
Chapter 2600 Devil's Bloody Blade Falls into Hell

Chapter 2600 Devil's Bloody Blade Falls into Hell

"Ghost Claw!"

"The Bloody Wind Blade!"

The two shouted angrily, and quickly made a big move. A demon hand was at least a hundred feet long, and he grabbed Liu Chen like a landslide.

Just that wave of aftermath caused the sky to break apart rapidly. If it hit the body firmly, it would be a terrible consequence.

On the other hand, a red knife light shot up from the sky, as if to shred the sky.

The violent blow of the two ninth-level celestial masters was extremely destructive.

Facing this shocking attack, Liu Chen's expression was icy cold, and his palms quickly formed seals.


Then, a gigantic body formed in mid-air, roaring with murderous intent, and rushed forward quickly.

A sound wave flew out, turning into endless fierce aura, rushing wildly, resisting the bloody demon hand and the sky-shaking sword.

A loud bang!
The two collided and Skyrim burst.

"God flies!"

Immediately, Liu Chen formed a seal again, and a golden flying god appeared in the midair again, extremely fierce.

That Shen Fei uttered a loud cry, and went down to kill, blending with Liu Chen's iron fist.

Liu Chen's long hair fluttered, and he rushed forward like a god of war.

In an instant, he walked in front of the two of them, his golden flying iron fist screaming, and rushed out.

The demonic hands all over the sky flickered, but they couldn't stop them at all, and they were shattered in an instant.


Not only that, but the palm of the magic hand celestial master was also hit, immediately distorted and deformed, and his bones were shattered.

"Ah! Damn it, how is it possible!" He panicked and couldn't believe it.

Because of the blow just now, the opponent not only smashed his magic hand, but also hammered his palm to pieces.

"Withdraw, this young man is too weird!" The magic hand celestial master didn't dare to take it, and wanted to run away.

"Run? Didn't you tell me to die!"

Liu Chen smiled coldly, opened his palm and turned it into a flying claw, which was inserted into the arm of the magic hand in an instant.

With a hard pull, the opponent's arm was directly torn off.

The bones are dense, the blood is splashed on the ground, and the scene is very shocking.


The magic hand celestial master groaned in pain, with a murderous look on his face.

Xingren Tianshi's face changed even more, he didn't expect that in a flash, he would seriously injure the magic hand Tianshi.

The severed arm was quickly burned in Liu Chen's hands, leaving nothing behind.

Not only that, thousands of purple flames in the opponent's hand danced and turned into a purple flame sword.

The sword light flickered, and the purple sword light shot up to the sky, slashing towards the Xingren Tianshi.

"Get out of the way!"

The Xingfeng Tianshi burst into flames, and the Xingfengblade in his hand slashed out dozens of blades of light.

The blood-red knife light flew out quickly in the midair, like a few blood moons, filled with a fierce aura.

Such a terrifying red knife light collided with Liu Chen's purple sword light, but quickly dissipated, turning into thousands of red gas, and disappeared.

"This is impossible!"

Xingren Tianshi's face changed, seeing the purple sword light that was coming, he quickly dodged.

However, he couldn't escape at all.

The sword glow turned into purple flames flickered in mid-air, and then split infinitely.

It turned into dozens of purple sword glows, interlaced into a net, and directly surrounded the Xingren Celestial Master.


The Xingren Celestial Master had no way to dodge, so he had no choice but to block it. He quickly defended and smashed the armor on his body with all his strength, wanting to resist.

However, when the purple sword light fell, the defense in front of him was useless and was smashed directly.

"What is Lie Yan, it's so terrifying!" The eyes of the Xingren Celestial Master were full of despair.

He had no choice but to put his hope on the armor on his body, because it was a semi-earth-level spiritual weapon-level armor, which had saved him many times.

I hope this time, I can stop this terrible flaming sword light.

The semi-earth-level spiritual weapon was really terrifying, and it withstood an attack.

