
Chapter 2287 Surrendering the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle

Chapter 2287 Surrendering the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle

Immediately, the cage was slammed shut, and then the blue brilliance lit up, quickly forming a blue matrix, sealing the surroundings.

Both Liu Chen and Xuanyu Jin Lingying were imprisoned in the closed magic circle.

Soon, Liu Chen felt an inexplicable force gushing out, suppressing his cultivation to the Void Transformation Realm.

Outside, Han Xinru and others sneered, waiting to see Liu Chen being torn apart.

And those who watched the excitement were very scared and looked a little nervously.

Inside the cage, the Black Feather Golden Spirit Eagle saw a human coming in again, and immediately became furious. It hadn't vented its anger before, but now it wants to vent it all.

It wants to tear apart the human beings in front of it!

With an angry shout, the devilish energy in his whole body surged like a golden demon flame, beating non-stop.

The flames burned, twisting and distorting the air.

It can only be said that the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle is indeed powerful. Although it is only a ninth-level monster, its combat power is no worse than that of a martial arts practitioner who has reached the level of harmony and mastery!
All of a sudden, the cage was covered with golden demon flames, burning like hell.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man and the animal trainer sneered non-stop.

"Sure enough, without us taking action, the Xuanyu Jin Lingying will be furious."

However, the man in black's laughter hadn't disappeared. Suddenly, his pupils shrank, his face was full of surprise, as if someone had pinched his neck.

"What, it's impossible!" He let out a sharp roar, with a surprised expression.

Next to him, the middle-aged man frowned, his face ashen.

Han Xinru, Cheng Xuanyang and others were even more stunned.

The crowd watching the lively martial arts practitioners looked at the scene in front of them incredulously.

"This... this, what's going on here?"

In the cage, the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, which was originally furious, was extremely docile at this moment, like a well-behaved sparrow, not as violent as before.

The soaring golden demon flame had long since disappeared, and the black-feathered golden spirit eagle trembled a little, and didn't have the guts to approach Liu Chen.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Everyone is really confused, the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle is a very ferocious monster. It even killed the black lion with the divine power of the holy body before. From this, we can see how ferocious it is!
Moreover, not long ago, it beat Cheng Xuanyang to serious injury in a fit of rage. Everyone will never forget that terrifying coercion.

But now, like turning into a monster, it has become extremely compliant.

"This is impossible! Could it be that the Confucian scholar has some special tricks?"

"It's impossible to use any special tricks, no one can make the Xuanyu Jin Lingying so compliant!" A strong man shook his head.

Han Xinru and Cheng Xuanyang had gloomy expressions on their faces, "Who is this guy who kills thousands of knives!"

Especially Cheng Xuanyang, whose face was distorted and deformed beyond human appearance. He was burning with anger, and his whole body was full of murderous intent.

He couldn't help it, he couldn't accept the current scene, before he was tortured very badly by the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, and even almost died.

And his enemy, a weak Confucian scholar, is safe and sound?
This huge gap made him crazy.

If the other party really tamed the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, then his face would be trampled on the ground by the other party. At that time, he would become a joke in Dansheng City.

"This one who killed a thousand swords, I want his life!"

Cheng Xuanyang roared murderously.

On the one hand, Han Xinru also had a gloomy expression. The Confucian scholar in front of him repeatedly sabotaged his plan, causing infinite killing intent to arise in his heart.

He decided that he must kill the opponent here!

"Hurry up, don't let him succeed!" The middle-aged man in the War Beast Pavilion said in a cold tone.

Beside, the man in black looked cold, and quickly used the method of animal training to control the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle.

He had already recovered from the surprise before, and now his heart was full of murderous intent. He was slapped mercilessly in the face by the other party before, so now he must let the other party die!
"Young man, give me hell!"

The man in black was full of murderous intent, he used a tyrannical move, which made the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle go berserk.

Inside the cage, the black-feathered Golden Spirit Eagle, which was originally docile, suddenly erupted with a powerful aura, covering all directions.

In those golden eyes, the original fear was replaced by a trace of madness.


On the opposite side, Liu Chen showed a hint of surprise.

Just now, he let the crimson war dragon release a trace of dragon power, deterring the black-feathered golden spirit eagle, so the previous scene happened.

But at this moment, the Xuanyu Jin Lingying went mad again, as if he was no longer afraid of Longwei, which surprised him a little.

It can be seen that it is the reason of the animal trainer again.Liu Chen smiled, he became more interested in the profession of beast trainer.

A loud bang!
The Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle fell into madness, immediately opened the golden eagle pupils, and at the same time spread its wings, condensing thousands of golden brilliance.

A powerful and violent air diffused and filled the cage, like a peerless beast revived, extremely terrifying.

Boo boo boo boo boo!

Thousands of golden brilliance spewed out, like ten thousand snakes coming out of their holes, and rushed forward.

"It has appeared, the ultimate move of the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle!" Everyone exclaimed.

Han Xinru, Cheng Xuanyang and the others sneered, "This time, that guy will definitely not be able to escape!"

"Are you going to perform a stunt?" Liu Chen held a paper fan in his hand, with a calm expression.

Immediately, he waved his palm domineeringly, and the vitality behind his back surged rapidly, transforming into a pair of wings.

