
Chapter 2607

Chapter 2607
Now it seems, succeeded!

Now that she decided to personally assassinate Liu Chen, Chief Luo didn't hesitate any longer. She looked at the old man and said sharply, "Back off."

Then, she looked at Wu Falcon, and said in a cold tone: "Come with me."

"As ordered!"

The old man and Wu Falcon responded, and then Wu Falcon stood up, but the old man quickly retreated.

Only Wu Falcon and Chief Luo remained in the hall.


Chief Luo scolded, and then the sky exploded, and a strange black crow sprang out from the darkness and landed on her shoulder.

The whole body of the crow was pitch black, like an abyss, but its eyes were extremely bright red.

Not only that, but the black crow also had a chilly air about him.

Wu Falcon swallowed secretly, he had heard of this rotten inflammation before.

It is a kind of monster, very evil, it only eats the corpses of masters, and it also has powerful phantom materialization and invisibility skills.

A perfect companion for a bounty killer.

However, this kind of rot is quite rare, and it is difficult to feed, and only leader Luo has it in the lock department.

Leader Luo waved his long sleeves domineeringly, and suddenly an invisible force gushed out, covering Wu Falcon, and then the two disappeared.

When it appeared again, it walked to the sky, but the rotten flame let out a "croak", and then its body grew rapidly, at least a dozen feet in length.

With a shake of the wings, he quickly disappeared into the midair with Luo Touling and Wu Falcon.

In a jungle not far from Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, Liu Chen sat on a stone.

Beside, the scarlet war dragon and the little white ape leaned lazily against each other.

The neighborhood is very quiet, and no monsters dare to disturb it.

Suddenly, Liu Chen opened his eyes, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"The time has come."

With the mark of enslavement, he can know the actions of the Locking Department from Wu Falcon.

From now on, he only needs to know the whereabouts of these two people.

A few days later, Liu Chen stood up and said to the crimson war dragon and the little white ape beside him, "They are almost coming, don't be careless."

They also knew that the stakes were high, so they all became very quiet.

And Liu Chen quickly formed seals in his palms, using blood to kill Chuanji to create a fake body.

The fake body at this moment, other than him, can't tell the authenticity at all.

After letting the fake body sit on the rock, Liu Chen deployed another magic circle as a defense for the fake body, and then hid it with the red war dragon and the little white ape.

With the crimson war dragon, even if he hid around, the opponent would not be able to detect it.

Not long after they did this, a cloud of dark dust appeared in the midair.

It was Luo Tou and the two leaders, and there was no breath in the air.

Especially Luo Touling, like the air, so that people can't feel a breath.

If it weren't for Wu Falcon as an internal response, Liu Chen would not have noticed it at all.

"My lord, that guy is here." Wu Falcon transmitted the voice.

"Stay here, pay attention to the hidden aura." Leader Luo explained, and then flew down quickly.

With great speed, she walked up to Liu Chen's avatar in an instant.

"The magic circle?"

There was a trace of contempt in Leader Luo's eyes, and then she slowly pulled out a sharp knife without making a sound.

Although the magic circle below looks very powerful to outsiders, it has no effect on her at all.

With a flash of figure, she turned into a brilliance, reaching the limit.

The exquisite magic circle had no effect at all, and was directly infiltrated by Leader Luo.

Immediately, the blade light appeared, and the endless killing energy turned into a slender blade light, which flashed across in an instant.

It split in two instantly.

This knife is fast, accurate, and ruthless, and no one in the territory of the unity of man and nature can stop it.

That Liu Chen's figure was no exception, his body split in two in an instant.

However, Leader Luo frowned soon after, and she found that the severed person had melted into a puddle of blood.

"Fake body?"

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a bad omen in her heart.

You actually got a fake body here, what exactly do you want to do?Was it to lure her on purpose?Or did he escape the instant he started?
She didn't know, her eyes flickered suddenly, she looked around in all directions, trying to find out the person hiding in this corner.

But at this time, there was applause from behind.

"Beautiful, really beautiful! I'm afraid that the nine-level peak celestial master will die with the knife just now."

A voice came out, breaking the silence here.


Luo Touling's body was stiff, and the hairs all over his body exploded. She had already checked the surroundings before she started, and she didn't find anyone at all.

But now, someone actually came out from behind her.

If it was an unworldly strong man, if the other party made a move, she would probably be dead by now
Immediately, she turned around abruptly, and hundreds of saber lights burst out from her body, turning into a defense.


Leader Luo's expression changed, he didn't expect Liu Chen to appear behind him, the target she wanted to kill!
"Is this a trap you set up?"

Leader Luo was extremely clever, and she thought it through in a flash. Immediately, she snorted coldly: "What is the purpose of you working so hard?"

She quickly stretched out her spiritual power to search the surroundings to prevent being surrounded.

She knew that the Jiang family's mansion was destroyed, and she also knew that Liu Chen had a powerful force in his hands that could destroy a ninth-level celestial master.

So at this time, she was quite cautious, lest she be surrounded by strong men led by Liu Chen.

In the final analysis, no matter how strong she is, it will be difficult for her to resist the joint killing of thousands of unworldly experts.

"Don't worry, there is no one else." Liu Chen smiled calmly.

Leader Luo searched around, but found no one, and immediately smiled coldly: "Don't you think you can handle me by yourself?"

She looked at Liu Chen, and the killing spirit in her eyes became more and more exposed.

Although the assassination was unsuccessful, it is not too late to take action now, after all, the opponent's cultivation level and combat power are not as good as hers.

