of a way.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and thought of something.

Sihe Gang!
At that time, he came to the Realm of Red Blood and went to two cities, Jiangyi City and Qingshi City, and ended up having conflicts with the forces in the city.

After he killed the Lord of the Green Lion City, some strong men from the Sihe Gang came to kill him.

Fortunately, relying on his body speed, he was able to escape safely.

However, this matter will not stop there!
Right now, it's just a matter of time to take them under the knife!

Presumably, they have a lot of wealth in their hands, plus the Huang family in Yangzhou City, it should be enough.

The boss of the Sihe Gang must be a third-level celestial master, and there will be many strong men under him... Liu Chen thought about the possibility of killing the opponent.

He found it very difficult.

In addition to the main rudder, the Sihe Gang also has five city-states under its command, that is, the Six Great Halls.

Liu Chen felt that it would be better to start with the city-states where these halls are located.

Jiangyi City, Green Lion City!
Liu Chen identified two goals.

Not only that, he also planned to call PY Yushi and Shao Haoqiong from the Huangsha territory and let them build a martial field here.

On the one hand, he sent a message to the Huangsha border, and on the other hand, he gathered everyone and prepared to start capturing Jiangyi City and Qingshi City.

In fact, these two cities don't need him to do anything at all, he just needs to keep an eye on the Sihe Gang.

Ask Zeng Xingwen and Zhao Dahu to take 90 people to Jiangyi City and Qingshi City respectively, while Liu Chen starts to deploy the others.

He summoned the crimson war dragon and asked him to carve a few mutton fat jade platforms to save his life at critical moments.

The Suet Yutai is equivalent to a small portable teleportation circle, which is very convenient, but it is very troublesome to manufacture. Because this kind of space teleportation system engraving talisman is a prehistoric move, it is impossible for ordinary people to control it.

Only an immortal like the scarlet war dragon can control it.

Moreover, the materials needed to carve a mutton fat jade platform are very expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford to consume them.

"Young man, the materials you gave are not good. I can only make you the one that teleports ten miles away." The crimson war dragon said.

Seeing Liu Chen's flickering eyes, it sighed: "Okay, if I didn't say anything, I can only teleport a thousand miles."

"A thousand miles is enough." Liu Chen nodded his head.

Then, he went to the Nanjiang Hall to exchange some materials, and gave all of them to the Scarlet War Dragon for him to sell.

Three days later, the six mutton fat jade platforms were carved, and they could teleport a thousand miles in an instant, which must be a good way to save their lives!
After collecting the six mutton jade platforms, Liu Chen also received news from Zeng Xingwen and Zhao Dahu that the two cities had already been taken.

"Come on, we should go too."

Liu Chen didn't take anyone with him, but left quickly with the red war dragon and the little white ape. He set out on the road alone, very fast, and arrived in Jiangyi city a day later.

In Jiangyi City, since the head of the Fire Wolf Gang died, the Fourth Harmony Gang sent new strongmen to guard it, but how could they beat the students of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy?

Zeng Xingwen led the people and wiped them out without much effort, but the other members hurriedly surrendered.

"Brother Chen, this is that guy's space ring, and this is the basement of the Fire Wolf Gang." Zeng Xingwen.

Liu Chen nodded his head, swept away his spiritual power, and then put away the space ring.

Then, he continued to walk to the basement of the Fire Wolf Gang, half blindfolded.

The net worth of the Fire Wolf Gang is even richer than he imagined. There are only 5000 million sword crystals in this space ring, which is nothing else.

And in this basement, it is even richer.

Intermediate sword crystals have reached 9000 million, and there are some other weapons.Soft guards and kung fu medicine pills and the like.

With a domineering wave of Liu Chen's sleeve robe, he collected all 9000 million sword crystals into the space ring, and then said to everyone: "I have useful sword crystals, so I accept them, and share the rest with you."

"Thank you, Brother Chen!" Xianglong Gang members were very happy.

Regardless of the fact that the Fire Wolf Gang's fighting power is not very good, but the financial resources are indeed rich, it can be seen that in Jiangyi City in normal times, they have done a lot of evil things!
Up to now, Liu Chen has more than 1 million intermediate sword crystals in his hands.

The corner of his mouth curled up.

Since this city-state had already been captured by them, Liu Chen was not prepared to let it out. He deployed some defensive circles, arranged some people, and then left quickly.