It was a pair of golden yellow wings, and every feather on the top was lifelike, just like the real thing, the wings spread out, filling the blue matrix.

The golden wings condensed by the spirit of the sword trembled, condensed into [-] swords, and shot away at high speed!
The two collided, sending out a shocking explosion scene, which made the blue matrix sway endlessly, as if it was about to split.

"What kind of mystery is this? It's actually the same as Xuanyu Jin Lingying's ultimate move!"

Everyone was shocked and unable to speak.

That young Confucian scholar is really too mysterious and unpredictable. First, he made the violently exploding Black Feather Golden Spirit Eagle compliant, and then he showed the opponent's unique move, which is really unbelievable!
Han Xinru, Cheng Xuanyang and the others were even more surprised. They didn't expect that Confucian scholar to be so weird.

Inside the cage, brilliant brilliance flickered, and soon the winner was decided.

Fifty-four thousand golden swords tore through the sky, with a powerful murderous aura, chopped the opponent's golden brilliance in an instant, and then flew towards the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle.

The sky trembled like ten thousand thunders galloping, terrifying to the limit.

The Xuanyu Jin Lingying was covered by the sword brilliance and flew out backwards.

The feathers all over the sky are scattered, extremely brilliant.

"It's terrifying, is this really the combat power of the Void Transformation Realm?" Everyone was stunned, not having the guts to believe it.

The attack just now was too frightening, not to mention the Void Transformation Realm, even the Perfect Harmony Realm might not be usable.

And, what was even more surprising was that the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle actually lost.

With one move, just one move, the extremely powerful Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle was defeated by Liu Chen.

Not only them, but even the people in the War Beast Pavilion were stunned. The middle-aged man's complexion was stiff, and the corners of his lips were cramped.

He personally used the formation to suppress the people inside to the cultivation level of the Void Transformation Realm, that is, the opponent defeated the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle in one move at the cultivation level of the Void Transformation Realm.

This is really shocking!

The man in black is even more murderous. As a mysterious beast trainer, he can conquer fierce monsters.

Just now, he controlled the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle and made it go berserk.

However, he failed to change the result.

He can't bear it, he wants revenge!

Gritting his teeth tightly, the man in black quickly formed a seal, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

Since they can't beat the opponent, they will perish together!
Immediately, the Xuanyu Jin Lingying uttered a tragic cry, piercing the sky.

On its body, thousands of golden demonic energy rolled and began to burn, extremely strange.

Those golden eyes were full of pain and madness.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle was undefeated?"

"It still wants to fight back?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't have the guts to believe it.

But Liu Chen's eyes were gloomy, and he could naturally see that all of these were not the original intention of the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle.

It's the ghost of the beast trainer behind him!

The Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle couldn't take it anymore, its body gradually swelled, and it bumped towards Liu Chen.


Liu Chen snorted coldly, and the power of spiritual consciousness gushed out frantically, turning into a sword of spiritual consciousness, and slashed towards the sky at high speed.

This time, he showed no mercy.

The invisible attack, as if it had cut some kind of mysterious thread, made a slight coughing sound.

Immediately, Xuanyu Jin Lingying's eyes returned to calm, and his body gradually stopped.

But the man in black in the War Beast Pavilion shook his body and spat out a mouthful of blood.


He was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear.

At this time, the man in black was in a panic and didn't have the guts to do it again.

Moreover, he no longer has the ability to do it.

The attack of spiritual power is the strangest and very dangerous, a little negligence may result in death.

The move just now had already seriously injured him, and he might not be able to do it for a few months.

The middle-aged man was even more frightened. He knew the fighting power of the man in black. He was a very powerful animal trainer, and his family paid a lot of money to hire him.

But at this moment, he actually failed!

"You can't let him go, this kid must have secrets!" The man in black spoke with difficulty, every word he said made him extremely uncomfortable, and his brows frowned.

"You are so young, it is impossible to have such a tyrannical spiritual power, this kid must have some kind of spiritual power secret treasure, you must grab it!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's eyes flickered with greed.

Consciousness, that is the most difficult true qi to cultivate, except that it can be increased after reaching the Harmony Realm, it is difficult for other martial arts practitioners to find the secret of cultivation.

Even if they are celestial masters, I am afraid that they may not have the skills to specialize in the power of spiritual consciousness.

And now, it seems that there is a chance!
Thinking of this, he sneered again.

In the cage, Liu Chen cut off the beast trainer's control with a sword, saving the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle from death.

Then, he walked up to the other party and said in a cold tone: "I know, with your wisdom, you should be able to understand what I say."

"Are you willing to follow me?"

The Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle was lying on the ground a little weakly, when it heard Liu Chen's words, its golden eyes shone with brilliance, it nodded quickly without any hesitation.

Liu Chen took out a glass of medicinal wine and gave it a drink.

Not long after, the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle stood up, its wings fluttered, and walked to Liu Chen's side, then rubbed Liu Chen affectionately with the bird's head.

"Okay, follow me, I won't treat you badly!" Liu Chen patted it.

"Let's go!"

He turned around and walked quickly outside.

But for a moment, he frowned, because the door of the cage hadn't been opened, and even the magic circle outside hadn't disappeared.

Everyone outside was shocked. Liu Chen successfully recovered the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, which surprised them.

Many people cheered and cheered for him.

(End of this chapter)

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