
Chapter 2289 Drinking

Chapter 2289 Drinking
Han Xinru clenched her fists even more firmly, staring at Liu Chen closely, her eyes were full of fierceness.

It's all the hateful young man in front of him, and he must not be forgiven!
Feeling that fierce aura, Liu Chen turned his head, a trace of contempt flickered on the corner of his lips.

"Do you have the guts to make a move?"

"Damn it!" Han Xinru turned pale with anger, he really didn't have the confidence to make a move.

The opponent can easily abolish the defensive circle, he must be a master, because even the deacon of the family may not be able to do this.

Han Xinru took a deep breath, and said to the martial arts practitioners in the Beast Pavilion beside him, "Kill him!"

"Want to kill someone? Let's ask first whether we agree or not!"

Those martial arts practitioners watching the crowd got angry, and rose up to counterattack, all excitedly said: "Apologize, I must apologize!"

"If you dare to touch him, you are against us!"

A group of people stood in front of Liu Chen, shouting angrily.

Han Xinru was stunned, he didn't understand what these people were getting excited about, this matter had nothing to do with them, but these martial arts practitioners who were usually timid as mice, now they were as if they had taken stimulants.

How did he know that the actions of the War Beast Pavilion this time were too much, not only targeting Liu Chen, but also making these ordinary martial arts practitioners feel insecure.

If the War Beast Pavilion killed Liu Chen today, they might be the ones who died tomorrow.

If the arrogant attitude of bullying martial arts practitioners like Zhan Beast Pavilion is not suppressed, their situation will be very dangerous in the future.

Therefore, these people will fight back.

To put it simply, this time the War Beast Pavilion touched not only the interests of Liu Chen, but also the interests of all ordinary martial arts practitioners.

Seeing hundreds of people roaring, Han Xinru was frightened and her face turned ashen.

And that Cheng Xuanyang was even more overwhelmed, almost scared to pee, hiding in the corner without the courage to come out.

The middle-aged man in the War Beast Pavilion trembled with anger. The scene in front of him was completely unexpected. He originally thought that killing a thief would not be difficult at all.

But now it can be seen that there is no way to implement it at all.

"Deacon, what shall we do?" the disciple of the War Beast Pavilion asked.

"Back!" the man said through gritted teeth.


As soon as he ascended the height, those people from the War Beast Pavilion retreated, and they were in a stalemate with the excited crowd.

"Thousand-knife killer, I don't know what kind of magic you have that can actually incite these people. The Xuanyu Jinlingying is a monster on the list, and it is not so easy to get!"

"If you send it back now, I can pretend that nothing happened!"

"Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

"Although you have nothing to do today, in the future..." the middle-aged man threatened.

In fact, his heart was bleeding. He was so angry because his plan to curry favor with the Cheng family failed. Besides, this black-feathered golden spirit eagle is very precious, and it is the No. 90 sixth spirit species on the Tiger List of Warcraft.

But all monsters that can be on the tiger list are not vulgar.

And those who can enter the top [-] are even more rare monsters!
This Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle ranks No. 90 and sixth on the tiger list. Although it has not grown up, it has great potential.

In their War Beast Pavilion, there is also a rare and rare treasure. Originally, they wanted to bribe Cheng Xuanyang, but they didn't expect Liu Chen to be cheap.

"If you can keep it, you don't need to worry about it." Liu Chen said calmly.

"Hey, let's go!"

The man's eyes were cold, and with a domineering wave of his sleeves, he led a group of martial arts practitioners back to the War Beast Pavilion.

But he decided in private that he didn't get the news about the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, and he couldn't let Liu Chen get it.

The people from the War Beast Pavilion left quickly, and the nearby martial arts practitioners all cheered, and many congratulated Liu Chen.

"Brother, you are too strong, you actually subdued this black-feathered golden spirit eagle!"

"What is this? The secret of breaking the defensive magic circle is awesome. I'm afraid even the deacon of the War Beast Pavilion can't do it!"

"May I ask which faction the brother comes from?"

Everyone hurriedly asked.

Liu Chen replied with a smile, and then said to everyone: "Thank you for your help just now, let's go and have a drink!"


A group of people left quickly.

At the same time, Xuanfeng Zhanshou Pavilion used the strength in his hands to spread the news of the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle, which immediately caused quite a stir.

Many forces are jealous, especially those young elite martial arts practitioners, who are even more excited.

This kind of monster is the darling in the battle. If it can be obtained, it will be a great help in the future.

Therefore, everyone took action and quickly searched for the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle in the city.

Liu Chen and others walked to a restaurant, and everyone rushed in, immediately filling the restaurant.

Fortunately, this is a big restaurant, big enough to accommodate everyone.

Liu Chen and the others ordered a few dishes, and ordered a jug of wine, and drank together.

At the end, everyone drank to their satisfaction before leaving.

Liu Chen said goodbye to everyone and returned to the courtyard he rented privately.

"Brother Chen, you're back!" Yuchi Dianwei came out to greet him, "Ah, what is this, such a terrifying monster!"

He felt the demonic energy on the opponent's body like wolf smoke, and immediately screamed.

"Xuanyu Jinlingying, a kind of monster, go in." Liu Chen said.

Then, he entered the courtyard and told Yuchi Dianwei what happened before.

"This Han family is really deceiving people too much!" Yuchi Dianwei was angry, "Brother Chen, do you want to bring someone here to destroy the Han family!"

