
Chapter 2554

Chapter 2554

Others, however, didn't take it seriously.

In their eyes, the spirit-binding chains meant nothing to them.

Because even if Qinglin Shenque had spirit-binding chains on his body, the combined combat power of all the people would not be able to fight against it.

Therefore, the key to the spirit-binding chain does not matter.

On the contrary, it was another palace that attracted the attention of those guys.

Heavenly Palace!
This place is called Songhua Palace, and the long sword that Liu Chen obtained is also called Heavenly King Sword. It is conceivable that the word "Tianwang" should be the name of that prehistoric master.

That palace can be named after the Heavenly King, and it can be said to be the key point of Songhua Palace. There must be a magic circle defense room to control the Cangyu Profound Formation.Moreover, according to those guys' guesses, it must be very rare that there is not only a magic circle control room in Songhua Palace, but also other treasures.

Because they searched for so long in this Songhua Palace, they got many treasures, even weapons and armors, but the only thing they didn't get was the cheat book.

Presumably those skills are hidden in this Songhua Hall.

So those guys are desperate to get into it.

For a while, everyone was divided into two sides and kept arguing.

Among them, those who strongly supported the cracking of the Heavenly King's Palace were headed by the two heavenly beings of the Martial God Palace and the Cheng family, and the masters of the first realm, and there were many sixth-level sects such as the Spiritual Bird Palace.

However, those who chose Binding Linggong were mainly the Tan family and the Xiaoyao Forest, and there were also many sixth-level clans who strongly supported them.

It can be said that they are evenly matched and dissatisfied with each other.

In the end, the guys decided to split up.

Among them, Wushendian and Cheng's family took a group of martial arts practitioners to Songhua Palace in the north, while Tan's family and Xiaoyao Forest joined hands to crack the Binding Palace in the south.

After Liu Chen heard the news, he also half-closed his eyes, but in the end he chose to go to Binding Spirit Palace.

Because even if they found the magic circle control room, they might not be able to stop Qinglin Shenque's footsteps.

If so, it's better to find the key to break the spirit binding chain lock.

Liu Chen took the crimson battle dragon and flew towards the Bound Spirit Palace together with Han Yueru.

Not long after, they saw a pagoda of orchids.

The pagoda is very majestic and majestic, and the material outside is like a bound spirit, shining with a faint light.

Not only that, they also saw a mysterious magic circle covering the Binding Palace.

In other words, they can only enter if the magic circle is broken.

"Everyone, we can break the magic circle only if we cooperate sincerely!"

Tan Hongyan looked very nervous.

Then, the Tan Family and Xiaoyao Forest, the two heavenly beings and the first-level master family, sent experts in the magic circle, plus many martial arts practitioners who are proficient in the magic circle, to analyze and crack the method together.

At the same time, Wushendian, the Cheng family and others also walked to the Tianwang Palace in the north.

It was a very quaint palace, with prehistoric and desolate true energy fluctuations, and a terrifying power, that kind of power even surpassed heavenly beings and masters of the first realm.

This made those guys very excited, that kind of exercise secret book left by a master in the wild must be a rare treasure!
If one or two pieces can be obtained, the combat power will definitely be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, these guys were also enthusiastic, and quickly established a cracking team.

All of a sudden, both parties started with enthusiasm.

On the Bound Spirit Palace side, the crimson war dragon dragged its jaw and analyzed continuously.

Liu Chen was also tense, and said sharply: "It seems that this magic circle is no less than the Cangyu profound circle."

"Indeed, it's not inferior to the Cangyu Profound Formation." The scarlet war dragon nodded, "But this time we are in a good situation, because we still have enough time."

Although they are under a lot of pressure now, there are still 30 days left. At that time, they were under the command of Qinglin Shenque.

With the ability of the crimson war dragon, it should be able to handle it.

"Since this is the case, then let's not delay." Liu Chen stopped his work, and then said word by word, "Everyone, I wonder how your analysis is going?"

"This magic circle is so exquisite, it deserves to be called the Great Desolation God Formation!"

"Yes, I have never seen such a mysterious magic circle in my life."

"It might be very difficult to break it, let me think about it again."

A group of magic circle masters showed embarrassment on their faces. Indeed, with their combat power, it is really too difficult to crack this prehistoric magic circle.

But then, these guys all looked at Liu Chen, and hurriedly said: "Young man, how did you enter the Cang Yu Xuan Formation last time?"

"That's right, we can't do anything about that kind of magic circle. How did you get in? Could it be that you are a magic circle powerhouse?"

"Or is there a holy celestial master beside you?"

Everyone looked at Liu Chen with suspicion.

And Liu Chen smiled: "I do have a magic circle powerhouse next to me. If you can follow his instructions, you may be able to crack the magic circle soon."

"What? There really are magic circle powerhouses!"

"Where is it? Please come quickly! I must learn!"

A group of magic circle masters were all excited.

There is no way, the other party is a magic circle holy master who can break the Cangyu Profound Formation, and their combat power is far above them. If they can make friends with such a person, maybe their magic circle level can also be greatly improved.

This is an opportunity, and it may not be possible to hit it in a hundred years, so these guys are very excited.

"Okay, wretched dragon, let's go." Liu Chen waved his hand.

"Okay, I'll let go of my status and teach them!" The scarlet war dragon raised its head and stepped out.

"Since you are the ones who want to learn, I will give you the opportunity to learn. Yes, I am the holy master of the magic circle."

Hearing this, everyone's saliva was sprayed out, especially those magic circle masters, all of them stared and their hair exploded.

