
Chapter 2530 Go out and find you for revenge

Chapter 2530 Go out and find you for revenge

Moreover, they had fought before, and the Golden Seal of the Spirit Phoenix in the opponent's hand made him very scrupulous.

"Hongyan, you're here!"

Just after Tan Hongyan landed, a very handsome young man walked out of the Cheng family quickly.

Wearing armor, the young man was majestic and majestic, with a strong force in his hands and feet.

Judging by the fluctuation of true energy, it seems to be stronger than the previous Twelve Young Heroes and Thirteen Young Heroes.

Indeed, this person is the Ninth Young Hero of the Cheng family, and his combat effectiveness is still higher than that of the Twelve and Thirteen Young Heroes.

Not only that, but the identity of the Nine Young Heroes is even more impressive, because he is the grandson of the Cheng family's chief deacon.

As a family of heavenly beings and masters of the first realm, the Cheng family has many deacons, but there is only one chief deacon. His status and rights are definitely not comparable to other ordinary deacons.

Therefore, as the grandson of the chief deacon, the Nine Young Heroes have a very honorable status.

Moreover, he is also the younger brother of the young hero of the Cheng family.

The Young Hero of the Cheng Family is the Qilin Young Hero among the Flaming Blood Four Young Heroes, together with the Young Hero Lan Yu from the Temple of Martial Arts, the Young Hero Tianwen from the Free Forest, and the Young Hero Treading the Moon from the Tan family.

He is one of the four top-ranking young people in the Mighty Sword Continent!

And Jiu Shaoxia is the younger brother of Qilin Shaoxia, from this we can see how noble his status is.

At this time, everyone saw the Nine Young Heroes walking towards Tan Hongyan quickly, and they all showed a look of sudden realization.

"It is said that the Cheng family's Nine Young Heroes have been pursuing Tan Hongyan all along. Now it seems that the legend is true."

"That's true, and only a talented man like the Nine Young Heroes of the Cheng family is a good match for Tan Hongyan."

Everyone has different opinions.

As for the Nine Young Heroes, they hurried towards Tan Hongyan in a hurry.

It has not been a day or two since he pursued Tan Hongyan, and it was no secret among the major gangs that he liked Tan Hongyan.

Therefore, he regarded Tan Hongyan as his own woman.

He clearly knew that Tan Hongyan would not think so, but as long as he thought so, it would be fine.

With his status and his charm, no matter what kind of woman she is, she will definitely not be able to escape his grasp.

Even if it is Tan Hongyan, it will definitely be his in the end!
"Hongyan, here you are. This place is very dangerous. Actually, you shouldn't come."

"But you don't have to worry, with me by your side, I will definitely not let you suffer any harm!"

Jiu Shaoxia looked at Tan Hongyan with concern, and even put on a smile that he thought could charm thousands of women.

But before long, his smile froze.Since Tan Hongyan was not fascinated by his smile, she didn't even look at him.

This beautiful purple-robed girl directly ignored Jiu Shaoxia, while her pair of beautiful eyes looked forward.

There, there is a white sheep fat jade flying boat, and a pair of young people are standing on the flying boat.

Everyone nearby also saw this special scene, and quickly started talking about it softly.

But Jiu Shaoxia stayed where he was, his handsome face was extremely stiff at this moment.

"Why is Hongyan ignoring me? Could it be that I'm smiling badly, or I'm not thinking enough?"

Jiu Shaoxia didn't believe it, he quickly took a deep breath, and then shouted again: "Hongyan!"

However, Tan Hongyan still ignored him.

This scene made him feel a bad omen.

Before this, although Tan Hongyan hadn't promised him anything, the relationship between the two of them could still be chatted, at least on the surface there was still some courtesy.

But at this moment, Tan Hongyan completely ignored him, and even ignored her directly.

This huge change made him unacceptable.

He turned around abruptly, his gaze became extremely sharp, he wanted to see who attracted Tan Hongyan?

However, when he saw the person behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he could see that Tan Hongyan's eyes were on Liu Chen and the two of them at this moment.

Not only Jiu Shaoxia saw it, but all other martial arts practitioners nearby saw it.

"Could it be that the two of them, Liu Chen, also stole Tan Hongyan's treasure?"

"Even he has the guts to provoke people from the Tan family?"

All of a sudden, the corners of everyone's lips twitched and their expressions were strange.

Because of Liu Chen's behavior before, they all instinctively thought that Liu Chen must have provoked Tan Hongyan, so such a strange situation appeared at this time.

And Jiu Shaoxia also returned to his smile again, he stared at Liu Chen closely, with a cold light in his eyes.

"This kid who kills thousands of knives really has no eyes, and dares to provoke Hongyan!"

"If you don't want to die, just kneel down and kowtow honestly, and apologize to Hongyan, otherwise I will let you know how powerful I am!"

In the end, Jiu Shaoxia's body rose with a powerful aura.

Originally, Liu Chen was their family's enemy, but for the sake of Songhua Palace, they didn't make a move for a while.

But at this moment, the other party dared to provoke Tan Hongyan, this was something Jiu Shaoxia couldn't bear at all.

So at this moment, he was going to do something to Liu Chen.

But at this moment, Tan Hongyan scolded coquettishly: "Stop!"

After hearing this, Jiu Shaoxia's raised hand stopped in mid-air.

He turned his head and said with a smile: "Hongyan, don't worry, it won't take long to deal with a thief, that is, to move your fingers."

"Since this kid has the guts to provoke you, I will make him pay a heavy price."