Xingren Tianshi breathed a sigh of relief, but after a while, he screamed hoarsely.

Because the terrible flame directly burned his body through the semi-earth level spiritual weapon.


The purple flames burned, like the flames of the underworld, escaping the cold light, and soon, the man was burned to ashes, leaving only a half-earth-level armor.

Looking at the dark armor, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

What kind of flame is it that is so terrifying that even a ninth-level celestial master can't deal with it?
On the other side, the magic hand celestial master was stunned. Compared with the bloody blade celestial master, his fate was already considered good, except that one arm was broken.

He didn't dare to go up, turned around and ran away.

Liu Chen snorted coldly, pulled out the Moon Seal Fang Sword, and used the spirit binding sword skill.

Immediately, hundreds of sword glows gathered in the sky, turning into one after another bound spirits, attacking quickly.

It directly covered the magic hand celestial master, and smashed him into the ground, turning him into a deep hole.

In an instant, two ninth-level celestial masters were killed.

This scene directly shocked everyone.

"Master, Grandpa!" On the other side, Liang Hanyu's body was trembling, and he hesitated: "Yes, or, let's withdraw?"

Liang Yuyun took a deep breath, to be honest, he was also frightened.

Although he was a ninth-level intermediate celestial master, he couldn't kill two ninth-level celestial masters so easily, and from Liu Chen's appearance, it seemed that he hadn't done his best yet.

"Han Yu, hurry up and spread the news, let Lan Yu Shaoxia send more people." Liang Yuyun sternly said.


Liang Hanyu was so frightened that he was scared to death, but when he heard this, he ran away.

But not long after, he came back with a pale face.

"Grandfather, he is doomed, there is no way here, he has already deployed a magic circle!"

"How come! There are only three magic circles in this mansion, don't we have access marks?"

Liang Yuyun frowned.

"Grandpa, there is another unfamiliar magic circle besides this, which is not ours."

"And that magic circle is so mysterious that it can't be opened in a short time,"

There is still a magic circle now?Liang Yuyun's expression changed after hearing this, could it be that guy's?
Thinking of this, he flew up, wanting to give it a try.

Sure enough, after the triple magic circle, he encountered the fourth magic circle.

Dazzling light burst out from Liang Yuyun's eyes, and he let out a roar, and the iron fist struck fast like lightning and thunder.

Shocking noises rang out, and the mansion was shaking, but the fourth magic circle shone brilliantly and did not waver at all.

Liang Yuyun didn't believe it, and like a thunderbolt, he quickly explored in all directions, only to find that the magic circle had already been deeply rooted and there was no way out.

Not to mention Liang Hanyu, even he couldn't get rid of it.

hateful!how come?
He didn't know that this kind of magic circle was deployed by the scarlet dragon, and with their combat power cultivation level, there was no way to break it.

In other words, the mansion has indeed become a cage, but it is not Liu Chen who is trapped, but people like Liang Yuyun.

Thinking of this, a trace of complacency appeared in Liu Chen's eyes.

"Everyone is trying their best to kill him!"

Liang Yuyun quickly ordered, and at the same time, he took out three runes from the space ring and burned them quickly.

This is the sound transmission rune, which can summon three ninth-level mid-level celestial masters nearby.

Those three people were stronger than him in combat, and they stayed nearby to prevent accidents, and they didn't expect to be able to use them now.

In the mansion, all the martial arts practitioners have heard that the road is blocked, and they can only leave if they kill the young man in front of them.

So, everyone went nuts.

kill him!

All the martial arts practitioners attacked like crazy, weapons, sword light, knife light, fist wind, all rushed towards Liu Chen.

Three of them were very crowded, and they were also ninth-level celestial masters.

The previous five plus the three at this time make a total of eight ninth-level celestial masters, and there is also a ninth-level intermediate celestial master. This situation can be very serious and can kill everyone.

