
Chapter 2571 Plan

Chapter 2571 Plan
At that time, he will be able to shake the mighty sword continent just like Qing Lin Shenque.

But Liu Chen said: "Don't hide in it yet, help me deploy the magic circle, I want to absorb the purple flame in the ancestor's feather."

In Liu Chen's hand was the ancestor's feather of the Qinglin sparrow, which contained the root flame.

He had wanted to absorb it a long time ago, but he was afraid that it would attract the sparrows of Qinglin, and Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy would be destroyed by then.

Well now, there is a crimson battle dragon, which can deploy a magic circle to prevent the purple flames from flowing out, so that even if it is a Qinglin sparrow, there is no way to find it.

"Don't worry, it's on me." The scarlet war dragon said.

Next, it deploys the magic circle.

Now that its combat power has recovered, the speed of deploying the magic circle has improved a lot. It only took a day for it to deploy a prehistoric magic circle to cover Liu Chen's courtyard.

With the magic circle of the scarlet battle dragon, Liu Chen was completely at ease, and then he took out the ancestor's feather, intending to practice.

The long dark feathers all over the body are like black ink, and there is a purple flame at the tail, burning like hell.

Liu Chen didn't hesitate, immediately, he invoked the Qi of the sword spirit and absorbed it.

At the same time, on the side of Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy, Dean Dongfang ordered someone to contact people from the Martial God Hall.

A few days later, several old people walked to Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy.

They are all strong, they suppressed their true qi, so they did not attract the attention of ordinary disciples, except for Dean Dongfang, no one knew that there was an expert from the Valkyrie Hall.

This time, a total of ten people came, all of them were old people with gray hair, and many of them even had walking sticks.

These guys' true energy fluctuations are very powerful, the worst ones are all eighth-level, and there are even masters of ninth-level celestial masters.

"I'm looking for everyone this time, I think everyone should understand the reason!" Director Dongfang sternly said.

"The young master is already powerful, can we see him?"

A group of old guys were excited.

"To be honest, I'm really surprised that he has made such progress, and now he is no worse than an eighth-level celestial master." Director Dongfang said slowly.

"What, the young master's combat power has grown so fast?" A group of old guys were surprised.

"Let's see the young master!"

They were too excited, they already knew about Liu Chen.

But at that time, Liu Chen's cultivation was too poor, in order not to attract the attention of the enemy, so he didn't meet him right away, but let Liu Chen enter the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

Now, Liu Chen has only been in the school for a year, and he is able to fight against the eighth-level celestial master. This is really beyond their expectations!
Even elite geniuses probably don't have such a frightening speed of progress.

So now, this group of old guys just wanted to see Liu Chen right away.

"Everyone, don't panic, that guy is just in retreat right now, so I'm afraid I won't see him soon."

Dean Dongfang explained.

"What, young master retreats! If you really work hard enough, no wonder you can improve so much in such a short time!"

"President Dongfang, don't worry, we will definitely not disturb the young master, just hide and watch him quietly."

These old guys couldn't bear it long ago.

"All right!"

Dean Dongfang knew that these guys were in a hurry, and he believed that these old bastards would not do anything to hurt Liu Chen.

Immediately, a group of people quickly flew towards the courtyard where Liu Chen was.

The speed of these guys can almost be said to be terrifying, with a single stride, they have disappeared.

So it didn't take long for them to walk near Liu Chen's courtyard.

"Let me see if the young master is the same as in the painting?" An old man in red was excited.

"The young master must be the same as in the painting, otherwise what would he look like?"

Beside him, an old man in a green robe retorted.

"A Tao, you are talking nonsense! Of course the young master is more handsome than Huali! You don't know this, you are so stupid!"

The old man in red let out a cold snort.

Everyone has long been used to these two immortal things, so no one stopped the two of them arguing.

All the other old people looked down, but after a while, they screamed.

"Ah, there is actually a magic circle guarding it."

"The dean has worked so hard to protect our young master so carefully."

A group of old guys looked at Dean Dongfang, very grateful.

"We are all here, why don't we open the circle!"

Dean Dongfang shook his head: "You guys are mistaken, this magic circle was not deployed by me."

"It wasn't arranged by you? Could it be that the young master arranged it himself?"

"Worthy of being a young master, you are really cautious!"

"Forget it, let me take action and break the magic circle!"

These old guys are going to do it themselves.

But soon, they were surprised again, because they saw that the magic circle couldn't be moved at all.

"Ah, what a strange magic circle, I can't move it!" The old man in red was shocked.

"Trash, look at me!"

The old man in green robe snorted coldly, and moved quickly.

However, he also frowned: "This is like a prehistoric magic circle."

"The young master is really different. He actually controls this prehistoric magic circle."

Many old people tried in a hurry, but they were not able to break through.

Of course, they could blow it up with their very strong combat value, but doing so would definitely interfere with Liu Chen below.

So, they can only wait.

"Forget it, for the young master's sake, let's read the libretto on a donkey—we'll see."

The deacon in red let out a sigh of regret, then crossed his knees in the void.

When the other old guys saw this scene, they also waited silently. Even the dean didn't move. A group of people stayed above Liu Chen's courtyard for seven days.

Seven days later, a burst of scorching air suddenly came from below, rushing towards the sky at high speed.

Immediately, those old guys above all opened their eyes.

"What a terrifying true energy of the fire element! Could it be that the young master is a martial arts practitioner of the fire element?"