"Don't worry." Liu Chen waved his hand, "It's not good right now, the bidding in Vientiane will be getting closer, and there will be more and more powerful people in the city. At this time, don't cause big conflicts."

"This bidding will be very important to me, so there is no room for loss!"

"Then that's all?" Yuchi Dianwei was not reconciled.

"That's all? What's the matter!" Liu Chen sneered, "We'll deal with them after the bidding is over!"

Then, Liu Chen asked Yuchi Dianwei to collect information about the Han family and the Cheng family in private, and he would only attack the other party if he knew the fighting power of the other party.

"Huh! I'm smothered to death!" The crimson war dragon ran out of the monster bag like a loach.The little white ape followed closely behind.

After they came out, they kept a close eye on the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle.

The black-feathered Golden Spirit Eagle, which had raised its head and chest high, was trembling with fright when it saw the crimson battle dragon and the little white ape, and kept backing away.

The zhenqi fluctuations in the two beasts made them feel subconsciously afraid.

This is not due to combat power, but from the inheritance of blood and the tremendous pressure in the depths of the spiritual consciousness.

The Xuanyu Jin Lingying trembled continuously, as if it wanted to worship.

"It's been a long time since I ate grilled wings," said the scarlet war dragon.

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyu Jin Lingying trembled even more, and almost fainted from fright.

"No squeak, no squeak."

The little white ape jumped over and looked curiously, and then it made a muffled swish, and jumped onto the opponent's body, looking very happy.

The Xuanyu Jin Lingying was so frightened that it was half dead, and it lay on the ground without the courage to move.

"Okay, you two, stop threatening it." Liu Chen said helplessly.

"Stupid bird, listen up. From now on, you will be our brother. If anyone has the courage to bully you, I will stand up for you!" the scarlet war dragon said, waving its claws.

Xuanyu Jin Lingying nodded cautiously, there was still the mighty and impressive appearance before, like a docile chicken.

Then, Liu Chen rested for two days, and he went out again.

Putting the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle into the monster bag, Liu Chen once again turned into a young Confucian scholar, holding a paper fan, and appeared in the city.

This time, he boarded a teahouse, ordered a pot of fragrant tea, and tasted it slowly.

Surrounded by people who practiced martial arts from all over the world, they gathered together and chatted with each other.

"I heard that there will be a lot of good things in the Vientiane bidding this time, including a semi-earth-level spiritual weapon!"

"It is said that it is called Gu Xing. Many sword repairmen have come back here because of this long sword."

There is also a material called sulfur crystal copper, which is also very rare.

Everyone discussed and looked excited.

However, what they talked about the most was what happened in the city.

"Someone made a big fuss in the Xuanfeng War Beast Pavilion and took away the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle."

"Xuanyu Jinlingying? That monster that ranks No. 90 on the tiger list?" Someone was surprised.

"Oh, although it's a monster right now, it must be terrifying when it grows up in the future!"

"What's going on, why is the Xuanfeng War Beast Pavilion willing to release this kind of monster?"

"It's a young Confucian student with a very strong combat power. Although he was suppressed in the realm of cultivation, he still has the combat power of the perfect and mastery realm, so he won the monster."

Everyone talked about it, and it was very lively.

"I guess this Confucian scholar must be from a big gang, and he may be a young master."

"That's right, it's said that even the disciples of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy can't beat him."

Many people began to speculate about his identity.

At this moment, a sound came and echoed in the teahouse.

The sound wasn't too loud, but it was heard clearly in everyone's ears, as if they were right next to them.

But suddenly, someone began to tremble, because the sound became very magical, like a thunder hammer, bombarding the heart, making people tremble.

Many martial arts practitioners who were weak in combat had flushed faces, as if they had suffered internal injuries.

Soon, a young man came to the steps. He was dressed in a red robe, and his eyes were bright, like a sword, extremely fierce.

He just stood there, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"What kind of elite Confucian scholar, you haven't met me, if you meet me, suppress him with one hand!"

This young man is handsome and tall, but his words are so sharp that it makes people frown.

Behind him, there are six beautiful women, each with a sword in their arms, some are quaint, some are luxurious.

Obviously, these six long swords are all famous swords!
At this moment, a cute girl behind walked out quickly, walked to a table where these people were sitting, and said in a cold tone: "My son is sitting at this table, you guys leave quickly!

The woman said in a cold voice, and then threw out a bag of sword crystals.

"Fuck, what are we, beggars?"

"Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

Those people were all high-rollers in the first place, and when they encountered this situation, of course they got angry.

Several people drew their swords, and swung them at the cute girl with fierce eyes.


The cute girl sneered, then waved her fingers, making mysterious palm shadows repeatedly in mid-air, like floating lights, extremely mysterious.

Bang bang bang!
In an instant, the three people at the table groaned in pain and flew out of the window.

In a blink of an eye, there was no one around that table.

Then, two young men strode up again from behind, pinching the seals in their hands, turning into a cloud of water vapor to clean the table, and then took a handkerchief and wiped it carefully.

"Sir, please take a seat."

"Oh!" The young man in the red robe nodded, and then sat down slowly.

The six women started to get busy, one took out the fragrant tea, one took out the spirit juice, and some took out the high-quality purple teapot and started to make tea.

The teapot was not too big, and it was blooming with purple brilliance. It was actually a spiritual weapon!
Seeing this extravagant and arrogant young man in red robe, many people were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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