
Chapter 2285 Bribery

Chapter 2285 Bribery
"Leave quickly? Why did you leave so quickly? I'm going to compete in martial arts!" Liu Chen said calmly.

"It's up to you to compete in martial arts?" Cheng Xuanyang sneered, he didn't feel any strong aura in the opponent's body.

Moreover, looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that he is not a very powerful person.

Therefore, in his eyes, the other party's talk of a martial arts competition was simply a joke.

"Young man, I have good intentions. If a person like you goes in, he will be eaten if he doesn't make a single move!"

"Therefore, let's go away!"

Cheng Xuanyang's words were full of contempt.

The others laughed and shook their heads hastily.

They have seen how powerful the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle is. Ordinary martial arts practitioners can't subdue it at all, let alone this young Confucian scholar who looks very thin.

"Whether I will be eaten or not, don't bother you." Liu Chen said calmly, then turned around.

After hearing this, Cheng Xuanyang trembled with anger, "This kid, you're really smug!"

However, he can't act recklessly, after all, he has already revealed his identity, if he fights with an unknown martial arts practitioner, it will really hurt his face.

But at this moment, Han Xinru walked out of the crowd quickly, and said in a cold tone: "This brother, Brother Cheng is an elite disciple of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, he said that for your own good!"

"Furthermore, Brother Cheng proposed this martial arts competition first." He swallowed, and then continued: "You should understand the rule of first come, first served."

Han Xinru's words had two meanings.

First, these words once again showed Cheng Xuanyang's identity, and his identity as a disciple of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

Ordinary people don't have the guts to offend people from the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

Second, he explained that Liu Chen broke the rules and Cheng Xuanyang should come first.

Anyone else would have been terrified, but Liu Chen didn't react at all.

"Qingyunshan Martial Academy?" Liu Chen smiled, it's okay to use this identity to bully others, but it's useless to him.

"Qingyunshan Martial Academy is very powerful, but it's unknown how the disciples in the martial arts academy are. After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds."

"As for the question you explained later, I'm really sorry. Before you, Brother Cheng, spoke, I had already set off."

"Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, I should come first." Liu Chen said calmly.

The nearby martial arts practitioners were surprised. This young Confucian scholar looked thin and thin, but when he spoke, he was not weak at all.

"He actually has the guts to compete with the people from the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy, how bold!"

"Not necessarily, it may also be a strong one!"

Everyone talked about it, and they felt that the young Confucian scholars might be good, and they were also superior.

But Han Xinru and Cheng Xuanyang had gloomy faces, Cheng Xuanyang stared at Liu Chen closely, his eyes were not friendly, if he hadn't been in full view, he would have killed each other with a single palm.

And Han Xinru sneered: "Since you are so persistent, I will follow you."

"And the order you mentioned, we really didn't see it. Leave it to the people in the War Beast Pavilion to decide, they know who will arrive first."

"What do you think?" Han Xinru stood proudly.

But at this moment, the middle-aged man in the Zhanshou Pavilion quickly said: "This Cheng Shaoxia arrived first, so he should compete first."

"Hehe, what's the matter, you shouldn't be able to refute what the people in the War Beast Pavilion said!" Han Xinru looked at Liu Chen, with a trace of sarcasm on his lips.

This result, he had expected.

After hearing this, everyone was silent. Although everyone didn't pay attention, many martial arts practitioners saw that it was Liu Chen who set off first.

Presumably the people in the War Beast Pavilion should also know, but at this moment the other party said that Cheng Xuanyang arrived first, the implication of this statement is needless to repeat.

It can be seen that the young Confucian scholar is going to be unlucky.

Liu Chen looked at the expressions of Han Xinru and the middle-aged man in the War Beast Pavilion, and immediately understood, he smiled coldly in his heart.

If his guess is correct, this young man is with the War Beast Pavilion!

However, he didn't say anything, but smiled slightly: "In that case, then I'll wait for a while. I don't think it will take long before I can play."

Liu Chen chuckled, then walked to the side, opened the paper fan, and fell asleep with a face full of contentment.


Han Xinru snorted coldly, then said to Cheng Xuanyang with a smile: "Brother Cheng, please!"

Cheng Xuan raised his head, then stared at Liu Chen: "Let me play first, you won't have a chance."

"That's not necessarily the case." Liu Chen smiled faintly.

"Fool!" Han Xinru sneered in his heart, he had already arranged everything, how could there be a mistake.

Cheng Xuanyang, on the other hand, was arrogant: "Young man, keep your eyes open, what is an elite!"

Then, he quickly walked into the fighting cage.

"How, are you ready?" Han Xinru asked via voice transmission.

"Don't worry, the beast trainer has already bribed him, this time the beast can't even display part of its combat power!" The middle-aged man in the Beast Pavilion also said via voice transmission.

War Beast Pavilion, this War Beast Pavilion is actually a power of the Han family, no wonder Han Xinru is so confident!
She gave him a done look, and then Han Xinru backed away.

A huge blue brilliance matrix was formed, enveloping the fighting cage and preventing the true energy from leaking out.

At the same time, next to the middle-aged man in the War Beast Pavilion, there was a martial arts practitioner in black, who secretly controlled the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle in the matrix.

"Be honest and be my mount!"

Cheng Xuanyang sneered, and quickly rushed towards Xuanyu Jin Lingying.

Boom!The terrifying palm fell and grabbed the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle. Although the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle was suppressed, its destructive power was also very terrifying.