Nine Young Heroes were very excited to stand up for Tan Hongyan.

Although the Twelve Young Heroes and the others had suffered at the hands of Liu Chen, his combat power was much stronger than the Twelve Young Heroes, so he had absolute confidence in dealing with Liu Chen.

However, Tan Hongyan frowned upon hearing the words of Nine Young Heroes.

Even when she saw Jiu Shaoxia walking quickly towards the front, she couldn't help it.


"What do I have to do with you? You still decide for me?"

"Do you know what is the relationship between me and him? Who told you that I have a deep hatred with him?"

Repeated questions made Jiu Shaoxia stay where he was.

In fact, not only him, but all the people around were stunned.

Because they couldn't figure it out, things would turn out like this.

"What is the relationship between these two people?" Someone wondered.

"You don't know? Both of them are from the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy!"


"It's not that simple. Look at Tan Hongyan's eyes, it's definitely not as simple as an ordinary fellow."

Someone else spoke up.

All in all, everyone has different opinions.

When Jiu Shaoxia heard these words, his expression sank.He looked at Tan Hongyan again, and saw a different kind of interest in the other's eyes.

"Could it be..."

Jiu Shaoxia's heart became gloomy, and a bad omen rose from his heart.

Suddenly his complexion became pale as paper.

I saw Tan Hongyan looking back and forth between Liu Chen and Han Yueru several times, wondering what he was thinking.

Feeling Tan Hongyan's eyes, Han Yueru was expressionless, while Liu Chen touched his forehead helplessly.

He was about to speak, but Tan Hongyan groaned softly.

"Go out and find revenge on you!"

She gave Liu Chen a hard look, and then led the members of the Tan family to the side of the big city.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Because they had never seen Tan Hongyan look like such a young daughter.

I'm afraid she can only make such an expression when she sees someone very close to her.

It seems that the relationship between the two people is really different.

Everyone had different expressions, but Jiu Shaoxia had an extremely gloomy expression.

He has known Tan Hongyan for many years, but he has never seen Tan Hongyan show such an intimate gesture to anyone.

But now, the other party showed such a gesture in front of so many people.

But that person is not himself!

It made him intolerable.

"Young man, if you have the guts to rob me of a woman, you are really daring!"

"I'm going to twitch your bones and break your bones piece by piece!"

Jiu Shaoxia's face was murderous, and the murderous intent in his eyes diffused.

"He's really going crazy!"

If it's stronger than him, that's fine.

But the other party is obviously nothing but an idiot who is not as good as him.

Regardless of cultivation level, status, or talent, the other party is not as good as him, so how can such an idiot be loved by Tan Hongyan?
He couldn't figure it out, so in his eyes, the other party must have used some shameless trick to deceive Tan Hongyan.

"Young man, I want your life!"

The murderous intent on Jiu Shaoxia's body became stronger and stronger, turning into a substantive brilliance, covering the surroundings.

Feeling this fierce aura, the bodies of the nearby martial arts practitioners shook, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes.

It seemed that the Nine Young Heroes were really angry.

Liu Chen naturally also felt this fierce aura.Immediately, his face darkened, and the sword energy flashed in his eyes.

"Nine Young Heroes!"

But at this moment, an old man quickly walked in front of Jiu Shaoxia and stopped Jiu Shaoxia.

"At this moment, the most important thing for us is to enter the Songhua Palace. It will not be too late to calculate other things in the future."

"Also, that Liu Chen is very strange, his cultivation level is obviously not high, but his combat value is frighteningly high."

"What do you mean? Could it be that you suspect that I am no match for him?" Jiu Shaoxia looked gloomy.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant was that if the two of you fight, the nearby gangs will definitely not watch."

"Maybe they will attack you, young hero, and by that time, we will be in a very passive position."

"No matter what, that guy can't escape. When we get the treasure, it's still too late to kill him."

After hearing this, Jiu Shaoxia's eyes flickered, and finally nodded vigorously.

"Since this is the case, I will follow what Deacon Ah Han said."

Then, he turned his head and stared at Liu Chen again: "Young man, let you live a little longer, if you have the guts to snatch my girl, no one in heaven and earth can save you!"

After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly and walked into the procession team again.

As the Jiu Shaoxia retreated to the Cheng family's team, the scene became audible again.

Everyone waited quietly, waiting for the return of those expeditions.

Not long after, several teams flew out of the hole in the big city.

The zhenqi on these guys' bodies fluctuated messily, and they were a little burnt black, obviously they had encountered some troubles.

"How is it, how is the investigation?"

On the side of the Martial God Hall, Yao Feng stared at the figure and asked.

At the same time, the deacon of Free and Unfettered Forest interrogated him harshly.

Because they also sent a survey team.

"I have already checked it out. This is indeed the Songhua Palace, and it seems that no one has been there."

"However, although it was destroyed by Qinglin Shenque, there are still many very powerful prohibition circles inside..."

Those explorers quickly reported the situation they discovered.

The people in the Happy Forest didn't hide it, because they knew that the Songhua Palace was not something their family could eat. If necessary, they needed to join hands with other gangs to abolish those prehistoric prohibition circles.

So they shared the news.

After everyone got the news, they were all digesting it quickly, and at this moment, the people of the Valkyrie Temple could do it.

Because the Songhua Palace is very dangerous, they only sent martial arts practitioners above the sixth floor of the Celestial Master.

These martial arts practitioners are all the elite of the family, with strong fighting power, so they must be able to deal with the situation inside.

(End of this chapter)

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