
Chapter 2528 Untitled

Chapter 2528 Untitled
"If I can get a lot of purple flames, maybe I can condense the soul of Raging Flame Fighting."

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, and only after absorbing the purple flame just now did he understand how terrifying the purple flame was.

Moreover, if you want to get more purple flames, you must get rid of Lin Shenque's mind.

It can be seen that we can only think about it when the time comes.

Liu Chen shook his head, and then absorbed all the purple flames near the big pit.

When the purple flames here completely disappeared, Liu Chen set off again.

With a slight flip of his hand, he summoned the white sheep fat jade flying boat he had obtained before, stood on the flying boat with Han Yueru, and flew towards the distance at high speed.

The crimson war dragon also deployed a collection of spirits on the flying boat, which can continuously absorb the vitality of the nearby heaven and earth as a source of true energy.

In this way, there is no need for Liu Chen and the two to inject sword spirit energy into the white suet jade flying boat.

This is a good thing for the two of them, at least there is no need to consume the energy of the sword spirit.

What's more, the collection of spirits deployed by the crimson war dragon is very good, which makes the speed of the white suet jade flying boat a little faster than before.

Liu Chen gradually felt that the scorching temperature in the air was getting higher and higher, and the vitality nearby was getting stronger.

No matter what it is, it all proves that he is getting closer to the core area.

Even later, they saw that they were already in the core area.

Originally, according to the legend, the core area should be more dangerous.

But because they followed Qinglin Shenque, with Qinglin Shenque's terrifying combat power, even if there are dragon list monsters here, I am afraid they can be wiped out!

Therefore, on the way, they did not encounter many dangers.

However, there was another thing that caught their attention, that is, in this core area, besides themselves, they also saw many other martial arts practitioners.

"It can be seen that the secrets of the Qinglin sparrow and the core area have been leaked."

Liu Chen let out a sigh of regret.

There is no way, the Qinglin sparrow is too eye-catching, and there is no cover up at all, as long as there is a caring person, it should be able to see this.

Therefore, Liu Chen was not very surprised by those martial arts practitioners who rushed over.

But, fortunately, his cultivation realm has been upgraded again, and he has condensed the soul of the third fight, which greatly increases his combat effectiveness.

Therefore, no matter how many martial arts practitioners came, Liu Chen was full of confidence.

What's more, he also has Han Yueru as a powerful foreign aid.

In this core area, there is a group of people standing on the mountain peak, looking forward.

Feeling the magnificent landscape in front of them and the strong vitality, these guys showed greedy expressions on their faces.

However, when they sensed the remaining purple flames and terror, the eyes of these guys were full of scruples.

They knew that this was the breath left by Qinglin Shenque.

Just this fluctuation of zhenqi has already made them terrified. From this, we can see how terrifying the real Qinglin sparrow is, and they are probably the real ants in front of Qinglin sparrow!
Therefore, although the core area in front is good, these guys are hesitant.

"It's fine if it's another monster that kills thousands of knives, but it happens to be the demon bird of the Qinglin sparrow, which just restrains our blood inheritance!"

This team of people is from the Spirit Bird Palace.

Facing ordinary martial arts practitioners, they have a huge advantage, because they are the descendants of the three red feathers, and they have the divine power of the holy body in their bodies.

But facing Qing Lin Shenque, they were restrained by the inheritance of blood.

Their ancestors, the three red feathers, can fight against the Qinglin sparrow, but they are not ancestors after all, and the divine power of the holy body in their bodies has long been very thin.

Therefore, facing the Qinglin sparrow, they have no resistance at all.

Even, that kind of restraint is much stronger than ordinary people.

"That's good, I won't embarrass you. If someone doesn't want to go, they can wait here. After all, this time is a special situation."

An old man said sharply, he is the sixth deacon of the Spirit Bird Palace, and his cultivation level has reached the seventh level of Heavenly Master.

Hearing what the Sixth Deacon said, these guys fell silent.

They really have to think about it carefully, because although the front is the core area with many treasures, the danger is far more than other places.

Moreover, there is a terrifying Qinglin sparrow in front of it. If it accidentally encounters it, it will definitely die.

Therefore, on the whole, there are more dangers ahead.

For a while, many people hesitated.

However, more people have hot eyes, because as long as there is a chance, they can't give up.

In the end, only some people chose to give up and wait where they were, while the vast majority chose to move on.

Among these guys, there are people from the older generation. Their life expectancy is very short, so they still want to fight.

There are also elites of the younger generation. These guys are young and full of confidence in themselves, so they also want to go in and find treasures.

In fact, not only the Spirit Bird Palace, but also other sects are doing the same thing.

Since it was extremely dangerous inside, they didn't want everyone to go there either.

On a mountain range, there is a team of powerful people.

The leader was a beautiful girl in purple clothes.

They are members of the Tan family, and the purple-robed girl is Tan Hongyan.

At this time, the white-haired lady was persuading Tan Hongyan.

"Miss, you have the inheritance of true blood. Even if you don't enter here, you will become a celestial being and a master of the first realm in the future. Your future is limitless. There is absolutely no need to take risks for that unknown treasure."

Mrs. Baifa's words made the Tan family's deacon keep nodding.

Indeed, this is true. Tan Hongyan's blood inheritance has reached Guizhen, and the future is limitless.