"This fire element is indeed thorough, I'm afraid it's rare in the world!"

These guys are all strong, so with a little sensing, they can know the true energy of fire in the midair.

Immediately, they laughed, because Liu Chen was the young master, the stronger Liu Chen was, the happier they were.

In the courtyard, Liu Chen kicked his legs and opened his eyes suddenly. Two groups of purple flames were burning in his eyes, which was very strange.

Suddenly, his eyes turned and he looked at a stone in front of him.

Immediately, the brilliance in the eyes flashed, and a group of purple flames spewed out quickly, and rushed towards the stone in front of it in an instant.

In an instant, the stone was burned to slag, leaving only a mass of purple flames beating non-stop.

Not only that, the purple flame seemed to live forever, and it didn't weaken after staying for a long time. Finally, Liu Chen waved his hand and took back those purple flames on the ground.

The flames in Liu Chen's eyes are his condensed soul of the flame fight.

Moreover, this flame comes from the purple flame on Qinglin Shenque's body, and its destructive power is terrible.

At this time, it was used by Liu Chen, and the power of burning it was no worse than that of Qinglin Shenque.

This makes him very happy, because with this purple flame fighting soul, his fighting power has improved a lot.

He believes that when he meets Shen Zhe now, just one look can set him on fire.

This kind of trick is probably difficult for ordinary eighth-level celestial masters to resist.

But soon, he frowned slightly, raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Because relying on his spiritual power, he felt that there were dozens of powerful auras on it.

These zhenqi fluctuations are very strong, the worst ones are all eighth-level and ninth-level celestial masters, and the good ones even have celestial beings and first-level masters.

This surprised him very much, so many masters were above him, there must be something serious.

However, he wasn't too scared, because he sensed that the wave of true qi must belong to Dean Dongfang.

Presumably these guys will not have any bad intentions.

Therefore, Liu Chen asked the scarlet war dragon to take back the magic circle.

Then, he sternly said: "Gentlemen, I'm sorry."

The dean and the deacons of the Martial God Hall were all waiting patiently. They saw that the magic circle below was suddenly opened, and the young master's voice came to their ears.

"Young master, this is the young master calling us!" A group of old guys were excited, and immediately flew down.

The corner of Dean Dongfang's mouth curled up slightly, and he got up.

In the courtyard, a gust of wind flashed, and a dozen elderly people appeared at once.

These guys have a very strong aura and strong fighting power, especially their eyes, which are full of gorgeous brilliance.

These guys all kept their eyes on Liu Chen.

Being stared at by so many old men with strong fighting power, even Liu Chen couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

But those old people didn't care, they all ran to the front, hugged Liu Chen, and burst into tears.

"Master, we have seen you!"

"It's really great, this time we have something to look forward to!"

"Master, you must take us back to the Valkyrie Palace!"

A group of old guys were very excited.

And Liu Chen was extremely surprised when he heard these words.Only then did he realize that these tough old men in front of him were all members of the Martial God Temple.

This must be his father's person, not the deputy head's side.

"Gentlemen, let's talk slowly, don't get excited."

"Young master, don't call us Mr. anymore, we can't afford it."

The group of old guys hurriedly shook their heads.

The old man in red said: "We are all the deacons of the Martial God Temple. I am the seventh younger brother. This is A Tao, Thirteen, Fifteen, Lao Mo."

The old man in red introduced everyone.

Only then did Liu Chen realize that these were all the deacons of the Martial God Temple, and all of them were the central deacons.

"Okay, deacons, stop crying."

"Tell me about the situation of the Martial God Temple first, what happened to my father?"

Liu Chen asked.

"The situation here at the Martial God Hall is very bad. We can't beat the deputy head, so ask that person to restrain himself."

"Master, don't worry, although they are restrained, they can't kill us at all!"

"And, now that you are here, I believe that it won't take long for you to take us back to take back the Valkyrie Hall!"

"And the head is in retreat, don't worry, the fellows of the deputy head can't hurt him at all."

Hearing the deacon's words, Liu Chen frowned slightly. As far as they are concerned, their situation is really bad.

It's very bad, but as long as the deputy head doesn't become a real celestial being and a master of the first realm, they have hope.

Visible, as soon as possible!
"What can we do to change the disadvantage and defeat the deputy head?" Liu Chen asked.

The deacon thought for a while, and then said: "There must be two factors."

"Cultivation resources, as long as we take away their cultivation resources, we can slow down the upgrade of the deputy head."

"If he doesn't upgrade to a real celestial being and a master of the first realm, we can be sure."

"Then there are allies."

"Now, there are many very powerful allies on the side of the Martial God Temple, and the Li family of the Zhongtianren and the first-level master family also support him."

"Fortunately, our side is not bad, so it's a draw."

"However, the powerful gangs below are far inferior to them."

Liu Chen nodded, he understood.

"So, Deacon, go and stabilize the situation. I will try to take down the Red Blood Realm as quickly as possible."

"If you think about it, it will definitely be of great help in terms of cultivation resources."

Take the Red Blood Realm!

Hearing this, the deacons were surprised, even Dean Dongfang was also surprised.

"Although this idea is good, the Red Blood Realm is not so easy to win. The Red Blood Realm hasn't really been united for hundreds of years."

"That's right, young master, the Red Blood Realm is too chaotic, and the gangs in it are too complicated!"

(End of this chapter)

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