
Chapter 2295 The pleasure of revenge?

Chapter 2295 The pleasure of revenge?
"Want to fight? Then come on!" Liu Chen let out a long roar, his eyes flashed, and behind him, the sky was full of blood.

War breaks out!

Liu Chen made a seal with his right hand, and quickly struck out a red mountain peak, which zoomed infinitely in mid-air, and collided with the green fist.

The mountain peak was extremely blood-red, like a peak in the underworld, extremely terrifying, and the green fist was shaken back in an instant.

Then, his left hand reverberated, and the red sword glow turned into an angry dragon, and rushed towards the surroundings.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In an instant, several painful groans sounded, and some members of the Wang family who were weak in combat were all cut off by the red air sword, and their blood was sucked away.

"Stand back!" The old man in green yelled murderously, "Everyone below the second floor of the Celestial Master, leave quickly."

"Go and inform the Han family, tell them that their young master has also been slaughtered!"

Immediately, only Liu Chen and the six murderous deacons were left in the sky.

"Young man, you are doomed to die today!" The voice of the old man in green was cold, and the six second-level celestial masters made a move. Even the third-level celestial masters did not have the guts to fight it. Besides, the little thief in front of him was not a third-level celestial master. division.

Feeling that the blood killing and the sea of ​​blood behind him were getting stronger, Liu Chen's eyes were like sword aura, sweeping in all directions without any fear.

He formed a seal with his right palm, held a sword in his left hand, and bombarded at high speed.


The six old men also acted fiercely, quickly playing their unique skills.

A round of red full moon was turning rapidly, and the moonlight was like a red ribbon, quickly surrounding the two deacons.

Then, a golden sun appeared in the mid-air, shining golden and terrifying.


Thousands of brilliance fell down and turned into a golden sword brilliance, which was sent forward fiercely, bringing out a white light, and quickly stabbed at the two bound people.

In this golden sword flower, there is a very powerful thunderbolt true energy, which makes people feel a chill.

The two old men were startled and resisted desperately, but they were still swept by several thunderbolts of true energy and sword brilliance, and suddenly thunder exploded all over the sky, knocking them into the air.

"What? It's amazing!"

Everyone was amazed, facing the joint siege of six powerful deacons, they didn't have any fear, and they were able to seize the opportunity in an instant and wound two of them.

This combat power, this experience, is really terrifying!

"Seek your own way!"

The old man in green was furious, and behind him, a green skeleton appeared, which was extremely strange.

Accompanied by it, there is also a skyrocketing terror.

The entire sky suddenly boiled, like a vast ocean, surging and majestic.

"The soul of fighting, this is the soul of fighting!"

Everyone exclaimed, they didn't expect that the old man in green actually displayed the fighting spirit, so it could be seen that it was coming for real!

The green skeleton is very eye-catching. The green skeleton is very burly, and there are one after another mysterious lines on it, filled with terrifying true energy fluctuations.

He stood in the void like a god of war.

"This old man will definitely kill you today!"

The voice of the old man in green was full of murderous intent, his eyes were like swords, and he stared at Liu Chen closely.

In another direction, those deacons also sacrificed the soul of fighting, which was powerful and terrifying.

The green skull set off, turned into a beam of brilliance, and rushed towards Liu Chen.

In an instant, he walked up to Liu Chen and patted the skeleton's palm.

The big palm was glowing with green light, clanging and sounding, like a spiritual weapon, it struck towards Liu Chen.

The crimson flames danced on Liu Chen's fist, and he struck out quickly like a flying arrow.

The two collided with each other, making a sky-shattering bang, the sky trembled continuously, and ripples of true energy visible to the naked eye spread towards the surroundings one after another.

The old man in green sacrificed his fighting spirit to fight Liu Chen.

However, what was surprising was that Liu Chen did not sacrifice his fighting spirit, but directly fought against the opponent's fighting spirit with his fists.

The old man in green sneered. He controlled the Soul of the Skull Fighter and used a very powerful secret to kill the opponent.

The brilliance is shining like fireworks, but in this brilliance, there is a terrible murderous intent hidden.

"Fengluan Sacred Seal!"

Liu Chen waved his palm and quickly shot out a burst of flames.

A huge phoenix luan, born from the ashes, rushed to the sky.

As soon as the phoenix came out, the sky was reflected in crimson red, and the scorching air spread out, as if trying to evaporate people.

This heat is not only sad, but also can evaporate the spirit of the sword.

The green skull was affected, and the brass-like body began to fade, as if it was about to melt.


The old man in green let out a cold snort, controlled the green skeleton, and spit out a cloud of green mist.

The flames in the midair became dim, as if they had been eroded.

"What a horrible poison!" Everyone panicked and fled quickly.

This kind of poison is so terrifying that even a third-level celestial master would not have the guts to take it.

"Hehe, young man, let me see what you do now!... Ha... ha... ha... let's turn into a puddle of blood!" The old man in green was full of murderous aura, and he felt a sense of revenge in his heart.

However, suddenly, this pleasure suddenly disappeared.

"What, impossible!"

His pupils shrank and he cried out in surprise, he didn't have the guts to believe what was in front of him.

Since Liu Chen had already escaped from the scope of the poison, he walked in front of him in an instant.

"What an amazing speed, this speed... what's going on!"

The old man in green let out a sharp roar. Even a third-level celestial master might not have such a speed!
Those martial arts practitioners who were watching were even more surprised, they didn't see clearly at all.

Zhao Ting frowned, "This speed and movement, could it be the secrets of martial arts at the prefecture level?"

