
Chapter 734

Chapter 734

"This is the fairy tomb, and it seems a little different from what I imagined."

Liu Chen carefully looked around, and muttered to himself.

Hearing this, Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei looked at each other, an imperceptible tension flashed in the depths of their eyes, and then slowly said: "When we first entered the fairy tomb, we were also taken aback. We never thought that the fairy tomb would be Like this."

Following Liu Chen's gaze, he saw the darkness ahead, the visibility was very low, and there were undead wandering everywhere.

It's just that the cultivation base of these undead is very low, and most of them only have the cultivation base of Qi training.

Even if Liu Chen and the others stood in front of them, they did not dare to step forward to attack, after all the difference in strength was too great.

Liu Chen didn't need to do anything at all, just a single thought could turn them into dust.

Even if the coercion is spread, these undead will collapse like wheat, crazily.

"Go this way, I seem to have sensed the fairy pattern here before."

Cui Wulei immediately opened his mouth and flew towards the depths of the fairy tomb. Li Zangjian immediately followed without saying a word.


Liu Chen nodded slightly, and followed closely behind.

Glancing down, there are countless undead, the more peripheral the undead, the lower the cultivation base, and gradually, the undead with foundation cultivation base appeared.

But I haven't seen the undead with Jindan cultivation base yet, so it can be seen how terrifying the number of undead in the fairy tomb is.

If one day, an accident happened in the fairy tomb, causing the army of undead in the fairy tomb to rush out and spread across the five lands.

It would be such a terrible disaster that it is hard to imagine the consequences.

Liu Chen made a formula with both hands, and muttered something in his mouth. Although the aura in the fairy tomb was strong, he didn't see any fairy marks, not even a breath of fairy marks.

"Why do I feel a little strange?"

Liu Chen raised his brows slightly, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and immediately flew to Cui Wulei's side, and said.

Hearing this, Cui Wulei was startled, and muttered to himself: "Could he have seen something?"

"Do you feel anything different?"

Li Zangjian remained calm on the surface, and asked immediately.

"When the three of us entered the fairy tomb, the strongest undead would definitely feel it, but we have been gone for so long, but he has not appeared for a long time, isn't it strange?"

Liu Chen said in surprise.

Hearing these words, Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei heaved a long sigh of relief, and immediately explained: "Perhaps it was the great strength of the third ancestor of the Ascending Immortal Palace, which frightened him. Now that he saw us, he didn't dare to show up."

Liu Chen smiled and said nothing, the strongest undead is not that kind of coward, since he didn't show up, there must be a reason for it.

"Go further inside."

Cui Wulei was puzzled. After entering the fairy grave for so long, the strongest undead should have appeared long ago. In desperation, Cui Wulei had no choice but to take Liu Chen to go deeper.

As far as the core area of ​​Xianfen, it is best to bring it directly to the strongest undead.

In this way, Liu Chen would not have any chance to escape.

"and many more."

Suddenly, Liu Chen stopped and said firmly.

As soon as these words came out, Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian's hearts skipped a beat, they stopped immediately, and turned to look at Liu Chen, their eyes full of doubts.

The two looked at each other, and buried the tension deep in their hearts, not daring to show it, for fear that Liu Chen would see something.

"What's wrong?" Li Zangjian asked.

"Have you noticed that these undead didn't take the initiative to attack us?"

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately analyzed calmly: "If the undead on the outermost periphery are concerned, it is because of our strong aura that they dare not attack us."

"But the undead of the Nascent Soul stage have already appeared here, so it's not the same. You must know that these undead have no feeling and are not afraid of death."

"You mean, someone is controlling the undead behind the scenes and wants us to go deeper?"

Li Zangjian's eyes flashed brightly, and he said in shock.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily, and said, "There must be someone controlling the army of undead."

"But you've already entered the fairy grave, so you can't retreat!"

Liu Chen looked resolute and said.

"Not bad!"

Cui Wulei agreed, then turned around and continued to fly forward.

The moment he turned around, there was a nervous look on his face.

Cui Wulei knew very well that there was no fairy pattern in the fairy grave, and the core area was immediately ahead.

If he couldn't see the strongest undead there, he might just have to watch Liu Chen leave the fairy tomb.

After all, Liu Chen mastered the seven-color floating cloud technique, the magic fire, and two powerful true treasures, which could kill even a half-step powerhouse like Ji Chengxuan.

Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian were not fully sure, so they did not dare to act rashly.


Liu Chen frowned. He didn't see any fairy marks along the way, but felt strange everywhere in the fairy tomb.

There is an indescribable feeling.

Not long after, Liu Chen and the others entered the core area of ​​the fairy tomb. In the middle was a large tomb. The tombstone had no words, but it was full of coercion.