The disciples of Qingyun Mountain Wuyuan could not stay here for a long time, so he summoned PY Yushi and Shao Haoqiong and asked them to preside over the two cities.

The opportunity and the city Liu Chen chose were very good. The bidding meeting was about to be held soon, and the Fourth Harmony Gang would definitely participate, so there must not be much time to take care of this matter.

Besides, Jiangyi City and Qingshi City are located in relatively remote areas. Both Zeng Xingwen and Zhao Dahu defeated the enemy in two or three strokes, so the news would not spread so quickly.

When Liu Chen came to Green Lion City, he got 5000 million sword crystals again, and the sword crystals in his hand reached 7000 million, which can be said to be an astronomical figure.

Once again, Liu Chen prepared to take Yuchi Dianwei to Dansheng City.As for the others, he planned to wait for the bidding meeting to start before transferring them.

Galloping all the way, hurrying on the road at high speed, a week later, he came to Dansheng City.

Liu Chen was no stranger to this city, he had been here once before.

Once again, he felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

When he came here at that time, he was just a martial arts practitioner in the four-level return to the spirit realm. After more than two months, he was already a celestial master, and his fighting power was amazing, and he could even fight against the third-level celestial master .

At this time, Dansheng City was much more lively than before, and martial arts practitioners from all over the Red Blood Region rushed to participate in the Vientiane bidding meeting.

"Worthy of being called the Vientiane Bidding Conference, the momentum is really huge!" Yuchi Dianwei was shocked, "This is just the release of some information, and it has attracted so many people. If you list all the bids, I am afraid that the entire Red Blood The realm will shake."

Liu Chen nodded his head. Indeed, although the half-earth level long sword is good, it must not be the most valuable thing.

The two were walking and talking, when suddenly several figures in front blocked their way.

"Oh?" Liu Chen frowned slightly and looked forward.

Three middle-aged men in purple leather armor and hats on their heads said in a cold tone: "You two, please pay the city fee first. Forty thousand sword crystals each!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his left hand without any expression on his face.

"City entry fee, [-] sword crystals?" Yuchi Dianwei laughed coldly, "Do you really think we are rookies? When we came here a few days ago, there was no entry fee!"

"That was before, and now the bidding for Vientiane is approaching, of course you have to pay the entry fee!"

"That's right," another person said, "Forty thousand sword crystals per person, you can enter the city after handing in, otherwise, you will miss out on the bidding!"

The three of them looked at Liu Chen and Liu Chen with chills on their faces, as if they were destined for them.

"Dansheng City is a prehistoric city. The rules were established a long time ago. There is no entry fee. This is why Dansheng City is so prosperous."

"Also, even if there is a fee to enter the city, it must be collected by the guards in the city." Liu Chen said calmly, "It's not the turn of cats or dogs to do such a big event."

"What did you say!"

"Young man, you are looking for your own death!"

The martial arts practitioner suddenly became angry, and the kid in front of him had the guts to scold them, he really didn't know what to do.

"Young man, let me tell you the truth, we are indeed not guards, and we don't need to pay the city fee to enter, but we just want to rob you two!"

"What can you do?"

The leader of the martial arts practitioners sneered: "Two dolls, it can be seen that you don't know the names of the three of us brothers, but no one can escape who is favored by our vulture trio."

"If you know the current affairs, hurry up and hand over the sword crystal and baby on your body, or throw you two into the jungle to feed the wolves!"

The three of them grinned ferociously. In the area of ​​red blood, it is very common to kill people and steal goods.

"I'll give you a chance to live, get out!" Liu Chen said in a cold tone.

"Did you hear that, my boss has spoken, tell you to get out, don't hurry up!" Yuchi Dianwei clenched his fists and said.

"Get out? Boss?"

The three of them were dumbfounded, and then laughed loudly: "Hehehehe, it just made me laugh out loud, how old is it?"

"Young man, what's wrong with you guys, pretend to be the boss like me, do you like it?"

Then, their faces changed, and a powerful cold air overflowed from their bodies, as if a ferocious beast had revived, which was terrifying.

"Young man, no one can scold us, but anyone who scolds us is dead!"

"Hehe, I'm going to cut off the tongues of the two of you first, and then goug out the eyeballs. I'm going to torture you to death!"

"Young man, if you want to blame, blame you for not knowing how to flatter. Send me to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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