He reckoned in his heart, but he wasn't sure, but that movement was so fast that he was terrified. Anyone who could have this kind of speed must be a peerless martial artist!

In fact, he guessed right, Liu Chen used the earth-level movement technique, Phantom Wind Walk.

This earth-level movement technique has already been practiced by him to the level of Dacheng.

Even a third-level celestial master may not be able to have this kind of speed!

Immediately, Liu Chen swung his sword and slashed at the green-clothed old man in front of him.


The old man in green felt a chill, not to mention the sword light, it was the overflowing fierceness that shocked him already.

Is that human being?He had never seen such a powerful evil spirit before, it was almost like a god of war!
With a wave of his palm, the old man in green hurriedly cast a surge of light and shadow to defend.

But it was useless, those palm shadows were smashed into pieces by Liu Chen's red sword in an instant, and they couldn't be stopped at all!


The old man in green was startled, he didn't expect the opponent's attack to be so fierce, and in an instant, all his palms were cut apart.

Immediately, the red sword glow swiftly struck at him.


The old man in green didn't have the guts to take it head-on, and retreated quickly. At the same time, he waved his hands, summoning his fighting spirit to come back to defend.

Although he retreated extremely fast, he still underestimated Liu Chen's speed.This blow was as fast as thunder, and the red sword light turned into red thunderbolt true energy, quickly slashing his arm.

Blood splashed everywhere, and half of the old man's left arm was knocked off.


The old man in green felt a chill, his eyes were full of panic, he let out a sharp roar, turned into green light and left quickly.

Everyone was surprised and fell into silence, even the deacons of the Wang family changed their expressions.

The old man in green was also very tyrannical in their eyes, but he was injured and ran away after just a while.

This scene changed so fast that it was difficult for them to accept it for a while.

"Idiots! Not only the younger generation is idiots, but the older generation is also idiots!"

Liu Chen said sarcastically.

"Seeking death! If you have the courage to insult the Wang family, I will destroy you today!!"

The other deacons of the Wang family couldn't stand listening anymore. There were so many of them, and they would definitely be able to suppress each other if they joined hands to attack.

Two deacons of the Wang family came up, one of them was full of silver hair and looked old, but his gaze was sharper than the blade.

Obviously, this is a second-level celestial master, and he is also a master among the second-level celestial masters!

The other person was also an old man, but he was wearing a cold purple armor that completely guarded his body.

The purple fighting robe burst out with a icy brilliance, and there were one after another mysterious lines flashing on it.

"This is... a high-level spiritual weapon!" Everyone was surprised.

This level of combat robes is extremely hard and difficult to break through.

I didn't expect the deacon of the Wang family to have this kind of fighting robe, so there is no suspense in this battle.The opponent might not be able to break through the defense of the martial robe.

Many people gasped, shook their heads, and sighed for Liu Chen.

The spiritual weapon of the upper level of the spirit level is very powerful, and it must be a great help. At this time, the deacon of the Wang family was wearing a purple fighting robe, which was equivalent to an extra life.

At the same level, I am afraid that no one will be his opponent.

"Hmph, little thief, wash your neck and die!"

Only the eyes of this royal deacon in purple armor were exposed to the air, and the rest of the place was completely covered by the purple fighting robe.

He is like a demon king, slowly striding forward in mid-air.

On the other side, the silver-haired old man also strode forward, holding a purple sharp sword in his hand.

The sharp sword flickered, and there was still purple light on it, like a brilliant light, flying all over the sky, setting him off like a sword god.

Obviously, this crimson purple sharp sword is also a high-level spiritual weapon.On the purple sharp sword, there are also engraved mysterious engraving symbols, which contain huge power.

The two deacons sneered, and both sides attacked Liu Chen. There was no unnecessary nonsense, and the two fought in an instant.

The silver-haired old man held a purple sword in his hand and quickly slashed out.A scorching sword light illuminated the entire sky, the brilliance was dazzling, and the brilliance was thousands of miles away.

The sword energy flashed, tearing through the sky, and swiftly slashed towards Liu Chen.

"Spirit-level superior long sword?" Liu Chen smiled contemptuously, he quickly pulled out the Liuyun Feixing Sword from his waist, and stabbed out quickly.

The body of the jasper-like sword gradually enlarged, turning into a huge sword of several tens of feet, terrifying and heavy.

One after another, the green air currents rotated, releasing fierce sword energy, and quickly knocked down.

"What? It's another spiritual-level long sword!" Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect Liu Chen to have such a long sword on him.

Liu Chen swung the Flying Clouds and Flying Stars Sword, and the terrifying sword glows spread across all directions, crushing the sky, and one after another, hundreds of feet long sword glows were dazzling, slashing towards the front quickly.

The intersection of the two swords is like two angry dragons roaring and fighting each other.

In an instant, the sky was torn apart, and the brilliance of those sword glows turned into rain of light, scattering in all directions.


The royal deacon in purple armor was also dispatched.

He is like a purple warrior, walking in the sky, cracking the sky with every step he takes.

With a fierce punch, the fist wrapped in purple armor quickly enlarged, like a black ghost mountain, and quickly hit it.

bump bump!
Liu Chen held the Liuyun Flying Star sword in his hand, swung the sword forward violently, brought out a white light, quickly pierced the sky, and flew across the sky at high speed, every sword made the sky tremble violently, as if the world was destroyed Same, heartbreaking.

He swung out one after another of trembling sword lights, and forcibly received the attack of the two deacons of the Wang family.

Every impact tore apart the sky, like thunder, falling in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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