
Chapter 2579 Tan Xue and Liu Chen Meet Again

Chapter 2579 Tan Xue and Liu Chen Meet Again

Ordinary martial arts practitioners may not know this name, but the three masters of the Cheng family know it. People from the major gangs in the vicinity also trembled, and a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Kongwu is a deacon of Xiaobing Mansion, and also the seventh deacon of the head of the Tan family.

This kind of character's combat power is terrifying, and it is definitely not comparable to the three martial arts practitioners of the Tan family in front of him.

"Hey, Mo Feng, your temper is still so irritable."

At this moment, a burst of laughter sounded.

Hearing this voice, everyone's hearts were shaken, and the three masters of the Tan family also became submissive.

"Meet Deacon Kugo."

The three bowed respectfully to the sky.

Deacon Konggo, is it possible that Deacon Konggo is really here?

All the people were stunned, they did not expect to see such a terrifying figure here.

Sure enough, the sky trembled suddenly, and an aging figure appeared in front of everyone.


Seeing the figure, Deacon Feng snorted coldly.

"Kongwu, you juniors are not very good, you dare to scold my young master, what should you do, just wait and see!"


At this time, all the people were nervous, because they could see now that Deacon Feng was not afraid of Deacon Kongwu of the Tan family at all.

This means that his combat effectiveness is definitely no worse than that of Deacon Konggo.

Such a person is at least the central deacon of the heavenly beings and the masters of the first realm.

However, the status of someone called a young master by this kind of person is unthinkable.

"Could it be that this young man is also an elite disciple of a family of heavenly beings and masters of the first realm?"

All the people looked at Liu Chen, their hearts beating.

Deacon Na Kongwu also half-closed his eyes, and looked at Liu Chen seriously.

"Mo Feng, is this the young master of your Martial God Palace?"


Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded, the young man in front of him was actually the young master of Wushen Temple!
No wonder the other party dared to kill the Jiang family's martial arts practitioners, even the five young heroes of the Jiang family.

Because in terms of status, that Zhang Gaolang couldn't even match the fingers of the young man in front of him.

The Jiang family is not the real master of the Martial God Palace, they are just the people on the side of the deputy head.

And the young man in front of him is the child of Liu Tian, ​​the head of the Martial God Palace!
Its status is even more noble than Deacon Kongwu and others.

Knowing Liu Chen's identity, the three masters of the Tan family broke out in a cold sweat

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of this kind of status, just that status is enough to kill them ten thousand times.

For a moment, the three of them showed fearful expressions on their faces, and their bodies trembled.

Deacon Nakongwu also bowed: "I have seen Young Master Liu."

"Deacon Kongwu is out." Liu Chen nodded lightly, returning the courtesy.

In the past, he would definitely call Mr. Fang respectfully, but now it is different. He has become the young master of the Martial God Temple. Except for a very small number of people, no one can be more respected than him.

So now, even if he meets the deacon of the Cheng family's center, he just nodded slightly.

"I don't know that Young Master Liu is a great driver. Please don't take offense if you don't take good care of the place."

Deacon Kongwu bowed, then turned around, and said to the three Cheng family martial arts practitioners: "You guys, hurry up and say sorry to Young Master Liu."

"Master Liu, we are blind, and I hope you will be magnanimous and forgive us this time."

"It doesn't matter."

Liu Chen calmly said: "The only enemy is the Jiang family, everyone else can be friends."

Liu Chen's words showed his position of the Martial God Palace, that is, he and the Jiang family are fighting to the death.

And other gangs, if they join forces with the Jiang family, they will be his enemies!

After Deacon Kongwu heard this, he also squinted his eyes. He didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so fierce, it really exceeded his expectations.

The situation of the Temple of Valkyrie is not good, and Liu Tian is in charge of closed doors, so the Jiang family is stronger and has already restrained the center of the Temple of Valkyrie.

However, the young man in front of him is actually so majestic, which means that the other party must have news that he does not know.

It can be seen that the plan to challenge the Temple of Valkyrie has to be re-discussed.

Deacon Kongwu thought about it for a while, and finally he made up his mind that this matter should be discussed with other people in the center of the clan.

Then, at the invitation of the Tan family's deacon, Liu Chen and others went to the Tan family's mansion.

Seeing Liu Chen's back gradually drifting away, everyone was deeply moved.

Originally, they thought that the other party was about to overthrow the Jiang family by bringing down the Jiang family, but they didn't expect that the other party's identity was so shocking.

Not only that, but the fighting power is even more unbelievable. He raised his hand and dealt with terrifying opponents such as the old man in black and the tiger with fangs.

"This young man, I'm afraid he can become a young giant in the mighty sword continent!"

"That's right, at such a young age, it's already so terrifying. The Four Young Heroes of Flaming Blood were no more than that at the beginning!"

All the people were amazed, and then they seemed to remember something.

"At this time, the Tan family must be in deep water. Is it possible that he also came to marry?"

"Well, it can be seen that the birthday banquet waiting for a while is going to be lively!"

All the people got excited and hurried to Tan's house.

The Tan family's official residence is majestic, even much larger than the imperial palace.

At this time, the Tan family was full of lights and festoons, and the masters were concentrated, making it extremely lively.

Liu Chen's presence has attracted the attention of many people, after all, there are very few people who can let Deacon Kongwu lead the way.

Such a person must have a very high status and is rare.

Because everyone knows each other.

