
Chapter 2532 Humble ants!

Chapter 2532 Humble ants!
Liu Chen and Han Yueru quickly stepped forward with the scarlet war dragon.

If it is better than the magic circle, no one here can compare to the scarlet war dragon, so they also quickly walked to the side of the magic circle.

It's just that they have few people, and they didn't grab a favorable site at all.

But they weren't too worried. After all, there were many cracks, and it was just a matter of getting in sooner or later.

But it didn't take long for Liu Chen to frowned, because he saw that after he walked to the side of the magic circle, the frequency of the cracks decreased, and the existence time was very short, not enough for people to enter.

"Wretched dragon, is there a way to abolish this circle?"

Liu Chen asked from the side.

"It is very difficult to abolish this magic circle, but it can still be done by letting one or two people in."

The crimson war dragon sternly said: "Give me half an hour, and I can send you in."

Indeed, it is very difficult to abolish the Cangyu profound formation, as terrifying as the Qinglin Shenque, it has been charged for such a long time, but it has not broken away.

From this we can see how strong this Cangyu profound formation is.

Although the crimson war dragon is very powerful in the formation, it is impossible to abolish the Cangyu profound formation in a short time.

However, this magic circle has already been bombarded by the Qinglin sparrow, and there are loopholes, and people can be sent in by using these loopholes.

This may be impossible for the magic circle masters of other sects, but the scarlet war dragon can do it.

"Then hurry up!"

Liu Chen urged, he had a bad omen in his heart, and he didn't know exactly what it was at the moment.

The crimson war dragon's claws kept waving, touching the Cangyu profound formation.

Immediately, the Cangyu Xuan Formation rippled and burst into five-color brilliance, but the crimson war dragon quickly analyzed it.

But after a long time, Liu Chen's eyebrows frowned into Sichuan characters.

Not only him, Han Yueru on the side also frowned.

"You saw it too." Liu Chen asked sharply.

"Since we came here, the frequency of the cracks has been very low. Up to now, it has not appeared for a very long time."

Han Yueru frowned.

Not only Liu Chen and Han Yueru, but gradually other martial arts practitioners also saw this scene, and then everyone started to panic.

If those cracks were gone, they wouldn't be able to get in the door at all.

Therefore, they are very anxious.

"Stop." The deacon of Happy Forest frowned.

"That's right, the chaotic sword spirit in the air has also disappeared." The members of the Tan family also looked nervous.

And the people of the Valkyrie Temple seemed to think of something, and looked forward quickly.

Then, their expressions changed.

"Oh my god, the Qinglin sparrow is gone!"

"What, disappeared?" Everyone was confused.

"Why is the Qinglin sparrow gone? Could it be that it has already gone in?"

The disappearance of the Qinglin sparrow caused everyone to panic. They couldn't figure out why such a powerful monster disappeared.

"Could it be that he entered the magic circle?" Someone guessed.

Hearing this, many people despaired, because if Qinglin Shenque really entered the magic circle, they would have no chance at all.

However, some other people shook their heads quickly, especially those magic circle masters.

"If the Qinglin sparrow enters the magic circle, it will definitely have an impact, but we didn't notice it at all."

Hearing the words of these magic circle masters, the nearby martial arts practitioners all heaved a sigh of relief. Since these magic circle masters are the elites of their families and are very accomplished in magic circles, it can be said that what they say is the truth .

Therefore, after hearing the words of these magic circle masters, everyone relaxed.

"Fortunately, as long as the Qinglin sparrow doesn't go in, then there is a solution." Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"But where did it go?"

Everyone was puzzled, but at this moment, a huge shadow shrouded above, covering everyone.

Then, a cold voice came: "Stupid human, what are you looking for?"

Hearing this voice, everyone's expressions changed, and then they raised their heads without thinking.

Saw scenes that made them despair.

On the top of the head, a huge head was full of murderous intent, and those cold eyes were staring at them.

"Qing Lin Sparrow!"

Many people's faces were as pale as paper, and they looked flustered. They didn't expect Qinglin Shenque to come to them, but they didn't notice it.

Even Liu Chen was surprised, because before this, he hadn't sensed the other party's aura at all.

This is incredible!

The whole body of Qinglin Shenque was filled with scorching and frenzied air, but the other party could disappear in an instant, without a trace, hiding from everyone's divine sense.

It is worthy of being called a prehistoric monster, this kind of trick is really terrifying.


Several martial arts practitioners were frightened mad, and immediately ran away quickly.

However, Qing Lin Shenque let out a cold snort, and the purple flames on his body spewed out quickly, covering the dozen or so martial arts practitioners in an instant.

Then, the dozen or so martial arts practitioners screamed fiercely, and were burned to ashes by the purple flames.

Seeing this, all the people felt a chill, and their pupils shrank, because among those guys, there are seventh-level celestial masters!
But even a purple flame couldn't bear it.

This is really scary!
Without even raising its eyelids, Qinglin Shenque took away a dozen or so martial arts practitioners, and then it snorted again, the purple flames all over its body exploded, and a terrifying explosion covered everyone in an instant .

Feeling this surge of zhenqi, all the faces were filled with despair, their bodies trembled, and even those who were weak in combat were even more crushed to the ground.

