
Chapter 2574

Chapter 2574
But now, something is wrong.

This is not an ordinary seventh-level celestial master at all!

It can be seen that this time the task is not so simple and can be successful.

Yuchi Dianwei's eyes widened, unable to believe it.He knew that Liu Chen was very powerful, but he didn't expect that he was so powerful that he could beat back four eighth-level celestial masters with one punch.

Even Deacon Feng and Deacon Lan, who were hidden in a corner, were extremely shocked.

"It can be seen that we have misunderstood the young master a little."

"That's right, this combat power is too scary, isn't it really just a seventh-level celestial master?"

"Forget it, the young master is so mysterious that we can't see through it at all. What we can do is to protect him at critical moments."

The two stopped talking, but judging from their expressions, they were actually very excited.

Because Liu Chen's strength exceeded expectations, they were even more convinced that Liu Chen would be able to take them back to the Martial God Palace.

In front, after Liu Chen knocked back the four bounty killers with one punch, he stood up slowly and looked around the four with cold eyes.

"If you don't want to live, take your life!" Liu Chen said in a cold tone.

"Bastard! Who do you think you are? Can you be so frightened if we fight back!" The middle-aged man let out a cold snort, his body full of murderous intent.

Then, the four bounty killers rushed straight into the sky and charged towards Liu Chen again.

"If you die without repentance, then go to hell!"

Liu Chen snorted coldly, kicked his feet hard on the ground, and flew out like a thunderbolt.

"I'll go, it's just a seventh-level celestial master, do you really think you can fight against us?"

The man let out a cold snort, and then shouted: "Steel up and do it with all your strength, just keep the true energy fluctuations alive!"

Then the remaining three bounty killers also erupted with berserk energy, and each used the soul of fighting.

Among them, the bounty killer on the left, Dou Zhihun is a red blood demon, who is currently attached to the sharp sword, stabbing towards Liu Chen quickly.

But Liu Chen swung his fist, and punched hard.

A purple flame is wrapped in the hand.

Immediately, the purple strike struck the body of the black-robed bounty killer, and immediately, the sharp sword in the bounty killer burned together with his arm, and then exploded.


The bounty killer snorted, and quickly backed away, seeking protection from his companions.

Sure enough, the other bounty killers all turned around and rushed towards them.

However, Liu Chen was even faster.

It was another hard punch, and without a word, the injured bounty killer exploded!
Flesh and blood flew all over the sky, and the bloody aura hit everyone, and everyone was stunned.

An eighth-level celestial master, that is a veritable eighth-level celestial master!It actually caused someone to blow it up twice!

This scene is really shocking.

"Damn, he must be killed!"

The remaining three bounty killers went mad and rushed towards Liu Chen.

This time, the three of them act together to kill Liu Chen.

On the other hand, Liu Chen had a calm expression. On his hand, a ball of purple flames was burning, like the flames of hell, strange and cold.

Liu Chen used the Phantom Wind Walk at a terrifying speed, and disappeared in an instant.

"Better than fast? You are too tender!"

The three bounty killers smiled contemptuously.Quickly change the formation to fight against it.

But suddenly, a killer exclaimed in shock.

"What? What's going on with you!"

The bounty killer was too panicked.

As bounty killers, they are eighth-level celestial masters, and their speed is very fast!No one in the same class can keep up.

However, the young man in front of him, with such a low level of cultivation, clearly surpassed them.

This is unacceptable to them.

But Liu Chen didn't reply, he just raised his palm and hit it hard.

The palm wrapped in purple flames, like a mountain of flames, covering the bounty killer in an instant.

The bounty killer failed to dodge and was smashed into pieces.

In just a split second, another eighth-level bounty killer was wiped out.

Surprised, really surprised!

For a moment, the scene was extremely quiet.

In the void, there is only the burning of purple flames.

The expressions of the remaining two bounty killers finally changed.They saw that it was not luck that Liu Chen killed their partner before, but with real combat power.

Although the opponent is only at the seventh level of the Celestial Master, his combat value seems to exceed his own.

Thinking of this, they were sweating all over.

"This one who killed a thousand swords, the news is wrong!"

"Quickly retreat! Quickly inform Lan Yu Shaoxia!"

The man transmitted the sound, and then the two turned around and fled into the distance.

Facing Liu Chen, they didn't dare to fight again.

"Run? Let's see where you are going!"

Liu Chen smiled coldly, and instead of chasing him, he stood proudly in the sky with his hands behind his back.

Then, a mass of purple flames appeared in his eyes, which spewed out like mist.

In front, the two black-robed bounty killers fled quickly. They sensed that Liu Chen hadn't chased after them, and their faces were overjoyed.

It's really great, the other party didn't come after them and kill them, but if they can go back alive, they must report to Lan Yu Shaoxia, and call a stronger bounty killer.

However, not long after the two flew out, a black-robed bounty killer suddenly screamed.

Thousands of purple flames inexplicably rose from his body, burning fiercely,

"This one who kills a thousand swords, get out of the way!"

The black-robed bounty killer's face was uncomfortable, and he quickly circulated the spirit of the sword, transforming into a very strong defense to resist.

At about the same time, a wave appeared near him, trying to extinguish the purple flame.

But it didn't work at all. In just an instant, the defense on his body was burned out, and his whole body was turned into powder in the black smoke.

Nothing was left.

