
Chapter 2550 Liu Chen Against Level 8 Celestial Master

Chapter 2550 Liu Chen confronts the eighth-level celestial master
Liu Chen said in a cold tone, and then he kicked his feet hard on the ground, and he rushed out like a thunderbolt.

"What? Stop it!"

Can Liu Chen quickly block the attack of the eighth floor of the Celestial Master?This is too incredible!

The people nearby are all confused.

Although they knew that Liu Chen was very powerful and miraculous, they didn't think Liu Chen could fight against the heavenly masters on the eighth floor.

But now, the other party can already do it.

This is really surprising.

And Yao Feng turned even paler, he didn't expect that Liu Chen could really fight against him.

He was furious.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, but ants dare to fight me? I will definitely let you understand the true destructive power of the eighth-level celestial master!"

Yao Feng put away the long sword in his hand, and drew out the Demon Cutting Saber.

With a sound of sword sound, the Demon Cutting Saber was unsheathed.

The sword flashed, and its brilliance was like a stormy sea. The dazzling light of the sword shot up into the sky, illuminating the whole world.

Yao Feng held a big knife in his hand and slashed out fiercely.

Immediately, the lights of knives were everywhere, making people's consciousness tremble continuously.

The bright blue knife light was like a wave, breaking through the sky and earth in an instant, and slashing towards Liu Chen.

The cave was trembling.

"Abyss Slash!"

Yao Feng's voice was icy cold, like the tip of a blade, emitting a piercing air.

Liayuan Zhan was originally a prefecture-level martial arts mystery, which is very terrifying, and Yao Feng's cultivation level has soared, reaching the eighth level of Tianshi, which can be said to be extremely powerful in combat.

At this moment, the terrifying light of the knife seemed to cut off everything, and struck Liu Chen.

Liu Chen stood there, and with a domineering wave of his palm, thousands of sharp swords nearby trembled together, emitting dazzling brilliance, forming a piece of sword brilliance.

These sword radiances combined into a very huge sword glow, floating in mid-air, and then slashed forward vigorously.

When the two collided, there was a deafening sound, like a nine-day thunderbolt, and the cave swayed endlessly.

And at this moment, one after another scarlet-red mysterious charms appeared on the ground and the walls, and escaped with mysterious power to protect the cave.

Otherwise, with just one move, the cave will collapse.

But those who practiced martial arts were not so lucky, the terrifying residual power of true energy hit their bodies without saying a word, knocking them into the air, and those who were weak in combat even vomited blood and were seriously injured.

"Quickly retreat!"

Thousands of people roared in panic and sharply, and retreated hastily.

Those old seniors and seventh-level celestial masters quickly joined hands and transformed into a wall of air to defend, otherwise many people would die here if they hit them.

They are no longer surprised, but panicked.

Especially those martial arts practitioners in the Temple of Martial Arts looked as if they had seen a ghost.

"What's going on here? How can he fight against the eighth-level celestial master?"

"Wishful thinking, this one who killed a thousand swords, I must be wishful thinking!"

They are really out of their minds, they are really eighth-level celestial masters!In the eyes of the world, he is already an unworldly master.

Moreover, there is a huge gap between the seventh-level celestial masters and the eighth-level celestial masters. It can be said that there is no suspense in this battle.

But now, it has completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Liu Chen blocked Yao Feng's attack, not only that, but judging from the situation, the two seemed to be evenly matched.

Yao Feng's face became even more gloomy. If the first attack was due to luck, then the scene just now must have depended on skill.

He can now be sure that the opponent must have an eighth-level combat value.

"Damn it, how did this kid do it?" Yao Feng's face turned ashen.

"I don't believe it, this kid must have used some kind of arcane technique to increase his battle value!"

"Yes, it must be like this, otherwise how could he fight against me."

Yao Feng seemed to grab something, and then a cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Young man, I didn't expect you to have this kind of arcane skill, but it's a pity that the time for this kind of arcane skill must be running out soon."

"Since this is the case, I will play with you. When the arcane art is over, I will definitely let you know how powerful I am."

Yao Feng calmed down the disciples of the Martial God Hall a lot. It turned out to be arcane art, no wonder he can fight against the eighth-level celestial master.

"I'm going. It's really heresy. Arcane can improve one's strength for a while, but the negative effects must be huge."

"Besides, this kind of arcane art will definitely not last long. Ride a donkey to read the libretto—wait and see, as soon as the arcane art is over, he will definitely die!"

Facing these words, Liu Chen only had two words: "Stupid!"

He does have arcane spells in his hands that increase his combat value, but he doesn't use any arcane spells at all right now. This is his real combat value.

However, he has no time to spend here with Yao Feng, his intention is to be immortal.

With a cold snort, Liu Chen moved out again.

"Hehe, young man, I guessed it right! I can't wait to do it!"

Seeing Liu Chen's actions, which seemed to confirm what he thought in his heart, Yao Feng laughed wildly triumphantly.

"Use arcane techniques to improve your combat effectiveness, and you want to fight me? You really have no shame!"

Yao Feng laughed arrogantly and kept waving the big knife in his hand.

Sword lights spewed out one after another, and then Yao Feng burst out with unparalleled internal force, his eyes were like two sword lights, piercing through time and space.

At this time, he seemed to merge with the big knife in his hand, bursting out with very powerful strength.

Liu Chen drew the Moon Seal Fangjian with his backhand, and endless sword energy rushed out of his body.

Almost at the same time, he launched Phantom Wind Walk, leaving a series of phantoms in midair, and walked in front of Yao Feng in an instant.

The moon-sealed fang sword in his hand slashed down hard.

The two collided and made a shocking sound, and a large crack appeared in the sky.