She wanted to make a move, and absolutely no one could stop her.

With just one blow, she can subdue her opponent.

However, not only was the knife useless, but she was dumbfounded.

Because Wu Falcon fell quickly from mid-air, walked over there, and saluted Liu Chen respectfully.


Wu Falcon shouted respectfully, like a very loyal apostle.

"En." Liu Chen nodded.

Leader Luo was very surprised when he saw this scene.

Betrayal, someone in the lock department unexpectedly betrayed!This surprised her so much!

You must know that these bounty killers in the Locking Department have been cultivated since childhood and are absolutely loyal. Even if they encounter a dead end, they will commit suicide and will never reveal anything.

Very loyal, absolutely impossible to betray, but now, someone turned his back, and he was a fourth-level bounty killer.

How on earth did he do it?
"Wu Falcon, why did you betray?" Chief Luo couldn't figure it out.

"Because he is my lord." Wu Falcon's expression was cold, as if he didn't recognize Chief Luo.

Leader Luo snorted coldly: "Although I don't know why you betrayed, but you dare to betray, so the world can't keep you!"

Wu Falcon's betrayal really made Leader Luo feel extremely angry.

But Liu Chen smiled coldly, "You're still talking, think about your own situation, Chief Luo."

"You flapped Wu Falcon just to lure me?" Leader Luo smiled contemptuously, "Why, do you think you can kill me with your strength?"

"Huh? Who said I'm going to kill you!" Liu Chen shook his head, "You are so powerful in combat and proficient in assassination, if you die, it won't be a big loss! But, if you can become my slave and kill for me, then I am amazing! This is the best answer."

"What? To be your slave?" Chief Luo was taken aback, then snorted coldly, "It's really a joke!"

"Young man, stop talking nonsense here, let me send you to the west!"

Leader Luo scolded, and the sharp blade in his hand slashed down.

The light of the saber flickered, and the ferocious aura was shocking. This saber was so terrifying that even a ninth-level celestial master would not be able to take it.

However, Liu Chen used the supernatural spell to make his mind, and at the same time, used the Phantom Wind Walk to explode into a figure several times faster than the speed of sound.

In an instant, he avoided the sky-shattering knife, and then turned his hand lightly, and the majestic tripod floated in mid-air.

"What, avoided? It's impossible! How could he be so fast?"

Leader Luo was surprised, but she didn't believe it.

You know, her saber is very terrifying, with its own afterimage, no one among the ninth-level celestial masters can block or dodge it, but the opponent's speed is really shocking, even faster than her saber glow.

With a gloomy face, she wanted to strike again, but in an instant, her body shook

Because the big purple cauldron in mid-air suddenly shot out a purple light, which was engraved into her seal in an instant.

She grunted.

The sharp blade in his hand also fell to the ground, and the whole person fell into madness.

"Get out of the way!"

Leader Luo roared angrily, and the fierce air spread. These evil spirits condensed into an invisible sword, and slashed at the purple light with all his strength.

However, that is a towering tripod.

That's an earth-level spirit weapon!The destructive power Qing Lin Shenque knows best, if Liu Chen uses the Vajra Ascending Dragon Sword Soul, he might be able to resist.

But how can Chief Luo do it? Although she is the top celestial master of the ninth level, her ferocious aura is shocking, but there is no room for counterattack against the earth-level spiritual weapon.

However, Liu Chen was also surprised, the last time he recovered Wu Falcon, it was only a split second.

But this time it has been going on for so long, and the other party has not surrendered. It can only be said that it is really shocking.

As expected of the leader of the Locking Department, his fighting power is really strong!Liu Chen thought.

Fortunately, he has a majestic tripod and a mark of enslavement, otherwise, if he were to fight Chief Luo, the battle would end in an instant.

But even so, letting Zhengrong Ding do it this time still consumed a fragment of an earth-level spiritual weapon.

The price is huge!

After a cup of tea, Luo Tou-ling's legs became weak, and he sat on the ground slumped, as if he had gone through endless battles and lost his strength.

Liu Chen took out a medicine pill from the space ring.


After hearing this, Leader Luo took it honestly and swallowed it all at once.

Soon, his strength was restored.


Immediately, she stood up, walked in front of Liu Chen, and half knelt down.

On the side, Wu Falcon also knelt on the ground respectfully.

If someone saw this scene, their jaws would drop.

Who is the other party? He is the leader of the Suoren Department, a very powerful peak ninth-level celestial master!The status is no different from the head of the sixth-level sect!
Such a person is a god-man in the Mighty Sword Continent, an unworldly strong man in the eyes of the world.

But now, he was actually kneeling in front of Liu Chen.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen also showed a trace of satisfaction in his eyes, and then he stretched out his fingers to draw: "What's your name?"

"Luo Hanxue." She responded.

"That's right, I'll call you Han Xue from now on, you stand up now." Liu Chen said.

"Obey, my lord." Luo Hanxue quickly stood up.

On one side, Wu Falcon was still kneeling on the ground respectfully, still bowing his head.

"Han Xue, take off the mask." Liu Chen wanted to understand what kind of face was under that golden mask.

To be honest, when he saw Luo Hanxue before, he was also very surprised. He did not expect that the leader of the Bounty Killer of the Locking Department was actually a woman.

Moreover, it was a mysterious woman wearing a mask.

As a man, of course I am curious.

"As ordered."

Luo Hanxue responded respectfully, then stretched out her slender hand and took off the golden mask on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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