
Chapter 2558 Liu Chen and everyone out of danger

Chapter 2558 Liu Chen's party is out of danger
Liu Chen's words made all the guys in the Valkyrie Temple change their expressions, as if they had fallen into hell.

If Qing Lin Shenque really agrees to Liu Chen's request, then they guys will be out of luck.

All of a sudden, everyone's faces were livid and despairing.

It's just that they gave hope to Qinglin Shenque, because in their eyes, Qinglin Shenque is an unworldly wild beast.

Sure enough, Qinglin Shenque snorted coldly, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

"Ignorant human, you dare to provoke me, I will let you know the consequences of provoking me!"

He mobilized his huge purple claws and slapped Liu Chen forcefully.

Immediately, the sky exploded, and the big claw was about to hit Liu Chen, but Liu Chen still didn't dodge.

With a slight flip of his hand, he took out a dark blue rock and struck out a spirit art.

Immediately, the faint blue rock burst into brilliance and transformed into a wonderful force.

Immediately, the spirit-binding chains on Qinglin Shenque's body made noises, circling around like a flying dragon.

The sound of collisions kept ringing, followed by the screams of Qinglin sparrows.

"This one who kills thousands of knives, you can actually control the key to bind the spirit, what's going on!"

Qinglin Sparrow was extremely surprised, its big black claws stopped in mid-air, and did not strike.

He was too surprised. He didn't expect that a person, who didn't even reach the heaven and man and the first realm, could actually control the key to bind the spirit.

This is really unbelievable.

Liu Chen didn't reply, he held the key to bind the spirit, and said again: "Now, I am worthy to negotiate terms with you!"

Qing Lin Shenque said nothing, as if thinking, but the surrounding atmosphere became more and more frozen.

Tan Hongyan and the others were extremely nervous, the scene just now almost made them faint.

Because it was too unsafe, if Liu Chen didn't control Qing Lin Shenque, he would definitely not be able to survive after the trick.

But fortunately, he knows how to use it.

It's just that I don't know if Qinglin Shenque will agree to his request.

Time seemed to freeze. Although it was very short, everyone felt as if they were struggling on the verge of death.

It can be counted, Qinglin sparrow moved.

He snapped: "Okay, I agree, these guys can go."

Those words made the Tan family, Xiaoyao Forest and those martial arts practitioners breathe a sigh of relief.

It was really enjoyable, they really walked around the underworld, but fortunately, they finally got out of the siege.

"Liu Chen, how do you deal with this?"

Tan Hongyan was very scared, Liu Chen couldn't leave now at all, but facing Qing Lin Shenque alone, the consequences would be disastrous!
"Hongyan, trust me, I can handle it."

Liu Chen smiled at Tan Hongyan, then he turned around and said to Han Yueru, "You go with them."

"I have to stay and help you." Han Yueru shook her head.

"How can I do that? You have to go. You are useless here. The Qinglin Sparrow is not something we can deal with."

Han Yueru wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liu Chen: "Don't worry, I have confidence."

"Okay, you must live." Han Yueru nodded.

"Liu Chen, you have to be careful!"

Tan Hongyan was also reluctant to part with her, but she knew the seriousness of the matter, so she didn't hesitate.

Then, she took everyone and left Songhua Hall.

The people of the Martial God Hall also felt their hearts tremble when they saw Tan Hongyan and the others leave. They did not expect that Qinglin Shenque actually compromised.

Immediately, the instinct of survival filled the brain, and these guys also wanted to leave here.

However, a sky-shattering sword glow stopped them like a long river.

"The one who killed a thousand swords is that guy Liu Chen!"

"Dare to block our way, thinking that my life is too long!"

A group of people shouted madly.

Now is a good time to leave, and it may be too late to stop here.

And by that time, they will have no way to resist the Qinglin Shenque at all, and there is only one ending left.

So, how could they not be in a hurry.

"Did I tell you to leave?" Liu Chen looked at those guys and smiled coldly.

"Young man, you are looking for your own death!"

Zhang Shengwu burst into anger, with a murderous look on his face: "If we don't leave, even if you are about to go out in the end, do you think the Martial God Temple will spare you?"

"Forgive me?"

Liu Chen snorted coldly: "Could it be that you will spare me if you go out?"

"I will never ask you to go."

"What do you want!" Zhang Shengwu asked anxiously.

"It's not complicated. Hand over all the things you got in Songhua Palace, and I will tell you to go. Otherwise, stay here and face it with me!"

"What? It's all for you!"

"Young man, you are too much! Whether or not we can leave is decided by Master Qinglin Shenque, and has nothing to do with you!"

"You don't want to get any benefits from us!"

Zhang Shengwu's voice was murderous, if Qinglin Shenque hadn't been here, he would really have gone up to kill Liu Chen.

However, Liu Chen shook his head, he looked at Qing Lin Shenque, and asked sharply: "Whether these guys go or stay, I can decide!"


Qing Lin's voice was indifferent, these guys were no different from ants in his eyes, so he didn't care about their life or death at all.

All he cared about was the spirit-binding key.

Qinglin Shenque's words made Zhang Shengwu and others look very ugly, their eyes were full of emptiness.

Because they knew that what they said was like a death sentence for them. If they didn't satisfy Liu Chen, they might stay here forever.

Give you a little thought, you want to be a baby, choose yourself.