Within a few miles around the wordless stele, no undead dared to approach it.

There is also a very strange thing, that is, there are no dead souls of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen in the fairy tomb.

The strongest is only the Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivation base.

Liu Chen only needs to release the terrifying coercion of the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, so that they don't dare to approach, and they have not encountered any danger along the way.

"No word monument!"

Liu Chen looked puzzled, muttered to himself, and immediately walked over, stood in front of the tablet without writing, and reached out to touch the tablet without writing.

But at this moment, a soft light group spread from the wordless stele, and then turned into a light curtain, on which a clear picture emerged.

The white mist is hazy, and there is a city, which looks very familiar!
Mysterious country!

Liu Chen's heart skipped a beat, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he even quickened his breathing. Looking at the Golden Kingdom in the picture, he felt extremely nervous.

I saw the strongest undead approaching the city with an army of undead soldiers, and there were densely packed soldiers standing on the top of the city, a few of them were particularly eye-catching.

They are Bing Feixue, Long Nosed Old Daoist, Liu Chengfeng and others.

Looking intently, they all looked tired and bruised, apparently seriously injured, most of them were wounded soldiers on the top of the wall.

The most important thing is that the national defense formation is wobbly, and it seems that it won't last long.

"Not good! They are in danger!"

Liu Chen finally knew why the fairy tomb felt weird. It turned out that the strongest undead brought the strong into the mysterious kingdom.

The head of the strongest undead has been found, and his cultivation has risen to the stage of transforming gods.

But he insisted on attacking the mysterious country, which meant that besides the head, the mysterious country still had something he needed.

And this kind of thing is very precious and rare, and it is undoubtedly the fairy pattern.

In addition, there were no fairy patterns in the fairy tomb, which further confirmed Liu Chen's guess.

Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei sighed again and again, if the strongest undead is still in the fairy tomb, there will be nothing for them in the future.

It's a pity that the strongest undead entered the mysterious country, and they didn't dare to fight Liu Chen rashly, so they didn't know what to do for a while.

Time is running out, Liu Chen can't wait to teleport into the mysterious country immediately.

"What do I have to do to get in!"

Liu Chen said anxiously, and immediately walked around the wordless stele, but found no hidden mechanism.

Hearing this, Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei's eyes flashed a bright light, if Liu Chen can be sent to the mysterious country, let the strongest undead deal with Liu Chen.

Then it's nothing for them.

This is undoubtedly the best way to deal with Liu Chen.

Thinking this way in his heart, but he couldn't make it too obvious, Li Zangjian worried: "The strongest undead is there. If you go in, I'm afraid..."

"I don't have time to think about it, I must hurry in!"

Liu Chen's expression became anxious, and even his tone became hasty. He secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that the national defense formation could last for a while longer.

"Too dangerous."

Cui Wulei said.

"Find a way to teleport into the mysterious kingdom!"

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately spread his spiritual thoughts. He searched the vicinity of the wordless stele, but found nothing for a long time, but the national defense formation was not far from collapse.

At this moment, Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian heard the voice of the strongest undead.

"Let him in."

"The teleportation formation is just under the wordless stele. With his strength alone, he can't activate the teleportation formation. Help him!"

Hearing this, Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei were startled, their faces inadvertently showed a trace of nervousness, for fear that Liu Chen would see the clue.

It's a pity that Liu Chen is now focusing all his attention on the mysterious country, obviously not paying attention to the unnatural expressions of Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei.


With a loud shout, Li Zangjian immediately flew to the side of the wordless stele, and suddenly struck out with his palm. The wordless stele made a rumbling sound, but it didn't shatter, but moved back a certain distance.

There was only a buzzing sound, and the teleportation array shone with light.

"wait for me!"

Without hesitation, Liu Chen entered the teleportation array in a flash, and the teleportation array burst out with a terrifying suction force.

Crazy devouring the spiritual power in Liu Chen's body, like a bottomless pit, endless.

After a while, Liu Chen's face was pale, and at least seven tenths of his spiritual power had been sucked away, but he hadn't reached the threshold for activating the teleportation array.

"Help me!"

Liu Chen raised his head and looked at Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei frantically.

The two of them couldn't wish more, even if Liu Chen didn't say anything, they planned to do it.

Hearing this, he immediately walked up, made a formula with both hands, released spiritual power, and activated the teleportation array.

The teleportation array shone with dazzling light, and the surrounding space distorted and gradually became blurred.

At this time, Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian showed a strange smile on their faces.

Although it was very blurry, Liu Chen could see very clearly that they did laugh again.

not good!

Liu Chen said something bad in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to jump out of the teleportation array, but when he heard a buzzing sound, his body lost consciousness and was directly teleported to the mysterious country.

(End of this chapter)

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