
Chapter 2616 Liu Chen was ordered by Zhang Yongling

Chapter 2616 Liu Chen was ordered to return to Yongling

Liu Chen also understood the importance of the situation, and his father and mother were very safe, so he didn't need to bother here at all.

As for the Yongling Continent, he was very worried.

Although at that time the Liu family used a frozen barrier, and those members of the Dark Demon Society could not abolish it for a while, but after all these years, who knows what happened?
But at this time, Liu Tian said again: "Don't be negligent, although you are good at fighting, I still have to tell you."

"The Yongling Continent has gone through a complete transformation over the years, and its martial arts cultivation level is already no worse than ours."

Liu Tian said: "Especially the sect master of the Dark Demon Society, who has already entered the master realm of the unity of heaven and man, and his subordinates even have masters of the unity of heaven and man, and many peaks of the ninth level."

"Enter the Heaven and Man Harmony Realm Master Realm!" Hearing this, Liu Chen was surprised.

This really surprised him, you know, it is very difficult to upgrade to the master level of the unity of heaven and man!
Otherwise, there would have been a lot of masters at the Unity of Heaven and Man realm in Mighty Sword Continent long ago, but so far, there are still only a few.Haven't you seen that the elder of the Jiang family has worked so hard, and hasn't been upgraded to the master level of the harmony between man and nature?
He didn't expect that in Yongling Continent, the leader of the Dark Demon Guild would be upgraded!

Not only that, but the opponent's power seems to be no worse than that of a master in the realm of harmony between man and nature.

"Father, you let me go alone to destroy the masters of the realm of harmony between man and nature?" Liu Chen's lips twitched.

Liu Tian said with a smile: "You kid, don't complain to me! Your current combat power may not even be comparable to that of a quasi-heaven-man-in-one realm master,"

"If you don't put pressure on you now, how can you grow so fast."

"Believe in yourself, the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul in your body definitely has greater potential. Only the huge pressure from the outside can keep you at the most active development."

"Moreover, although the dark demons will be greatly upgraded, it is not the result of practice, but the result of what they swallowed."

"Although he is powerful, his foundation in martial arts is not good enough. Compared with the real masters of the realm of harmony between man and nature, he is still far behind!"

"What can make them improve so much in the past few years?" Liu Chen was very curious.

"I don't know either, you have to find out by yourself."

"Let's go, go to Yongling Continent early, maybe I will come out when you come back." Liu Tian's shadow gradually faded.

"By the way, father, I have Kuanghua Wan here, two for you and mother." Liu Chen was about to take out the space ring.

"I don't need that thing, you'd better keep some for yourself." Liu Tian shook his head, and then the shadow disappeared.


Liu Chen was a little depressed, after all, he hadn't seen his parents for almost three or four years.

"Forget it, my father is already a master of the realm of harmony between man and nature, and he has lived for thousands of years, and mother doesn't have to worry, I'd better return to Yongling Continent as soon as possible."

Liu Chen dodged and exited the mysterious space in his body.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stood up.

"Wretched dragon, stop practicing, we have new things to do!"

"Stinky boy, don't make trouble, this king is practicing vigorously!"

The crimson war dragon was very unhappy about being disturbed in his practice, because the vitality here was too strong.

"Okay, let's talk after we're done, this time it's really important." Liu Chen sighed and pulled him up.

"What is so urgent, is it going to attack the Jiang family?" The scarlet war dragon was puzzled.

"No, go back to Yongling Continent." Liu Chen said.

"Eternal Tomb Continent?"

"Yes, my home."

Hearing this, the scarlet war dragon became interested: "Your house? It sounds good. What's the fun thing?"

"Let's go, I'll tell you on the way, I'll go back to Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy to make preparations."

Then, the two of them rose up to the sky, first went to the Martial God Hall, and bid farewell to Deacon Feng and others.

Although he knew that the dark demons in Yongling Continent would have strong fighting power, he didn't call on the elite troops of the Martial God Temple.

Because even though the Jiang family was frustrated, they were still very strong and had to be guarded against, so he kept all the strong people in the Temple of Valkyrie here.

However, he called Luo Hanxue with the mark of enslavement, and told her to bring some powerful fifth-level bounty killers.

With these people by your side, it must be a powerful force.

Then, Liu Chen and the red war dragon turned around and left the Martial God Hall, and flew towards Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

On the way, the scarlet war dragon asked curiously: "Young man, you haven't told me what's so interesting about that place?"

Liu Chen had no choice but to think for a while, and then said: "You still remember the scene when you first met me, right?"

"What are you talking about!"

The crimson war dragon's face was full of displeasure: "If it wasn't for you, how could I have thrown away the war dragon essence, and how could I have become what I am today!"


Liu Chen was speechless, he didn't expect to talk about the sad past of the scarlet war dragon, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Did there be a big black devil that time? He was at my house."

"What? That black thing!"

The crimson war dragon became interested, and he snorted coldly: "What is that guy, he actually proclaimed himself the devil?"

"It's just a bastard abyssal crocodile, what's so great about it!"

"Young man, is he really at your house? Then you must go, this time you must beat him!"

"He is indeed in my house, and this guy has also formed a cult to kill people on a large scale in Yongling Continent. I plan to kill him this time when I go back."

"There is such a thing!"

The crimson war dragon was angry: "Don't worry, the king was able to slap him back then, and this time it's fine."

Instead, Liu Chen sighed: "As far as I know, that guy seems to have been upgraded to the master level of the unity of man and nature."