Zhang Shengwu and the others looked ashen, and they didn't dare to stay here, because the Qinglin sparrow was too scary, and they couldn't resist at all.

However, asking them to hand over all their treasures is more sad than making them commit suicide!
Those are all real peerless treasures!It took a lot of effort to collect it.

But now, they are all handed over to other people, which makes them feel unwilling.

"Deacon Zhang, let's join hands and kill this kid, shall we?" Yao Feng bared his teeth and was so angry.

However, Zhang Shengwu shook his head: "Give him everything!"

In front of Qing Lin Shenque, he didn't dare to make a move at all, because if he provoked it, it could kill them all with a single slap.

"Deacon Zhang!"

Hearing Zhang Shengwu's words, thousands of people shouted angrily.

"Going out is more important than anything! But if you die, you really have nothing!"

Everyone was shocked, and there was a lot of fear in their eyes.

That's right, they are all members of the elite family of masters in the realm of harmony between man and nature, and they are all young master elites. There are still many years to live, and I don't want to die like this!

In the end, these guys gritted their teeth and threw all the space rings on their bodies to Liu Chen.

With a domineering wave of his palm, Liu Chen put away all the space rings.

Then, he stretched out his spiritual power and quickly swept across everyone's bodies.

The result was so satisfying to him that no one dared to hide anything from him.

"Very good, you can go!"

Liu Chen withdrew his consciousness and waved his hand impatiently.

"Young man, you will regret what you did today!"

When Zhang Shengwu was about to leave, he grinned and said.

This time, it can be said that they suffered heavy losses, and all the treasures they collected were lost.

But Liu Chen shrugged his shoulders and didn't care. These guys couldn't beat him at all, so he didn't care at all.

Moreover, taking their lives to obtain thousands of treasures, there is no doubt that this is a very huge gain.

The experience of this period of time and these treasures can completely improve his cultivation level and combat effectiveness, and he can also help his friends.

Simply put, this business is making a lot of money.

After Zhang Shengwu and others left, only Qinglin Shenque and Liu Chen were left.

Liu Chen was not in a hurry to speak, but was thinking about it. He guessed that Tan Hongyan and the others had almost left, and at this moment he looked at Qinglin Shenque.

"Okay, I have agreed to all your conditions, give me the key to bind the spirit!" Qinglin Shenque said in a cold tone.

It had already considered it, and when Liu Chen handed over the key, he would beat him to death with one palm.

Because no one can negotiate terms with it!

And Liu Chen smiled: "Don't worry, you agreed, but then we have to talk about other things."

"What? How dare you play me!"

Hearing this, Qing Lin Shenque was startled, and then became very angry.

An ant who kills thousands of knives dares to tease him, I really don't know the depth!

"My patience is limited for this ant that kills thousands of knives. I will give you a chance, take it, or I will tell you to die on the spot!"

While speaking, the purple flames all over the sky dispersed, printing the sky purple.

It was very obvious that Qinglin Shenque was really angry. If Liu Chen's performance didn't satisfy him, he might be enraged.

However, Liu Chen didn't care, he said slowly: "There are two things, first, I want some blood from you."

"Furthermore, give me a copy of the source of the flame."

Liu Chen made his request.

However, Qinglin Shenque became angry: "Young man, you are looking for your own death!"

He couldn't stand a human being who dared to keep making demands on him, and even dared to ask for his blood and root flames.

This is simply asking for death!

Immediately, Qinglin sparrow swung its big claws and attacked Liu Chen forcefully.

The big purple claws tore through the sky, like an ancient monster mountain, and shot down.

Next, Liu Chen turned out, and quickly used footwork, the speed reached the extreme, like a giant dragon that shakes the sky, quickly retreating towards the back.

Qinglin Shenque's big claws hit the ground hard, causing the Songhua Hall to shake violently.

A terrifying pit was formed in an instant.

This is really scary, Liu Chen's previous battles were not able to destroy such a large area in Songhua Palace.

But now, Qinglin Shenque's random blow caused the ground to collapse so much, which shows how terrifying the opponent's strength is.

But, fortunately, Liu Chen has earth-level footwork, and he has a pair of electric wind wings on his back to help him increase his speed.

So, the move just now didn't hit him at all.

"You don't have to be so excited, what I want won't hurt you at all."

"As long as you give it to me, I will give you the spirit-binding key, otherwise, the spirit-binding chain will probably stay with you forever."

"Human, I will send you to the west!"

Qing Lin Shenque was very angry and would not agree to Liu Chen's conditions at all.

Suddenly, it roared, and the purple flames on its body shot straight into the sky.

Countless purple flames rushed towards Liu Chen.

The purple flame surged, and a very huge purple palm was born, grabbing forward.

In an instant, the surrounding area has been scratched.

Liu Chen didn't dare to take it head-on, he quickly used the fire-robbing armor to transform into the most powerful defense, almost at the same time dodging with the greatest strength, the speed was extremely fast.

"You bastard, since this is the case, don't blame me!"

Liu Chen snorted coldly, and then urged out the spirit binding key in his hand.

Immediately, the spirit-binding chains on Qinglin Shenque's body made a rattling sound and tightened again, as if about to sink into Qinglin Shenque's body.

"This human who kills thousands of knives, you dare to hurt me!"

(End of this chapter)

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