As a monster, the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle was unruly and unruly, how could it allow a challenge from humans, so it immediately attacked and grabbed Cheng Xuanyang.

The giant golden claws covered the sky, and they grabbed it quickly, as if they could tear everything apart.

The two collided, and the air of terror surged in all directions. Fortunately, there is a blue matrix, otherwise the surrounding area will become ruins.

The surrounding onlookers were surprised and looked at the scene ahead seriously.

Bang bang bang!
Cheng Xuanyang made repeated strikes, his terrifying palm covering the sky and the sun, like a high mountain, quickly attacking the opponent.

Every time, there will be a sound like lightning.

On the other hand, Xuanyu Jin Lingying, although angry, was tightly suppressed.


Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect the tyrannical Xuanyu Jin Lingying to be suppressed as soon as it came up.

"Worthy of being a disciple of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy, you are indeed tyrannical!"

"That's right, even if he is suppressed in the realm of cultivation, he is still extremely powerful." Everyone praised.

"Brother Cheng did a good job!"

"Brother Cheng, come on!" Han Xinru led a group of people and cheered loudly.

He just wanted to make Cheng Xuanyang feel respected.

However, not everyone saw it that way, and some strong men saw it, and their expressions changed.

But out of fear of Zhanshou Pavilion and Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy, he didn't have the guts to say anything.

Liu Chen narrowed his eyes and sneered in his heart.

From what he saw, it was natural to see that the Black Feather Golden Spirit Eagle had been suppressed in combat power. He was afraid that he couldn't even exert a part of his strength at this moment, otherwise Cheng Xuanyang couldn't beat him at all.

"It's the beast trainer!" The scarlet war dragon slid out of Liu Chen's sleeve and said via voice transmission.

"Beast trainer?" Liu Chen was a little surprised.

"Yes, martial arts practitioners who can subdue or even control monsters have special techniques that prevent this stupid eagle from displaying its original combat power."

"I see." Liu Chen understood, then looked around.

Soon, he set his eyes on the man in black next to the middle-aged man in the War Beast Pavilion.

On the opponent's body, he felt a strange and incomparable spiritual power.

If the guess is correct, the man in black is the beast trainer!
Moreover, he sensitively sensed that the palm of the opponent's hand hidden in the wide sleeve robe was constantly forming seals, as if forming some kind of wonderful force, restraining the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle.

"Spiritual power?" Liu Chen laughed. Although he didn't know how to train animals, he could still destroy the opponent's plan.

A trace of spiritual power protruded out, turned into an invisible attack, and rushed towards the void.

Chi Chi!

Liu Chen used his spiritual power as a sword to make the opponent unable to control it.

Sure enough, suddenly, in the blue matrix, the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle uttered a cry, and the magic energy on its body reached the sky, turning into golden flames, burning.

Terrifying and frenzied explosion gushes out like huge waves, slapping in all directions.

Cheng Xuanyang's complexion changed, and he was immediately pushed out by this wave of true energy, and then fell to the ground in a little embarrassment.

Around, those martial arts practitioners were in an uproar, they didn't expect this kind of situation to happen.

Originally, Cheng Xuanyang was fighting against the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, and he could subdue the opponent by seeing it.

But at this critical moment, the situation suddenly changed, and the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, which seemed to be dying, suddenly sent out a powerful wave of true energy!
"What's going on?" Han Xinru looked gloomy, and looked at the middle-aged man in the War Beast Pavilion with a questioning look.

The middle-aged man's complexion was also ugly, he immediately turned his head to ask the man in black beside him.

"Someone is interfering!" The man in black said through voice transmission, but it should not be the beast trainer, the other party's moves are very rough!

"Is it under control now?" the man asked.

"Leave it to me!" The man in black sneered, "It's just a layman, and he doesn't know how to use spiritual power at all."

He danced lightly with his ten fingers, transformed into inexplicable strength, and quickly attacked the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, suppressing the opponent's fighting power once again.

Soon, Xuanyu Jin Lingying's body shook, and the powerful golden flames on his body became weak again.

"Hmph, that wicked beast is looking for his own death!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Xuanyang roared angrily, and rushed out quickly, intending to take down the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, so as not to change things later.

He didn't make a move just now, he just wanted to show off in front of everyone.

Unexpectedly, the opponent suddenly exerted energy, shaking him back.

Fortunately, he was calm enough and didn't show anything. Now that the opponent was weak again, he could take it down in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, he was proud of his alertness.

"It's over!"

Cheng Xuanyang yelled angrily, and punched out fiercely. The terrifying fist was extremely dazzling, as if the morning light had broken the dawn, tearing the air apart.

The brilliance reaches the sky, enveloping the blue matrix.

Xuanyu Jinlingying struggled with all its strength and shouted unwillingly, but it couldn't get rid of the control from the beginning to the end.

"Yeah, recovered again?"

On the one hand, Liu Chen was surprised that the other party could get rid of his interference so quickly, so it was obvious that he was not weak.

However, if you compare your spiritual power with him, you are really asking for your own death!

With a blank expression on his face, he once again used his spiritual power to transform into an invisible sword, and quickly slashed into the sky.

This blow was much stronger than the previous probing actions, and it directly cut off the connection between the beast trainer and the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle.

Immediately, the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle became stronger again, a terrifying aura spewed out in an instant, the golden light diffused, and the radiance was ten thousand zhang.

(End of this chapter)

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