
Chapter 2593 Level 9 Celestial Master Died Instantly

Chapter 2593 The ninth-level celestial master died instantly
Even the ninth-level celestial master was stiff all over.

This is especially true for Zhang Hao and Shui Tianshi. The sword spirit energy on the two of them can't be released at all, and they can't resist the fluctuation of true energy at all.


The two were frightened, and finally realized that they could not resist this sword glow with their own fighting power, so they ran away without thinking much.

However, they still underestimated this sword light, and when the idea of ​​running away came up, the sword light had already arrived in front of their eyes.

He groaned twice, blood spattered seven feet, and a crack more than a hundred feet long appeared in the sky.

Here, Zhang Hao was cut off with an arm, and Shui Tianshi was even more unlucky, he was cut in two at once, and died completely.

With just one strike, one of the two ninth-level celestial masters cut off their hands and the other broke into two pieces, which is really surprising.

The world is quiet, everyone's brains are blank, and they can't believe it at all.

I don't know how long it took before someone who practiced martial arts screamed sharply: "Run!"

Immediately, those eighth-level celestial masters all fled in all directions.

And what aristocrats and siege, get the hell out of here!

Zhang Hao also looked flustered, sweating profusely all over his body, hugging the wound, flustered.

It was very frightening, a seventh-level martial arts practitioner could unleash such a powerful attack, he almost died in this place.

He didn't dare to fight at all now, and he only had one thought in his mind, which was to get out of here as soon as possible.

Of course he did.

In a sudden flash, Zhang Hao exerted all his strength, turned into a red line, and fled away at high speed.

Seeing this, Liu Chen frowned.

But just now he sacrificed Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, and consumed a lot of strength. At this time, his face was ashen, and the sword spirit was not smooth.

However, he still used the Purple Flame Fighting Soul.

In the eyes, two purple flames flickered strangely and spread to the front quickly.

Immediately, the escaped Zhang Hao groaned in pain.

However, he was a ninth-level celestial master, so he was not burned to death immediately, and the purple flame was not extinguished.

All of a sudden, Zhang Hao's whole body was burned, emitting a scorched stench, and fled out of the sky quickly.

In the end, all the martial arts practitioners on Liu Chen's side ran away, leaving only the two ninth-level celestial masters fighting with Deacon Feng.

Liu Chen's face was livid, he took a deep breath, turned around and stared at them closely.

Immediately, the two of them were taken aback and felt rather uneasy. They never felt this way even when facing the very powerful Deacon Feng.

"Go quickly!"

These two people didn't dare to stay any longer, and flew straight into the sky.

There was no way, the two of them had also seen the scene where the water celestial master was killed before, it was like chopping vegetables, and the ninth-level celestial master had no way to resist.

The two of them are the same as Shui Tianshi, so they have no chance of winning this blow at all.

The best way now, of course, is to run away.

Seeing the two ninth-level celestial masters running away, Deacon Feng also heaved a sigh of relief, but then he looked at Liu Chen with a face full of shock.


"You don't need to inquire, it's my sword spirit." Liu Chen just mentioned it without further explanation.

However, Deacon Feng's heart was extremely shaken.

"Sword Spirit Soul, the young master's Sword Spirit Soul is actually so powerful! He only has a seventh-level cultivation!"

He could only be surprised that the fighting spirit of a martial arts practitioner is also related to the realm of cultivation. He has never heard of a seventh-level celestial master whose fighting spirit can be so powerful that even a ninth-level celestial master can't resist it. .

But today, he can be regarded as seeing it.

Liu Chen took out a few pills to restore the spirit of the sword, quickly ate them, and then put away the Zhengrong Ding with a domineering wave of his palm.

"Brother Liu Chen!"

"Brother Chen, are you alright?"

Tan Xue and Yuchi flew over quickly, they were very worried.

"It's okay, I'm not injured, it's just a little worn out." Liu Chen said, "Let's go!"

"I reckon that the Jiang family will not only come to these guys. If more experts come, it will be troublesome."

Although he has the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, he can only deal with two ninth-level celestial masters, and there is no way if there are too many.

The three of them nodded and said no more, they went straight into the sky and left.

Liu Chen guessed right, the Jiang family not only sent these people, but also sent a large number of tyrannical people after they knew that Liu Chen had the medicine of immortality in his hands.

Among them are a dozen ninth-level celestial masters, and one is even a ninth-level peak.

This group of people is very scary, no one can deal with them except heaven and human beings and masters of the first realm.

However, the Martial God Hall and the Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy are not for nothing, they sent very powerful martial arts practitioners to block those guys from the Jiang family at once.

Therefore, Liu Chen continued on his way without being too threatened.

It can be regarded as returning to Qingyun Mountain Wuyuan without any danger.

When they arrived at Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, all the people heaved a sigh of relief.

The past two weeks have been too thrilling, and I worry terribly every day, for fear of being caught up.

But fortunately, he left and arrived safely.

After returning to Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, Liu Chen arranged for these guys to rest.

And he himself quickly fell asleep, and then immediately got up to analyze the sword marks left by the three black sword kings.

His current combat power is strong, and he can deal with two ninth-level celestial masters, but in his eyes, this is not enough, because the Jiang family is really too powerful, which is different from ordinary celestial beings and masters of the first realm.

To such an enemy, one cannot be careless in the slightest.

Therefore, he wants to improve his combat effectiveness as much as possible.

In just two days, Liu Chen adjusted himself to the peak, and then retreated to comprehend the three sword marks.

