
Chapter 2567 Qinglin sparrow arrives at mighty sword

Chapter 2567 Qinglin sparrow arrives at mighty sword
It was a majestic body, all black, with purple feathers cast like a magic soldier, with purple flames burning on it.

Followed by it, there is also an earth-shattering demonic energy and terrifying power.

"Qinglin Sparrow, it's Qinglin Sparrow!"

"Damn it, this guy actually came out!"

At this time, all the big gangs in the Wushen Palace, the Tan family, and the Lingqin Palace were very surprised.

Especially those martial arts practitioners who just came out of the secret realm, all of them were flustered, as if they had seen a ghost.

They have already seen the horror of the Qinglin Sparrow, and of course they know what kind of consequences the appearance of such an unworldly beast will bring.

That thick body filled the heavens and the earth, and its terrifying power filled all directions.

This scene shocked everyone on Mighty Sword Continent.

"Is this the Qinglin sparrow? It's really scary!"

In Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy, tens of thousands of disciples looked at the sky with livid faces, and many of them even began to tremble.

Even at such a distance, they still felt a sense of fear, as if that ray of flame could tear them apart.

It's so scary!

I heard from Liu Chen before that the sparrow in Qinglin is scary, but it was just a rumor.

But now that the Qinglin sparrow came out and let them see it with their own eyes, they immediately realized how terrifying the Qinglin sparrow was.

At the same time, they all looked at Liu Chen with admiration in their hearts.It was really shocking that Liu Chen dared to stay with such a terrifying monster.

But Liu Chen's face was gloomy, he didn't expect the Qinglin sparrow to appear so soon.

For him, this was definitely not good news, so he immediately hid the ancestral feather he got and cut off any trace of breath.

Otherwise, with the fearfulness of Qinglin Sparrow, you can definitely find it.

As for the slave seal, Liu Chen didn't initiate it, and let it continue to hide in Qinglin Shenque's body.

As soon as the Qinglin sparrow came into the world, it roared extremely, and apart from anything else, it shattered all the thousands of forest peaks below into pieces.

Thousands of mountains crumbled and the earth split open, like the end of the world.

Not only that, the thousands of purple flames in the midair turned into strange birds one after another, flying in all directions at high speed, as if they were searching for something.

In the academy, Dean Dongfang looked towards the sky with a very nervous expression.

Then, he quickly ordered: "The disciples of the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts School listen to the order and all retreat to the academy. At the same time, they activate the defensive formation of the academy. No one is allowed to enter or leave during this time."

Facing the celestial beings and the first-level master-level monsters, the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy was closed immediately.

There is no way, the Qinglin sparrow is really scary, and it will definitely be useless if it matches.

In fact, even without Dean Dongfang, those disciples would not dare to run away to seek their own death at this juncture.

However, the academy launched a defensive formation, which reassured them a lot.

Thousands of disciples receded towards the back like a tide, and around the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy, a magic circle appeared, covering the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

At the same time, the Martial God Palace, the Tan Family, the Yunjiantian faction, and other major gangs also closed their doors and activated the magic circle.

Liu Chen also retreated to the academy, instead of rushing to practice, he went to sleep in the courtyard instead.

Entering the Qilin Secret Realm this time, he was really too nervous. During the whole process, his spirit was always tense, and he had no time to sleep at all.

When you come back now, you must have a good rest.

After sleeping for two days and two nights, Liu Chen opened his eyes, feeling much more refreshed.

In the days that followed, the school was closed all the time, and he didn't go out. Instead, he started packing up the spoils in the secret space in his courtyard,
It has to be said that the harvest this time is really too great.

First, the realm of cultivation has been raised from the fourth level of the celestial master to the seventh level of the celestial master, and the Vajra Dragon Sword Soul has even reached the eighth level of the celestial master.

To put it simply, his combat value has been completely reborn,

Moreover, he still has thousands of treasures in his hands. As long as he concentrates on practicing, it won't take long before his combat effectiveness can be improved again.
There is also the ancestor's feather he obtained from Qinglin Shenque, which contains the root flames, which can make him condense the soul of the flame fight.

But now, he is not ready to use it.

In addition, in the mysterious and unpredictable space in his body, there is also a 5000-year-old divine thunder stick, and the thunderbolt power above it is astonishing.

The rest are all kinds of treasures, and these treasures are all in the beige space ring.

There are two parts, some of which he collected himself.

The other is to rob the Martial God Hall and the Space Ring of the Spirit Bird Palace in the Songhua Hall.


Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on Liu Chen's face, guessing now, those guys in the Martial God Palace and the Spirit Bird Palace must be so angry that they must be going crazy!

With a domineering wave of his palm, Liu Chen set up a defensive circle nearby, and then turned the space ring with his fingers, thousands of treasures floated in the void.

Seeing these things, Liu Chen's eyes were hot and he took a deep breath.

Each of these elite treasures can make a heavenly master go crazy, but he has so many now.

If these things are thrown on the street, it will definitely trigger riots in the mighty sword continent.

Then, Liu Chen began to tidy up, putting those with similar functions together so that they would be convenient to use.

Sword crystals, medicine pills, magic fruits, weapons, armor, whatever you want, but the only thing you don't have is cheat books.

Because they couldn't enter the Tianwang Palace, they didn't get the secret book left by the Wang Taoist that day.

However, Liu Chen has comprehended the spirit-binding sword skill from the spirit-binding palace, and its destructive power is equally impressive.

Although it is not as good as the real earth-level martial arts secrets, it is also close to invincible.

After the rectification was over, Liu Chen was dumbfounded.

He was really surprised, he knew the things he collected, and what surprised him was the things in the space ring of the Tongling Bird Palace in the Temple of Valkyrie.