Liu Chen's long hair is fluttering, and the Vajra Ascending Dragon Sword Soul keeps spinning, allowing him to reach the top of his combat value, and strengthen Yao Feng, an eighth-level celestial master.

Everyone around was shocked by this scene.

The seventh-level celestial master is tough and the eighth-level celestial master is not even injured. This is probably the first time in history.

"I will send you to the West Paradise!"

Yao Feng yelled at the top of his voice, wanting to kill Liu Chen.His face was contorted, his eyes were as sharp as a blade, and he swung the big knife recklessly at Liu Chen.

Already insane, Yao Feng entered Shura's madness.

Liu Chen was like a sword blade, extremely sharp.

The sharp sword flew across the sky, bursting out with extreme brilliance, and the world was dimmed.

The sword light rose again, defusing all Yao Feng's attacks without saying a word.

Those sword glows are like green dragons roaring in the sky, as if they are going to tear the sky and the earth, it is extremely terrifying.

Yao Feng shrank his pupils and his face changed. Facing the terrifying sword light, he didn't dare to face it, and his body quickly retreated like a ghost.

But when he moved, the coercion disappeared instantly.Just as he was about to counterattack, he saw that Liu Chen had already restrained him tightly.

At this time, Liu Chen's coercion continued to skyrocket, like an ancient demon mountain, which made people look up.

Liu Chen didn't give Yao Feng a chance to counterattack at all, and the moon-sealed fang sword in his hand was like a dragon, roaring continuously.

The terrifying murderous aura spread in all directions.

Thirteen swords were cut out one after another, and the terrifying sword energy was connected in mid-air, like an endless ocean, all attacking Yao Feng.

The sky and the earth were trembling, and the cave was shaking more and more continuously, as if it would collapse at any moment.

Yao Feng's face was pale, and he couldn't dodge it, so he forced Thirteen Swords.

The booming sound of gold and iron colliding resounded in mid-air, Yao Feng's face turned pale, and his arms were trembling.

These thirteen swords seem to be getting more and more powerful, one blow is stronger than one blow.

In the end, even though he received the thirteen swords, his arm had already lost all feeling, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

On the other hand, Liu Chen was full of fighting spirit, and his coercion was soaring to the sky. His whole body was surrounded by sword energy, and his whole body was filled with fierce and fierce energy.

Another sword slashed out, and the electric wind was strong, this blow was extremely cold, and without saying a word, it knocked away the Demonic Cutting Saber in Yao Feng's hand.

Then the sharp sword swiped fiercely, like a dragon drifting, knocking Yao Feng into the air.

Flesh and blood flew around, and the sound of bangs continued.

Everyone was stunned.

The scene in front of them was astonishing, they couldn't believe that Yao Feng lost.

That is the eighth-level celestial master!An unworldly strong man in the eyes of the world, but he lost like this?
Moreover, losing to a seventh-level celestial master is really unbelievable.

Zhang Shengwu's face was also gloomy, and his whole body was trembling. He never thought that Liu Chen could defeat Yao Feng, it was beyond his expectation.

Not only that, but an inexplicable fear rose in his heart.

Liu Chen is the one who must be punished in their Martial God Hall, and this time he entered the Qilin Secret Realm, the first important task is to kill Liu Chen.

Originally, there was no suspense in this task, because before entering the secret space of Qilin, Liu Chen was just a martial arts practitioner of the fifth floor of the Celestial Master, and such a person was just an ant in Zhang Shengwu's eyes.

But in just three or four months, he has become a seventh-level celestial master. Not only that, he is even stronger in battle.

It seems to be able to fight against the eighth-level celestial master.

I am afraid that it will be very difficult to kill him now.

Thinking of this, he was afraid and regretful at the same time.

If he had made up his mind and tried his best to kill him at that time, it would be fine now, but it is too late to say anything now.

Not only in the Qilin secret space, but if the other party is allowed to go out, the situation in the Temple of Valkyrie will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, to kill Liu Chen, the Qilin secret space is the last good opportunity.

Just when he was considering whether to make a move, Liu Chen in the distance made the move first.

After dealing with Yao Feng, Liu Chen turned around and walked to the place where the swords were stored again. He activated the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, which immediately made thousands of long swords tremble violently.

His eyes flickered even more, looking around in all directions, trying to draw out the real Immortal Artifact quickly.

All of a sudden, sword energy splashed all around, and the sword glow reached the sky, very gorgeous.

The Juggernaut also snorted coldly, a dazzling brilliance burst out in his eyes.

A very huge sword light surged from his body, piercing through the sky and the earth, and one after another the sword brilliance spread towards the surroundings like waves.

Zhang Shengwu also yelled angrily, holding back all his strength to stimulate the true energy in his body.

A few waves of ferocious true energy enveloped the entire world.

Finally, with the joint efforts of several masters, a rather gorgeous brilliance shone from the Pojun sword array.

"Immortal Immortal Artifact!"

Seeing that brilliance, all the people screamed out.

Immediately, under everyone's gaze, that brilliance turned into a thunderbolt and rushed towards the Juggernaut at high speed.


Seeing this, Zhang Shengwu yelled angrily, and he launched a huge palm phantom, grabbing towards the front.

But Liu Chen shook his head, this place is very strange, since the sword picked the Juggernaut, it belongs to the Juggernaut.

Sure enough, although the phantom of Zhang Shengwu's big palm was terrifying, it was cut off by the sword in an instant.

Soon, that sword flower walked to the side of the Juggernaut.

Seeing this, Zhang Shengwu shouted angrily, his eyes were empty.

And Liu Chen was expressionless, just as he thought.

But this time, it was a bit beyond his expectation.

Because from behind, two figures suddenly appeared, rushing towards the Sword Master like a thunderbolt.

(End of this chapter)

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