"I'll go, dare to play with me!"

"This little snake who kills thousands of knives dares to take advantage of people's danger."

A group of magic circle masters were very angry.

Seeing this, the crimson war dragon was not happy either: "A group of stupid monkeys really pissed off this king."

Seeing that many magic circle masters and the scarlet war dragon couldn't hold on, everyone around them was stunned.

"Liu Chen, what are you doing?" Those old seniors were also extremely puzzled.

And Liu Chen shrugged his shoulders, pointed at the red dragon and said, "It's the magic circle powerhouse."

Hearing these words, those magic circle masters were so angry that their eyeballs almost fell out.

"Forget it, I want to see what tricks a little snake can play?"

"Young man, I'm really angry. If you don't make it clear today, I will never end with you!"

"Little snake actually understands magic circles. Is it wishful thinking, dreaming?"

A group of people don't believe it.

"Your Majesty is angry, show me!" The scarlet war dragon was so angry that he turned around and pointed at the magic circle in front of him.

"Do you understand what the magic circle is? This is the Hantian Locking Spirit Array!"

"There are sixteen changes in this magic circle. Among them, there are two gates of life, and the others are gates of death. If you go wrong, you will fall into hell."

"Moreover, this magic circle absorbs the divine power of the earth spirit, which is very powerful, and it is not something you guys can understand at all."

The scarlet war dragon's words quieted down the magic circle masters, while the nearby martial arts practitioners were all dumbfounded.

Judging by the domineering appearance of that little snake, it doesn't look like a bluff. Could it be that he is really a magic circle powerhouse?
But what's going on here, a little snake is actually a holy celestial master of the magic circle, which makes them unacceptable.

Those magic circle masters were even more surprised, because what the scarlet war dragon said was completely correct, and some of them had never even heard of it.

"Then what's the solution?"

an old man asked tremblingly.

"Use the Ertian Ghost God Formation and the Five Elements Countercurrent Method to break through."

The scarlet war dragon said bluntly: "I guess you don't understand these two methods at all, or even heard of them."

This time, the magic circle masters did not sarcastically, but showed surprise.

Then they all screamed: "What, Ertian Ghost Formation? That is a lost magic circle!"

"Do you really know the two-day ghost array?"

These old people are very excited. Although they know how to use the Five Elements Countercurrent Method, they have only heard about the Ertian Ghost and God Formation in legends.They never saw it.

Now, there is actually a little snake that knows the two-day ghost formation, which makes them very surprised, and at the same time they are extremely puzzled.

The crimson war dragon pouted, then stretched out its claws and waved them in mid-air.

Immediately, two clusters of purple air appeared on the claws, hovering continuously, forming a magic circle with the double appearance of a god and a ghost.

"Yes, it's really the Ertian Ghost and God Formation. This landscape is exactly the same as the one in the legend."

"Shenlong, you are really a Shenlong!"

"Master Shenlong, I was offended just now, don't blame me."

"Shenlong, do you accept disciples, how do you see me?"

"It's good to have disciples, I will do everything!"

At this time, a group of magic circle masters all surrounded the scarlet war dragon, shouting long live.

The nearby martial arts practitioners were all surrounded.

Those are the magic circle masters!It is the dream of all the major gangs, and it is also very respectable at ordinary times.

But now, they don't look like masters, just like a group of fur kids.

The deacons of the Tan family and the Happy Forest all twitched their lips.

But Tan Hongyan grinned lightly, she also knew the magic of the crimson battle dragon, presumably under the leadership of the other party, she should be able to decipher the magic circle of the Binding Spirit Palace.

"Okay, don't make noise, everyone stand still." The scarlet war dragon waved impatiently.

"Okay, Shenlong!"

Immediately, those magic circle masters stood up and were very obedient.

Seeing this, the people nearby opened their mouths even more.Is this the magic circle master?What's wrong.

It's not that they don't understand, but that the world is changing too fast.

The crimson war dragon showed a trace of satisfaction in his eyes, then waved his hand and said: "Next, I will assign a task, and you must complete it."

"If it suits me, I will teach you a few tricks."


After hearing this, the group of magic circle masters became excited: "Don't worry, Shenlong, we promise to do well!"


The crimson war dragon commanded quickly, and soon, these magic circle masters stood in different directions.

"Next, use the Five Elements Countercurrent Method, and I will use the Two Heavens Ghost and God Formation to help you."

After finishing speaking, the crimson war dragon waved its claws and transformed into a purple and blue magic circle.

Immediately, these magic circle masters started at the same time and quickly broke the formation.

Time passed slowly, and the atmosphere inside Qilin Secret Realm became tense.

Because time is running out, it won't take long for Qinglin Shenque to break through the Cangyu profound formation outside and enter the Songhua Palace.

And by that time, everything will be over.

And whether they can stop the Qinglin sparrow depends on the luck of these guys.

On the side of the Tianwang Palace, the Martial God Palace and the Cheng family's magic circle masters led a group of people to conduct analysis.

However, they came to nothing.

In front, a group of magic circle masters coiled around the very mysterious magic circle, sighing constantly, even if someone was so anxious that he vomited blood, he couldn't help it.

"Why, still at a loss?"

Zhang Shengwu asked.

At this time, he was still tall and tall, but his severed hand was a bit sad.

Although he still had a Kuanghua Pill in his hand, he didn't dare to use it.Because he still has to face Qinglin Shenque next, he will use it when his life is at stake.

(End of this chapter)

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