Liu Chen also had a very unfamiliar face, so everyone guessed constantly.

After bringing Liu Chen to the VIP room, Deacon Kong Wu quickly left.

Liu Chen found a seat and sat down without hesitation.

On the other hand, Yuchi Dianwei was extremely excited.

"Brother Chen, I'm not dreaming, am I? Even the Tan family is so polite to us?"

He was really confused, because he never thought that heavenly beings and masters of the first realm would be so respectful to them,

This is probably something he never dared to think about in his life.

Moreover, what surprised him even more was that Liu Chen was actually the child of the head of the Martial God Palace!

This is really shocking.

"It's nothing, as long as you follow me well, one day I will be able to take you flying on the mighty sword continent!"

Liu Chen had such confidence.

There were many people in the VIP room, all of them were looking at Liu Chen.

Those who can enter here, the worst are the big figures of the sixth-level sect, and the best are the heads of the heavenly people and masters of the first realm.

As for Liu Chen, they had never seen it before, so they were very curious.

However, when they saw the clothing logos on Deacon Feng and Deacon Lan, their hearts trembled.

The swords and swords are interspersed with each other, which is the family crest of the Valkyrie Temple.

At this time, Deacon Feng appeared, needless to say.

Don't think about it, these two old people must be from the Temple of Valkyrie.Judging by the combat power and cultivation level, he should also be the central deacon in the Martial God Temple.

And the young man in front of him, don't even think about it, his status must be extremely honorable.

Therefore, all of a sudden, there were many sects who came to strike up a conversation.

And Liu Chen was also thinking about which of these guys could form an alliance with the Valkyrie Temple.

At this moment, some martial arts practitioners were invited into the guest room again, this time the leader was not Deacon Kongwu, but a young man.

The young man was very handsome, even beautiful.

His looks made many girls jealous.

The young man invited the guests into the VIP room, and was about to leave, but accidentally swept towards Liu Chen.

When he saw Liu Chen, he froze for a moment, and his beautiful eyes shrank.

This expression was noticed by Liu Chen, and he also frowned. He didn't think why the boy had such a surprised expression.

However, before he could think about it, the boy strode towards him.

"Liu Chen?"

The handsome young man asked.

"I am." Liu Chen nodded calmly, "Then you?"

"Tan Qingli, the father is Tan Jiangxing."

"It's the son of the Tan family. Why, what do you want to do with me?"

Liu Chen smiled and looked at the young master in front of him.

"Well, come out, I have something to tell you alone."

Hearing this, the nearby martial arts practitioners showed puzzled expressions, while Liu Chen nodded lightly: "All right!"

He had a little guess of the young man's intentions.

"Deacon Feng, I'll talk to him, don't worry, nothing will happen."

After explaining, Liu Chen followed Tan Qingli out of the VIP room.

Liu Chen followed the young man and walked through the Tan family's mansion. They avoided many checkpoints and walked deep into the Tan family's mansion.

If it is an ordinary person, seeing such a special situation, I am afraid that I would have been terrified. After all, this is the official residence of the Tan family.

But Liu Chen didn't care, and he understood this person's intentions, so he wasn't too scared.

Leading Liu Chen into a dark room, Tan Qingli couldn't wait to ask: "Do you recognize my sister?"

"Sister, could it be Xue'er?"

"Sure enough, you really know my sister!"

"Yes, you are Liu Chen!" Tan Qingli was excited, "It's exactly the same as my sister's painting!"

"Brother Liu, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter, maybe it has something to do with your sister?"

"Yes, can you take her away!"

"take away?"

Tan Qingli sighed with regret: "My sister is too miserable, she has cultivated like that, and now she has to be used as a puppet of marriage."

"I know she is desperate. As a younger brother, I can't watch this happen."

"Escaping is not a good way, and with the fighting power of the Tan family, we may not be able to escape for a long time."

Liu Chen shook his head: "Well, call your sister to find me, I have a way to get her out of this predicament."

"What? Another way?" Tan Qingli was excited.

Seeing Liu Chen nodded, he said again: "Don't worry, I'll call my sister right away."

Tan Qingli came back not long after running away.

Not only that, he also brought back a person this time.

The man was covered under black clothes, with black cloth all over his body, and even his cheeks were covered with a heavy black veil.

Only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Those eyes are bright and shining, like Lingyu, very beautiful.

When Liu Chen saw those eyes, he felt very familiar. He knew that the figure in front of him was the girl he had befriended.

It's just that she didn't expect that the reality is so cruel, and in three years, such a beautiful and exquisite girl would become like this.

But fortunately, the auspicious person has his own aura, and now he has the magic medicine to treat her.

"Liu Chen?"

The person in front spoke slowly, her voice was low and hoarse, not like what a young girl should have at all.

She glanced at Liu Chen, then lowered her head, holding the top with both hands uneasily, her body trembling even more.

Like an injured puppy, very scared.

Looking at the poor man in front of him, Liu Chen felt very distressed.

"Xue'er, I have come as you said."


Hearing Liu Chen's words, Tan Xue couldn't help sobbing, she had really suffered too much in three years, and now she could no longer bear it in front of Liu Chen.

Liu Chen walked up to Tan Xue slowly, and said softly, "Since it's me, I won't make you suffer any more!"

"However, what I look like now,"

Tan Xue lowered her head, tears soaked the black veil on her cheeks.

"Don't worry, I can heal you." Liu Chen said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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