"What? A master in the realm of harmony between man and nature!"

The crimson war dragon glared: "How can a hybrid crocodile be upgraded?"

Hearing this, he was very displeased, because now his cultivation level has declined. Although he has recovered a lot, he still has no way to resist the master of the unity of nature and man.

"This time you plan to take action against the master of the unity of heaven and man?" He was very surprised at the same time he was unhappy.

Because looking at this posture, Liu Chen really wants to attack the master of the harmony between man and nature!
"Although you have the Vajra Rising Dragon Sword Soul, you are still no match for the masters of the unity of heaven and man. After all, the life level of masters of the unity of heaven and man is no longer in the mortal world, and they have their own boundaries."

"Let's talk about it at that time, I might upgrade."

"And as far as I know, that guy must have swallowed some kind of treasure to upgrade to the master level of the unity of man and nature."

The two chatted quickly, and the shadow was like a thunderbolt, sailing in the sky.

Two weeks later, they finally returned to Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy.

However, before entering the martial arts academy, Liu Chen frowned on the mountains around the martial arts academy.

Because, he saw two shadows just deadlocked in mid-air.

The terrifying pressure caused thousands of monsters below to lie on the ground and tremble.

On the right is a person, dressed in black, with a scarlet inscription painted on it, with a golden mask on his face, shining gorgeously under the sunlight.

The ominous aura all over his body was cold, and the terrible ominous aura distorted and deformed the nearby sky.

And there is a woman.

The crimson purple dress has a beautiful appearance and an extraordinary temperament, just like a fairy.

On her jade palm, tens of thousands of purple qi rolled, like a crimson auspicious cloud, filled with a terrifying and frightening aura.

The two women were in a stalemate with each other in the mid-air, and the terrifying air collided in the mid-air, making a rumbling sound.

Seeing that the two were about to make a move, Liu Chen quickly flew over, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Stop, it's my own!"

It turned out that the two people in front were Luo Hanxue and Tan Hongyan. The two of them met somehow, and they didn't know why they were in a stalemate with each other.

Although Liu Chen didn't know the reason, he definitely couldn't let the two of them fight, so he quickly stopped it.

Tan Hongyan was overjoyed when she saw Liu Chenfei approaching, but when she heard her own person, she raised her brows and snorted angrily, "What? Who is her own person?"

The crimson war dragon laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Young man, that girl is jealous."

Liu Chen squeezed out a smile. He was about to say something, but Luo Hanxue saluted respectfully: "My lord."

"My lord? What lord?"

With a flash of Tan Hongyan's shadow, she walked to Liu Chen's side, and at the same time pinched Liu Chen's back with her slender hand.

"When did you accept such a beautiful slave? How could I not know!"

There was a strong sour taste in Tan Hongyan's words, and he pinched Liu Chen hard.

Liu Chen almost cried out in pain, but he knew that Tan Hongyan was jealous, so he laughed haha ​​and pulled her back into his arms.

"I'll talk about it when I have time."

Tan Hongyan's face flushed for a while, and she scolded coquettishly, but she didn't struggle.

She said: "You guys are so worrying. You just killed young hero Lan Yu, and you still dare to walk outside so proudly. Aren't you afraid of the Jiang family's revenge?"

"Ahaha, then I'm here now."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, let go of Tan Hongyan, and said, "Go to Lingyu Peak."

Then, a group of people flew towards Lingyu Peak like a meteor.

At this time, Lingyu Peak was very quiet. Deacon Feng had gone back, and Zeng Xingwen and others were also practicing in the martial arts academy, so there was no one on the mountain.

But Liu Chen didn't care, his shadow flickered, led everyone down, and then walked into his cave.

"Hongyan, why are you here? What's the matter?" Liu Chen asked.

"Can't I come and see you?"

"That's right. I'm going out for a few days, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in a short time."

"Where are you going?" Tan Hongyan asked.

"Yongling Continent, my family has some important things to do." Liu Chen said.

"Her?" Tan Hongyan glanced at Luo Hanxue beside her.

"Well, she's going too." Liu Chen didn't hide it.

Hearing that Han Xue was also going, Tan Hongyan opened her eyes vigorously, glanced at Liu Chen, and then said quickly.

"Then I'm going too!"

"Don't make trouble." Liu Chen walked to Tan Hongyan's side and said in relief.

"I really have something very important to do when I go back. I'm afraid there will be conflicts with the masters of the Harmony of Heaven and Man. It's too dangerous for you to go. Just wait for me here honestly."

"Conflict with a master of the unity of man and nature? Could it be that there is a master of the unity of man and nature in Yongling Continent?"

This time, Tan Hongyan was really dumbfounded, because in her perception, Yongling mainland was backward in martial arts, and it was impossible for there to be a master in the realm of harmony between man and nature.

"I can't say clearly about this matter for a while. All in all, I really have a master of harmony between man and nature." Liu Chen shook his head.

"How can I let you take risks by yourself." Tan Hongyan said, "And I'm not a burden. In terms of combat power, I'm better than her no matter what!"

Tan Hongyan glanced at Luo Hanxue again.

Indeed, Tan Hongyan's combat power is not inferior to Luo Hanxue's at all, and as the little princess who is a master of the realm of harmony between man and nature, she has thousands of life-saving tricks in her hands.

In addition, Liu Chen also has a master of the unity of heaven and man in his hand, so as long as he doesn't fight the head of the Dark Demon Society directly, there is not much problem.

"Alright then." Finally Liu Chen nodded and agreed to her.

(End of this chapter)

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