
Chapter 2546 Heavy Flame Formation

Chapter 2546 Heavy Flame Formation

There was nothing wrong with the hot air at the beginning, but if you stood in front of the cave for a long time, even the celestial master couldn't bear it.

"Where is the army broken?"

When those martial arts practitioners behind heard these words, a gleam flashed in their eyes.

"So, there should be many prehistoric weapons inside?"


The old man nodded his head, "That sharp sword light escaped from here."

"The one that can emit that kind of sword light must be a peerless fairy weapon!"

Arriving here, the old man's eyes are full of blazing.

Although he is very old and seems to have come to an end, but as a swordsman, his pursuit of the long sword is endless.

Therefore, no matter what, he wanted to take a look at that peerless sword.

There was a longing expression on the old man's face, but at the next moment, he frowned, turned his head abruptly, and the piercing gaze in his eyes turned into a real sword light, and he slashed forward.

"Where is the thief, his whereabouts are weird!"

This voice was like thunder, and as the voice fell, the old man's aura also changed suddenly.

A particularly stern and tyrannical air erupted from his body. At this time, he didn't have the appearance of an ordinary old man. He was clearly a peerless swordsman.

The huge sword light slashed towards the sky in front of him.

Although everyone was puzzled and didn't see anyone, they believed that as long as the Juggernaut made a move, there was definitely a reason for him.

Sure enough, suddenly, in the sky, two figures suddenly flashed and flew towards the distance.

These two people are the deacon and Wen Hai of the Spirit Bird Palace.

The two people's faces were ashen, and they fled quickly with extreme footwork.

"This thing that kills a thousand swords, this old and immortal thing is so powerful! We have already put away all the energy in our bodies, but we didn't expect to be discovered by him."

The deacon grinned.

On the one hand, Wen Hai also looked nervous: "This is the sword master of the Yunjiantian sect, it is really terrifying!"

Indeed, even though the two of them had raised their cultivation to the eighth level of Heavenly Masters, they still felt chills down their spines and had their hair stand on end in the face of the Juggernaut.

Barely avoiding the blow, the two fled to a safe place and discussed quickly.

"Deacon, what shall we do?" Wen Hai asked.

"Don't worry. Looking at the cave, it seems that there is a very powerful magic circle guarding it. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to abolish the magic circle."

"We might as well wait until those guys abolish the magic circle, and then secretly follow."

"In this way, we can preserve our own combat power and wait until the last moment to do it."

The deacon snapped.

Then, the two hid, but still kept a close eye on the cave in the distance.

On the other side, the old man slashed out with a sword, and frowned when he saw the two fleeing.

He could sense that the cultivation of the two escaped people had reached the eighth level of the Celestial Master.

"People in the Spirit Bird Palace, when will there be an eighth-level celestial master?" The old man was very puzzled.

But then, he shook his head because he couldn't figure it out.

But he didn't care in his heart, the fighting power shown by the opponent before was not enough to fight against him at all.

All that needs to be done now is to enter the cave in front and obtain the peerless fairy weapon.

Immediately, the old man took a deep breath and walked forward quickly.

When he walked a hundred feet away from the cave, a crimson wave of air suddenly rushed towards him.

Accompanying it was a scorching air that ignited the sky.

That wave of true energy exploded violently, and even a seventh-level celestial master would find it very difficult to resist.

Not only that, but a crimson air wall appeared in front of him, blocking the way.

"Sure enough, such a warehouse must be protected by a very powerful magic circle." The old man sighed regretfully, and then took back his steps.

Although he didn't continue to move forward, the old man's eyes were very firm, which showed that he was looking forward to the fairy artifact inside.

On the one hand, it is due to one's own ideals.On the other hand, they are also worried, because there is still the threat of the extremely powerful Qinglin Sparrow.

And they don't have the combat power to fight against them at all.

However, if he can obtain the peerless fairy weapon, plus his combat value, he may be able to cause some damage to Qinglin Shenque.

By that time, there will be capital for negotiations.

At least, it should be possible to keep the people of Yunjiantian faction.

Therefore, he must obtain this peerless fairy weapon.

But, of course, the crimson magic circle in front must be abolished first.

The old man didn't move, and he didn't let the people of Yunjiantian faction start to abolish it, instead he waited quietly.

Because he clearly knew that the previous sword brilliance must have alarmed everyone in the Songhua Palace, so it must not take long for those very powerful families and gangs to arrive.

Therefore, he didn't need to worry about the magic circle in front of him at all.

Sure enough, not long after, there was an anxious sound of breaking wind, and then a group of martial arts practitioners quickly fell.

"The aura of a peerless fairy weapon is really here!"

A happy voice sounded.

Then, another surprised voice sounded: "Yunjiantian faction? It turns out to be a sword master!"

The people from the Yunjiantian faction turned their heads and saw that the people who fell behind were people from the Wushen Temple.

The old man also turned his head, looked behind, and then showed a hint of surprise.

He didn't expect that two eighth-level celestial masters would appear in the Wushen Temple.

The two eighth-level celestial masters are of course Yao Feng and the mysterious celestial master.

In the past, the Martial God Temple obtained some leaves and divine fruits, which made many people's cultivation levels advance rapidly. Among them, Yao Feng and this mysterious man Zhang Shengwu were the ones who gained the most.

Yao Feng is a master among the younger generation, with special talent, so he was promoted to the eighth level of Tianshi at a young age.

And this mysterious person Zhang Shengwu's background is even more impressive, he is Jiang Ming's senior brother, and he is also a very powerful deacon in the Martial God Hall.