Seeing this, the leading bounty killer who was fleeing next to him was stunned. His whole body was stiff and his heart was so terrified that he didn't dare to run away anymore.

Just run away, the other party killed his partner with just one look. This kind of terrible fighting power made him despair.

"Who are you? Are you a monster?"

"No, how did you get such tyrannical strength?"

In the end, the leading bounty killer went crazy and raised his hand to eliminate the eighth-level celestial master, which is probably something a ninth-level master or above can do!

However, the opponent is only a seventh-level celestial master!

Not only him, but even Deacon Feng, who was hidden in the void, were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

"This is the fighting power of the young master? It's amazing!"

They were quite dissatisfied with Liu Chen's order before, because they felt that the young master was a little arrogant.

But now it seems that not at all.

Because those four bounty killers were nothing in Liu Chen's eyes!
Liu Chen stood proudly in the void with his hands behind his back, his green gown fluttering in the wind.

His eyes were extremely deep, and purple light flashed from time to time.

He didn't answer the bounty killer's question, but said slowly, "Stop running away? You're pretty clever."

"Tell me everything you know, and I can give you a whole body."

"Want to get news from me? Don't!"

The leading bounty killer looked murderous, and the black mist on his body was billowing, making him look extremely strange.

Immediately, he burned the sword spirit energy in his body, burst out a very powerful true energy, and quickly retreated towards the back.

The speed is quite fast, even reaching the peak of the eighth-level celestial master.

I'm afraid that no one at the same level can catch up.

It can be seen that the leading bounty killer has already used profound meaning in order to escape.

Liu Chen smiled contemptuously and coldly, two groups of purple flames gushed out from his eyes, rushing into the sky in an instant,

Then, the two groups of raging flames rapidly enlarged in the void, burning all over the sky, turning into a purple flame cage, covering the leading bounty killer in an instant.

There was a shocking bang, and a purple cage in front of him floated in the void, locking the bounty killer.

But Liu Chen took a step forward and walked out of the cage in an instant.

"Even if you kill me, I won't tell you anything!"

The leading bounty killer gritted his teeth, his voice full of determination.

As a bounty killer, life is not the most important thing, keeping secrets is!

Liu Chen didn't ask any more questions, he moved, and the purple cage turned into a big purple flame palm, grabbing the head of the leading bounty killer.

Immediately, Liu Chen flipped his hand slightly, and a purple cauldron appeared in his hand.

Mark of enslavement!

The purple light flashed and invaded the forehead of the leading bounty killer in an instant, and soon the leading bounty killer stopped resisting, like a puppet floating in the sky.

Liu Chen didn't kill him, but planted a mark of enslavement, turning him into a slave completely.

The flames all over the sky disappeared, and they all returned to Liu Chen's body.

Liu Chen stood proudly with his hands behind his back, and didn't make another move. At this time, there was no obstacle around the bounty killer, but he didn't escape.

Not only that, but the black mist all over his body also dissipated, revealing his true appearance.

This is a middle-aged man, thin, wearing purple leather armor with slender spikes.

At this moment, the middle-aged man looked at Liu Chen, and called out respectfully: "My lord."


Liu Chen nodded lightly; "Return to the lock department and collect information."

"Don't expose yourself, don't let Lan Yu suspect."

"Okay, the villain understands."

The man bowed his head with a submissive expression.

If you look carefully, you will see that he has a serious expression, and there is no trace of being controlled at all.

This is where the Zhengrong Ding is so powerful. No one can see the enslavement mark that Liu Chen has struck now, except for the heavenly beings and Yijing masters.

"Okay, get out of here quickly." Liu Chen waved his hand.

Then, the Bounty Killer replied obediently again, and then turned into a shadow and disappeared into midair.

After seeing the bounty killer leave, Liu Chen's feet flicked, and he returned to the back of the Xuanyu Golden Spirit Eagle again.

"Okay, the crisis is over, let's go!" Liu Chen kicked his legs.


Yuchi Dianwei recovered from his surprise, and then asked with a puzzled face, "Brother Chen, do we really want to let that person go?"

"Don't worry, he's mine now, there will be no problem."

Liu Chen smiled mysteriously.

Yuchi Dianwei nodded, although he didn't quite understand, but he believed in Liu Chen.

So immediately, he activated the sword spirit energy again, condensed it into a temple, and then summoned the black-feathered golden spirit eagle and continued to fly.

Yuchi Dianwei didn't know, but the two deacon Feng hiding in a corner were extremely shocked.

"Did the young master manipulate the bounty killer just now?"

"It must be. Looking at the bounty killer's respectful appearance and the young master's appearance, he must have become a puppet, otherwise the young master would not let him go."

Deacon Lan also took a deep breath: "This method of control is unavoidably too terrifying. A martial arts practitioner at the eighth level of the Celestial Master has no trace of counterattack."

"Don't guess, the young master is too mysterious, let's just protect the young master."

Deacon Feng was indeed extremely excited. After seeing Liu Chen's power, his self-confidence soared.

A group of people quickly flew towards the Tan family's place.

At the same time, the mysterious middle-aged man also returned to the lock department.

Perhaps, no one thought that the famous bounty killer in the Red Blood Realm would be in such a busy city.

This is a noisy neighborhood, there are businesses everywhere nearby, and ordinary people come and go.

(End of this chapter)

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