In addition, she herself is the young master of the Tan family, and her cultivation resources are also very rich, so it is only a matter of time before she becomes a celestial being and a master of the first realm in the future.

Everyone really didn't want Tan Hongyan to take risks.

After all, it's fine if it's normal, but now there is a terrifying Qinglin sparrow ahead, who knows what terrible things will happen.

However, it is obvious that Tan Hongyan will not follow their ideas.

At this time, determination was written all over her delicate and beautiful face, and her beautiful eyes were also looking at the front, sparkling extremely.

"To become a peerless master, in addition to having a very strong cultivation level, one must also have a resolute heart."

"If I can't move forward bravely even with this danger, then how can I climb to the top in the future."

"How can there be no danger on the road of cultivation?"

"If you are always protected by the family, you will always be a child who will never grow up, and you will never become a true peerless master!"

"What's more, he also wants to go there, there is no way I will lose to that bastard!"

The voice of the last sentence was very low, obviously speaking to himself.

After hearing this, the deacons of the Tan family shook their heads in regret.They knew that they couldn't change what Tan Hongyan decided.

What they can do is to protect Tan Hongyan's safety as much as possible.

Not only the Tan family, but also the Wushendian, Yunjiantian faction, Qingyunshan Wuyuan and other gangs all rushed towards the core area.

And Yao Feng from the Temple of Martial Arts led the people from the Temple of Martial Arts as if he walked to the gate of Songhua Hall.

The Songhua Palace is extremely majestic and majestic, like the capital of an emperor, but it has a very desolate atmosphere, but there is a huge opening on the gate of the city.

The hole was obviously knocked open, and there were thousands of purple flames remaining nearby.

Obviously, this was done by Qinglin Shenque.

"The animal has already gone in, everyone be careful."

"Alright, lest we have to abolish the prohibition circle, as long as we follow Qinglin Shenque, the threat inside will be reduced to the limit."

A group of people from Valkyrie Temple were excited.

Because of Yao Feng, they will be the first to find Songhua Palace.

But soon, the people from Happy Forest also arrived here.

This is naturally the credit of that fat boy Fu Tao.

However, when they saw the people from the Martial God Hall, their faces darkened.

"The former convenience is the legendary Songhua Palace. Everyone must be careful, especially the people in the Martial God Palace."

Deacon Xiaoyao turned his head and pointed towards the martial arts practitioners in the Xiaoyao Forest.

"Be especially careful about Yao Feng, he is known as a psychopath, he has no scruples in his actions, and his cultivation level is extremely high, even an ordinary seventh-level celestial master can't beat him!"

"Therefore, if you really meet him, don't be stubborn."

Xiaoyao Deacon reminded.

There is no way, although they also have someone who can deal with Yao Feng, but the other party is indeed a psychopath, acting strangely.

They don't want to fight this kind of person unless they have to.

After explaining patiently, Deacon Xiaoyao ordered someone to carefully investigate the entrance of the cave.

Although the gate of the city was forcibly broken through by Qinglin Shenque, no one knows if there are other dangers inside, so it is better to investigate first.

After all, the owner of the Songhua Palace was an existence that could even imprison the sparrows of the Qinglin!

All of a sudden, all parties are working closely.

Liu Chen and the others also stepped into the core area, and the two of them were moving forward quickly.

Suddenly, Liu Chen frowned, and the Moonseal Fang Sword behind him began to tremble without warning, as if it was about to be unsheathed.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

Liu Chen snorted coldly, the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul was running in his body, quickly stabilizing the Moon Seal Fang Sword.

"Who is it that can actually affect my moon-sealed fang sword?"

But soon, he showed a surprised expression, because a very powerful sword skill came from a distance.

That surge of true energy was even stronger than his.

"A strong swordsman! No wonder it can affect my moon-sealed fang sword."

Liu Chen's complexion changed, because he felt that the strength of that sword skill was too terrifying.

"Go and see."

With a domineering wave of Liu Chen's palm, he sent another force towards the white sheep fat jade flying boat, and the white sheep fat jade flying boat flew forward quickly like a thunderbolt of true energy.

That sword glow was too terrifying, so not only did Liu Chen startled, but many martial arts practitioners all rushed towards the source of the sword glow.

The white sheep fat jade flying boat was very fast, so it didn't take long for Liu Chen to reach the source of the sword energy.

However, he didn't step forward recklessly, but was floating on the clouds.

At this time, there is a three-eyed eight-armed monkey below.

The monster was huge, like a mountain, and the zhenqi fluctuations on its body were even stronger, as if it had reached the peak of a seventh-level celestial master.

Only a little short, you can enter the realm of the eighth level of the celestial master.

Obviously, this is quite a powerful monster.

At this time, the three-eyed eight-armed monkey shouted angrily, the voice was shocking, and it was staring at a figure in front of it.

Seeing that figure, Liu Chen's pupils shrank.

It was an old man with gray hair, wearing a common cloth, and looked very simple.

However, no one would think that he is an ordinary old guy, because the zhenqi fluctuations in his body are too sharp.

Like a peerless sword, towering in front.

Just the escaping sword light sliced ​​through the nearby mountains.

Behind this old man, there are several young disciples.

These guys were all carrying sharp swords, and looking at the figure of the old man in front of them, their eyes were full of fanaticism.

(End of this chapter)

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