Liu Chen's expression changed when he felt the wave of true energy.

Immediately, the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul in his body was urged to make a dragon roar.

But fortunately, he found out quickly, he quickly controlled the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, and nothing happened.

Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul can indeed dispel this terror, but in that case, he will be completely exposed to Qinglin Shenque.

With his fighting power at this moment, he was still far from being able to fight against the opponent, so he controlled the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul.

Right now, all he needs to do is not let Qinglin Shenque notice.

Otherwise, let the other party stare at him, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape.

At this time, there was a trace of despair in everyone's eyes.

They didn't expect that they would be found by Qinglin Shenque so soon, and everyone found desperately that they could not deal with just the other party's spirit.

"Is it possible that you are really going to die here?"

Those young masters were full of despair, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Humble ants, do you really think I didn't see it?"

"It's ridiculous to want to use me to enter Songhua Palace!"

The cold voice of Qinglin Sparrow came.

Hearing this voice, many martial arts practitioners were surprised, and at the same time, there was infinite regret in their eyes.

It turned out that all the things I did had been seen by the other party a long time ago. If I didn't kill them, I guess it was because they were just like ants in the eyes of Qinglin Shenque!

But they wanted to use the strength of Qinglin Shenque to enter Songhua Hall.

Thinking about it now, I really am looking for a dead end!
I'm afraid that it was their actions that caused the displeasure of Qinglin Shenque, so there was this scene at this moment.

Thinking about this matter clearly, the guts of those martial arts practitioners are green with regret. If they could understand earlier, they would not have the courage to come here if they were killed.

At this time, being stared at by Qing Lin Shenque's cold eyes, everyone's heart trembled.

But Liu Chen quickly sent a voice transmission to the scarlet war dragon: "Wretched dragon, are you alright?"

"Hurry up, we'll be able to go in after a while." The scarlet war dragon also responded sharply.

Although the aura of the Qinglin sparrow didn't affect them, it was in a very dangerous situation. If the other party found out that it was a giant dragon, it might end badly.

He is a giant dragon, full of treasures all over his body, but right now he doesn't have enough strength to fight against Qinglin Shenque.

So at the moment it is actually more anxious than everyone else.

Fortunately, Qinglin Shenque only focused on those guys for a while, and didn't pay attention to this side.

But the other martial arts practitioners were frightened stupid by Qinglin Shenque, the fluctuation of true qi was too terrifying, fatal every minute.

In the end, a few martial arts practitioners couldn't bear this kind of pressure, and began to collapse in this extreme despair.


With an angry shout, several people seemed to have gone mad, and the spirit of the sword spirit bloomed all over their bodies, and they fled towards the distance.

They really couldn't stand it anymore, this kind of genuine energy fluctuation was too terrifying, instead of waiting to die in this hell, they might as well escape with all their strength, maybe there is still a chance of survival.

These few escaped people had such thoughts in their hearts.

However, as soon as they rose, they were burned to ashes by a mass of purple flames.

In the end there was nothing left.

"No ah ah!"

All the other martial arts practitioners widened their eyes crazily, and roared loudly, they could only watch helplessly as their partners were killed, but they had more energy than they wanted, this feeling was really too hopeless.

"Hmph, humble ants!"

Qing Lin Shenque raised his hand and slaughtered a few humans, but he didn't care at all, his cold eyes looked around the crowd below.

Anyone who was swept by its eyes trembled and quickly lowered their heads.

Liu Chen also looked gloomy, because the situation at this moment is too unsafe, no one knows when Qinglin Shenque will attack him?

For everyone, this must be a rather tormenting process.

But at this time, good news came from the scarlet war dragon.

"Okay, you can go in."

Hearing this, Liu Chen's heart was moved, but he still held back the joy in his heart, and didn't show anything on his face.

There is only one chance this time, and if you miss it, it will not come again. At this moment, Han Yueru and the wretched dragon are all beside him, and they can go in with him.

But Tan Hongyan was a little far away from him.

He wanted to send a voice transmission and take Tan Hongyan with him.

But before he could transmit the sound, Qing Lin Shenque suddenly turned his head and stared at him with cold eyes.

Being stared at by the sparrow Qinglin, Liu Chen's hairs stood on end in an instant.

A great pressure covered him, as if to tear him apart.

"Go quickly!"

The crimson war dragon also had a chill, it didn't expect the Qinglin sparrow to be so sensitive, and it could detect their intentions in an instant.

Immediately, it no longer hesitated, and moved the magic circle quickly, and three brilliance immediately covered Liu Chen and others.

"Hmph, three ants, trying to escape in front of me? It's really ridiculous!"

The Qinglin sparrow showed a contemptuous look, and then it grabbed forward suddenly.

Suddenly the void burst, and thousands of purple cracks appeared.

In an instant, the three of Liu Chen were covered.

Seeing this, everyone was surprised.

Tan Hongyan's complexion also changed, she did not expect Qinglin Shenque to do anything to Liu Chen.

Immediately, she raised her palm and was about to activate the Spirit Phoenix Golden Seal.But he was tightly pressed by the white-haired old child on one side.

(End of this chapter)

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