Far beyond what he thought.

Especially the space rings of Zhang Shengwu and Yao Feng of the Martial God Temple are really powerful, even more than what he got.

"Worthy of being an eighth-level celestial master, he knows how to choose so well."

Liu Chen even found leaves and divine fruits in Zhang Shengwu's space ring, at least ten pairs!
Presumably, this was left by Zhang Shengwu to those elite martial arts practitioners in the Wushen Temple.

But now, it's all Liu Chen's.

In the end, Liu Chen packed up all the things.

Among them, there are 28 high-level sword crystals.

These high-level sword crystals are very rare, and they are only in the hands of a few heavenly beings and first-level masters, and they can't be seen in the mighty sword continent.

Liu Chen has 28 in his hand, which is already very shocking.

Twelve semi-earth-level spirit weapons.

Semi-earth-level spiritual weapons are also quite precious weapons on the Mighty Sword Continent, each of which can drive thousands of celestial masters crazy.

Now, Liu Chen actually has twelve samples in his hand.

Not only that, Liu Chen also had five Earth-level spirit weapons that were more precious than half-Earth-level spirit weapons.

This kind of treasure, even a ninth-level celestial master would also be greedy.

There are more divine fruits and miraculous medicines, which are quite dazzling.

In addition, there are countless forging materials.

With these materials, Liu Chen could temper a piece of fire-robbing armor.

All in all, Liu Chen has gained a lot this time.

Then, he divided these treasures into several parts, and kept some for himself. These treasures are the most powerful part.

Then, he left it to his fellow disciples.

He doesn't need these treasures, but for the martial arts practitioners around him, they are precious treasures.

There are also some that are handed over to the academy.

However, the treasures in his hands far exceed the number of schools, so the remaining Liu Chen is going to exchange for cheat books.

Of course, there is one more thing, and that is the dragon's spiritual blood that the scarlet war dragon has always wanted.

For the dragon's spirit blood, Liu Chen had to change it. This was his agreement with the scarlet war dragon.

As for the cheats, he also attaches great importance to them, because this time in the Qilin secret space, he only got the spirit-binding sword skill, other than that, he didn't get any other cheats.

However, there are endless secret books in Qingshan Palace, and there are also precious secret books, so if you have a good treasure, you are not afraid that you will not be able to exchange it.

After calling Zeng Xingwen and others, Liu Chen sent the treasures out.

"Brother Chen, is this for us?"

A group of people looked at the elite baby on the ground, trembling with excitement.

"Yes, this is yours." Liu Chen said: "Distribute according to need, so that everyone can also improve their combat power in the realm of cultivation."

"Thank you Brother Chen!"

A group of people were excited, these are all real elite treasures, the mighty sword continent is very hard to see, I didn't expect Liu Chen to give it out so generously.

It can be seen that the rewards of following Liu Chen are still very, very big!All of a sudden, these guys were even more devoted to Liu Chen.

After doing this, Liu Chen went to Nanjiang Hall again.

After handing over the treasure prescribed by the school, Liu Chen found the deacon of Nanjiang Palace and had a talk.

"Do you want to exchange Dragon Spirit Blood and Earth Level Cheats?"

The deacon was very surprised, whether it was the dragon's blood or the earth-level cheats, they were all very precious.Ordinary people can't change at all, even those guys who have entered the Qilin Secret Realm, I'm afraid they dare not change casually.

And now, Liu Chen wants to change the cheat book and the dragon's blood at the same time, which is really surprising.

"Do you know how valuable these things are?" the deacon of Nanjiang Hall asked sharply.

"Don't worry, Deacon, I came back from the Qilin secret space, and I still have some treasures in my hand, which should be enough to exchange."

Seeing Liu Chen's confident smile, Nan Jiang said with a smile, "It can be seen that you have taken a lot of good things from the Qilin secret space this time."

"Sir, it's just luck."

And the nearby disciples were all shocked when they heard that Liu Chen was going to exchange for the dragon's blood and the earth-level cheats.

"This Liu Chen is really too generous, even Ren Tianxiao and Zhang Fu are not as good as him."

"What do you know, I entered the central area of ​​the Qilin Secret Realm, and I must have gotten many good treasures."

"Central area, so lucky!"

"What luck, I have the power of coercion, and I can go anywhere, but it's very dangerous, and there are more dangers than good luck."

"Some time ago, the Qinglin sparrow suddenly appeared, do you understand, it is that unworldly beast. At that time, that monster was also in the Songhua Palace!"

"What, it's so dangerous!"

Many people exclaimed, which shows that this treasure is really not so easy to obtain.

Now, everyone understands how much effort Liu Chen took to obtain those treasures.

Amidst everyone's discussions, Liu Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he followed the deacons of the Nanjiang Hall quickly to the depths of the hall.

There, there is a powerful defensive circle, covering an operation platform, and on the operation platform, there is a slap-sized emerald stone bowl.

The emerald stone bowl is extremely crystal clear, and it is embossed with high-level sword crystals.

Liu Chen knew how precious the superior sword crystal was, but he didn't expect it to be turned into an emerald stone bowl to hold the dragon's blood.

From this we can see how precious this dragon's blood is.

That is to say, Liu Chen entered the Qilin Secret Realm and got a lot of treasures before he could exchange them. Otherwise, he wouldn't even dare to think about it for others.

In the end, Liu Chen exchanged two fragments of the earth-level spiritual weapon for a drop of dragon's spiritual blood.

The drop of dragon's blood was the size of a fist, filled with a bright red brilliance.

At the same time, Liu Chen could feel that there was a very pure true energy in it.

If a martial arts practitioner swallows it, he can definitely strengthen himself, strengthen his blood, and strengthen his foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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