At this time, there are still seven days before the bidding meeting.

He wants to understand the three sword marks thoroughly within seven days.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it's time for the bidding meeting.

The day before, Liu Chen had already come out, and the zhenqi on his body fluctuated extremely violently. Recently, relying on his strong comprehension ability, he had fully comprehended the three sword marks left by the Black Sword King.

Now, his combat effectiveness has improved a lot, and the King Kong Dragon Sword Soul has also been awakened.

On this day, Liu Chen took Tan Xue and others to Qingyun's bidding meeting.

Qingyun's bidding will be very busy, during this time, Deacon Lan, Zeng Xingwen and other Xianglong disciples are busy.

"Can we settle the bidding this time?"

"That's right, are Brother Chen's two treasures really so amazing?"

Many disciples of the Xianglong Gang were nervous, because the Wannian Juice and the Eternal Life Medicine were so powerful, they all seemed to be dreaming now.

"Don't worry, Brother Chen will never be wrong. Since he has taken this treasure, it must have the role in the legend."

Zeng Xingwen encouraged many disciples, but to be honest, he didn't know what to do.

Because he had heard all the news, and he had never seen the real Wannian Juice and the Eternal Life Medicine.

The only thing he can do now is to try his best to take care of everything in the bidding meeting.

An hour later, Liu Chen brought Tan Xue and the others to the Qingyun bidding meeting.

"Brother Chen!"

Zeng Xingwen and others were very excited.

Liu Chen looked at these guys and nodded with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard. After the bidding is over, everyone will have double medicine pill cultivation resources."

"Thank you, Brother Chen."

As long as Xianglong cheers for his disciples, they usually have more resources for cultivation than other sects, and now Liu Chen can give double shares, wouldn't he be happy!
Seeing everyone excited, Liu Chen was also in a good mood, and quickly walked towards the bidding meeting.

"Master, you are here."

Walking into the bidding meeting, Deacon Lan came striding forward: "I heard that those guys from the Jiang family made a move halfway, young master, are you not injured?"

"It's okay, those guys can't hurt me, how are you preparing?" Liu Chen asked.

"It's all sorted out."

After hearing this, Liu Chen nodded, and then told him again: "This time our bidding will be very large, so we have to carefully select the bidders."

"According to two points, only the central deacon or head of the sect above the sixth level can enter."

"Also, people with financial resources reaching 90 billion sword crystals can also enter."

This condition is really shocking, no bidding has ever set such a threshold.

However, this time the bidding will be different, whether it is Wannian Juice or Eternal Life Medicine, they are all unique treasures!

Ordinary martial arts practitioners have no ability to buy it at all, only those top martial arts practitioners can buy it.

Therefore, Liu Chen set up such a threshold.

Moreover, the main purpose of his bidding is to win over these first-class forces.

Raising the threshold can filter out those who are not needed, and it can also make the bidding safer, which will have many benefits.

"Those invitations have been sent?"

"It has already been posted." Zeng Xingwen said quickly.

"Very good. When those who hold invitations come, they must be invited into the VIP room."

"Remember, people from the Jiang family are not allowed to come. If you see them, break your legs and throw them out!"

"Okay, Brother Chen."

After explaining this, Liu Chen took Tan Xue to the back to rest.

But not long after, Zeng Xingwen ran over to report: "Brother Chen, Tan Jiangxing from Chifeng City, Patriarch Tan is here."

"It's so early, take me to meet you." Liu Chen stood up.

On the one hand, Tan Xue also cheered: "Father is here."

Liu Chen and Tan Xue walked quickly outside, and soon saw Tan Jiangxing, Tan's mother, and Tan Qingli.

"Father, mother!" Tan Xue shouted and ran out.



The family is very happy.

Liu Chen also said with a smile: "Uncle Tan, Aunt Tan, why are you here so early?"

"I can't help it, your Wannian Juice is really amazing, and the medicine of immortality has been released in the past few days, so I have to come early."

"Is the effect of the eternal life medicine really so strong? Can you really ask God for your life?"

"Indeed, the specific situation will be understood when I see the Juggernaut."

Liu Chen understood that these people couldn't believe it for a while, but when the Juggernaut came, everyone would believe it.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news." Tan Jiangxing said with a smile.

"Uncle Tan, please come inside, a room has been cleared for you."

"Xue'er, just stay with your father and mother!"

Liu Chen asked Zeng Xingwen to bring Tan Jiangxing's family into the VIP room.

After Tan Jiangxing arrived, martial arts practitioners from other major gangs also hurried over.

All of a sudden, the city of Dansheng was full of all kinds of prehistoric monsters, flying boats and chariots.

These are not ordinary monsters and chariots, they are all quite precious treasures, some people may never see them in their lifetime.

But now, they saw countless rare monsters, prehistoric chariots.

I'm afraid, only the Qingyun bidding meeting can make such a scene.

All of them are famous people, very lively.

Zeng Xingwen and the others are about to go crazy, because even though those characters have received the wave of true qi, they are still very scary.

They all received them politely, for fear of offending each other.

But then, Zeng Xingwen and the others knew what tyranny meant, and their confidence increased a lot.

In the beginning, there were still people making trouble.

That is a ninth-level celestial master, not a member of a big gang, but a wild way, and has a very bad reputation, a person of a cult.

That man was called Blood Monk, and he was bald, but his whole body was full of zhenqi. He was carrying a stick of withered bones, and his body was full of ferocious aura.

(End of this chapter)

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