This time, his improvement is also very huge, and his combat power is even stronger than that of Yao Feng.

As soon as the Martial God Hall came out, it aroused the vigilance of the Yunjiantian sect.

This is a special period, and there is a warehouse of peerless fairy artifacts in front of him. The opponent came at this time, and his intentions are very obvious.

Moreover, those two eighth-level celestial masters made the people of Yunjiantian faction feel flustered.

Originally, the fighting power of their Yunjiantian faction was weaker than that of the gods and masters of the martial arts temple.

But the arrival of the Juggernaut this time boosted their self-confidence. They thought they could overwhelm the Celestial Beings and the Yijing master family.

Because of the information they got, no eighth-level celestial master entered this time.

But they didn't expect that two eighth-level celestial masters appeared in the Martial God Temple at this moment, which surprised them very much.

But before, the advantage they gained by relying on the Juggernaut might be greatly reduced.

But the old man was very calm. He didn't take the two martial arts practitioners who had just entered the eighth floor of the Heavenly Master into consideration.

But he was old after all, and he could not make a move as much as possible, so facing the extremely powerful Valkyrie Temple, he didn't say anything.

Zhang Shengwu, Yao Feng and others were different from the Yunjiantian faction, they rushed forward quickly and analyzed the crimson magic circle.

Not long after, martial arts practitioners from other sects also rushed over.

And at this moment, the old man had spoken.

"Everyone, I know everyone is very anxious, but if we don't abolish this magic circle, I'm afraid no one will be able to enter the door, so I hope everyone can work together to deal with it."

"Juvenile Master, you are the most senior here, how about leaving this matter to you to preside over it?" A deacon of the Happy Forest said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the deacons of those gangs also nodded hastily.

The people of Valkyrie Palace didn't strongly support it, but they didn't come forward to oppose it either.

The old man nodded, then walked forward and led everyone to analyze it.

During this process, the Cheng family and the Martial God Temple almost came to blows.

But fortunately, the Juggernaut was here, so the two sides gave up for the time being.


In the forest, two figures flashed, they were Liu Chen and Han Yueru.

The two of them naturally came towards the cave in front, but they didn't go up to crack the magic circle, but waited silently in the distance.

The situation is urgent now, and most of those forces have deep hatred against them, and going up at this moment may cause riots.

It's better to wait for those guys to crack it, and then they will follow.

"This magic circle, I'm afraid it will take some time for them to crack it."

The crimson war dragon looked at the front and said: "Of course, if this king takes action, this time can be shortened by 70.00%."

"This must be a heavy flame array, it is indeed more difficult."

Liu Chen looked at the front and said slowly,

"Not bad, not bad, you can see this magic circle at a glance." The scarlet war dragon kept nodding.

However, the corner of Liu Chen's mouth curled up a bit, following the Crimson War Dragon, the magic circle master, if he didn't learn the magic circle, it would be a waste of resources.

His current magic circle level can be regarded as a magic circle master. If it weren't for those prehistoric magic circles, he could break ordinary magic circles.

Suddenly Liu Chen frowned and looked into the distance, while Han Yueru also showed a puzzled expression.

Then, the two quickly restrained their aura, and Han Yueru even activated the Tianling Tong, transforming into a golden whirlpool that spun rapidly, covering the two of them. flight.

These two figures are like ghosts, they move very fast without making any sound, and even the fluctuation of true energy on the body is extremely weak.

As soon as the two arrived, they kept an eye on the situation ahead.

However, they didn't see that there were two people hiding not far from them.

But Liu Chen and Han Yueru were shocked when they saw these two figures.

"Spirit Bird Palace, the eighth floor of the Celestial Master!"

Liu Chen frowned, he wasn't surprised that the person from the Spirit Bird Palace appeared here, but he was surprised by the fluctuation of zhenqi on the opponent's body.

He didn't expect that the opponent actually had martial arts practitioners from the eighth floor of the Celestial Master, and there were only two of them.

This was too surprising, "Could it be that the other party also obtained the leaves and the divine fruit?" Liu Chen was puzzled.

But then, he shook his head, because with the combat power of the Spirit Bird Palace, he should not be able to defeat the tree demon.

Moreover, although the zhenqi fluctuations in the other party's body were very strong, they were very strange, and even had a familiar aura.

"This is the spirit of the Qinglin sparrow!" On one side, the scarlet war dragon also looked nervous.

"Qing Lin Sparrow?"

Liu Chen thought suddenly, the fluctuation of the true energy on the opponent's body was very similar to the fluctuation of the true energy of the purple flames he collected on the road.

He didn't think of it at first, but after being reminded by the scarlet war dragon, he saw something special in it.

"How can there be such a strong purple flame infuriating fluctuations on the opponent's body? This is not right!"

Liu Chen was puzzled.

Even if the opponent's body is planted with a purple flame symbol, but with just a trace of purple flame, it is impossible to have such a coercive force.

"It seems that this must be the cause of the Qinglin sparrow."

The scarlet war dragon said: "With that guy's move, it shouldn't be difficult for the two of them to raise their cultivation level to the eighth level of Heavenly Master within a short period of time."

Hearing this, Liu Chen was dumbfounded.

It is worthy of being called Qinglin God Sparrow. It is really terrifying. It can create two eighth-level celestial masters with just a lift of the hand.

This kind of trick is really a trick.

However, this also made him extremely puzzled.

He reckoned that Qinglin Shenque sent these two eighth-level celestial masters to seize the peerless fairy artifact in the cave.

The opponent is a monster, so it is useless to ask for a weapon, presumably this weapon can hurt it.

(End of this chapter)

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