Not to mention young people with seventh-level celestial masters, even two intermediate-level celestial masters at the ninth level can kill them.

It's a dead end.

However, young hero Lan Yu still underestimated Liu Chen's combat effectiveness.

He did not expect that Liu Chen could easily kill the early ninth-level celestial masters, which led to the current situation.

Deep Red Curse!
Secretly, three ninth-level celestial masters led other seventh-level and eighth-level celestial masters to attack from the other side.

Immediately, many celestial masters took out the runes from the space ring, then cut their fingers and injected blood.

Those runes turned red, exuding killing intent.

Then, these Yuanhong curses were tied to the weapons and flew over quickly.

Boom boom boom!
Dozens of brilliance flashed in mid-air, like monsters, extremely barbaric.

In an instant, thousands of weapons stabbed at Liu Chen with the extremely violent Yuanhong Curse.

Seeing the deep red curses all over the sky, Liu Chen's expression was gloomy and cold. Suddenly, he drew out the Moon-sealed Fang Sword behind him, and the sharp sword light erupted in an instant.

Thousands of purple flames surrounded the sharp sword, turning into wonderful inscriptions, filled with a terrifying aura.

Moreover, the long sword let out a dull dragon roar, as if it was about to turn into a dragon.

Liu Chen held the moon-sealed fang sword and slashed forward.

The wind was strong, the sword glowed like a dragon, and thousands of purple flames rushed forward.

Immediately, the nearby Yuanhong weapons burned rapidly, because as soon as they were hit by the sword light, the terrible heat wave directly burned those Yuanhong curses.

The weapons and the Yuanhong Curse in front disappeared instantly.

Not only that, those martial arts practitioners groaned in pain, which was very unpleasant, and purple flames burst out quickly from their bodies, burning up.

In an instant, they were burned to ashes.

Liu Chen held a sharp sword, his long hair fluttered, and he had a fierce and fierce aura on his body. Thousands of purple flames burst out from the ground, like a hell demon.

Like a god of war, he walked quickly towards the front.

The nearby martial arts practitioners were all stunned, but with that move just now, hundreds of people died, and a large area of ​​the mansion was vacated.

The rest of the people were trembling and flustered.

"Don't wow!"

Finally, someone collapsed and let out a sharp roar.

This fear is like a plague god, quickly infected, and in an instant, a large number of martial arts practitioners lost their morale and fled in all directions.

However, the official residence has no way out, so where can he go?

"A bunch of scum!"

Liu Chen sipped lightly, destroying the soul of the Purple Flame Fighter, and immediately the bodies of those fleeing martial arts practitioners froze, and thousands of purple flames burst out from their bodies, burning them quickly.

In an instant, everyone died!

"Fake! It's all fake!"

On the other side, Liang Hanyu roared, his face livid.

As for Liang Yuyun and the third-life ninth-level celestial master who was fighting the red dragon, their expressions also changed.

Especially those three ninth-level celestial masters retreated quickly, not daring to fight again.

"Mr. Yun, how to deal with this matter?" The three asked anxiously.

"Hit! Otherwise you will die!"Liang Yuyun's face was murderous, "We still have backup and hope!"

"And, there are three ninth-level celestial masters on the way, and they will arrive soon."

"There's no need to be afraid of him then!"

"But we can't stop it at all!" The three ninth-level celestial masters shook their heads, with fear in their eyes.

"If you can't stop it, you have to block it! If you delay a little longer, just one click, we will win! Otherwise, we will all die!"

Liang Yuyun sternly said: "This time, let's unleash the power of the five great powers, I don't believe we can't kill him!"

Indeed, this time Lan Yu Shaoxia's five major factions have sent elite martial arts practitioners, and there are still many in the official residence at this time.

"However, those are the last of us. If they die here, our five clans will perish!"

The three-fate ninth-level celestial master is not reconciled.

"Wrong! It's really over when we die!" Liang Yuyun showed no expression, "As long as we live, the five great clans can continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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